Madoka Magica Locations
Puella Magi Madoka Magica's storyline predominantly takes place within the confines of Mitakihara Town, a city in Japan which, in the anime, features an unusual combination of ultramodern and archaic urban design.
Notable locations in the anime within Mitakihara Town include:
- Mitakihara Middle School
- Madoka's House
- Homura Residence
- Mami's Residence
- Sayaka's Apartment Complex
- Witch Barriers
Sharing similar characters as their original source material, the manga version of the anime as well as Puella Magi Oriko Magica also take place within Mitakihara Town, although the city in both mangas has been illustrated to resemble a more generic Japanese city.
According to the Drama CD "Farewell Story", the neighboring city of Mitakihara is Kazamino, where Kyoko hails from. It is suspected this may be where the first two chapters of Oriko Magica took place. The Sakura Church is either believed to be in Mitakihara or Kazamino city.