Super Decryption Madoka Magica

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The Super Decryption Madoka Magica (超解読 まどかマギカ) is an analysis of the anime. It was released on September 15, 2011 by Sancai Books.

Translation of this table of contents, courtesy of symbv from evageeks forum.

Original text Translation
〓目次〓 〓Table of Contents〓
第一章 まどか☆マギカ、ブームとキャラクターたち


Chapter One - Madoka Magica, the boom and the characters

- The charm of Puella Magi Madoka Magica and its profound world
- Analyzing the formation of the main characters from the anime
- Madoka Kaname / Mami Tomoe / Sayaka Miki / Kyoko Sakura / Homura Akemi / Kyubey / Kyousuke Kamijou / Hitomi Shizuki / Junko Kaname

第二章 まどか☆マギカ、ストーリー超解読

 魔法少女たちはついに殺し合わなかった ~バトルロワイヤルものとしての『まどか☆マギカ』
 鏡の国の裏側から 『まどか☆マギカ』の設計図

Chapter Two - Madoka Magica, super-decryption of the story

- The world of Gen Urobuchi, the contract between anime and ero-game
- The history of mahou shoujo anime and Puella Magi Madoka Magica
- Within the Law of the Circular Ring -- The loop structure in Madoka Magica
- The mahou shoujo girls at the end did not kill each other ~ Madoka Magica as a work of [wikipedia:Battle_Royale_%28film%29|"Battle Royale"]] genre
- A love letter to the mahou shoujo girl who leapt through time
- The blueprint of Madoka Magica from the other side through the looking glass

- The mechanism of mahou shoujo and the principles in "Faust"
第三章 まどか☆マギカ、映像美・音楽の魅力

 魔法は銃口から生まれる 『まどか☆マギカ』の武器たち

Chapter Three - Madoka Magica, the charm from the beauty of video, images, and music

- Exploring the secrets of the extraordinary images in Madoka Magica
- It does not exist ouside of the looking glass -- The animation theory in Puella Magi Madoka Magica
- Surrealism and Gekidan Inu-Curry space
- The world of Madoka Magica in reiteration and expansion -- concerning the manga version and related products
- Magic/mahou grows out of the barrel of a gun - The weapons in Madoka Magica
- About the theme songs of Puella Magi Madoka Magicav

- Adding color to Puella Magi Madoka Magica, the world of sounds of Yuki Kajiura
四章 まどか☆マギカに、魅せられた人々

 超詳細! 『魔法少女まどか☆マギカ』“非公式”年表

 ネット上でネタ化していく『まどか☆マギカ』 ~いかにしてほむらはぱんつをかぶるようになったか~
Chapter Four - Madoka Magica, the people who are enchanted by it

- Super detailed! The "unofficial" chronology of Puella Magi Madoka Magica
- What the French saw -- This is awesome! Madoka Magica.

- Madoka Magica, building up into memes on the net ~ How come Homura started to put a panty on her head ~
【特別企画】超推理! 図解で見る魔女の魔法少女時代
Special Project: Super Detective Deduction! The time when the witches were mahou shoujo in illustrations
- The rose garden witch / The dessert witch / The witch of boxes / The silver witch / The shadow witch / The artist witch / The class representative witch / The bird cage witch
付録 魔法少女作品年表(TVシリーズ・OVA・映画) Appendix - The chronology of mahou shoujo anime (TV series, OVA, movies)


See Also