Translated Official Documents/Confirmed Fakes
Confirmed Fakes
These are sources positively identified as fakes or likely fraud. They are archived with the identification so no one will confuse them for real sources of information.
Fanmade Incorrect Heights and Dimension Estimates
Fanmade Estimates Charts (Fake)
Charts like these are the sources of misinformation on heights and other dimensions that have surfaced at various places at the internet as "official" numbers. While the original sketches are official, the lines drawn over them and estimates are completely made-up by fans from 2ch. They are also incorrect. A look at an official height chart shows the exact heights for both charts are off. Even relative heights are incorrect. For example, both fanmade figures estimated that Homura is taller than Mami (Chart 1: 1077 vs. 1074, Chart 2: 159.4 vs. 159). Whereas the official height chart shows Mami's (156-159cm) height range is slightly higher than Homura's (155-158cm). None of the other estimated figures should be taken as official or accurate.
Official Production Note Height Chart (Real)
Mami (Fanmade)
# | Question | Answer |
1 | Please tell us your name. | Mami. |
2 | And your birthday. | August 28th. |
3 | Blood type. | O. |
4 | What are your measurements? | 95-57-89... I have to answer this, right? |
5 | How many people in your family? | Just me. I lost my parents in a traffic accident. |
6 | What is your occupation? | I'm a third year student at Mitakihara Middle School. |
7 | Your favorite food. | I like sweet things. If I had to choose, I guess it would be cake. |
8 | Favorite animal. | Big dogs! Some day I want a retriever to hug. |
9 | Favorite subject in school. | English and history. It's very interesting being exposed to foreign cultures. |
10 | Worst subject. | Worst, huh... I guess math. |
11 | Is there a boy you've been thinking about? | There's a boy that sits to the right of me, for some reason I get the feeling that he's watching me. |
12 | Do you enjoy school? | It's fun. |
13 | Are you in any clubs? | I'm so busy hunting witches that I don't have free time to join. |
14 | Tell us your motto. | Law and order. |
15 | Your special skill. | Tea tasting, I'm 99% accurate! |
16 | Most valued item. | The tea set my father gave me. |
17 | If you had to pick one kanji to represent you, what would it be? | Rabbit... would probably be too cute. (laughs) |
18 | Your strong point? | I guess that I'm clear about what I like and dislike? |
19 | Your weak point? | I want everything for myself. I'm a jealous, awful woman, huh? |
20 | Your most memorable place. | The apartment I'm living in now. It's full of things I'll never forget. |
21 | Favorite drink. | Tea... I think I must drink it more than water. |
22 | Are you good at swimming? | I'm average but... wearing a swimsuit is a little embarrassing... um, when people look... right? |
23 | Your best time in a 50 meter dash. | I believe it was 8 seconds? |
24 | Your current interest. | Tea... but I think it's become more of a hobby than just an interest. |
25 | Least favorite food. | Pickled plums... Those are the devil's food. |
26 | What do you want the most right now? | I'm out of sugar. I have to buy more. |
27 | Are you afraid of heights? | I love them! Lovely scenery like that is the best, isn't it? |
28 | Are you afraid of thunder? | There are people who aren't? |
29 | Do you like clear weather or rain more? | Rain, I guess... The sound of raindrops is very relaxing. |
30 | At school do you use a regular pencil or a mechanical pencil? | Mechanical. |
31 | What do you usually have for breakfast? | Toast with bacon and eggs. I drink tea. |
32 | Do you believe in ghosts? | Aren't ghosts really just witches? |
33 | Do you play an instrument? | Not beyond the harmonica I learned in school. |
34 | Are you an outdoors type or an indoors type? | I used to be an indoors type but now I'm completely an outdoors type... sigh... |
35 | Do you ever argue with Kyubey? | Kyubey's never made me angry so I haven't had to argue with him. |
36 | Do you have a mobile phone? | I have one. The fee is unexpectedly cheap. |
37 | How long does it take to get from home to school? | Around 30 minutes? |
38 | Do you have a lot of friends? | Uhh... I have plenty! |
39 | Favorite sport. | Hmm... I don't really watch any. |
40 | Are you good at cooking? | I live alone so I'm getting pretty good at most things. |
41 | Favorite color. | Yellow and... white. |
42 | What do you consider inexcusable? | People who don't follow traffic rules! Are they even capable of learning? |
43 | Your height. | 156cm. I want to reach 160cm. |
44 | Shoe size. | 23. |
45 | What are your dreams for the future? | It would be wonderful to have a family and go on family trips. |
46 | Do you want to get married? | Yeah... I want to have a lot of kids! |
47 | Are you bad with hot drinks? | Cold tea doesn't taste very good. |
48 | Do you like your coffee bitter? | Conoisseurs drink it black. I'm a tea type, though. |
49 | When do you usually go to bed? | I sleep at midnight a lot. |
50 | When do you usually wake up? | I get up at 6. |
Kyoko (Fanmade)
# | Question | Answer |
1 | Please tell us your name. | Sakura Kyouko |
2 | And your birthday. | April 15 |
3 | Blood type. | O. |
4 | What are your measurements? | Huh?? Why do you wanna know something like that? B82 W55 H87 |
5 | How many people in your family? | My old man, my mom, and two little brothers. |
6 | What is your occupation? | Magnificent Mahou Bishoujo♪ |
7 | Your favorite food. | Sweet things. Right now taiyaki and imagawayaki are the best! |
8 | Favorite animal. | Wolves are pretty cool, doncha think? When I see small animals I wanna kick them. |
9 | Favorite subject in school. | P.E. I feel refreshed when I get to move my body. |
10 | Worst subject. | Music. Having to perform in front of everyone is torture. |
11 | Is there a boy you've been thinking about? | Some idiot who I kicked the crap out of for licking my recorder a while back. Gross. Totally gross. |
12 | Do you enjoy school? | It's full of brats and the teachers are annoying. Boring as hell. |
13 | Are you in any clubs? | Like hell I'd do something as boring as that! |
14 | Tell us your motto. | Survival of the fittest! I'm as fit as they come! |
15 | Your special skill. | I can tie cherry stems in my mouth! Cool, huh? |
16 | Most valued item. | Huh!? My life, obviously. |
17 | If you had to pick one kanji to represent you, what would it be? | Flame... A burning hot flame! |
18 | Your strong point? | The fact that I can think fast and make quick decisions! Indecisive people should just drop dead, you know? |
19 | Your weak point? | Crap... y'know I can't think of anything. |
20 | Your most memorable place. | Why would I have some old fart place like that? |
21 | Favorite drink. | Cola |
22 | Are you good at swimming? | I can do everything from freestyle to the butterfly. I can even dive as far as 50m! |
23 | Your best time in a 50 meter dash. | 6 seconds.. I'm super fast. |
24 | Your current interest. | Kaito Royale |
25 | Least favorite food. | None. |
26 | What do you want the most right now? | Money. |
27 | Are you afraid of heights? | It feels kinda nice looking down on other people. |
28 | Are you afraid of thunder? | Only gradeschoolers are afraid of something like that. |
29 | Do you like clear weather or rain more? | Clear. When it rains, my hair gets uncontrollable. It's really a bother. |
30 | At school do you use a regular pencil or a mechanical pencil? | Mechanical pencil. Are there even still people who use the regular kind? |
31 | What do you usually have for breakfast? | Rice and miso soup. It's a hassle making lunch for my younger brothers. |
32 | Do you believe in ghosts? | Who knows, who cares. If I met one I'd just kick its ass anyway. |
33 | Do you play an instrument? | H...harmonica? |
34 | Are you an outdoors type or an indoors type? | Outdoors! Just sitting around will make your body rot. |
35 | Do you ever argue with your younger brothers? | It's hardly a fight. I'm stronger than them so I can just beat 'em up! |
36 | Do you have a mobile phone? | Of course I do. Huh? Does anyone not nowadays? |
37 | How long does it take to get from home to school? | Around 10 minutes? |
38 | Do you have a lot of friends? | There's no one out there who suits me. |
39 | Favorite sport. | Mixed Martial Arts! |
40 | Are you good at cooking? | My omelettes would surprise you, you know! Kyouko's special super sugary omelettes! |
41 | Favorite color. | Red and black. Pretty tough, right? |
42 | What do you consider inexcusable? | Idiots who always gloss over things. Look at reality already. |
43 | Your height. | 162cm. Wish my chest would grow more than my height, though. |
44 | Shoe size. | Around 24. |
45 | What are your dreams for the future? | Having fun for the rest of my life. |
46 | Do you want to get married? | N-no! I'd never want to spend every day doing stupid dirty shit! |
47 | Are you bad with hot drinks? | My tongue's sensitive to hot things.. |
48 | Do you like your coffee bitter? | No way! Put in lots of milk and sugar and make it a cafe au lait right away. |
49 | When do you usually go to bed? | I can get to sleep before 11, I guess. |
50 | When do you usually wake up? | 5 o'clock. Gotta make lunches after all. It sucks during the winter when it's cold. ...Jeez. |
"MBS Broadcast Delay of Madoka" phone calls
The poster ID:oq9nsYz30 has only exactly one post made on that day (2ch randomize user ID every midnight); it's likely this one is a troll. Most likely 騎士ヴィスクエア, a famous troll in 2ch anime boards, who samefag on Madoka thread everyday using his mobile phone/P2 account/his PC, posting similar contents. I've removed it until there is any further proof on the topic. Original content is posted below. --0x99 03:21, 8 April 2011 (UTC)
Q: The shows suspended due to the earthquake are now being aired one after another, but what's the reason for only this show being in long-term suspension?
A: We weren't told anything more than "it is on suspension due to the effects of the earthquake".
Q: Why hasn't the reason for the long-term suspension been clarified?
A: Unknown. They tell the person in charge of the programming that it's certain that it hasn't been clarified.
Q: Why is the internet distribution also suspended?
A: Unknown. We haven't been told why. I'd like you to inquire the correspondence for such.
Q: Is it possible that it will remain like this and not be aired?
A: Unknown. Our inquiry center is told programming broadcast information two weeks ahead, but at this point, they have no plans to air the show in the next two weeks.
Q: Shows broadcasted by satellite are aired after [regular broadcast], but in the case that the suspension continues, is it possible that they'll air it first?
A: Normally that's impossible. In the current state that it can be aired on MBS, if MBS doesn't air it first, internet distribution and satellite broadcast won't happen.
Asumi Kanna

In August 2012, a picture of a magazine article (shown at right) was leaked to the internet, revealing what appears to be a new character for Rebellion. It was quickly discovered that the magazine article was actually a fabrication by 2ch to deceive Madoka fans. Despite this, the character has gathered fanart.
Original | Translation |
619:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2012/07/16(月) 19:40:24.23 ID:46tQFpWhI
619: From here on, instead of Anonymous, we're presenting you VIP : 2012/07/16 19:40:24.23 ID:46tQFpWHI
Urobuchi also commented on the fake character:
Butch_Gen Original tweet |
Really, silver-haired bob-cut elementary school-student using a morning star and mind attacks... That's even more regretful, since it's the kind that I may like. まったく……銀髪ボブの小学生が棘鉄球で精神攻撃とか。なまじ俺好みなキャラなだけに尚更悔しいじゃないの。 |
Ironically, in September 2013 it was revealed that Rebellion would have a new magical girl character named Nagisa Momoe, who has a similar hair colour.