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This page contains a ridiculous amount of Sakura Kyouko. Please beware. If you don't like her, please refrain from reading onwards. Also, spoilers. (duh)

Welcome to my labyrinth!

I'm new to this wiki...I love Madoka Magica, and this is quite sad for me because I live in the UK, where I have never met anyone else who has watched it or even heard of it. And it doesn't help that there are no theatres showing any movies. Which means...the internet is my only friend when it comes to this anime.

Story of Kyouko

I am an avid fan of Sakura Kyouko, for a reason I have forgotten long ago. She's just badass.

  • *Starts crying again at that part in Rebellion*

I don't like Yuri much. I don't hate it, and I don't love it, but it's kinda over to the 'hate side'. Wow, I am terrible at explanations. I do ship KyoSaya a bit though, and that will probably be the only yuri pairing I'll ever ship. I have no idea why.


I play Madoka Online time to time. I'm Ridokurinkaki on the Silver server >.<. Reasons for the name: I went on this sort of Japanese name generator and that was the result. That's it. I need friends T.T



"So how about we become monsters together... And turn this world upside down? So that... nothing bad... or sad... would remain. Destroy, destroy, destroy it all!" - Akemi Homura

"Protect the one thing you want to protect until the end." - Sakura Kyouko

"Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember her, you are not alone."

"Don't worry, Sayaka. It sucks to be alone, isn't it? It's fine, let's go together, Sayaka." - Sakura Kyouko

"I had a horrible dream. A nightmare where you die. But that's the reality, and the dream is of us fighting together like this. Isn't it, Sayaka?" - Sakura Kyouko, Rebellion Story

"Don't waste food. I'll kill you." - Sakura Kyouko

"It sucks, but you can't expect a happy ending just by doing what's right all the time. Actually, the more people get stubborn and insist that they're in the right, the farther away happiness gets..." - Kaname Junko

"Tell a white lie, or run away from something scary. Sometimes you realize that was actually the best choice in the end. Sometimes when you hit a dead end with no real alternatives, making a big mistake is an option." - Kaname Junko