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Chapter 10: Dawn of a Shallow Dream

Section 1: Daybreak Brings Disaster

Iroha recalls the way her sister Ui would call her name when Eve had picked her up. She then suddenly realizes that Eve is in fact her sister Ui. Her long search is finally at an end: she had found her sister. Thanks to the branch of the Sakura tree blooming she knows this is true. Iroha is saddened however; she had always believed that her sister would be just like how she remembered her and instead she was a towering moth-like creature.

Elsewhere Alina laughs as she, Felicia, and Tsuruno pause for a moment in their battle. Felicia and Tsuruno are determined to stop Alina from getting any closer to Eve and allowing the creature to break free.

Rena and Kaede continue their own fight with Nemu, who giggles as an Uwasa escapes her book long enough to attack the two Magical Girls. Nemu explains how all the rumors she’s ever created are recorded in her book, and how it takes only a touch of magic to summon them once more. So long as they don’t keep their form, Nemu doesn’t have to risk carving off more of her lifespan.

Momoko breathes heavily as Touka asks her if she’s tired already. Kanagi worries she, Yachiyo, and Momoko won’t be enough to take Touka down by themselves. Yachiyo warns Touka her plans won’t go as she hopes they will since Eve will only come down to Kamihama and trample it all into dust only to have her battle with Walpurgisnacht detroy what’s left. Touka says she hopes that happens since all the emotion that’s unleashed by people will give Eve the energy it needs to finally hatch. According to Touka this can only leave Hope behind. Yachiyo argues that that hope will be warped in time by the guilt of future magical girls when people everywhere realize the price that was paid for that hope. Touka shrugs it off; the way she figures it only the Feathers will have to suffer the consequences of their actions and no one from then on will be able to turn into a Witch so why worry. Touka turns to break the chains holding back Eve. Kanagi tries to warn her, but Yachiyo is struck down by Touka before she can react.

Mami calls out to Yachiyo as she sees what happens from afar. The Holy Quintet have been hard at work trying to keep the familiars at bay but with hundreds in the air around them it’s no use. Madoka suggests they cut a path open so they can get to the others to help them and Kyoko agrees.

Iroha cries as she resolves to destroy Eve but realizes she may be killing her own sister in the process. She wonders if she can really go through with it as Sana consoles her. Sana reminds her that the Magius called her “incomplete”, so there may be a way to bring Ui back. Iroha agrees just as Eve begins to struggle against its restraints. Sana can sense a Witch approaching closer and Iroha knows that Eve is reacting to the magical signature. Iroha wonders what they can do as Eve’s wings break free and Eve begins to take flight.

The mass of wind from her wings knocks the Magius away from her, allowing the Magical Girls of Kamihama and Mitakihara a chance to gather together in order to defeat Eve. Kaede points to Eve, drawing everyone’s attention to it as it begins to topple over and crush the forest beneath it. Eve begins to thrash about itself as the Magical girls look on, unsure of what to do next. Momoko urges everyone to hurry towards Eve so they can defeat it before it can get to Kamihama and drown the city in its curses.

Tsuruno is just able to dodge a landslide of rocks coming at her as she warns Yachiyo they’ll have to time their attacks right or risk being crushed by the senseless thrashing of Eve. Nemu smiles at the thought that the two ultimate Witches have come together in the same city while Alina laughs at their attempts to stop Eve. Touka promises they’ll leave them to fight Eve as much as they want, so confident is she in their inability to stop Eve.

Felicia readies her hammer as she and the others prepare to kill Eve. Iroha calls out to everyone to stop as she and Sana catch up to them. She begs them to spare Eve until they hear what she has to say. Everyone is surprised to hear her say that and Alina laughs as she suspects Iroha’s odd memories to be behind her strange behavior. Iroha explains that Eve is in fact her sister and isn’t a Witch even if she looks like one at that moment. She then demonstrates the branch of the Sakura Rumor that bloomed after Eve had touched it and explains how the rumor came true because all four of them are once more in the same location. Touka is surprised to find the branch had bloomed while Nemu doesn’t remember adding any particulars to the Rumor when she created it. Nemu shrugs it off as coincidence and prefers to believe that the massive impurities emanating from Eve are to blame for the Rumor acting oddly. Touka quickly agrees with Nemu and the three Magius leave.

Eve’s familiars begin flying in droves towards Kamihama and Walpurgisnacht. Mami isn’t too concerned, however, as the remaining magical girls of Kamihama stayed behind to protect the city and should be able to handle the familiars. But Kyoko isn’t so sure since there are countless Familiars swarming towards the city.

Hinano and Nanaka survey the city. Hinano can see the swarm of familiars coming at them while Nanaka notes a cackling voice she heard not too long ago. Nanaka believes they’ll be able to handle the army of familiars due to their numbers provided they all work together, but Hinano is worried they’ll be able to coordinate effectively since many of them are so unfamiliar with each other. Natsuki uses her magic to cheer on the others and boost their magic.

The battle with the familiars has only just begun as Emiri finishes off some of the Blue Noses. She notices that the familiars tend to attack in a straight line, much like a parade. Nanaka notes they’ve survived the first wave of attacks and is cautiously optimistic. Asuka believes if they can protect the bay area, they’ll be able to stymy the familiars and allow them to get more even footing against Walpurgisnacht. But that plan will only work if they familiars keep to one location. Emiri points to the sky as the swarms of Eve’s familiars begin to reach Kamihama. Nanaka senses magic and warns the others as another wave of Walpurgisnacht’s familiars materialize before them, only this time they’ve begun to appear in other parts of the city as well. Walpurgis’ familiars seem to be responding to the presence of Eve’s familiars. Nanaka turns to Hinano and defers the next decision to her as Hinano is the most experienced Magical Girl among them. Hinano thinks hard, realizing that they could wait for Walpurgis to come to them but left unattended the familiars may turn into Witches themselves. She orders everyone to split into teams so they can effectively take down the familiars before the damage gets greater. So long as the other Magical Girls can take down Eve that should effectively get rid of half of the familiars attacking Kamihama.

Mitama looks at the destruction where Fendt Hope once stood. Tsukasa contacts Mitama via telepathy by using her unique magic to boost the signal. After they both realize that Eve must have broken free from her restraints during the earthquake, they inform Mitama that Mifuyu was badly injured after she cast an illusion on herself so she could destroy Fendt Hope. Mitama tells them to wait for her at her place as she has one last thing to take care of before she can meet them there.

Section 2: A Faint Light

Back at her computer-filled room, Touka can’t get what Iroha said about the Sakura branch out of her head. Nemu tells her not to worry about something they can’t do anything about, even if what Iroha said had some kernel of the truth to it. Alina thinks it might be more fun to simply believe what Iroha is saying. She knows why she joined with Touka and Nemu but she still finds it odd she would be hanging out with people so young to begin with and perhaps Iroha’s memories are the answer to that question. This is why Alina hadn’t killed Iroha right off the bat and ordered the Feathers to bring her to them so she could hopefully recover her memories. Touka tells them to all shut up about Iroha and her memories and to instead focus on their plan unfolding before them. Nemu agrees they shouldn’t bother arguing about something that doesn’t matter to them anyways. With so many Familiars everywhere, all Magical Girls will be too busy fighting them off to be able to stop Eve or Walpurgisnacht.

Rena asks what they should do, since not killing Eve means Kamihama will be taken over by Familiars. She points out to everyone that Eve is currently not moving and how this is their best chance at killing Eve. But even Kanagi finds it difficult to kill what they now know to be Iroha’s little sister, especially since she hasn’t completely transformed into a Witch yet. Sana knows there must be a way to save Ui as the rest of Mikazuki Villa rally around Iroha to show their support. Yachiyo agrees they should all share their burdens together and do what they can to save Ui, but she warns Iroha to prepare herself for the worst should they not be able to find a way. Iroha yells out as Eve begins to struggle to stand. Yachiyo everyone to prepare for battle and tells Iroha they’ll think of a way to save Ui while they weaken her before she can get to the city. Iroha cries out but Yachiyo assures her they don’t intend to kill Eve, only stop her from hurting others in the meantime. The other members of Mikazuka Villa also assure they only intend to stop and not kill Eve.

But Eve is too powerful and doesn’t even notice the Magical Girls attempting to harm it as it mindlessly swats them away. Eve slams its fists down on the ground, causing an earthquake to begin to emanate. The girls search for cover from the impending landslide as Eve leaps into the sky.

Eve’s wings are useless with her massive weight, but Kaede points out that won’t matter if Eve is simply able to leap towards Kamihama instead. Momoko notices she’s aiming for Sankyo Ward. Homura looks on trembling as she’s reminded of her numerous past battles with Walpurgisnacht and the destruction it would wreak on the city. Mitama calls out to everyone as she finally arrives. Momoko explains to Mitama how they figured out that Eve was in fact Ui, Iroha’s younger sister. Hearing this, Mitama is glad to know she came when she did. As an Adjustor, Mitama has seen everyone’s true memories and nothing is concealed from her, including the Magius. Having said that, she saw that the only way to save Ui is to defeat Eve and extract her from where she’s buried inside. Mitama tells Iroha not to worry about harming Ui when they defeat Eve. According to the memories of the Magius, the so-called “hatching” of Eve is in fact her final transformation into a fully fledged Witch which means she still has a Soul Gem. They had felt the distinct magic of a magical girl deep within Eve’s belly before she began to grow. As Eve began to grow in size, the magical signature was buried beneath the impurities and became more difficult to sense. Momoko is still worried they might hurt Ui, but Mitama reminds her that you can’t have a Soul Gem and be a Witch at the same time. So Eve is in fact Ui’s body clad in a body formed by her power to collect energy. The impurities she’s gathered until now have formed a Witch-like casing around her original body. So any damage they do to the Half-Witch should leave Ui’s real body unscathed. And just like any other Witch, Eve is sure to have a weak point somewhere. All they have to do now is find it. With that, Mitama leaves them to it as she heads back to her shop. Overjoyed at this news, the group resolves to defeat Eve, save Kamihama from Eve’s familiars and liberate Ui from her prison deep within Eve’s body.

Shizuku pants as she finishes teleporting herself and Mitama to her place. Thanks to the Grief Seed Mitama used on her, Shizuku had enough magic to teleport them there, though she won’t be able to fight for a bit just yet. Mitama thanks her before she turns her attention to Mifuyu, who is lying asleep on a cot. Mitama can tell that Mifuyu isn’t dead yet, but due to the cracks in her soul gem she isn’t alive either. At her best guess, Mitama believes that Mifuyu is in a kind of coma. Mifuyu’s Soul Gem is so damaged it could break apart if handled wrong and Mitama’s powers won’t be able to help. She turns to the Amane sisters and tells them they need to do what they can to not let Mifuyu’s sacrifice be in vain. They head outside where they observe several of Eve’s familiars whipping up small tornadoes as they build their nests. Eve’s familiars are even gathering up some of Walpurgisnacht’s familiars alongside the debris. It seems the Oscars are building nests to gather up the impurities that Walpurgisnacht’s familiars are carrying.

Aimi, Rika, Mayu, Kokoro, and Ren have all gathered outside Mitama’s place. Mitama is overjoyed to see them as each of the girls express their thanks for having become Magical Girls and all the great experiences they’ve had as a result. They ask Mitama how they can help and she directs them to clear out as many of the Familiars as they can.

The battle against he familiars continues as Mitama takes a hit. The Amanes help pick her up as they realize that Mitama was right about the Familiars. Even though they’re attacking each other, Eve has the advantage of numbers and her familiars continue to gather all the scraps of impurity they can find every time one of Walpurgisnacht’s familiars falls. Mitama asks the twins if they were able to reach any of the other Magical Girls. They inform her they too have split up into teams and have spread out across the city to try to defeat the Familiars as best they can. She tells the Amanes to come with her so they can take all the Grief Seeds she had been stockpiling at her place to the other Magical Girls so they can support them in their fight to protect the city. While they’re at it, they’ll destroy the nests that Eve’s familiars have been building as they don’t know what their intentions are yet. The ground shakes as they look up and see Eve take another massive leap in the direction of the city.

Near the town’s outskirts Tsuruno and Kanagi face down Eve, knowing she’ll damage the city further if she makes another leap. But even when they’re not holding back, Eve takes no damage from their attacks. The rest of Mikazuki Villa follow up with their own attacks but once more Eve suffers no damage. Homura looks on as she mentions that Walpurgisnacht is at least as powerful as Eve as well. Madoka asks if Homura has fought Walpurgisnacht before, but Homura “corrects” herself and says she merely thought it must be as powerful. Madoka squeezes her hand and tells her not to let her fear get the best of her. Momoko tells Kaede not to cry and reminds her that Madoka is right, Hope is still alive and there’s much of the city they can still save. Rena thinks they need to fight differently than they normally would as this isn’t a normal Witch. Yachiyo agrees and thinks they should focus on finding its weakpoint by trying to see if they can find whatever is sustaining it. Eve has a Soul Gem, but it can’t sustain the body of a Witch. They know it has the power to collect impurities, but past that they don’t know how the two are connected. They have to find a way to stop Eve from moving so they can minimize the damage and find its weakpoint. Sana offers to hold Eve down with her chains while the rest look for its weakness. Kyoko and Mami offer to help tie the Witch down alongside Sana while Iroha and Madoka use their arrows to pin the ribbons and chains to the ground. Yachiyo generates spears that Felicia and Tsuruno can use to help.

Kaede asks Momoko to use her boosting magic on her so she can use her plants to help tie Eve down. Rena admits she’s got a good idea but Eve continues to struggle against their restraints. Eve spreads her wings, snapping the chains and ribbons that bind it. Momoko can feel Eve begin to gather magic towards the center of its body and she rushes towards Eve. She calls back to the others, warning them that Eve is going to attack before she escapes and warns them to get out of the way while she negates the attack. Just as Momoko is about to attack, she can feel the magic in Eve shift from its center to its arms. She stops herself and notices that neither Rena nor Kaede has run away. Eve swings its arms down and Momoko and the others take the brunt of the attack. Iroha rushes over and uses her magic to heal Momoko’s wounds.

Sayaka blindly attacks Eve’s sides with her swords as Homura warns her to hold off. Sayaka calls Homura a trembling coward but Kyoko tells her that she shouldn’t waster her magic on useless attacks that could get her killed. Mami agrees they should find its weakpoint first as Eve once more begins to move and face the Suitoku Shopping Center where Banbanzai is located. Tsuruno begins to run towards Banbanzai until Yachiyo calls her back, pointing out the absurdity of trying to defend an empty restaurant against Eve. Tsuruno knows she was being impulsive, but doesn’t know what else to do since they’re taking so much time finding its weakpoint. Felicia says she’ll make a weakpoint herself as she prepares to hit Eve so hard with her magic it obliterates its memories.

Mitama kills another of Walpurgisnacht’s familiars as more and more materialize around her. She thinks on the irony of her trying to save the city she once wished to destroy and believes this must be her punishment. Asuka and Sasara have finished evacuating the area and are prepared to finish the familiars off. Mitama hands them a Grief Seed to replenish themselves. Asuka can feel the familiars begin to gather towards the school where the evacuees are waiting.

Emiri and HInano catch their breath as they finish getting rid of the familiars in the area they’re in. Normally HInano would tell Emiri to buck up but even she is as worn out as Emiri is after all the fighting they’ve been doing. The Amanes hand them a Grief Seed as they too are in bad shape. A loud cackling laugh rips through the air around them. Walpurgisnacht draws near and Tsukasa contacts Mitama with her telepathy. Mitama knows that Walpurgisnacht has arrived but she sees this as a golden opportunity. If they can gather together and focus on defeating the Witch the familiars will also disappear. Together they’ll destroy both Eve and Walpurgisnacht. Mitama believes they’ll be a more effective force if they can gather together rather than be spread out. Tsukasa relays the information to Hinano who agrees with the plan. The Amane sisters use their telepathy to contact all the other Magical Girls in Kamihama so they can gather together to defeat the Witches. Just as she says this, Tsukuyo remembers Eve’s weakpoint and the two excitedly contact Mitama and Iroha.

Felicia beats Eve on the head with her hammer, powered with as much of her magic as is possible. With her ability to destroy memories, Eve has forgotten her intentions for the moment and has stopped moving towards the city, though it has now begun to thrash about in confusion. Yachiyo and Felicia are thrown into the air while Sana expands her shield to catch them and break their fall. Iroha uses her magic to heal Yachiyo’s arm while Felicia informs the others of the weird glow near its belly when she hit it with her hammer. Momoko tells the others what she noticed when she was attacking it earlier, how Eve had stored magic in its belly before moving that magic to its arms to use.

Tsukuyo startles everyone when she contacts them telepathically, frantically informing them of Eve’s weakpoint. When the Magius first picked up Eve, they were feeding it the despair energy they had gathered from Uwasa and Witches. Rather than speed up its evolution, Eve instead amassed more gems on its body the more impurities it gathered. The gems made of ipurities gather around the body like chains and keep the outershell from collapsing and negate the relationship between Soul Gem and Witch body. The core of that system is the largest red jewel located on Eve’s chest and therefore Eve’s weakpoint. The Amanes apologize for their part in helping to raise Eve before they sign off.

Yachiyo warns everyone to get ready as Eve flaps its wings once more, this time turning towards Chuo ward. With all the tall building in Chuo ward, they may be able to use them to their advantage in tying Eve up so they can reach the large gem on Eve’s chest. If they target its wing joints they may be able to keep it strung up long enough for their plan to work. Everyone gathers together and prepares to put their plan into action before Eve can leap away again. But the group is having trouble tying Eve up without getting hurt. With so few people they might not be able to string Eve up before Walpurgisnacht arrives. Laughter rips through the air around them, louder than before.

Mitama and the Amanes arrive, having gathered all the Feathers they could find in order to help defeat Eve. They were able to find about 40 Feathers. The Amanes ask Iroha if she can spare a few people to help defend Kamihama against Walpurgisnacht’s impending attack. Homura knows how deadly Walpurgisnacht can be and hopes they can get away before it comes any closer, but Madoka suggests they go and help in the fight against Walpurgisnacht. Mami agrees they should go to where they’re needed most while Sayaka and Kyoko are on board with the plan. Homura worries Madoka may be hurt in the fight, but wonders if Fate will be any kinder if they were to run away instead. Homura instead resolves to fight Walpurgisnacht alongside Madoka once more.

Iroha thanks the Feathers for their help as the Momoko trio prepares to help once more. Rena transforms into Kaede in order to help her tie down Eve with vines. Little by little, the Feathers and other Magical Girls are able to tie Eve down to the buildings, though they won’t be able to hold her down for long. Yachiyo urges Iroha to hurry and shoot at Eve’s gem as she’s the only one around who is capable of making the shot from so far away. Iroha takes the shot, cracking Eve’s Soul Gem and causing Eve to become engulfed in her own magic as it begins to leak out all around her.

Iroha prepares to aim for Eve’s weakpoint once more but the multiple nests that her familiars have built crack opena dn the impurities they’ve gathered swarm towards Eve. Despite destroying as many nests as they could find, many were left unharmed and Eve gathers the energy toward her in a wave of unrelenting magic.

Iroha struggles to stand as the city burns around her. Her friends lay injured and unconscious as Iroha determines to stop Eve even if she’s the last one standing. Deep inside Eve’s largest red gem, Ui’s body lies unmoving.

Section 4: Implied Calamity

Alina uses her magic to create a perfect barrier where Eve can maintain her form despite losing Ui, her core. She then dons on the Christmas rumor and uses the undying Eve as her target, granting her invincibility and unlimited power, causing even more destruction in the city.

She claimed that humans are self-destructive and thus love her arts based on life and death, and she will create more by using Eve as her brush. She invites Kanagi to join her as she also knows her hatred of the city.

The matured Kanagi is not much interested in her offer, and her decision is made when her partner in crime Mitama, who has also grown, decides to protect the city as well.

The team are too spent to put up a fight, and Alina being invincible makes matter worse. Nemu decides to cancel off Alina's rumor with all of her power, meaning she is going to sacrifice herself to pay for her crimes.

Since she is the only one with flight, no one is able to stop her, and she successfully finishes off Alina while slipping into a coma, not sure if she is dead or alive.

However, Eve is still around and bent on causing destruction until she eventually collapses now that Alina is gone. Despite using the final grief seeds and combining their powers, the team is unable to destroy Eve, and it is not an option to wait for it to collapse naturally since the city will be gone by then.

Ui volunteers to become Eve's core to stop her rampage, but the rest thinks she would just be caught in Eve's rampage instead. When all seems to be lost, the small Kyubey steps up.

With the memories it gained from the main story, it volunteers to become Eve's core. Touka notes that being part of the emotionless Kyubey system, it becoming the core can prevent Eve's rampage while at the same time making their plan fruitful. Being too tired to stop, the team watches the small Kyubey join Eve.

The process is a success and both the small Kyubey and Eve disappear, becoming the system which would ensure any magical girls in Kamihama will not turn into a witch with the self-cleansing system.

On the other side, the Holy Quintet and the Kamihama magical girls' alliance are having a tough time against Walpurgisnacht and her familiars, so Iroha's team decide to go aid them.
