The Rebellion Story/Spoiler

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This section may contain major spoilers!

Please refrain from reading if you are not yet familiar with all the latest media released.


  • Nagisa Momoe is Charlotte.
  • Hitomi Shizuki become witches and then turned back to human form.
  • Akemi Homura becomes something more powerful than "Madokami".
  • For some reason at the end of the movie, besides Madoka (partially) and Homura, the only Mahou Shoujo who remembers everything that happened in the movie is Sayaka.


  • Just like in the Anime series, Kyubey's greed and plan backfired spectacularly. He tried to capture Madoka with a barrier of his own (after being told of her existence by Homura), but instead it helped Homura to become a much more powerful entity in the process.
  • Looking back, "Magia" lyrics takes a much darker undertone.
    • Homura's greedy yearning has no tomorrow.
    • Homura's desire for a spell to fight the "sorrow" before her eyes [Madoka's selflessness].
    • Madoka is a dreaming memory, only Homura is awake.
    • Homura wants an endless dream for both of them.
    • Homura's wish literally becomes everything in the new universe.


  • The new entity known as Homura is neither a magical girl nor a witch. She is neither the product of hope nor despair, she is the product of love.


  • Fans have called the new entity that is Homura, Homucifer or Homukami (depending on your view).
