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Gisela (GISELA) is a witch who battles Kyouko within the flashback scene in Episode 7.

Japanese 銀の魔女。その性質は自由。高速で移動する結界の中に潜んでいるが魔女自身は非常に愚鈍。残念ながら科学的な力は一切使えない。かつては全身目も眩むほどの銀色であったが、海岸線の夕日を眺めているうちにずいぶんと錆びてしまった。
English The witch of silverware. Her nature is liberty. She lives in a barrier where everything moves in high-speed, but the witch herself is pretty dull. She unfortunately can't use any scientific powers. Her body once dizzying with silver, but now full of rust while glaring at sunset at the beach.


Dora (DORA)

Japanese 銀の魔女の手下。その役割は主張。体についたパイプから近所迷惑な爆音を撒き散らし気まぐれな砂嵐のように移動する。嫌いなものは磁石。
English A minion of witch of silverware. Her given task is insistence. She moves like a sandstorm while making a loud sound that bothers everyone surrounding with a pipe coming out of her body. She hates magnet.