Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 11

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See Madoka Magica Online Story

Quest 11-1

11-1 Before

Kyoko ったく、ほむらの奴は\nホントに頭くるよな。 Damn, that Homura girl pisses me off so much.
Kyoko ひとがうまくいってると、\n不満でもあるっつーのかよ。 So what if people get along? Got a problem with that?
Sayaka そーだよ。あんな言い方じゃあ、\n杏子とマミさんまでうまくいってるのが、 I know. The way she talked, it's like she's mad
Sayaka まるで不満みたいに聞こえるよ。 that even you and Mami-san get along, Kyoko.
Kyoko あ? なんだよ、いきなり。\nか、カンケーないだろっ。 Huh? Why are you bringing that up all of a sudden? Th-that's not what I was talking about at all.
Sayaka 照れるな、照れるな。\nいいことじゃん。 Now, now, don't be so shy. It's all good.
Kyoko それをいうなら、オマエのほうこそ、\n本当に告白するのかよぉ? Well, then what about you, huh? Ya really gonna confess or what?
Sayaka なっ、何それ!\nあの話、本気にしてるわけ? Wh-what!? You guys were serious?
Kyoko 少なくとも、\nマミのやつは本気にしてるぞ。 Well, Mami sure was, at least.
Mami (おふたりさん。\nこっちのほうで結界を\n見つけたわよ。) (Hey, you two. We've found a barrier over here.)
Mami (急いで来てくれるかしら) (Would you mind coming over quick?)
Mami (――それと美樹さん。\n決行日はもう決めたの?) (--And by the way, Miki-san. Have you settled on a day to do the deed?)
Mami (早くしないと、\n魔女退治が忙しくなるわよ?) (If you don't do it soon, you might end up too busy witch hunting later, you know?)
Kyoko ほーら。言ってるそばからこれだ。\nこりゃしつこいぞ。 See what I mean? Man, she's just so persistent.

11-1 After

Mami ――さて、結界は壊したし、\n今回も無事にいったわ。\nあとは、例の件がうまくいくだけね。 --Well, now that the barrier's been crushed and peace has been restored, there's only one thing left to do. And you know what that is.
Sayaka れ、例の件って、マミさん。\nちょっと! 何のことを\n言ってるんですか? O-one thing left, Mami-san? Wait! What are you talking about?
Mami とぼけても駄目よ。 Now don't you try and play dumb.
Mami 美樹さんの熱い想いを\nいつ、どこで、どうやって伝えるかに\n決まってるじゃない。 Isn't it obvious, Miki-san? I'm talking about how, when, and where you plan to tell him all about your passionate feelings.
Sayaka あー、もう! \nマミさんまでそんなこと言って、\nあたしをからかって。 Ah, come on! You too, Mami-san? Why does everyone have to tease me about it?
Mami からかってなんかないわ。\n本気で応援してるのよ。 We're not teasing. We're seriously trying to help you.
Mami 一度決心したなら早いほうがいいわ。\nね、美樹さん。するんでしょ?\nするのよね? Once you've set your mind on something, it's best to get it over with as quickly as possible. Right, Miki-san? So, are you gonna do it? You're gonna do it, right?
Sayaka え、ええっと、\nそんなこと言われたって\n……無理ですよぉ U-umm, but still... I can't. It's not that easy.
Mami あら、どうして? \n相手のこと、好きなんでしょう? Oh, what's wrong? You love him, don't you?
Sayaka ……だって、……告白なんて、\nどう言っていいか、わかんないよ。 ...Yeah, but... I just don't know what to say to confess.
Mami それなら大丈夫よ。\nみんなでちゃんと\nアドバイスするから。 That's no big deal. We'll all give you some proper advice.
Mami ねっ、\nそれならできるわよねっ? ねっ! You can do it then, right? Right!
Sayaka ……うぐぐぅ。\n……わかりました。 ...Uggghgh. ...Okay.
Mami あら? \n声が小さくてよく聞こえなかったわ。 Hmm? You spoke so softly, I was quite unable to hear you.
Mami 美樹さん、もう一度、\n大きな声で決意を\n聞かせてくれるかしら? Miki-san, could you please repeat your answer in a louder voice, if I may ask?
Sayaka もう、マミさんのいじわるっ!\nわかったっ! やります!\nちゃんと恭介に言いますっ! Agh, Mami-san, you meanie! Fine! I'll do it! I'll be sure to tell Kyosuke, alright!?
Madoka さやかちゃん、がんばって!\nきっと、うまくいくよ! Go for it, Sayaka-chan! I'm sure it'll be alright!
Mami 素晴らしいわ、美樹さん! \nそれじゃ今日からお茶会で作戦会議\nねっ。さあ、帰りましょう。 How wonderful, Miki-san! In that case, starting today, we'll plan out a strategy at our tea parties. Let's go.
Kyubey やあ、暁美ほむら。\nあいかわらず、君だけはひとりだね。 Yo, Akemi Homura. You're alone again, as usual.
Homura 何か用? Need something?
Kyubey 君は、自分の目的を\n達成しようとするために Well, it appears to me that in your quest to realize your goals,
Kyubey ずいぶんとみなの反感を\n買っているようだけど。 you've earned quite a bit of your friends' displeasure.
Homura ……それがどうしたというの? ...What about it?
Homura 私は……、\n自分がどう思われようと、\nべつにかまわない。 I... don't really care either way what others think about me.
Kyubey そうかい? Is that so?
Kyubey でも、君は、魔法少女が\n最後にどうなるのか、\n当然知ってるんだろう? But naturally, you do know what happens to magical girls at the end, right?
Kyubey みなに教えなくていいのかい? Is it really fine not to tell the others about it?
Kyubey とくに今の美樹さやかには、\nかなり重要な情報になると\n思うんだけど。 Especially with how Miki Sayaka is now, I'm sure it'd be quite important information to them.
Homura それを知った彼女が、美樹さやかが\nどうなるか、わかってて\n言ってるくせに! How can you say that when you already know how Miki Sayaka would react!?
Homura もっとも……。\nそれこそが、あなたの目的なんでしょう? No, wait... That's exactly what you want, isn't it?
Kyubey 僕はこんなことで\n君を怒らせるつもりはない。 I did not mean to offend you.
Kyubey 気に障ったのならば、素直に謝るよ。 My honest apologies.
Kyubey いまは、それよりも\nずっと興味のある対象がいるしね Anyway, there's something far more interesting than that right now.
Homura 対象?\n……それは、どういう意味? Something? ...What do you mean?
Kyubey そんなにあせらないでも大丈夫。\n必ず君にもわかる時が来る。\nそれは保証するよ。 No need to be so hasty. I'm sure you'll understand in due time. I guarantee it.

Quest 11-2

11-2 Before

11-2 After

Quest 11-3

11-3 Before

11-3 After

Quest 11-4

11-4 Before

11-4 After

Quest 11-5

11-5 Before

11-5 After