Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 12

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See Madoka Magica Online Story

Quest 12-1

12-1 Before

Sayaka $playername$、\n結界を見つけたの?\nさすがだねっ。 Found a barrier, Player? Way to go.
Sayaka じゃ、さっそくみんなに\n知らせよう! Welp, let's go ahead and tell the others, then!
Sayaka よーし、街の人たちに被害が出る前に、\n一気に片付けちゃおう! Awwrighty, let's settle this quick, before any of the townsfolk get hurt!
Sayaka ……なに? $playername$。\nあたしの顔、じっと見つめて。\n……あ、わかった! ...What? Player. Look straight into my eyes. ...Ah, I see!
Sayaka いつもパトロールをぼやいてる\nあたしが、妙にやる気だしてるのが\n不思議なんでしょ? I'm usually spacing out when we're on patrol, so you're wondering why I'm so proactive all of a sudden, huh?
Sayaka へへーん、\n恋の力が為せる技、かな。 Hehheh, the power of love, I guess?
Sayaka なーんてね。\n本当はそんな立派な\nものじゃないし、 Haaaah, hah. Nah, it's really not something -that- momentus.
Sayaka 今もまだよく\nわかってないのかもしれない……。 I'm not really sure what it is, but...
Sayaka ……$playername$、\n恭介に音楽があるように、 ...Player, do you think there's something out there for me to do,
Sayaka あたしにも何かできることが\nあるのかな? just like how Kyosuke has his music?
Sayaka ……って、突然そんなこと\n聞かれてもわかるわけないよねっ。\n変なこと言ってごめん。 ...Well, nevermind, there's no way I can expect you to know an answer to that out of the blue. Sorry for bringing up something so weird.
Sayaka いけない、いけない。どうも、\n$playername$が相手だと、\nつい安心してしゃべっちゃう。 Ah man, ah man. I don't know why, but it always calms me down whenever I talk to you, Player.
Sayaka みんなには内緒だよ。\nさあ、まどかたちを呼ぼうか! Don't tell the others, okay? Now, let's go call them!

12-1 After

Quest 12-2

12-2 Before

12-2 After

Quest 12-3

12-3 Before

12-3 After

Quest 12-4

12-4 Before

12-4 After

Quest 12-5

12-5 Before

12-5 After