Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 12

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See Madoka Magica Online Story

Quest 12-1

12-1 Before

Sayaka $playername$、\n結界を見つけたの?\nさすがだねっ。 Found a barrier, Player? Way to go.
Sayaka じゃ、さっそくみんなに\n知らせよう! Welp, let's go ahead and tell the others, then!
Sayaka よーし、街の人たちに被害が出る前に、\n一気に片付けちゃおう! Awwrighty, let's settle this quick, before any of the townsfolk get hurt!
Sayaka ……なに? $playername$。\nあたしの顔、じっと見つめて。\n……あ、わかった! ...What? Player. Look straight into my eyes. ...Ah, I see!
Sayaka いつもパトロールをぼやいてる\nあたしが、妙にやる気だしてるのが\n不思議なんでしょ? I'm usually spacing out when we're on patrol, so you're wondering why I'm so proactive all of a sudden, huh?
Sayaka へへーん、\n恋の力が為せる技、かな。 Hehheh, the power of love, I guess?
Sayaka なーんてね。\n本当はそんな立派な\nものじゃないし、 Haaaah, hah. Nah, it's really not something -that- momentus.
Sayaka 今もまだよく\nわかってないのかもしれない……。 I'm not really sure what it is, but...
Sayaka ……$playername$、\n恭介に音楽があるように、 ...Player, do you think there's something out there for me to do,
Sayaka あたしにも何かできることが\nあるのかな? just like how Kyosuke has his music?
Sayaka ……って、突然そんなこと\n聞かれてもわかるわけないよねっ。\n変なこと言ってごめん。 ...Well, nevermind, there's no way I can expect you to know an answer to that out of the blue. Sorry for bringing up something so weird.
Sayaka いけない、いけない。どうも、\n$playername$が相手だと、\nつい安心してしゃべっちゃう。 Ah man, ah man. I don't know why, but it always calms me down whenever I talk to you, Player.
Sayaka みんなには内緒だよ。\nさあ、まどかたちを呼ぼうか! Don't tell the others, okay? Now, let's go call them!

12-1 After

Sayaka よし、無事に結界は壊した。\n魔法少女の任務完了! Awesome, we safely broke that barrier. Magical girl duties complete!
Sayaka じゃあ、あたしは先に帰るね。\nバーイ! Welp, I'll be going home then. Bye!
Madoka/Mami バイバイ、さやかちゃん。\nさよなら、美樹さん。 Bye bye, Sayka-chan. /Farewell, Miki-san.
Mami ……。美樹さん、\nずいぶん元気で明るかったけど、\n告白のほうはどうなったのかしら? ... Miki-san seems quite cheerful and bright today, but what do you think happened with her confession?
Mami もしかしてあきらめちゃって、\nそれで私たちの前では\n空元気を装ってる、 Do you think maybe she gave up, and now she's just putting on an air of bravado
Mami なんてことはないかしら? so as to not worry us?
Madoka 心配ですよね。\nもしかして…… That is worrying. Maybe...
Madoka わたしたちのアドバイスが\n頼りないのが\n原因だったりしませんか? Do you think maybe it's our fault for not giving good enough advice?
Kyoko んー、意外と男とか恋とか、\nそういうものに\n飽きちゃったんじゃねーか? Hmm, you think maybe she just suddenly got tired of guys and romance and stuff?
Mami ちょっと佐倉さんっ。\n美樹さんの件とは別に、 Come on now, Sakura-san. Miki-san's dilemma aside,
Mami あなたは少し恋心とか\n考えたほうがいいんじゃないかしら? Don't you think maybe it's you who should be thinking a little more about romance?
Kyoko あ? なんだよそれっ。\nまるでアタシががさつで\n無神経だとでも言いたいのかよ! Huh? The hell you mean? You tryin' to call me some kinda insensitive brute!?
Kyoko だいたいマミは\n少しお節介すぎるんだよ。 You're the one who stuck your nose in too far in the first place, Mami.
Kyoko もしかして、その歳で\nもうワイドショー好きの\nおばさん化したかぁ? Have you already been old-lady-fied into liking variety talk shows at your age?
Mami おばさん、って……ちょっと!\n今のはさすがに\n聞き捨てならないわっ! Old lady? ...Hey! That was really uncalled for!
Madoka ちょっと、やめてくださいっ。\nマミさんまでどうしたんですかっ? Please, just stop it. You too, Mami-san. What's gotten into you?
Madoka 今はさやかちゃんのことを\n考えてください! Please, won't somebody just think of Sayaka-chan!?
Mami/Kyoko ……ご、ごめんなさい。\n……悪かったよ。 ...I-I'm sorry. /...My bad.
Madoka でも、さやかちゃん、\n本当に大丈夫かな? Anyway, do you think Sayaka-chan will really be alright?
Madoka あんなに好きだった\n上条くんへの気持ち、\n諦めたりしないよね? She wouldn't just give up on her feelings for Kamijo-kun when she loved him that much, would she?

Quest 12-2

12-2 Before

12-2 After

Quest 12-3

12-3 Before

12-3 After

Quest 12-4

12-4 Before

12-4 After

Quest 12-5

12-5 Before

12-5 After