Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 12

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See Madoka Magica Online Story

Quest 12-1

12-1 Before

Sayaka $playername$、\n結界を見つけたの?\nさすがだねっ。 Found a barrier, Player? Way to go.
Sayaka じゃ、さっそくみんなに\n知らせよう! Welp, let's go ahead and tell the others, then!
Sayaka よーし、街の人たちに被害が出る前に、\n一気に片付けちゃおう! Awwrighty, let's settle this quick, before any of the townsfolk get hurt!
Sayaka ……なに? $playername$。\nあたしの顔、じっと見つめて。\n……あ、わかった! ...What? Player. Look straight into my eyes. ...Ah, I see!
Sayaka いつもパトロールをぼやいてる\nあたしが、妙にやる気だしてるのが\n不思議なんでしょ? I'm usually spacing out when we're on patrol, so you're wondering why I'm so proactive all of a sudden, huh?
Sayaka へへーん、\n恋の力が為せる技、かな。 Hehheh, the power of love, I guess?
Sayaka なーんてね。\n本当はそんな立派な\nものじゃないし、 Haaaah, hah. Nah, it's really not something -that- momentus.
Sayaka 今もまだよく\nわかってないのかもしれない……。 I'm not really sure what it is, but...
Sayaka ……$playername$、\n恭介に音楽があるように、 ...Player, do you think there's something out there for me to do,
Sayaka あたしにも何かできることが\nあるのかな? just like how Kyosuke has his music?
Sayaka ……って、突然そんなこと\n聞かれてもわかるわけないよねっ。\n変なこと言ってごめん。 ...Well, nevermind, there's no way I can expect you to know an answer to that out of the blue. Sorry for bringing up something so weird.
Sayaka いけない、いけない。どうも、\n$playername$が相手だと、\nつい安心してしゃべっちゃう。 Ah man, ah man. I don't know why, but it always calms me down whenever I talk to you, Player.
Sayaka みんなには内緒だよ。\nさあ、まどかたちを呼ぼうか! Don't tell the others, okay? Now, let's go call them!

12-1 After

Sayaka よし、無事に結界は壊した。\n魔法少女の任務完了! Awesome, we safely broke that barrier. Magical girl duties complete!
Sayaka じゃあ、あたしは先に帰るね。\nバーイ! Welp, I'll be going home then. Bye!
Madoka/Mami バイバイ、さやかちゃん。\nさよなら、美樹さん。 Bye bye, Sayka-chan. /Farewell, Miki-san.
Mami ……。美樹さん、\nずいぶん元気で明るかったけど、\n告白のほうはどうなったのかしら? ... Miki-san seems quite cheerful and bright today, but what do you think happened with her confession?
Mami もしかしてあきらめちゃって、\nそれで私たちの前では\n空元気を装ってる、 Do you think maybe she gave up, and now she's just putting on an air of bravado
Mami なんてことはないかしら? so as to not worry us?
Madoka 心配ですよね。\nもしかして…… That is worrying. Maybe...
Madoka わたしたちのアドバイスが\n頼りないのが\n原因だったりしませんか? Do you think maybe it's our fault for not giving good enough advice?
Kyoko んー、意外と男とか恋とか、\nそういうものに\n飽きちゃったんじゃねーか? Hmm, you think maybe she just suddenly got tired of guys and romance and stuff?
Mami ちょっと佐倉さんっ。\n美樹さんの件とは別に、 Come on now, Sakura-san. Miki-san's dilemma aside,
Mami あなたは少し恋心とか\n考えたほうがいいんじゃないかしら? Don't you think maybe it's you who should be thinking a little more about romance?
Kyoko あ? なんだよそれっ。\nまるでアタシががさつで\n無神経だとでも言いたいのかよ! Huh? The hell you mean? You tryin' to call me some kinda insensitive brute!?
Kyoko だいたいマミは\n少しお節介すぎるんだよ。 You're the one who stuck your nose in too far in the first place, Mami.
Kyoko もしかして、その歳で\nもうワイドショー好きの\nおばさん化したかぁ? Have you already been old-lady-fied into liking variety talk shows at your age?
Mami おばさん、って……ちょっと!\n今のはさすがに\n聞き捨てならないわっ! Old lady? ...Hey! That was really uncalled for!
Madoka ちょっと、やめてくださいっ。\nマミさんまでどうしたんですかっ? Please, just stop it. You too, Mami-san. What's gotten into you?
Madoka 今はさやかちゃんのことを\n考えてください! Please, won't somebody just think of Sayaka-chan!?
Mami/Kyoko ……ご、ごめんなさい。\n……悪かったよ。 ...I-I'm sorry. /...My bad.
Madoka でも、さやかちゃん、\n本当に大丈夫かな? Anyway, do you think Sayaka-chan will really be alright?
Madoka あんなに好きだった\n上条くんへの気持ち、\n諦めたりしないよね? She wouldn't just give up on her feelings for Kamijo-kun when she loved him that much, would she?

Quest 12-2

12-2 Before

Madoka あの、さやかちゃん。\n上条くんの件なんだけど……。 Um, Sayaka-chan. About Kamijo-kun...
Sayaka えー?\nあー、そのことかぁ。\nどうかしたの? Ehh? Oh, yeah. What about him?
Madoka あ、うん。わたしたちね、\nあの後もいろいろ考えて\nみたんだけど、 Uh, well. You know, the rest of us have been thinking about a lot of things since then,
Madoka 次は集団デートに\n誘うとかどうかなって? So what would you think about inviting him on a group date?
Sayaka あー、ありがとう、まどか。\nそっか。まだ、いろいろ\n心配かけちゃってたか。 Ahh, thanks, Madoka. I see. So you're all still worried about me, huh.
Sayaka だけど、もうそのことはいいんだ。 But it's all okay now.
Madoka え?\nいいって……もしかして、 Eh? Okay...? You mean...
Madoka 上条くんへ告白すること、\n諦めちゃうの? You've given up on confessing to Kamijo-kun?
Sayaka んんー、\nあきらめるとか\nそういう話じゃなくてさ…… Hmmm, well, I wouldn't say I've given up, per se...
Sayaka あたし自身も\nうまく言えないんだけど。 I don't quite know how to explain it myself.
Sayaka ただ今はまだ、\n恭介のことは\nもう少し落ち着いてからでも But I guess I've calmed down a little over Kyosuke for now.
Sayaka いいかなって思うんだ。 I think it's all okay now.
Madoka え?\nそ、そうなの? Eh? R-really?
Sayaka だから、いろいろ応援してくれて\n悪いんだけど……。\n本当にありがとう。 So, I'm sorry to have wasted all of your help, but... thank you, so much.
Sayaka 気持ちはすっごく嬉しかったよ。 I'm really happy you all care so much about me.
Sayaka ついでみたいで悪いんだけど、\nマミさんたちには\nうまく取り繕っておいてよ。 Sorry this is all so sudden, but could you help smooth things over with Mami for me?
Madoka う、うん。 O-okay.
Madoka わたし、よくわからないけど、\nさやかちゃんがそういうなら……。 I'm not really sure what's going on, but if that's what you want, Sayaka-chan...

12-2 After

Sayaka 恭介、また練習してるの?\nずいぶん熱心だね。 Practicing again, Kyosuke? You sure seem enthusiastic.
Kyosuke さやか、来てたのか。\n……うん、少しでも\n勘を取り戻そうと思ってね。 Oh, Sayaka, you came. ...Yeah, I wanted to regain some of the feel.
Sayaka 怪我が治ってからの恭介のギター、\n久しぶりに聴いたけど、\nやっぱり素敵だね。 I've been wanting to hear your guitar again now that you're healed. But man, it sure is wonderful.
Sayaka ……あの頃と変わらない。 ...It's the same as it was back then.
Kyosuke あの頃? Back then?
Sayaka うん。\nまだふたりとも小さかった時。 Yeah. Back when we were young.
Sayaka あたしが初めて恭介の演奏を\n聴いた時だよ。 When I first heard you at your concert.
Sayaka 感動したなあ。\n本当に感激したんだよ。 I was so moved. You were really impressive.
Sayaka なんだか心が\n温かくなるっていうか、\n幸せな気分になったんだ。 It filled my heart with some kind of warmth. I felt so happy.
Sayaka 気づいてる?\n恭介の演奏を聴いてるとき、\nみんな子供みたいな顔になるんだよ。 Have you noticed, Kyosuke? Whenever you play, everyone's faces look like those of children.
Sayaka 口を半開きにして、\n全身耳みたいにして聞き入って、 Their mouths are half open, they listen with their whole bodies,
Sayaka 演奏が終わると、みんな涙を\n溜めて拍手するんだから。 And when your song ends, everyone's applauding in tears.
Kyosuke それは嬉しいけど、\n少し大げさじゃないかな? Um, I'm happy to hear that and all, but don't you think you're exaggerating a little?
Sayaka ううん!\nそんなことない。 No! Not at all.
Sayaka ……だから、あたしね、\n恭介が怪我したとき、\n本当に悲しかった。 know, that's why... when you got injured, I felt so sad.
Sayaka 何の才能もない、夢もない、\nあたしじゃなくて、\nなんで恭介なんだろうって。 'Why did it have to be Kyosuke? Why Kyosuke, and not someone like me, who has no talents. No dreams'
Sayaka 本当につらいのは恭介なのに、ね。\nあたし、あの頃から\n自分のことばかり考えてたよ……。 Though, of course, it was really you who was suffering. I was so selfish back then. I was only thinking about myself....
Kyosuke さやか……。 Sayaka...
Sayaka でもね、素敵な友達に囲まれて、\n恭介の頑張ってる姿を見て、 But you know, now that I'm surrounded by amazing friends, and now that I see you trying your hardest,
Sayaka またギターの音色を\n聴けて気がつけたんだ。 Now that I've heard the timbre of your guitar once more, I finally realized.
Sayaka こんな自分でも、\nあたしにしかできないことが\nあるんだって。 That no matter how useless I feel, there are still things out there that only I can do.
Sayaka 恭介のおかげだよ。\nありがとう、恭介。 And it's all thanks to you. Thank you, Kyosuke.
Kyosuke さやか、さっきからどうかしたの? Sayaka, what's wrong?
Kyosuke 本当はこっちが感謝するべきなのに、\n逆になってるよ。 You've got this all backwards. It's me who should be thanking you.
Sayaka 今日のあたし、なんか変かな?\nはは、ごめんね。 Have I been acting strange today? Hahah, sorry about that.
Sayaka でも、これだけは言えるよ。\nあたしも、これからは恭介みたいに、\n自分にしかできないことをがんばる。 But let me just say this. From now on, I'm going to do my best to do the things only I can do. Just like you have, Kyosuke.
Sayaka あたし、なんだかんだ言っても、\n恭介たちがいるこの街が好きだよ。\nそして、みんなの笑顔も好き。 After all is said and done. I love this town. Because you're here. And because I love everyone's smiling faces.
Sayaka あたし、その笑顔を見るだけで幸せ。\n……そして、守りたい。 Just seeing those smiles makes me happy. makes me want to protect them.
Sayaka なーんか、\n変な雰囲気になっちゃったけど、 This might seem kinda weird to say,
Sayaka あたしだって恭介に負けないくらい\nがんばるんだからね! But I'm gonna do my best, so that I won't lose to you, Kyosuke!
Kyosuke ……うん、よくわからないけど、\n元気なところがさやからしいよ、\nハハハ。 ...Yeah. I'm don't quite understand, but it's so like you to be this spirited, Sayaka. Hahahah.
Sayaka ちょっと!\nひとが真面目に言ってるのに。\nこのバチあたりめ! ah, come on! I'm being serious here, dammit!
Sayaka それじゃあ、\n練習の邪魔しちゃうから、\nあたしはもう行くね。 Well, I don't want to interfere with your practice, so I'll be off now.
Sayaka あんまり無理しちゃだめだよ。 Don't push yourself too hard, okay?
Sayaka 恭介!\n日本に帰ってきたときは、\n誰よりも先に、 Kyosuke! When you come back to Japan,
Sayaka あたしにギターを聴かせてね!\n約束だよっ!! Be sure to let me be the very first to hear your guitar, okay!? It's a promise!!
Kyosuke うん。\nもちろん、そのつもりだよ。 Yeah. Of course. That's what I intend to do.

Quest 12-3

12-3 Before

12-3 After

Quest 12-4

12-4 Before

12-4 After

Quest 12-5

12-5 Before

12-5 After