Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 13

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See Madoka Magica Online Story

Quest 13-1

13-1 Before

Kyoko ……なあ、ここ最近、\n魔女の数が多すぎるんじゃないか? ...Hey, don't you think there've been way too many witches around lately?
Mami ワルプルギスの夜の接近が\n原因かもしれないわね。 Perhaps its due to the coming of Walpurgisnacht.
Mami 魔女がこんなに出現するなんて\n今までなかったもの。 There have never been this many witch sightings before.
Kyoko 最強の魔女の到来で、街中の魔女も\n活性化してるってわけか。 So the arrival of the strongest witch rouses all of the other witches in town, huh.
Kyoko こいつは厄介だな……。 What a nuisance....
Madoka ワルプルギスの夜だけでも\n大変なのに……。 And we'd have our hands full just dealing with Walpurgisnacht itself....
Madoka いったいどうすればいいんですか? Just what are we supposed to do?
Mami 私たちの連携の精度を\nもっと高めなくちゃいけないのに、\nこのままだと時間が足りないわね……。 We need practice to raise our coordination accuracy, but at this rate we won't have any time....
Mami こうなったら、息を合わせる\n練習も兼ねて、余計な魔女を\nできる限り倒していくしかないわ。 At this rate, we'll have no choice but to defeat as many extra witches as we can, while practicing synchronization at the same time.
Kyoko やれやれ。\nアタシらの戦闘力アップも\nまだまだなのに、 Good grief. We've still got a lot of power leveling to do, too.
Kyoko ……こいつは忙しくなりそうだぜ。 ...looks like things are about to get busy.
Sayaka よしっ、杏子!\nみんなを守るために\n力を合わせて頑張るよっ! Awwright, Kyoko! Let's join forces and do our best to protect everyone!
Kyoko ず、ずいぶん気合が入ってんな、\nおい。ヒヨッコのくせに~。 W-wow, you seem pretty pumped up. Even though you're still a newb~.
Sayaka うるさいわね!\nさあ、張り切っていくわよ。 Oh shut it! Now let's do this.
Sayaka ほらっ、転校生も!\nいつまでもクール気取ってないで! You too, Transfer Student! Don't keep up that cool and composed act forever!
Homura ……。\nべつに。そんなつもりはないわ。 ... I wasn't really trying to act.
Sayaka あんたに関しちゃいろいろ\n思うところもあったけど、 I've been thinking a lot of different things about you,
Sayaka 今は間違いなく全員の力が\n必要なんだからさ。 But now, we definitely need everyone's help.
Sayaka ほら、まどかもさっきから\n何ぼぉーっとしてんのよ! Hey, you too, Madoka! What've you been spacing out for!?
Madoka う、うん。そう、だね。\nわたしも頑張るよ。\nみんなの街を守るためだもんね。 H-hm. Oh, right. I'll give it my best too. We gotta protect the town and everyone in it, after all.
Sayaka それじゃあ、さっそく魔女退治といくか! Now let's go on a witch hunt!
Madoka (ほむらちゃん……。\n大丈夫……だよね?) (Homura-chan... You'll be okay... right?)

13-1 After


Quest 13-2

13-2 Before


13-2 After


Quest 13-3

13-3 Before


13-3 After


Quest 13-4

13-4 Before


13-4 After


Quest 13-5

13-5 Before


13-5 After
