Magia Record Main Story Part 2 Chapter 1 Script

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English text translated through DeepL and fixed by editors.

Section 1

Part 1
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(ウワサ、マギウスの翼エンブリオ・イブ)" "(Rumor, Wings of Magius Embryo Eve)"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(そして魔女にならない力自動浄化システム…)" "(And the power not to become a witch, automatic purification system...)"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(ずっと動けなかったけど、あの子のおかげで見えてきた…)" "(I couldn't move for a long time, but she's helped me see...)"
"私の耳元でささやくの。あの子が神浜の魔法少女たちの言葉を。" "Whisper in my ear. The words of that girl, the magical girls of Kamihama."
"ひとつひとつは小さな言葉。何気ない会話。" "Each one is a small word. A casual conversation."
"それが、細い糸で繋がると、魔法少女が息づく世界がボンヤリと姿を現してくる。" "When they are connected by a thin thread, the world where magical girls live and breathe comes out in a bonanza."
"闇に呑まれる希望の光“魔法少女”。" "Magical girls, the light of hope swallowed by the darkness."
"みんなにとって神浜は特別な場所。闇に染まらない力に満ちた、決して魔女にならない不思議な場所。" "The Kamihama is a special place for everyone. A magical place filled with power that is not tainted by darkness and never becomes a witch."
"それってユートピア?魔法少女にとっての桃源郷?" "Is that a utopia? A peach of a place for magical girls?"
"手を取り合って輪になって、変わらない日常を噛み締めるけどキシキシキシキシ少しずつ亀裂の入る音が聞こえる。" "Hand in hand, in a circle, chewing on our unchanging routines, but I can hear the squeak squeak squeak squeak little cracks."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "(こんなコソコソせずに、勇気を出して話せばいいのに…)" "(I wish I could be brave enough to talk about it without this sneaking around...)"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私ったらダメだね…アルちゃん…" "I'm not good enough...Aru-chan..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<それより学校だよっ>" "It's more like school."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "そうだね、そろそろ行かないと" "Yes, I think we should get going."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃんたち!" "Sis and the others!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "早くしないと学校に遅れちゃうよー!?" "Hurry up or you'll be late for school!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "戸締まりできましたよ!やちよさん!" "I'm ready to lock the door! Yachiyo-san!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あの、フェリシアさんが、動いてくれません…!!" "Um, Felicia-san won't move...!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "今日の小テストが悪いと、ぜってー怒られるんだよ…!" "I'm going to be get mad at because of a low test score today...!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "だから、一緒に勉強しようって昨日言ったでしょ!?" "Didn't I told you yesterday that we should study together!?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "やちよさん、さなちゃん!こうなったら!" "Yachiyo-san, Sana-chan! When it comes to this!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ、やむを得ないけど…" "Yes, it's unavoidable, but..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "せーのっ…!" "Se-no...!"
Yachiyo&Sana "こちょこちょこちょこちょこちょ!" *tickle tickle tickle tickle!*
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぬあっ、あははっ!や、やめろよー!" "Nagh, haha! S-stop it!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "来たよー!" "They're here!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ナイスタイミング、鶴乃!" "Nice timing, Tsuruno!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ほっ!?" "Hoh!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "フェリシアを担いで!" "Carry Felicia!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "おーっし、任せろー!" "Ooh, I'll take care of it!"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "私は森の中で食事をしている獣を知っている" "I know a beast eating in the forest."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "この時、ビーストという名詞にかかっている修飾語は…" "At this time, the qualifier that rests on the noun Beast..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(最近はドッペルを出した報告もないし)" "(And there have been no reports of doppelgängers recently.)"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(しばらくは大丈夫そうかな…)" "(I think it's going to be okay for a while...)"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(西に残ってるグリーフシードの数は…)" "(The number of grief seeds left in the west...)"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "そこで、次の例文だけれど、どの言葉を修飾してると思う?" "So, the next example sentence, which word do you think you are modifying?"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "環さん" "Tamaki-san."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "えっ!?あっ、2個です!" "What? Oh, there are two!"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "…………2個?" "...............two?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あぁああっ…あの、ごご、ごめんなさい…" "Ohhhh... um, I uh, I'm sorry..."
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "はっ、あははっ…も、だめ、お腹くるひぃ…!" "Ha, Ahhha... no, no, my stomach is tight...!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "だってドッペルを出し続けるとどうなるか心配だし" "Because I'm worried about what's going to happen if we keep using our doppel."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それに魔女化がなくなると、グリーフシードも無くなるから" "And if the witches goes away, there will be no more grief seeds."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "色々と心配になっちゃって…" "I've been worrying about a lot of things..."
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "でも、英語で2個って…!" "But two in English...!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そんなに笑わなくても…" "You don't have to laugh that much..."
image=File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "レナちゃんも去年の期末試験で英語の日を間違えて泣いてたのに" "Rena-chan, you were crying for the wrong English day on your final exam last year, too."
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "あれはレナにわかるように説明しない先生が悪いのよ" "That was the teacher's fault for not explaining it to Rena in a way she could understand."
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "それに、かえでだって試験前に泣きついてたでしょ?" "Besides, even Kaede was crying before the exam, right?"
image=File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "あー!言わないって約束したのに!" "Ah! You promised not to tell that!"
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "それに、泣きつかれたのはアタシだけどな…" "And besides, I'm the one who was crying to you..."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "っていうか、昼休みぐらい仲良くしてくれよ…" "I mean, you should at least be friends with me during your lunch break..."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "ごめんね、いろはちゃん本題がまだなのに" "Sorry, Iroha-chan, but we haven't gotten to the point yet."
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "何かあったっけ?" "What's going on?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、これなんだけど" "Yeah, it's this."
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "アンタ、いつの間にそんな色気づいたの…?" "When did you realize how sexy you are...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "わ、私のじゃないよ!" "I-it's not mine!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あ、違う、私のなんだけど、魔女が落としたの!" "Ah, no, it's mine, but the witch dropped it!"
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "昨日、連絡網できてたろ?" "You were on the network yesterday, weren't you?"
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "あー、あれね" "Oh, that."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "何か知ってることある…?" "What do you know about...?"
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ぜーんぜん" "NOTHING!"
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "魔女が落とすなんて聞いたこともないし" "I've never heard of a witch dropping it."
image=File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "私も初めて見たと思う" "I don't think I've ever seen it before either."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "何かその魔女について変わったことってあるの?" "Is there anything unusual about that witch?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "えっと…" "Well..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "使い魔じゃなくてウワサが手下になってて" "It's not a familiar, and it's not an Uwasa's minion either."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "ウワサが!?" "Uwasa?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それも、絶交ルールの時のウワサでした…" "That was also the rumor of friendship-ending rule..."
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "うっわ、最悪の思い出…" "Ugh, my worst memory..."
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "かえでがまた階段を掃除し始めるわよ" "Kaede is going to start cleaning the stairs again."
image=File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "それならレナちゃんも大泣きするね" "That would make Rena-chan cry a lot, too, wouldn't it?"
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ぬぅっ…" "Ngh, uh..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あと、魔女って言ってるけど、本当はどうか分からないんです" "Also, it seems that she's a witch, but I'm not sure she's really one."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "どういうこと?" "What do you mean?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "魔力の反応が、魔女でもウワサでもなくって…" "It's not a witch or a rumor that the magic response is..."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "となると、余計にアタシらじゃわからないな…" "That makes it even more difficult for us to tell..."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "うーん…" "Ummm..."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "今日って各地域の近況報告会だったよね?" "Today was an update on the various regions, right?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい" "Yes,"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "東からは十七夜さんが来ますし、南からはひなのさんが来ます" "Kanagi-san is comin' from the east, and Hinano-san is comin' from the south."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "その時に聞いてみた方がいいと思うよ" "I think you'd better ask them then."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "他の地域でも、同じようなことが起きてるかも" "There may be similar things happening in other parts of the country."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そうですね、そうしてみます" "Yes, I'll do that."
Part 2
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "うーーーん難しい問題だにゃー…" "Hmmm, that's a difficult question..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "灯花が頭を抱えてるだなんて珍しいですね" "It's so rare to see Touka holding her head up."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "理論や理屈で片付けられるほど単純明快なものではなく" "It is not so simple and straightforward as to be put away by theory and logic."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "神のみぞ知る運命の上でしか説明できない問題だからね" "It is a problem that can only be explained on the basis of God's own destiny."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "と、言いますと?" "W-What do you mean?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "とーけーを取ってたの!" "I was taking a break!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "魔法少女の魔力を維持するのに、“必要なグリーフシードの数”" "The number of grief seeds required to maintain the magical power of a magical girl."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "ちゃんと脳細胞活かして考えてよねー、みふゆー" "You're going to have to use your brain cells to think properly, Mifuyu."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "うっ…" "Ugh..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "つ、つまり、えっと…?それで悩んでるということは…" "I, I mean, eh...? If that's what's bothering you..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "必要なグリーフシードの数がわからないってことですよね?" "You mean you don't know how many grief seeds you need, right?"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "例えば、体を維持する魔力量にあまりにも個人差があるとか" "For example, there are too many individual differences in the amount of magic to maintain the body,"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "それもそうなんだけどねー48点かにゃー" "That's true too - 48 points or so."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "万々歳より低いんですね…" "So it's even lower than Banbanzai..."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "人は他人の影響をいーっつも受けてる状態でしょ?" "People are in a state of being influenced by other people all the time, aren't they?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "だからソウルジェムの穢れも周囲に左右されるんだよ" "That's why the soul gem stain is also dependent on the surroundings."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "うん" "Yeah."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "心と体が密接で、濁り方にも影響を及ぼす以上" "As long as the mind and body are so close together and affect the way we muddle through."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "突然ストレスがかかれば、すぐに濁りきる可能性もあるんだ" "If you are suddenly stressed, it can become murky very promptly."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "だから必要なグリーフシード数を断定できないんだよ" "That's why we can't determine the number of grief seeds we need."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "最初っからわかってたんだけどにゃー…" "I knew it from the beginning, but..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "確かに知らず知らずのうちに外からの影響を受けている以上は" "Certainly as long as you are unknowingly exposed to outside influences."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "必要なグリーフシードの数を把握するのは難しそうですね" "It's going to be difficult to figure out how many grief seeds we need."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "自動浄化システムを広げる話といい" "It's good to talk about expanding the automatic purification system."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "“マギウス”の頭脳でもままならないものなんですね…" "Even the brains of the Magius can't get it right..."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "イブが自動浄化システムになって幸先は良いと思ってたけどね" "I thought Eve was going to get off to a good start with the automatic purification system, though."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "いざ拡張するとなると掴み所がなさ過ぎるんだよ" "When it comes to expanding, there is just too much to grab onto."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "神浜のどこにあるかもわからないですからね…" "We don't even know where it is in Kamibama..."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "それもだよ!!" "That too!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "コルチゾールが分泌されてストレスが溜まるばーっかり!" "The cortisol is released and stressed out, bakkari!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "手っ取り早くエネルギーを集めたいのにーー!!" "I'm just trying to gather energy as quickly as possible!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "もう魔法少女か魔女を使うしか" "I have no choice but to use a magical girl or a witch."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ダーメーです!" "Please don't!"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "また、いろはさんたちと争うつもりですか!" "You are going to fight with Iroha-san and the others again, aren't you!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "だって、方法がわからないんだもん!" "Because I don't know how!"
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|ただいま|" I'm home.|"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "あら、桜子さん今日は早いお帰りですね" "Oh, Sakurako-san, you're back early today."
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|今日は神浜マギアユニオンの集まりがあるから|" There is a gathering of the Kamihama Magia Union today.|"
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|ひなのたちは忙しそうだった|" They have been busy.|"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "やっちゃんにいろはさん十七夜さんも集まりますからね" "Yacchan, Iroha-san and Kanagi-san are going to be there as well, I presume."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "3地域の情報交換は大切ですし、仕方ありませんよ" "It's important to exchange information between the three regions, and we don't have a choice."
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|灯花とねむは行かないの?いろはとういも居るよ?|" "
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|一緒に行こう|" "I'm coming with you."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "今日はやることがあるからパスかにゃー" "I've got things to do today, so I guess I'll pass."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "僕も伝達すべき事は報告してあるから心配無用だよ" "I have been reported what I need to communicate as well, so do not worry about it."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "ひとりで行ってきてもいいよ" "You can go on your own."
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|…………|" "|.....................
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|4人一緒がいいのに…|" "I wish the four of us were together..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "すねちゃいましたね" "You've been sulking, haven't you?"
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "僕たち4人のために生まれたウワサだからね…" "She's a rumor that was born for the four of us..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Touka "そもそもわたくしが残ったのは、みふゆの勉強を見るためだよー?" "The reason I stayed in the first place was to watch Mifuyu study!"
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "僕も" "Me too."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ほんと、すみません…" "I sincerely apoligize..."
Part 3
Name Japanese Translation
Touka "■報告1 自動浄化システムは 現在も穢れを回収して魔女化を防いでいるが どこに結界があるのかはいまだに不明" "■Report 1: The automatic purification system is still collecting impurities and preventing witchification, but we still don't know where the labyrinths are."
Touka "■報告2 また、ういの代わりに感情がないキュゥべえが イブのコアになってできたものなので 魔法少女でも魔女でもない概念のみの存在だと 仮定している" "■Report 2: I'm also assuming that instead of Ui, Kyuubey, who has no emotions, was created as the core of Eve, so I'm assuming that she's neither a magical girl nor a witch, only a concept."
Touka "■報告3 魔法少女でも魔女でもないとなると 何のエネルギーが必要なのかが不明なので 調べる必要がある" "■Report 3: If she's not a magical girl or a witch, we don't know what kind of energy she needs, so we need to find out."
Touka "けつろーん魔女化を防ぐ力、自動浄化システムを広げるほーほーは、わかりませーーーん!" "Conclusion: About the power to prevent witchcraft and expand the automatic purification system, I DON'T know!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "以上が灯花ちゃんから受け取った今の状況です" "The above is the current situation I received from Touka-chan."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "“状況は変わらず”ということか7文字で終わったな…" "You mean "situation hasn't changed", which ended in seven words.
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あはは…まぁ、そうですね…" "Haha... well, yes..."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "でも、焦ることはないだろ" "But you're not in a hurry, are you?"
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "薬の研究も実用化までには、長い年月をかけるものだ" "Drug research also takes a long time to be commercialized."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ただ、ストレスが溜まると、魔女を使うとか言いそうだから…" "It's just that when I get stressed out, I'm going to say I'm going to use a witch or something..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "本当に言い出すようなら、ゲンコツだな" "If you're really going to start talking, you're a goner."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ういにも、わからないよね…?" "Ui, you don't know...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "自動浄化システムの入口がどこにあるのか…" "I don't know where the entrance to the automatic cleansing system is..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん、何も感じないから…" "Yeah, I don't feel anything, so..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "userNameは、わかったりしないかな?" "Doesn't userName know or something?"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png userName "モキュゥ…" "Mokyuu..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "そうだよね…" "Yeah, right..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わたしも本体から離れちゃうとわからないみたい…" "I don't seem to understand it when I'm away from the mainframe either..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "引き続き探すしかないわね" "We'll just have to keep looking."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それよりも今日聞きたいのは別のことだよ!" "But that's not what I want to hear today!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ほらっ、いろはちゃんの手首をご覧あれ!" "See, look at Iroha-chan's wrist!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ちょ、ちょっと鶴乃ちゃん引っ張らないで!" "Hey, don't pull me like that, Tsuruno-chan!"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む、例のブレスレットの話か" "Mm, you're talking about that bracelet."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "魔女を倒したら着けていたらしいな" "I heard you had it on when you defeated the witch."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "かなり強い魔力を帯びてるが、どんな魔女だったんだ?" "You have some pretty strong magical powers, but what kind of witch was she?"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ちょースゴかったんだぜ!?いないはずのウワサは出るしさ!" "That was pretty good, right? It's not supposed to be there, but it is!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なっ、さな!" "Nah, Sana!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "えっ!?" "What?!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あ、は、はい…" "Oh, y-yes..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "それにみんながいないと倒せないぐらい強くて…" "And it's so strong that you can't beat it without everyone else..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "観鳥さんは何か知らない…?" "You don't know what's going on, Midori-san...?"
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "どうして観鳥さんなんだい?" "Why Midori-san?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "マギウスの翼で白羽根でしたし何か知らないかなって" "You used to be a white feather in the wings of Magius, and I was wondering if you knew anything about it."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "そう言われても困るな~" "I don't like it when you say that!"
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "魔女を育ててたのもウワサを作ってたのも本当だけど" "It's true that we were raising witches and making rumors."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "それが組み合わさった存在なんて聞いたこともないからね" "I've never heard of a combination of those things, because I've never heard of a combined entity."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "つまり、観鳥さんが感じてるのは特ダネの匂いだけだよ" "I mean, it's just the smell of the special sauce that Midori-san is feeling."
"パシャッ" *flash*
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "観鳥さんの写真にもしっかり写ってるし" "And you're well represented in Midori-san's photo."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "魔女とブレスレットの因果関係はないかもね" "Maybe there's no causal link between the witch and the bracelet."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "これに似た話でもいいんだけど東や南では聞かないかしら…?" "I could tell you a story similar to this, but I don't know if you'd hear it in the East or South...?"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ふむ…" "Hmm..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "聞いたような魔女と遭遇した話は東では聞かないな" "You don't hear stories of encounters with witches like the ones I've heard about in the East."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ただ…" "It's just..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "なにかある…?" "What's going on...?"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "確かに妙な魔力を感じたという情報だけは聞いている" "I've only heard that he did indeed feel some strange magical powers."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "その魔女はどうなりましたか?" "What happened to that witch?"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "どうも何も、見つけるまでに至ってない" "Thanks, nothing, I haven't come close to finding out."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "だが、七海や環君が見たものと同じ可能性もある" "But it could be the same as what Nanami and Tamaki-kun saw."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それなら気をつけて!" "Then be careful!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしたちでも、ようやく倒せたんだから!" "Even we were able to finally defeat it!"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "そうだな警戒するようにしておこう" "Yes, I'll try to be vigilant."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "アタシも南の魔法少女に連携しておくよ" "I'll link up with the magical girls in the south, too."
Part 4
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "みなさん今日はありがとうございました" "Thank you all for your time today."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "気にするな同じ神浜の仲間だからな" "Don't worry about it, we're all in the same goddamn boat."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ふふっ" *giggle*
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む、なにか変なことを言ったか?" "Mm, did I say something weird?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "以前なら考えられない言葉だからちょっと不思議な感じがして" "It's a word I wouldn't have thought of before, so it's kind of strange."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "喜べることだろう?" "It's something to rejoice about, isn't it?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ、そうね" "Yeah, I guess."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "それじゃ、アタシたちはそろそろ帰るとするか" "Well, I guess it's time for us to go home, then."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "観鳥さんも今から記事を書かなきゃいけないしね" "And Midori-san has to write her report now, too."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "変な記事は書くなよ" "Don't write weird articles, okay?"
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "それは撮れるもの次第かな" "I guess that depends on what I can shoot."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あっ、南の方に行くなら私たちも…" "Oh, if you're going to the south, we're going to have to..."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "何か用事でもあるの?" "Is there something you need to do?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "今日はそっちのスーパーでね、牛乳が安いんだよ" "We're heading to that supermarket over there today, and the milk is cheap."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私たちは夕飯の支度をしてるからそっちはよろしくね、うい" "We're making dinner, so take care of that one, Ui."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うんっ!" "Yeah!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしとフェリシアも万々歳の手伝いに行くよー!" "Me and Felicia are going to help Banbanzai too!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "今日は店のトウガラシを使い切らないとなんだよなっ!?" "We need to use up all the peppers in the store today!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "お店の空気を吸うだけでむせぶ、ドラゴンフェアの開催だからね!" "It's just sweltering to breathe the air in the shop, it's a dragon fair!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "激辛中華でかんげーだぜ!" "Spicy Chinese food, baby!"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "環君" "Tamaki-kun."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい" "Yes."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ブレスレットのことだが、八雲にも見てもらった方が良い" "About the bracelet, you should have Yakumo take a look at it."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "彼女は魔力を弄る調整屋何かわかることもあるだろう" "She adjusts magic, and she may know something about it."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "最終手段だと思ってたけど…" "I thought this was a last resort, but..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む、何か問題でもあるのか?" "Mm, what's the problem?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "魔力を深く探ると何が起きるかわからないでしょ?" "You don't know what happens when you probe deep into the magic, do you?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "だから奥の手にしてたのよ" "That's why I kept it in the back."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ただ、これ以上時間を掛けるのも怖いですし…" "It's just that I'm afraid to take any more time..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね、みたまに見てもらいましょうか" "Well, let's have a look with Mitama."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うむ、それが最善だろう八雲には自分が連絡を入れておく" "Mmm, it would be best to let Yakumo know herself."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ありがとうございます十七夜さん" "Thank you very much, Kanagi-san"
Sana & Ui "「牛乳…♪」「ぎゅうっにゅうっ♪」" "Milk....." "Milk..."
Sana & Ui "「小麦粉…♪」「こむっぎこっ♪」" "Flour...." "Flo-ur..."
Sana & Ui "「卵…♪」「たーまごっ♪」" "Eggs..." "Eggs!"
Sana & Ui "「合せてコネコネ…♪」「あーわせってコーネコーネ♪」" "Measuring and mixing mixing....." "Measuring and mixing mixing....."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "美味しい美味しいパンケーキ…♪" "Delicious, delicious pancakes..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "おっいしいおっいしいパンケーキっ♪" "Delicious, delicious, pancakes!"
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "なんだか、羨ましくなる光景だな" "It's kind of an enviable sight."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "夕焼けに手を繋いでの買い物良い画だね" "That's a nice picture of them holding hands at sunset and shopping."
"パシャッ" *flash*
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "あとで送ってあげるかな" "Maybe I'll send it to you later."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "郁美のやつからは連絡はあったのか?" "Did you hear from Ikumi?"
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "うん、さっきバイトが終わって、栄総合に向かったってさ" "Yeah, she said she just finished her part-time job and headed to Sakae General."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "まだ、あの子は学校に残ってると思うか?" "Do you think she's still in school?"
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "居るんじゃないかな最近は帰りが遅いみたいだし" "I think she's there, and she seems to be coming home late these days."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "アリナと同じ教室で部活動をしてたんだよな…" "She and Alina had a club in the same classroom..."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "それでもマギウスなのは知らなかったけどね" "Still, I didn't know she were a Magius, though."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "繋がりが深い手前、ちゃんと保護したいな…" "I'd like to make sure we're protected before we get too close..."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "今は卒業生の牧野チャンに頼るしかないよ" "We're going to have to rely on our alumni Makino-chan now."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "そうだな" "Yeah."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "明日の朝ご飯楽しみだね…" "I'm looking forward to breakfast tomorrow..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わたし、パンケーキ作るの初めてだから楽しみっ" "I've never made pancakes before, so I'm looking forward to it!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "フワフワに焼けるといいね…" "I hope it's fluffy baked..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "えっ…" "Eh..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "この魔力反応… だれ…?" "This magical reaction... who...?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "近付いてくるよ…" "It's getting closer..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "魔女じゃない…魔法少女…" "It's not a witch... a magical girl..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "全然知らない人だよ…" "I don't know her at all..."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "しかも、ひとりじゃないね外から来た魔法少女かな?" "And they're not alone, are they magical girls from the outside?"
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "最近知らない魔法少女の目撃情報もある" "There have been some recent sightings of a magical girl I don't know about."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "気をつけろ…" "Be careful..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "きた…!" "It's comin'...!"
"…………" "............"
"パシャッ" *flash!*
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "…通り過ぎちゃった向かったのは新西区の方…?" "...They've passed through, we're headed for the new west ward...?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃんたち大丈夫かな…?" "Will they be okay...?"
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "令、写真は撮れたか…?" "Ryo, did you get the picture...?"
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "シャッターチャンスは逃さない観鳥さんだよ" "Midori-san never misses a shutter release."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "ただ、遠いしブレてるね…" "It's just so far away and blurry..."
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 30032 d.png Hinano "判別は難しそうだな…" "It's going to be hard to tell..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はい…" "Yes..."
Part 5
Name Japanese Translation
"コンコン" "Knock knock."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "おじゃましま~す" "I'm sorry to trouble you~"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "また来たの" "You're here again."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "かりんちゃんのことが心配だから" "I'm super worried about Karin-chan."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "愛を届けるメイド魔法少女牧野郁美がやってくるんだよっ" "Makino Ikumi, the maid magical girl who delivers love, coming through!"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "えいっ、ラブビームっ!" "Hey, love beam!"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "うん…" "Yeah..."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "えーん、愛が届かないよー" "Awwww, My love can't reach you~!"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "いくみんには、もういっぱいもらってるの" "Ikumin has already given me a lot of love already."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "だから心配せずに帰って欲しいの" "So don't worry, I want you to leave."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "でも、かりんちゃんも帰ろうそろそろ日が暮れちゃうし" "But let's go home too, Karin-chan, it's about to get dark."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "先生に言われるまで、帰るつもりはないの" "I'm not going to leave until the teacher tells me to."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "どうして…?" "Why...?"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "わたしが落ち込んでるの、おばあちゃんが気付いてるから…" "I'm depressed, and if my granny knows it..."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "早く帰ったら、不安な顔おばあちゃんに見せちゃうから…" "If I go home early, I'm going to show granny my anxious face..."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "まだ、受け入れられない…?" "You still can't accept it...?"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "無理に決まってるの" "Of course I can't."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "アリナ先輩は厳しいけど、わたしにとって大切な先輩なの" "Alina-senpai is tough, but she's a very important senior to me."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "これ見るの!" "Look at this!"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "これ…?" "This...?"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "この絵、アリナ先輩が、命をテーマにして書いた絵なの" "This painting, Alina-senpai, drew this painting about life."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "それに、この版画は、今際の際って言ってたの" "Besides, She said this print was the moment of the moment."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "そしてこのカードゲームは流転をテーマにしたって言ってた" "And she said this card game was about flux."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "全部、共通してるのは命なの" "The one thing they all have in common is life."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "そんなアリナ先輩が、町を滅ぼそうとするはずないの!" "There's no way Alina-senpai would try to destroy the city!"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "アリナ先輩のことは聞いたのでも、わたしは信じないの…" "I've heard about Alina-senpai, but I don't believe it..."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "私はマギウスの翼の黒羽根で、あの人を遠くから見てた…" "I used to be a black feather of the wings of Magius, watching that person from afar..."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "令ちゃんも白羽根として見てた…" "Ryo-chan also saw it as a white feather..."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "間違いなくアリナは羽根たちの頂点にいるマギウスで" "Without a doubt, Alina is the Magius at the top of the feathers."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "里見灯花と柊ねむと肩を並べて私たちの前に立ってたよ…" "She were standing in front of us, shoulder to shoulder with Satomi Touka and Hiiragi Nemu..."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "町や羽根を犠牲にしてでも、魔女を育てきるために…" "Even if it means sacrificing a city and a feathers to raise a witch..."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "どっちのアリナが本当なんだろうね…?" "I wonder which Alina is real...?"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "わたしの知ってるアリナ先輩が本物なの…" "The Alina-senpai I know is the real thing..."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "死んでもいないし、行方不明にもなってない…" "She's not dead, she's not missing..."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "デッサンのことを言われてもわたしが上手くならなかったから" "When she told me about the drawing, it was because I wasn't getting better at it."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "怒っちゃって顔を出さなくなっただけなの" "She probably got angry and stopped showing up."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "だから、いっぱい練習して上達すれば戻ってきてくれるの!" "So, if I practice a lot and improve, she'll come back to me!"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "そうかも、しれないね…" "Yeah, maybe..."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "かりんちゃん" "Karin-chan."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "くみのキュンキュンパワーでげんきにな~れっ!" "Kumi's kyuun kyuun power, cheer up!"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "――っ!?" "--Huh?!"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "私はね、人って一面だけじゃないと思うよ…" "I mean, I think there's more to a person than just one side of a person..."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "ごめんね…こんなこと言って…" "I'm sorry... for saying this..."
"カリカリカリ…" *scribble*
"カリカリカリ…" *scribble*
image=File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "はい、コレ" "'Kay, here."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "え、わっ…" "Eh, wah..."
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "…イチゴ牛乳…" "...strawberry milk..."
image=File:Card 10084 d.png Alina "自分にウソついてないし、良くなったと思ったワケ" "I'm not lying to myself, and why I thought you are getting better."
Misono Karin "「ぐすっ…」" *sniff*
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "(誰だ…!)" "(Who...!)"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "(報告には上がっていたが、本当に謎の魔法少女がいるな…)" "(It was up in the reports, but there really is a mysterious magical girl...)"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "消えたか…" "She's gone..."
Part 6
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "神浜外の魔法少女ぉ?" "A magical girl outside of Kamihama?"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うむ、自分もとうとうそれらしき反応を感知してな" "Indeed, I finally detected a reaction like that myself."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "八雲は何か気付いてないか?" "Is Yakumo aware of anything?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "確かにそういった記憶がある子はいたと思うんだけどぉ" "I'm sure there were some people who remember that, though."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "見たって子はいないわねぇ" "I don't know any girls who've seen it."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "情報以上のことはないか" "Is there anything more to it?"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "東が活気付いている今…" "Now that the East is booming..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "水を差すような事態に、ならないと良いんだがな…" "I hope it's not a watered down situation..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "素直に喜べないけどねぇ…" "I'm not going to be happy about it, but..."
Mitama "「中央区が壊れたせいで仕事が増えたんだから…」" "I've got more work to do because the Chuo ward has been destroyed..."
Kanagi "「瓦礫の撤去先が東なのは皮肉だがな」" "It's ironic, though, that the debris is being removed to the east."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "とはいえ、都合が悪いものは東に押し付けるのが常だからな…" "Nevertheless, they always push the inconvenient ones to the East..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "それが、今回ばかりは、西側も比較的味方みたいよ?" "And for once, it looks like the West is relatively on our side, too, right?"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む、そうなのか?" "Mm, is that so?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "イブとワルプルギスの夜が原因でも、周りから見れば災害" "Even though it was caused by Eve and Walpurgis Night, from the perspective of those around us, it was a disaster."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "それに対する初動の遅延が、市長を辞任に追い込んでる影響で" "The initial delay in responding to it is the effect of the mayor being forced to resign."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "瓦礫の扱いについても批判が及んでいるらしいわ" "I've heard there's also been some criticism about the handling of the destruction."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "魔女が原因だと思えば、市長も災難だな…" "It would be a disaster for the mayor if he thought it was a witch..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "魔女を呼んだおガキ様は、何も思ってなさそうだが…" "The little brat who called the witch doesn't seem to think anything of it..."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "クチュッ!" "Achoo!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "クシュンッ!" *sneeze*
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "誰か噂してるのかにゃー…" "Who's gossiping about me, I wonder...?"
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "くしゃみ2回は悪口だよ" "Two sneezes means you are being badmouthed at, you know."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "もー!なんで、そういうこと言うのー!!" "Hey! Why do you say that!"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "あと、果てなしのミラーズに妙な動きはないか?" "Also, is there any strange movement in the endless mirrors?"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "問題があれば、先に東の方で対応するが" "If there's a problem, though, we'll deal with it in the east first."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "いつも通り、日々複雑怪奇にはなってるけど" "As usual, though, it's getting more complicated every day."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "前に一度暴走した時を除けば、今は落ち着いたものよぉ" "Except for once before when you went off the rails, you've calmed down now."
"ガチャ" *door opens*
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "あら、やちよさん" "Oh, hello, Yachiyo-san."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "思ったより早かったな、七海" "That was quicker than I thought, Nanami."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png やちよ "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png やちよ "みたま、十七夜" "Mitama, Kanagi."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "どうしたのぉ?" "What's going on?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png やちよ "外から魔法少女が集まってるひとりやふたりじゃないわ" "There's a bunch of magical girls from outside, not one or two."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ふむ…" "Hmm..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "どうも、きな臭くなってきたようだな" "Apparently, it's starting to smell fishy."
Part 7
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "十七夜も感知したみたいだけど、ひとりじゃなかったのねぇ…" "It looks like Kanagi sensed it too, but I guess I wasn't alone..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "謎の魔法少女が来ている話現実味を帯びてきたわね…" "You know, this story about a mysterious magical girl coming to your house is starting to feel real..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "この写真を見てもらえますか…?" "Can you look at this picture...?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "確かに複数人いるな…" "There's definitely more than one of them..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "昨日の集まりの帰りに、知らない魔力反応があって…" "On the way home from yesterday's gathering, I felt an unknown magical reaction..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "通り過ぎる瞬間を、観鳥さんが撮ってくれたんです…" "Midori-san took a picture of the moment we passed by..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "魔力パターンがわからなかっただけかもしれないけど…" "Maybe I just didn't understand the magic pattern, but..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "だけど、楽観視できないわ" "But I'm not optimistic."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい、マギウスの翼にいた羽根が来たのかもしれませんけど" "Yes, the feathers that was in the Wings of Magius may have come, though."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ここ数日で妙なことが立て続けに起きてます" "Strange things have been happening in the last few days in a row."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "だから、最悪の結果を想定した方が良いと思います" "So I think it's best to assume the worst possible outcome."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "その最悪って?" "What's the worst of it?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "神浜の魔法少女でも外にいる羽根でもない" "It's not a magical girl on a divine beach or a feather outside."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "“私たちの敵になる魔法少女”が来ることです…" "The coming of a magical girl who will become our enemy..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "東の十七夜だけじゃなくて、南でも感知した人がいたとすると" "It wasn't just Kanagi-san in the east, but someone else detected it in the south as well."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ヤベー魔法少女が、いーっぱいいるかもしんねーな" "There might be a lot of bad magical girls out there, huh?"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ふんす!" "Humph!"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "異論はないが、あまり考えたくもないな" "I don't disagree with you, but I don't want to think about it too much."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "だけど胸騒ぎがするのよ" "But it makes my heart race."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "長年の勘か" "A long-standing hunch."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ただの勘よ、年寄りみたいに言わないで" "It's just a hunch, don't sound like an old man."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "地雷だったか" "It was a land mine."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "でも、この写真…相手の姿も何もわからないわねぇ" "But this picture... you don't know what they look like or anything."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "そうだ、ういちゃん!" "Oh right, Ui-chan!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "な、なに?" "What?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ちょこーっとソウルジェムに触っていい?" "Can I touch your soul gem for a moment?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "う、うん、いいよ?" "Uh, um, okay?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "それじゃあ失礼して" "Well then, if you'll excuse me."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "こいつ、何してんだ?" "What's she doing?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "記憶から魔力パターンを探ってるんだと思います…" "I think they're looking for magic patterns from memory..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おぉ、すげーじゃん" "Oh, wow, that's awesome."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "うんっ" "Yeah."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "どうだった?わかった?" "How did it go? Do you understand?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ごめんなさいわからなかったわぁ" "I'm sorry, I didn't understand..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "そっかぁ…" "I see..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "まぁ、無理もないわね…" "Well, it's not surprising..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "とりあえず情報だけでも回すようにしましょう" "Let's just try to turn the information around for now."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "謎の魔女に続けて魔法少女皆も驚くかもしれんな" "Follow the mysterious witch, and all the magical girls might be surprised."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "あとは、いろはちゃんのブレスレットよねぇ?" "And then there's Iroha-chan's bracelet, right?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "十七夜から聞いたのは、その話だったんだけどぉ" "That's what I heard from Kanagi, though."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あ、はい、そうなんです" "Oh, yes, I do."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "見てもらってもいいですか?" "Would you mind having a look at it?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ええ、もちろんご要望には応えるわよぉ" "Yes, of course I can accommodate your request."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "それじゃあ、まずは服を脱いで横になってねぇ" "Well, then, you'll have to take your clothes off first and lie down."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "みたま!" "Mitama!"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "あら怖い、冗談よぉ" "Oh, I'm just kidding."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "わ、私だってもう、その冗談は通じないですからねっ" "E-even I don't fall for that joke anymore, you know."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ふふっ" *giggle*
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "じゃあ、ブレスレットを見せてくれるかしら?" "Well, can you show me your bracelet?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "これなんですけど全然はずせなくって…" "It's this, but I can't take it off at all..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "んっ…!ほんと、ビクともしないわねぇ" "Hmm...! You're really not freaking out."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "これが何か探ることってできませんか?" "Can't we explore what this is?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "せめて、取る方法がわかればいいんですけど" "I wish I knew how to take it out, at least."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "そうねぇ" "Well"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "宝石から感じる魔力を、ちょっと探ってみましょうか" "Let's explore the magic you feel from the jewels for a moment, shall we?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい" "Yes,"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "――っ!?" "What...?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "なに…これ…" "What... this...?"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "どうした、八雲…" "What's the matter, Yakumo..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ほんと、普通の魔女が相手じゃなかったのね" "Really, you weren't dealing with a normal witch."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "桁違いの魔力が内包されてる…" "It contains an order of magnitude more magical power..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そんなにですか…?" "Is that so much...?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "調整に使えば、ソウルジェムが持たないわ…" "If I use it to adjust, I'm afraid my soul gem won't bear it..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "もう少し、深く探ってみるわね" "I'm going to probe a little deeper."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい…" "Yes..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "深く…深く…" "Deeper... deeper..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "アッ!!" "Ack!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いろは!" "Iroha!"
Part 8
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ここは…" "This is..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あの時の魔女…?どうして、倒したはずなのに…" "That witch back then...? Why, I thought we beat it..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ここ…現実じゃ、ない…?" "This... isn't real...?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png "∵フフッ_あははッ" "∵フフッ_あははッ"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "キャッ…" "Kyaa..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…攻撃してこない" "...they're not attacking us."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png "∵ハァ~ ̄にひひッ_" "∵ハァ~ ̄にひひッ_"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ブレスレットを外すのが不安なの…?" "Are you worrying about me taking this bracelet off...?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png "∵ヒッ_ハハハッ―" "∵ヒッ_ハハハッ―"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "壊すつもりなんてないし、誰かに渡したりもしないよ…" "I'm not going to break it, and I'm not going to give it to anyone..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png "∵フフッ ̄フ―フフッ" "∵フフッ ̄フ―フフッ""
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "連れていって、欲しい…?" "You want me to, take it...?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "…どこかに行きたいのかな?" " you want to go somewhere else?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ん?どういうこと?" "Hmm? What do you mean?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "え、ううんなんとなくそう思っただけ" "Yeah, no, I just kind of thought so."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ういが言ってたことと同じ…?" "Is that what Ui said...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png "∵アハ―ふふッ…" "∵アハ―ふふッ…"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "別に、あなたを誰かにあげようなんて…" "Not that I would give you to anyone else..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png "∵ニ―ハヒヒ_ ̄フフッ" "∵ニ―ハヒヒ_ ̄フフッ"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "大丈夫、みたまさんのこと、私はちゃんと信用してるから…" "Don't worry, I have a lot of faith in Mitama-san..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はずしたとしても、調べてもらうだけだよ?" "Even if I take it off, she'll just have it checked out, okay?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png "∵くすっ―ハハ_ヒヒッ" "∵くすっ―ハハ_ヒヒッ"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そっか、あなたは私に倒されてこうして命を差し出した" "I see, you were knocked down by me and thus offered your life."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "だから、心の底から私が命を分かち合える相手じゃないと" "So, from the bottom of my heart, it has to be someone I can share my life with."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "信用できないんだね…" "You can't trust me..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ハッ…" "Ha..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はぁ…はぁ…" *pant*... *pant*...
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "いろはちゃん、大丈夫…?" "Iroha-chan, are you okay...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今の…何だったんだろう…" "What was that... just now...?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "何か見えたの…?" "Did you see something...?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "わたしは拒絶されちゃったみたいだけど…" "I guess I've been rejected, but..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私も、ブレスレットをはずすのを拒まれちゃいました…" "I also refused to take my bracelet off..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "え…?" "What...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私が命を差し出せる相手にしか渡せないのかも、しれません…" "Maybe I can only give it to someone I can offer my life to, maybe..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "このブレスレットには意識があるの?" "Is there any consciousness in these bracelets?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "なんだか、私にもわからなくて…" "I don't know, I just don't know what it is..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ただ、悪さをするつもりは、ないのかも…" "Just maybe it's not going to do anything bad..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "この子も私に倒されて、命を差し出したみたいだから…" "It's like this one was knocked down by me, too, and offered its life to me..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "よしっ、うなって考えてもどうしようもない!" "Okay, I can't help but groan and think about it!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "こうなったらふりだしに戻ろう!" "It's time to go back to the drawing board!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "鶴乃ちゃん?" "Tsuruno-chan?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "あれから最初の現場には戻ってないからね!" "I haven't been back to the first scene since then!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "そういう時は、現場検証に限るよ!" "In that case, it's only a field test!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "何か残ってるかもしれないよ!ふんふん!" "There might be something left! Yep yep!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね" "Yes,"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "悪さをしないからって安全とイコールじゃないわ" "Just because it won't do anything bad doesn't mean you're safe."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "善は急げだ!行こう、いろはちゃん!" "The sooner the better! Let's go, Iroha-chan!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃん…" "Sis..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…ういが言ってたことは、本当だったのかも" "...Maybe what Ui said was true."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "この魔女、何なのかな…" "This witch, what is it..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それは一度、ふりだしに戻って考えよう" "Let's go back to the drawing board and think about that."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん…" "Yeah..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "嵐のように去ったな" "They left like a storm."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "以前、いろはちゃんが記憶を取り戻した時" "Earlier, when Iroha-chan regained her memory,"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "神浜の物語は動き出した" "The story of Kamihama is in motion."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "今回も同じか" "Same thing this time?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "デジャブね" "It's deja vu."
??? "「謎が解けない時はふりだしに戻るっすか」" "So when you can't solve a mystery, you go back to the drawing board?"
??? "「帰って来るわよぉ…彼女たちは…私にも何もわからないものぉ…」" "They'll be back... Those girls...I don't know what they are either..."
Part 9
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "特に反応はありませんね…" "I don't see any reaction..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね…" "Well..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "魔力も残ってないし、何の欠片も見当たらないね" "I don't sense any magic left, and I don't see any pieces of it."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "私の方もダメでした…" "It didn't work for me as well..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わたしも…" "So do I..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おーい、いろはー!すっげーのいるぞー!" "Hey, Iroha! There's an awesome one!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "何か見つかったの!?" "What did you find?
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ちょーでかいカマキリ!" "It's a huge praying mantis!
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "真剣に探しなさいよ!" "You should seriously look for it!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "いやでも、すごくね?ほら、さな!" "No, but it's great, isn't it? Come on, Sana!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ちょ、ちょっと…近付けないでください…!" "W-Wait,... don't get it too close on me...!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "この反応…!" "This reaction...!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "このカマキリ、使い魔なのか!?" "Is this praying mantis a familiar?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "そうじゃないです…!" "It's not...!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "昨日、さなさんと感じた、魔力反応と同じだよ…!" "It's the same magical reaction I felt yesterday with Sana-san...!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それって写真の…" "That's a picture of..."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "確かに残ってないよな" "You certainly don't have any left, do you?"
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "ええ、残ってないわね" "Yeah, there's not much left."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あなたたちは…" "You are..."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "ここにあった魔力反応を追いかけていたのよ" "We were chasing a magical reaction that was here,"
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "知ってるんじゃない?あなたたち…" "You know, don't you? You guys..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私たちが倒しました" "We beat it."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "あなたたち、何者なの?神浜の魔法少女じゃないわよね?" "Who are you guys? You're not a magical girl from Kamihama, are you?"
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "そうだな私たちは外からやってきた" "Yes, we come from the outside."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "何が目的…?" "What do you want...?"
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "ここにあった強い魔力大きなエネルギーを求めている" "We're looking for the strong, magical, big energy that was here."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "――っ!?" "--What?
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "手首を隠したな…" "You've been hiding your wrist..."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "なるほど、手に入れたものはそこか" "I see, that's where you got it."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "やりましょう…" "Let's do..."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "だな" "Right."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "りゃあああっ!" "Ryaaa!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "――っ!?" "--What?!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "な、何ですか急に!" "What, what is it, all of a sudden!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "想定していた最悪の結果になっちゃったかな…" "I guess that's the worst I could have expected..."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "私たちの目的はこの場にあった強大なエネルギー…" "Our goal was to be here, the mighty energy that was here..."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "そして、お前たち神浜の魔法少女の命だ!!" "And it's the life of you magical girls of the Kamihama!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "どうして…!?" "Why...?!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ほんとだぞ意味がわかんねーぞ!" "It's true, I dunno what that means!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "他にも居ます…!!" "There are others...!"
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "争うなら殺されるつもりで来い" "If you're going to fight with me, come to me like you're going to be killed."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…手に入れたものを置いていけばどうしますか…?" "...What if I leave what I got...?"
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "せめて苦しまないように殺してやる…" "At least I'll kill you so you don't have to suffer..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "どちらにしても、戦うつもりなんですね…" "Either way, you're going to fight..."
Part 10
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わわわっ!" "Wawawa!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ちょっと、コイツら本当に危険なヤツかもしれない!" "Hey, these guys could be really dangerous!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "魔法少女との戦いにかなり場慣れしているわ…" "They're pretty used to fighting magical girls..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ソウルジェムを…自分の命をしっかり守って!!" "The soul gems... hold on to your life, protect it!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んだよ、この殺気…" "What the heck is this stuff..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "オレたちが何したって言うんだよ…" "What did we do...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うい!私の後ろに下がって!" "Ui! Get behind me!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "私も援護します…!" "I'll cover you...!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "大丈夫…" "It's okay..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わたしひとりで、怖がってられないもん…!" "I'm not going to be alone and I'm not going to be scared."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "生死は問わない" "I don't care if you live or die."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "あのクロスボウの手首にあるブレスレットを奪うんだ" "We're going to take the bracelet on that crossbow girl's wrist."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "わかってるよ" "I know,"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "っ…" "Huh..."
Part 11
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "隙を見せたな!" "You showed me an opening!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ほっ!" "Ho!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わざと、隙を作ったんだよ!" "I created a gap, on purpose!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ちゃらぁっ!!" "Charaaaaaah!"
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "ぐっ…" "Guh..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ふぅ…こっちは終わったよ!" "Huh... we're done over here!"
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "もらったわ!" "I got it!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "キャッ!" "Kyaa!"
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "クッ!" "Kuh!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ありがとう、お姉ちゃん!" "Thanks, sis!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "すごい、本当に戦い慣れてる…" "Wow, you're really used to fighting..."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "くそ…ぅ…" "Shit....uh..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "私だってこれでも、場慣れはしてるつもりよ" "I think I'm used to the occasion, even in this."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "あなたたちが何者なのか、全て聞かせてもらうわ" "I'm going to have to hear all about who you guys are."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "ふふっ…" *chuckle*
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "何、その余裕は…" "What, you can't afford..."
image=[[File:|75px]] ???の声 "行け!ひかる軍団!!" "Go! Hikaru Soldiers!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "――っ!?" "--?!"
Yachiyo "「キャアッ!」" "Kyaa"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ケホッ…今の攻撃はいったい…" "Ugh... what was that attack just now..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "さすがは特異なことをする神浜の魔法少女ねぇ…" "As expected of a magical girl in the Kamihama who does peculiar things, huh..."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "ひかる軍団を使っても、平気なのはビックリっすね" "I'm quite surprised that you could defend Hikaru Soldiers."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んだよ、お前ら…コイツらの親玉か…!?" "What the hell, you guys... are you the bosses of these guys...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "待ってフェリシアちゃん前に出たら!" "Wait, Felicia-chan, if you step forward!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ふん、大ぶりなだけねぇ…" "Hmm, you just talk big.."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ドッカーーーン!" "Boom!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "こんな動物みたいな子に…" "You animalistic..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぬぅ、よけられた!" "Nuh-uh, they've dodged me!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "私たちの命が翻弄されるなんて!" "I can't believe our lives are being tossed around!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぬッ…" "Ngh..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "腹立たしい!" "It's infuriating!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "グッア…!" "Guh...!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "虫酸が走る!" "Disgusting!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ガッ…ア…!!" "Gah...a...!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "うっ…く…" "Ugh....a...!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "フェリシアさん!!" "Felicia-san!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "うまくソウルジェムはさけたみたいねぇ…" "Looks like you got the soul gem out of the way..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あ…あなたたちは…マギウスの翼…なの…?" "A-Are you guys...from Wings of Magius...?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "外から来た…" "From outside..."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "違うっすよ" "That's untrue."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "ひかるたちは、マギウスの翼じゃないっす" "Hikaru and the others aren't from the wings of the Magius, you know."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "じゃあ…なに…?" "Then... what...?"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "答える必要はないわぁ" "I don't have obligations to answer that question."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うい、連絡を取ってきて…" "Ui, you have to get help..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "でも、わたしも…" "But I also..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今は助けが必要なの…" "We need help now..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "マギウスの時とは全然違うこの人たちの殺気は本物だよ" "The killing spree of these people is real, not at all like it was with the Magius."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "勝てたとしても…誰か、やられるかもしれない…" "Even if we win... someone may not survive..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わ、わかった…!" "G-Got it...!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "っ…!" "Huh...!"
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "小者1匹だとしても、行かせるわけにはいかないんすよ" "Even if it's just a little brat, we can't let it go."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "っ!" "Huh!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あなたの相手は私がするよ…" "T'm your opponent..."
Part 12
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "ちょうど良いわぁ" "Just in time!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "ひかる、その子のブレスレットを奪いなさい…" "Hikaru, take that girl's bracelet away..."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "っす!" "Roger!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "私の相手はきっとあなたねぇ…" "You're the one who's going to be with me..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "わかってるじゃない…" "You know..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "みかづき荘の仲間を傷付けたこと後悔させてあげるわ" "I'm going to make you regret hurting my friends at Mikazuki Villa."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "向こうのハンマーのヤツは手負いになってるぞ" "That brat over there with the hammer is wounded."
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "そのままこっちで片付けよう" "Let's just get it over here as is."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "聞き捨てならないよ!" "I don't want to hear it!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ちょーっと様子を見ようと思って優しくしてたけど" "I was just trying to be nice to you to see how you were doing for a bit."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしもここまでされたら堪忍袋の緒が切れちゃったよ" "I'd be out of patience too if you did this to me."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "何人が向かおうとしても!!" "No matter how many people try to face it!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしの体と燃える炎が、誰も通さない最強の壁になる!!" "My body and the flames that burn will be the strongest wall that no one can pass through!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぐっ…ぅぅ…" "Ggh...ugh..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "大丈夫ですフェリシアさん…私が盾になりますから…" "It's okay, Felicia-san...I'll be your shield..."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "地獄へ行く覚悟はできてるっす" "Are you ready to go to hell?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "話だけでもさせてくれないの…?" "Can't you just let me talk...?"
Part 13
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "はぁ…はぁ…刻まれるっすよ!!" "'re about to be chopped up!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "くっ…ローブが…" " robe..."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "このまま、駆け抜けるっす!" "We're going to run through this!"
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "消えた…" "It's gone..."
Iroha "「私たちはあなたたちを何も知らない…」" "We don't know anything about you guys..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "だから、教えてよ!どうして攻撃してくるの!?" "So, tell me! Why are you attacking me?"
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "クゥッ!" "Guh!"
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "う…" "Uh..."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "知らないのがひかるたちは腹立たしいんすよ!" "It makes Hikaru and the others angry that they don't know!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "キャアッ!!" "Kyaa? !"
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "さぁ…そのブレスレットをひかるに寄越すっす" "Come on...You'll give that bracelet to Hikaru."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "…ひかるだって無駄な殺生をする気はないっす…" "...Even Hikaru doesn't want to kill for nothing..."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Ui's voice' "お姉ちゃん!" "Sis!"
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "何よこれ…どうなってるの…!?" "What the hell... what's going on...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "間に合った…!" "I'm in time...!"
image=File:Card 99999 d.png "くそ、助けが来た…" "Shit, help is on the way..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "これでも、まだやる気?" "Are you still going to do this?"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "強がってるけど、あなたも限界が近いでしょぅ…" "I know you're trying to be strong, but you're nearing the end of your rope..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それはどうかしらね" "I'm not so sure about that."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "何とか間に合ったみたいだな" "Looks like we managed to make it in time."
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ももこが買い物行こうなんて言わなかったら" "If Momoko hadn't asked me to go shopping,"
image=File:Card 10094 d.png Rena "ここまで遅れなかったのに" "We wouldn't even this late."
image=File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "タイミング悪いよね" "It's bad timing, isn't it."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "仕方ないだろ!" "I can't help it!"
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "で、どういうことだ…これ…お前ら一体、どこのどいつだ!" "So, what do you mean... this... where the hell are you guys from?!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "みんな、武器を下ろしなさい" "Everyone, put your weapons down."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png ??? "っす" "Roger."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "尻尾を巻いて逃げるつもり?" "Are you going to run away with your tail between your legs?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "お願い、教えてください…" "Please, tell me..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "どうして襲うんですか?何の恨みがあるんですか…!?" "Why are you attacking us? What do you want to do to us...?
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "恨みしかないのよぉ" "I have nothing but resentment towards you."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "虎屋町…竜ケ崎…蛇の宮…" "Torayamachi....Ryugasaki... Juunomiya..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "二木市(ふたつぎし)のことは知ってるぅ?" "Do you know about Futatsugi City?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………いえ…" ""
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "何も知らないのねぇ…" "You don't know anything, don't you..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "じゃあ、せめて覚えておいて" "Well, at least remember that."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "私たちは血の約束を交わした魔法少女たち" "We are magical girls who have exchanged blood promises."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "神浜に辛酸を舐めさせ死んだ同胞の数だけ苦しめる" "Let Kamihama lick the bitterness out of you and make you suffer for the number of our dead compatriots."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "私たちの血を流して生まれたものは" "What was born in our blood,"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "私たちが手に入れるわぁ…" "We'll get it..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "故郷で生きている仲間のためにもねぇ…" "For the sake of the people back home who are still alive..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png ??? "環いろは、七海やちよ" "Tamaki Iroha, Nanami Yachiyo."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "“紅晴結菜”(くれは ゆな)よ" "I'm Kureha Yuna."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "私だけが知ってるのも不公平だから教えてあげるわぁ" "It's not fair that I'm the only one who knows, so I'll tell you."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "自分は“煌里ひかる”(きらり ひかる)っす" "Kirari Hikaru is the name."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "今度はそのブレスレット、頂戴するっすからね" "We're going to have to take that bracelet this time, you know."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "これは、何なの…?" "What is this...?"
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "本当に何も知らないんすね" "You really don't know anything about it, do you?"
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "ごめん、やちよさんアタシら何もできなくって" "Sorry, Yachiyo-san, we couldn't do anything about it."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いいのよ来てくれたことで牽制できた" "It's okay, you're here and I'm able to keep you in check."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "あのままじゃ危なかったわ…" "It was a close call as it was..."
image=File:Card 10113 d.png Kaede "これから、どうするの…?" "What are we going to do now...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "調整屋に戻ろう" "Let's get back to the Coordinator's."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "鶴乃?" "Tsuruno?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "マギウスの翼でもなかったなら、あれだけ強いのはおかしいよ" "If it wasn't the wings of the Magius, it's weird how strong they are,"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしたち神浜の魔法少女も、外から来たマギウスの翼の羽根も" "Neither we magical girls of the Kamihama, nor the wings of the Magius from the outside."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "みんな神浜の中で、調整を受けてたんだよ…?" "We were all in the Kamihama, getting adjusted...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "二木(ふたつぎ)から来た人が調整を受けてるはずがない…" "There's no way someone from Futatsugi is getting adjusted..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "確かに私たちと戦えるのは、合点がいかないわね" "It certainly doesn't make sense for them to be able to fight us."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "けど、調整を受けてたら、調整屋が知ってるはずだよな" "But if you're getting adjusted, the Coordinator should know, right?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "さっき聞いた時は、知らないって言ってました…" "When I asked her earlier, she said she didn't know..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もしかしたら、他にも調整をする方法があるのかも…" "Maybe there's another adjusters..."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "そうなると、調整屋始まって以来のピンチだな" "Then she's in a pinch for the first time since the adjustment shop started."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "とりあえずみたまに話を聞いてみるわ" "In the meantime, I'm going to talk to Mitama."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ごめんなさいももこせっかく来て貰ったけど" "I'm sorry, Momoko, but I'm glad you're here."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "いいよ、水臭いな" "Okay, that stinks of water."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "居るだけでヘルプになれたならそれで十分さ" "If I can help you just by being there, that's good enough for me."
image=File:Card 10104 d.png Momoko "また、何かわかったら連絡してくれよな" "And if you find out anything else, let me know, okay?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ええ" "Yes."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ういも、ありがとうね" "Thanks for that, Ui."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん、お姉ちゃんたちが無事でホッとした" "Yeah, I'm so relieved that sis and the others are safe."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あとは、フェリシアさんをちゃんと休ませないと…" "Now we just need to make sure Felicia-san is properly rested..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "っ…オレ…大丈夫…" "N...I...I'm...I'm fine..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "大丈夫じゃないよ…" "You're not fine at all..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もう、あの人たちは行ったから我慢しなくていいんだよ…" "You don't have to put up with those people now that they've gone..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "いたい…" "It hurts..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん…すぐ連れて行くからね…" "Yeah...I'll get you there in a minute..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私の魔法で、少しだけでも回復すればいいけど…" "I hope my magic can help you recover a little..."
Part 14
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "みたまさん!" "Mitama-san!"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "おかえりなさぁい向こうでは何か見つかったぁ?" "Welcome back... what did you find out over there?"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぅ…く…" "U...c..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "フェリシアちゃん!?" "Felicia-chan!"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "…何があったの?" "...What's going on?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "写真の人たちに襲われたんです…" "The people in the picture attacked us..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "えっ…" "What..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "と、とりあえずフェリシアちゃんをこっちに" "F-For now, bring Felicia-chan over here."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "寝台に寝かせてあげて" "Put her on the bunk."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ふぅ…ぅ…" "Hmm...uh..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ひどい怪我…よほどの強敵だったんでしょ…?" "She was badly hurt... they were such a strong opponent... right?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "羽根がきたの…?" "Did the feathers come...?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "どうしたの…?" "What's the matter...?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "本当にみたまは何も知らなかったのよね?" "You really didn't know anything about this, did you, Mitama?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "言ってる意味がわからないわぁ…" "I don't know what you're talking about..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "襲ってきた相手は、マギウスの翼じゃなかったんだよ" "The people who attacked us wasn't from the wings of Magius."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "でも、調整を受けたわたしたちと同じぐらい強い相手だった…" "But they were just as strong as us who got adjusted..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "え…" "Eh..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "本当に写真を見た時ういちゃんに触れた時…" "When you really saw the picture, when you touched Ui-chan..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "何も知らなかったんですか…?" "You didn't know anything about...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あの、本当に知らなかったなら、全然それでも構わないんです" "Um, if you really didn't know, I'm totally fine with that."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ただ、調整できるのって、みたまさんしか知らないから…" "It's just that the only person I know who can adjust it is Mitama-san, so..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "そういうことね…" "So that's what it is..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "疑うのは良くないよ!" "It's not a good idea to doubt!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "みたまさん…本当に知らなかったんだよ…!" "Mitama-san... She really didn't know anything...!"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ういちゃん…" "Ui-chan..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "でも、疑うのも無理ないわ…" "But I don't blame you for being skeptical..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "みんなはわたしと違って、人の中を探れないんだから…" "You can't look inside people like I can..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "でも…" "But..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "わたしも全てを覚えてるわけじゃないから" "I don't remember everything, either."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "もしも相手のことで知ってることがあれば教えて" "If there's anything you know about the person you're dealing with, let me know."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "思い出せるかもしれないわ" "I think I might be able to remember."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "向こうのリーダーっぽい人は、紅晴結菜っていう名前で" "The leader-like person is named Kureha Yuna."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もうひとりは煌里ひかる" "The other one is Kirari Hikaru."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "あと、相手の住む町は、二木市という名前みたいよ" "Also, the place they live in is called Futatsugi City."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "…ごめんなさい、やっぱり知らないと思うわ…" "...I'm sorry, I guess I really don't know..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そう…" "So..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ごめんなさい、今さら少しでも疑ってしまって…" "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'm a little suspicious now..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "いいのよ、それだけわたしは過去にひどいことをしたんだから" "It's okay, that's how badly I've done things in the past."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "でも、それなら…あの強さはどうやって…" "But then... how did they get that strength..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うん、わからないね" "Yeah, I don't know."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "みたま以外に調整できる人なんていないはずだよね?" "There shouldn't be anyone other than Mitama who can adjust, right?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ええ…この町にはわたししか居ないはずよ" "Yes...I'm the only one in this town who's supposed to be here."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "だけど、もしかしたら…" "But maybe..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "え、ちょっと待って!調整屋って他にもいるの!?" "Yeah, wait a minute! There's another adjuster?
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "わ、わたしだって、教えてもらったんだもの…!" "Well, I learned from them too...!"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "あ…" "Oh..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "みたまさん…?" "Mitama-san...?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "まさか…先生が…?" "Could it be... teacher...?"
image=File:Card 10414 d.png ??? "ほい、これで調整も終わりやな" "Ho, I guess that's the end of the adjustment."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っす" "Alright."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "今日も助かったっすよ" "You're a big help to me today."
image=File:Card 10414 d.png ??? "ほんま、出会って早々に本気でやり合うやなんて" "Really, I can't believe we met and got into a real relationship so soon."
image=File:Card 10414 d.png ??? "血気盛んなんはええけど、程ほどにしとかなあかんで?" "It's fine to be bloodthirsty, but don't you think you should keep it in moderation?"
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "神浜が相手だったんで仕方ないんすよ" "I had to do it because I was dealing with Kamihama."
image=File:Card 10414 d.png ??? "大局を見極めて、本来の目的を忘れるな" "Look at the big picture and don't forget the original purpose."
image=File:Card 10414 d.png ??? "アンタらのボスにも、よーく聞かせとき" "I'll make sure your boss hears about it."
image=File:Card 10414 d.png ??? "目先のもんに囚われとったら後で収拾がつかんくなるからな" "If you get caught up in what's in front of you, you won't be able to catch up later."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っす!" "Roger!"
Part 15
Name Japanese Translation
"「お願い…助けて…」" "Please... help me..."
"「言わない…誰にも言わないから…」" "I won't tell...I won't tell anyone..."
Yuna "―結菜―神浜の言葉を信じられると思うわけぇ?" "You think I can trust the words coming from a person of Kamihama?"
Yuna "―結菜―どの道、ここを知られて放っておくわけにはいかないわぁ" "I can't just let them know about this place and leave it alone anyways..."
Yuna "―結菜―命乞いをするぐらいなら逃げた方が良かったわねぇ…" "I'd rather have run away than beg for my life..."
"ぅ…ぁ…" "Uh...uh..."
"ドサッ…" "Thud..."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "この死体、どうするんすか" "What are we going to do with this corpse, then?"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "見つけて貰える場所に捨てておきなさい" "Throw it away where they can find it."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "熱くなりすぎっすよ" "You're getting too hot, you know."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "あとでアイスをちょうだいそれで冷ますわぁ" "Give me some ice cream later, and I'll cool down."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "それなら、バリバリ君を買ってあるっすよ!" "Well then, I'll bring you a Crouncy Bar!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ベストチョイスねぇ" "Best choice, isn't it."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "オイ!ウソだろマジかよ!" "Hey! No way, seriously!"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "今のは樹里サマのKO勝ちだろ!" "That was suppose to be a KO victory for Juri-Sama!"
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "わたしにゲームで勝とうなんて、姉ちゃんもまだまだ甘いね~" "Trying to beat me at a game, you're still so naive, big sis!"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "うわ、クッソむかつく!" "Damn, that pisses me off!"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "んだよ、ゲーム機がおかしいんじゃないのか!?" "What the hell, there has to be something wrong with the game console!"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "意味わかんねーっつー、むぐっ!" "I don't get it- MGRH!"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "つめてー!" "It's cold!"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "オイ、姉さん!" "Hey, sis!"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "急に樹里サマの口にアイス突っ込むなよ!" "Don't suddenly shove ice cream in Juri-sama's mouth!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "熱くなっちゃだめよ~樹里" "Don't get too heated up~ Juri."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "そっすよ次女さん今こそ冷静になる時っすから" "That's right, second sister, now is the time to cool down."
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "早々にバトってくる人たちに言われたくないよね~" "I don't want to be told by people who are battling early on!"
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "で、どうだったの~?" "So, how did it go~?"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "彼女たちは本当に何も知らないみたいだったわぁ" "The girls really didn't seem to know anything about it."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "無知の罪っす" "Ignorance is crime."
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "強さの方はど~なの?" "How's their strength~?"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "次女は楽しめると思うわよぉ" "I think my second sister will enjoy it."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "へぇ…いいじゃん…" "Huh...that's nice..."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "樹里サマがウェルダンにする価値はあるってことだな" "I guess that means it's worth it for Juri-Sama to cook them well-done."
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "わたしは平和に終わるなら、その方がいいけどね~" "I'd be better off if it ended in peace, though~"
image=File:Card 10330 d.png ??? "見つめた真理は嘘をつかない" "The truth that you look at does not lie."
image=File:Card 10330 d.png ??? "目を背けられない真実" "The truth we can't turn away from."
image=File:Card 10330 d.png ??? "今、一歩が踏み出された" "Now a step has been taken."
image=File:Card 10330 d.png ??? "ふぅ…" "Huh..."
image=File:Card 10330 d.png ??? "終末への針が0時へと刻み始めた…" "The needle to the apocalypse began to tick to midnight..."
"魔法少女の声が聞こえてくる。" "I hear a magical girl's voice."
"謎の魔女…。ブレスレット…。それを狙う人たち…。" "A mysterious witch.... The bracelet...... The people who are after it....."
"何かに導かれて現れた人たちは、どんな目的を持っているのかな…?" "What kind of purpose do the people who appeared guided by something have in mind...?"
"まるで、夜闇に漂う海が打ち付ける真っ黒で大きな波のよう。" "It's like a big, black wave lapping at the ocean as it drifts in the dark of night."
"みんなは大丈夫なのかな?ちゃんと無事でいられるのかな…?" "Is everyone okay? Will I be safe...?"
"魔法少女なのは同じ…。" "It's the same with being a magical girl...."
"なんだか、大きな波は生きたい衝動のようにも感じる。" "I feel like the big wave is like an urge to live."
"私たちの光が、自分たちの光を追っているのかもしれない…。" "Maybe our light is chasing our own light...."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ごめんねキュゥべえ…" "I'm sorry Kyuubey..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "やっぱりね、期待には応えられない…" "I knew it, I can't live up to your expectations..."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png Kyubey "そうか、何度聞いても答えは変わらないようだね" "Well, no matter how many times I ask, the answer doesn't seem to change, does it?"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私…約束しちゃったから…" "I...I promised..."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png Kyubey "前に言っていた学者のおじさんのことかい?" "You mean that scholarly uncle you mentioned before?"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "それと、この子とも…" "And also, this girl..."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png Kyubey "この子か" "This one?"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png Kyubey "ボクには何も見えないんだけど、何を約束したんだい?" "I don't see anything, what did you promise?"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…それは、言えないよ" "...I can't tell you that."
Kagome "私はこの子と一緒に記録を続けてあの人と世界に広めるの" "I'm going to continue to record with this girl and spread the word to that man and the world."
Kagome "魔法少女のことを" "You know, about the magical girls."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "ちゃる!すなお!助けて!どうしても出してくれないの!" "Charu! Sunao! Help! They just won't let me out!"
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "だから静香ちゃん!チャージしないと!" "That's why Shizuka! We have to charge it up!"
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "カードにお金をチャージして!" "Charge the money to the card!"
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "横に精算機があるので、そこにお札を入れてください!" "There's a checkout machine on the side and you can put your bill in there!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "だって、あれ、お金を吸い取っちゃうじゃない!" "Because, you know, that thing is going to suck the money out of you!"
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "それがチャージなんだよぅ!" "That's the charge!"
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "お金はちゃんとカードの中に入ってるから大丈夫です!" "The money is in the card, it's all right!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "見えないのに!?" "Even though I can't see it!"
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "見えないのに!" "Even though you can't see it!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "私はこの町で生きていける未来が見えない" "I don't see a future for me to live in this town."
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "何を言ってるんですか!" "What are you talking about?!"
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "ちょっと駅員さんのところに行ってくるね!" "I'm going to go to the station agent for a minute!"
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "お願いします、ちゃる!" "Please, Charu!"

Section 2

Part 1
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "アルちゃんには見える?" "Can Aru-chan see it?"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Aru-chan "<私には見えてるよ>" "I can see it."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "そうだよねアルちゃんは私" "That's right, Aru-chan is me."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "全部見えてるはずだし、聞こえてるはず" "You can see it all, and you can hear it."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "私の隣にいる、この子の声も…" "Next to me, this girl's voice too..."
"白銀の指輪がキラリと光る女の子。彼女たちの言葉がね、また、近くに居た私の耳に届けられたの。" "The girls with their white and silver rings glittering. Their words, you see, were delivered to my ears again as I was near."
"それは、そよ風のようにフワッと優しい言葉。隣にいる子がささやく言葉。だけど中身は鋭くてね、聞く度に私は削られるような気持ちになる。" "It's words as fluffy and gentle as a breeze. Words whispered by the girl next to me. But they're sharp inside, and every time I hear them, I feel like they're grinding away at me."
"決まったルール。固く閉ざされた牢屋。その中で回る魔法少女。" "Set rules. A prison that is tightly closed. A magical girl who turns inside it."
"外から来た魔法少女とブレスレットが大きな波になって、逃げられないみんなを襲ってる。" "A big wave of magical girls and bracelets from outside, attacking everyone who can't escape."
"切り分けられた魔法少女たちの世界を足元から満たしていくように…。" "As they fill the carved up world of magical girls from underneath their feet...."
"不安と一緒に…。誰も知らないまま…。" "Along with the anxiety.... No one knows what's going on...."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "外から来た魔法少女たち…" "Magical girls from the outside..."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "みんなは一体、どこから来たのかな…" "I wonder where the hell you all came from..."
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "ICカードのチャージは覚えた?" "Have you learned to charge your IC card?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "もちろん!" "Of course!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "お金はこの板の中に入るのよね" "The money goes into this board, right?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "それに電車は大きな蛇ではない" "And the train isn't a big snake."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "これぐらいはテレビでも見てるしちゃーんと覚えてるわよ" "I've seen this much on TV and I remember this much, hmmm."
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "あと、交通ルールの基本も大丈夫ですか?" "Also, are you okay with the basic traffic rules?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "青色は渡れ、赤色は絶対に渡っちゃダメ" "Cross the green, never cross the red."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "正解でしょ?" "Isn't that right?"
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "ただ、車やバイクの飛び出しにも注意が必要ですよ" "But you also have to be careful about cars and motorcycles jumping out of the road."
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "そうだよ" "Yes"
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "止まってくれるからって急に飛び出すと危ないからね" "It's not safe to jump out of the way just because it stops."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "ええ、同じ轍は二度も踏まないわ" "Yeah, I'm not going to make the same mistake twice."
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "これで基本的な部分は大丈夫でしょうか?" "Does this get the basics right?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "買い物もひとりでできるし板をかざしてピッと一発よ!" "I can do the shopping all by myself, and I'll just hold the board up and give it a bleep!"
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "では、復習のために買い出しに行きましょう" "So, let's go shopping for a review."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "そうね、今のうちに繰り返して体で覚えないと" "Yes, we need to repeat it now and learn it in our bodies."
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "わたしも行くよ!" "I'll come with you!"
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "ドラマはいいんですか?" "You don't mind the drama?"
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "宿無し探偵、等々力耕一は録画しておく!" "Homeless Detective, Koichi Todoroki will record it!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "これであとは、人の多さを克服できれば完璧ね" "Now all we need to do is get over the sheer number of people and it'll be perfect."
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "あぁ…それはわたしも…" "Oh...that's me too..."
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "みんなが来るまでになんとかしないとね…" "I'll have to do something before everyone else gets here..."
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "ですね…" "Yes..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "せっかく人を集めて集落から出てきたんだもの" "I've been trying to get people to come out of the village."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "“時女一族”の本家として、ここで折れてられないわ…" "As the head of the "Tokime" we can't just fold here..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "うっ…うぅ…" "Ugh...ugh..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ワタシはこんなに幸せで良いんでしょうか…" "I don't know if I should be this happy..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "偶然、タイミングが重なっただけじゃない…" "It wasn't just a coincidence of timing..."
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "そうそう" "Yeah, yeah."
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "毎日勉強してるっていうから、大変だと思って" "I thought it would be a lot of work, because you said you were studying every day."
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "ねー" "Hey,"
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "労いにと思って夕飯を作りに来ただけでございますよ" "I just came to make dinner to help you out."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "見事に店屋物とコンビニ袋の残骸が残ってたし" "It was a beautiful piece of store and convenience store bag debris."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "来て正解だったわ" "You were right to come."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ゴ、ゴミの話はいいじゃないですか…!" "Gosh, let's not talk about the garbage...!"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "でも、本当に嬉しいです" "But I'm really happy about it."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "その代わり、薬学部への合格は必ず果たしてもらわないとね" "In return, you'll have to make sure you get accepted to pharmacy school."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "里見さんのところから、奨学金も借りてるだろうし" "I'm sure you have a scholarship from Satomi-san."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "マギウスの翼は解体しても、約束は残るから頑張ってね!" "The wings of Magius may be dismantled, but the promise remains, so good luck with that!"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "やっぱり…必須ですよね…?" "It's still... essential... right?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "だって、みふゆがマギウスの翼で活動できるように" "Because I want Mifuyu to be able to operate in the wings of the Magius."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "わたくしが奨学金と家を用意したんだよ?" "I got you a scholarship and a house, remember?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "薬学部への受験が必須条件だしわたくしが教えるんだから" "It's a requirement that you apply to pharmacy school, and I'll be teaching you."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "失敗は許されないよね?" "You're not allowed to fail, are you?"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "はい…" "Yes..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ふふっ" "Huh."
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "じゃあ、ウチら台所をお借りしますね" "Well, I guess we'll be renting your kitchen."
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "腕によりをかけるでございますよ" "I'm going to lend you a hand."
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "ねーっ" "Nee"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "あ、私は?" "Oh, what about me?"
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "やちよさんはみふゆさんと話しててください" "Yachiyo-san, please talk to Mifuyu-san."
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "今日は私たちに任せて欲しいでございます" "We'll handle it today."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "何のために来たんだか、分からなくなってしまったわね" "I don't even know what I'm here for anymore."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "だけど、ちょうど良かったかもしれません" "But it might have been just as well."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "話したいことがありましたから" "I just wanted to talk to you about something."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ブレスレットと外から来た敵について?" "About the bracelets and the enemy from the outside?"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "さすがはやっちゃん察しが良いですね" "As expected of you, Yacchan, you're very perceptive."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "急を要する件なんて、それぐらいしかないもの" "There's only so much urgent business that needs to be done."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ですよね" "Right?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それで、何かわかったことでもあるの?" "So, what have you learned?"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "…はい" "...Yes."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "外から来た魔法少女ですが、やはり増えていると思います" "Magical girls from the outside, but I still think it's increasing."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "昼に回ってみたところ、それらしい反応がありました" "We went around at noon, and that's what the response was."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "私も学校の中で感知したっていう話を聞いたし" "And I've heard that I've detected it in the school, too."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "実際に増えて入り込んでいるのは確かなんでしょうね…" "I'm sure they're actually increasing and getting in..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ただ、目撃情報が減ったのと接触がないのは気になるわね…" "It just bothers me that the number of sightings and the lack of contact has decreased..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "以前の襲撃は、こちらの小手調べかしら…" "The last time we were attacked, we were trying to find out if it was a diversion."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ワタシも同意見です" "I agree with you,"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "神浜の魔法少女たちを襲う上で、力を見極めているのではと…" "In attacking the magical girls of Kamihama, I thought they were assessing their powers..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "厄介な相手だわ" "That's a tricky one to deal with."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "何も知らないのねぇ…" "You don't know anything..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "じゃあ、せめて覚えておいて" "Well, at least remember that."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "私たちは血の約束を交わした魔法少女たち" "We are magical girls who have exchanged blood promises."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "神浜に辛酸を舐めさせ死んだ同胞の数だけ苦しめる" "Let Kamihama lick the bitterness out of you and make you suffer for the number of your dead compatriots."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "私たちの血を流して生まれたものは" "What was born in our blood,"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "私たちが手に入れるわぁ…" "We'll get it..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "目的も判然としないし、嫌になるわね…" "I don't even know what it is, and I hate it..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "みんなを疲れさせるだけだから、警戒してろとも言えないし…" "I can't tell them to stay vigilant because it would only tire them all out..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "もう少し、謎の魔法少女問題の全体像が見えれば良いですけどね" "It would be nice if we could see a little more of the whole mysterious magical girl problem, though."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "まずは尻尾を掴まなきゃ" "We have to grab the tail first."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ですね" "Yes."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "あと、いろはさんのブレスレットについてですが" "Also, about Iroha-san's bracelet."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "一度、灯花たちに見せてもらっても良いですか?" "Can I show them to Touka and Nemu at once?"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "情報だけじゃわからないから、ちゃんと調べたいって言ってて" "They said they wanted to make sure they got it right, so they wanted to do some research."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "変なことしないかしら…" "I hope they won't do anything weird..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "いろはさんが相手なら大丈夫かと…" "I thought it would be okay with Iroha-san..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ふっ、信じておくわ" "Huh, I'll trust you."
Part 2
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "まだ、捕獲した子は口を割らないのぉ?" "You still haven't broken your captive's mouth?"
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "色々と説得はしてるっすけど、全然ダメっすね…" "I've tried to convince her, but it's not working..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "目の前でひとり、仲間を殺してしまったからねぇ" "I killed one of them right in front of them, you know."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "あれは私のミスだわぁ…" "That was my mistake..."
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "姉さまは、だいぶ熱くなってたからね~" "Your sister was getting a little fired up~"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "でも、こんなザコ1匹でも骨があるってわかったのは収穫だ" "But it's good to know that even a single pomegranate like this has a bone in its body."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "魔女にならない力とやらで、温室育ちなのかと思ったけど" "I thought you grew up in a hothouse, with your power to not be a witch or something."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "結構、戦い甲斐がありそうじゃん" "It's pretty much worth the fight, isn't it?"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "その次女の方はどうなの?神浜と二木以外の魔法少女は…" "What about that second sister of yours? Other than Kamihama and Futatsugi, all the other magical girls..."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "んなすぐに結果なんて出るかっつーの" "There's no such thing as a quick result."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "こっちは神浜の魔法少女すら見分けがつかねーってのにさ" "Over here, I can't even recognize a magical girl from Kamihama."
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "あの出張調整屋って人の話だと、まだ色々と居そうだけどね~" "From what that traveling adjuster said, I'm sure there's a lot more to come~"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "つか、チマチマしたのは、樹里サマの性に合わないんだよ" "I mean, chiming in is not in Juri-sama's nature."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "だからひかる、選手交代だ" "So, Hikaru, let's switch players."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "交代っすか?" "You want to take over?"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "捕獲したヤツの話は樹里サマが聞いてやるよ" "Juri-sama will listen to the one you captured."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "じゃあ、ひかるが、町の様子を見ればいいんすね" "So, Hikaru should just check on the town."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "結菜さん、それでもいいっすか?" "Yuna-san, is that okay with you?"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "カワイイ妹の頼みなんだから、これぐらい許すわよぉ" "I'm doing my cutie sister a favor, so I'll forgive you this much."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "よろしくね、ひかる" "It's nice to meet you, Hikaru."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ただし次女、あなたくれぐれもやりすぎないように" "But you, my second sister, you mustn't overdo it."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "ったりめーだろ" "You're a fuckin' idiot,"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "捕虜の扱いについては、後悔してることもあるからな" "There are some things I regret about the treatment of prisoners of war that I regret."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "優しく可愛がってやるさ" "I'll be gentle and loving."
Part 3
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "さて、お集まりのみなさん!" "Well, ladies and gentlemen!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "オレとさなしかいねーぞ" "It's just me and Sana."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "今日集まってもらったのは、ドラゴンフェアinみかづき荘!" "I had them gather today, Dragon Fair in Mikazuki Villa!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ということで、夕飯でこの唐辛子を使い切るためです!!" "So we're going to use up all these chilies for dinner!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ぴゃっ…" "Pya..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あの、これってすごい辛い料理になるんじゃ…" "Um, this is going to be an incredibly spicy dish..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "今日の夕飯はやちよ不在でいろはちゃんも買い物中だからね" "Since Yachiyo's not at dinner tonight and Iroha is still shopping."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ここで、万々歳の力を発揮する時なんだよ!" "This is where Banbanzai's power comes into play!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ふんふん!" "Humph!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "それでも…あの…少しだけ辛いってことですよね…" "But still... well... you mean it's just a little bit hard..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "さな…違うよ…これはドラゴンフェアなんだよ…" "Sana... no... this is a dragon fair..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "じゃあ、本当に…" "Then, really..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "オレたち!" "We!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしたちで!" "We'll do it!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "辛さの向こう側にあるうまみを堪能してもらうんだよ!" "You're going to enjoy the umami on the other side of the spiciness!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Tsuruno&フェリシア "ニャッハッハッ!ワッハッハッ!" "Myaa! Hahahaha!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "そ、それは…私食べられなくなっちゃいます…" "Well, that's...I won't be able to eat..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "まぁ、オレもだけどな" "Well, me too."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "えっ、えっ…意味がわからないんですけど…" "Eh, eh... I don't know what that means..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "辛さを超えたら美味くなる" "Once you get past the spiciness, it gets better."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "何かを超えるということは、強くなったことの証明" "Going above and beyond means that you've become stronger."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "フェリシアもさなも、これは強くなる一歩なんだよ!" "Both Felicia and Sana, this is a step in the right direction to be strong!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "って鶴乃が言うから、オレも食ってやるって決めたんだぞ!" "And since Tsuruno said that, I've decided that I'm going to eat it too!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ぇえ…!!" "Yeah...!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "というわけで調理開始!" "So, we'll start cooking!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "フェリシア!油と唐辛子を投入だーー!" "Felicia! Throw in some oil and chili!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "っしゃーーーー!" "Shhhhh!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "いろはさーーん…" "Iroha-san..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "牛乳とかじゃがいもとか、重いものは袋の下に入れて…" "Put the heavy stuff, like milk and potatoes, under the bag..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "これでいいんだよね?" "That's it, right?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はぁ…" "Huh..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あ、お姉ちゃんさなさん何て言ってたの?" "Oh, Sis, what did Sana-san say?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "追加で買うもの?" "Is it something to buy extra?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ううん、鶴乃ちゃんが夕飯に激辛料理を作り始めたって…" "No, Tsuruno-chan said she started making a very spicy dish for dinner..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "げきから…!?" "The drama...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私の買い物が終わってからって説得したみたいなんだけど" "It's like I convinced her to wait until after I'm done shopping."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "下準備だとかで、どうしようかな…" "I don't know if it's a prep job or what, but..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん…" "Yeah..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png ??? "えっ…えっ…どうして支払えないの…?" "What... eh... why can't you pay...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ん?" "Hmm?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "こうして…" "Thus..."
"ピッ" "Bleep."
"ブブー" "Boo."
"「ご使用のICカードは対応しておりません」" "Your IC card is not supported."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "対応…してない…?" "I'm not responding...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "どういうこと?" "What do you mean?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "いろんな種類があるっていうこと…?" "You mean there are different kinds...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "なんで色んな種類があるの…?" "Why are there so many different kinds...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "1種類でいいじゃない…!" "Just one kind...!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "いえ、もう1回試せば…" "No, one more try and..."
"ピッ" "Bleep."
"ブブー" "Boo."
"「係員が参りますのでしばらくお待ちください」" "The attendant will be here in a moment."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "ちょ、ちょっとやだ!" "Hey, hey, no!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "私、盗もうなんてしてないわよっ" "I wasn't trying to steal anything."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Irohaの声 "あの…" "Um..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "あーーーっ!ごめんなさい、店員さん!!" "Ahhhh! I'm sorry, clerk!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "でも違うんです!" "But it's not!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "この機械が私を拒否してくるから!" "Because this machine is going to reject me!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "いえ、私店員じゃなくて…" "No, I'm not a clerk..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "え、じゃあ…誰…?" "Yeah, so... who...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あの、他のICカードが無くても現金で支払えますよ?" "Um, you can pay with cash even if you don't have any other IC cards, right?"
Part 4
Name Japanese Translation
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "ごめんなさい静香…カワイイゆるキャラがいて…" "I'm sorry Shizuka... there's a cute little character..."
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "そっちに気を取られてしまいました…" "I've been distracted by that..."
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "ごめんね静香ちゃん…" "I'm sorry Shizuka-chan..."
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "等々力耕一の特集をしてる雑誌が気になっちゃって…" "I'm curious about the magazine that features Koichi Todoroki..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "いいわよ…無事に買えたし…" "Okay... we got it all in one piece..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "それより本当にありがとうございました" "Thank you so much for that,"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "なんとお礼をして良いか…" "How can I thank you for this..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そんな、深々と頭を下げなくても良いですよ!" "Oh no, you don't have to bow down so deeply!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私もこういうのは弱くって、色々あるとわかりませんよね" "I'm so weak in these things, too, you can't tell when there's a lot going on."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "ほんと、そう都会は便利だけど不便よ…" "Really, yes, the city is convenient, but it's not convenient..."
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "わたしやすなおちゃんは、少しぐらいわかるけど" "I, Sunao-chan, can understand a little bit."
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "静香ちゃんには難しいよね…" "It's hard for Shizuka, isn't it..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "すなお、1種類にできない?" "Sunao, can't we have one kind?"
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "私には無理です…" "I can't..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃん" "Sis,"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ん?" "Hmm?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "この人、お嬢様なのかな…?" "Is she an ojou-sama...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "あははっ全然、お嬢様じゃないわよ" "Hahaha, not at all."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あ、聞こえてたごめんなさい" "Oh, I'm sorry you heard me."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "ううん、いいわよ" "No, it's fine."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "本当はただの田舎者で、山奥にいた世間知らずなだけよ" "I'm really just a redneck, a naive person from deep in the mountains."
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "実は私たち、最近神浜に来たんです" "Actually, we've recently come to Kamihama."
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "それで、右も左もわからないのでこうして特訓をしてるところで" "So, we don't know what's left and right, so we're just training like this."
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "今日は買い物の復習をしてたんだよね" "I was just reviewing my shopping today, right?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "失敗だったけど" "It didn't work out."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "山奥…買い物の復習…すごく大変そうですね…" "Deep in the mountains...reviewing shopping...sounds like a lot of work..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "覚えることは沢山あるし、町のことも知らないから…" "There's a lot to learn, and I don't know the town..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うーん…" "Ummm..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ねえ、お姉ちゃん" "Hey, sis,"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ん?" "Hmm?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わたしたちにできることってないかな?" "Is there anything we can do to help?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ふふっ実は私も同じこと考えてた" "Huh, actually I was thinking the same thing."
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "え、そんなさすがにご迷惑ですよ!" "Eh, we don't want to be a nuisance!"
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "でも、すなおちゃん" "But, Sunao-chan,"
image=Card 10264 d.png ??? "わたしたちでも色々と限界があるよ…?" "There are many limits to what we can do...?"
image=Card 10274 d.png ??? "そう、ですね土地勘も何もないですし…" "Yeah, well, I don't know the places or anything..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "これも何かの縁ですから、気にしないでください" "It's just another one of those things, so don't worry about it."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "そこまで言って頂けるなら、あの、お願いしてもいいですか?" "If you can say that much, um, can I ask you to do that?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい、私たちでよければ" "Yes, if that's okay with us."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png ??? "よければなんて、ぜひ、よろしくお願いします" "How nice of you, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "私は時女静香(ときめ しずか)って言います" "My name is (Tokome Shizuka)."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "あっ、わたしは広江ちはる(ひろえ ちはる)だよ" "Oh, I'm (Hiroe Chiharu)."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "私は土岐すなお(とき すなお)です" "My name is Toki Sunao."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ご迷惑をおかけすると思いますがよろしくお願いします" "I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you, but I'm looking forward to seeing you."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、よろしくね" "Yeah, nice to meet you."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃん、みんなに連絡先を聞いておこうよ" "Sis, let's get everyone's contact information."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そうだね聞いてもいいかな?" "Yes, may I ask you something?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "それは、もちろん" "That, of course,"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "でも、あれっ…この、すまほ?" "But, hey... this, smartphone?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "どうすればいいんだっけ?" "What am I supposed to do?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "あ、静香ちゃんわたしがやるよ!" "Oh, Shizuka, I'll do it!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あと、待ち合わせの場所も決めようよ" "Also, let's pick a place to meet up."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "それは助かります水名区でもいいですか?" "That would be very helpful, can we go to Mizuna Ward?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "張り切ってるね、うい" "You're sticking it out, yeah."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "えへへ" "Heh."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お友だちが増えたみたいで楽しくなっちゃった" "It's like I've made a new friend and it's been fun."
Part 5
Name Japanese Translate
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "いや、もうオレ食えねえ…" "No, I can't eat anymore..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "むっちゃ汗かくし、ヒリヒリして無理だぞ…" "It's so sweaty and tingly, I can't..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "まだスタートラインに立ったばかりだよ、フェリシア!" "We're just getting started, Felicia!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "もうひと口…ふた口…って食べてると壁を越えるから!" "One more bite...two bites...because you'll go over the wall if you eat another bite...two bites!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "食えねえって言ってるだろ!?" "I told you I can't eat!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なんでメシ食うのに、イヤな目に遭わなきゃいけねーんだよ!" "Why do I have to be in a bad way to eat?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うぇええええ!?" "Eeeeeeeeee?!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "かっ、からっ…からい…!舌が痛いよ…" "Cool...dry...dry...! My tongue hurts..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃん…こんなの食べられないよぉ…" "Sis...I can't eat this stuff..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "私も…無理かも…" "I don't think I can... either..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "だから…言ったじゃないですか…!" "So...I told you...I told you...!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うぉぉ…さなが怒ってる…" "Whoa...Sana's mad at me..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ういちゃん、卵がゆ作ってあげるね…" "Ui-chan, I'm going to make you some egg soup..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん…" "Yeah..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "鶴乃ちゃん、ちょっとアレンジしてもいい?" "Tsuruno-chan, can I make some arrangements?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "たぶん、お酢とか卵で少しは柔らかい味にできるから" "Probably because you can make it a little softer with vinegar and eggs."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "あ、うん…ごめんね…" "Oh, yeah... sorry..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "なっ…!" "Wha...!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ちょっと、何この匂いむせそうなんだけど…" "Hey, what's that smell, it's sweltering..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ふぉぉ、なんというタイミングで…!" "Whoa, what timing...!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "窓をあけてちょうだい…部屋が唐辛子になるわ…" "Open the window... it's going to pepper the room..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "す、すぐにでも!" "Soooo, right away!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "鶴乃" "Tsuruno."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "はいっ!" "Yes!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "うちの経済状況、わかってるわよね…?" "You know our financial situation...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ひぃっ…!" "Hi...!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "おかえりなさいやちよさん" "Welcome back, Yachiyo-san."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "お酢の買い置きってありませんでしたっけ?" "Didn't we have a stock of vinegar?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "シンクの下に入ってると思うわ" "I think it's under the sink."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "味付けを変えるなら、私も一緒に手伝うけど" "If you want to change the seasoning, I'll help you with that."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ありがとうございます" "Thank you."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "二葉さんは大丈夫そう?" "Does Futaba-san look okay?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はいっ…" "Yes..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "冷やご飯と卵があったので、ういちゃんの分はそれで" "I had some cold rice and eggs, so that's what I had for Ui-chan."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ウチに来てから、だいぶ料理も慣れてきたわね" "You've gotten a lot more used to cooking since you've been at our house."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はいっ…" "Yes..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "いろは" "Iroha."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい?" "Yes?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "明日だけど里見さんの所に行ってくれるかしら?" "It's tomorrow, but can you go to Satomi-san's place?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ブレスレットをちゃんと確認しておきたいって" "She wants to make sure the bracelet is in place."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "やっぱり直接見てもらった方が良いですよね" "It's still better to have them look at it in person, right?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そうね、本人もそれを望んでるみたいだから" "Yes, she seems to want that, too."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あっ…" "Oh..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ん?何か、用事でもあった?" "Hmm? What, did you need something?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "はい…ちょっと人と会う約束があって" "Yes...I have a quick meeting with someone."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "十七夜とか?" "With Kanagi?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "いえ、今日スーパーで会った女の子たちなんですけど" "No, they're the girls I met at the supermarket today."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "田舎から神浜に出てきて、右も左もわからないそうなんです" "They came out of the country to the divine beach, and he doesn't know what's left or right."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それで明日、私とういで、お手伝いをする約束をしてて…" "So, Ui and I have an appointment tomorrow to help out..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "また、随分と思い切ったわね" "You're being very drastic again."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "大丈夫だよお姉ちゃんわたしひとりでも!" "It's okay, sis, I'm on my own!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "だーめーよ" "Dame."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "さすがに、ういちゃんひとりは私が許しません" "As expected, I will not allow Ui-chan alone."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "なんで…!?" "How...?
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "小学生ひとりで知らない人と一緒なんて" "You're in elementary school all by yourself with a stranger."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あの、それなら私が一緒に行きます…!" "Um, I'll go with you then...!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "見えないと思いますけど…" "I don't think they can see me, but..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ちょっとぐらいサポートはできると思いますし…" "I think I can provide a little bit of support and..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "だって!お願い、やちよさん!" "Because! Please, Yachiyo-san!"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "仕方ないわね" "I don't blame you."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "大丈夫だと思うけど、迷惑はかけないようにね?" "I'm sure it's okay, but don't cause trouble, okay?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うんっ!" "Yeah!"
Part 6
Name Japanese Translate
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "おぉ…" "Oh..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あの、急に連れて来ちゃってごめんね" "Um, I'm sorry I brought you here on such short notice."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "由比鶴乃でっす!3人ともよろしく!" "I'm Yui Tsuruno, and it's nice to meet you three!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "オレは深月フェリシアだぞ!" "I'm Mitsuki Felicia!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "今日は急にお邪魔しちゃってごめんね" "I'm sorry to bother you on such short notice today."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ううん、連絡はもらってたから平気よ" "No, I'm fine, I've been contacted, I'm fine."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "はい、みなさん今日はよろしくお願いします" "Yes, ladies and gentlemen, have a nice day."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それで、事情は聞いたよ静香ちゃん!" "So, I heard what happened, Shizuka!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "急にグイグイ来た…!" "I'm suddenly giggling...!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ここは生まれも育ちも神浜でガイド役のエキスパートでもある" "I was born and raised here, and I'm an expert at guiding people on the Kamibama."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "この由比鶴乃にお任せだよ!" "I'm going to leave it to this Tsuruno Yui!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "お前、人が多いのが苦手なんだろ?" "You don't like a lot of people, do you?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "この子もグイグイくるわね" "She's giggling, too."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あの、ごめんなさい…" "Um, I'm sorry..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ううん、いいのいいの" "No, it's fine."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "これぐらい壁がない方が私も気を張らなくていいから" "I wouldn't have to be so uptight if there weren't this many walls, either."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "で、苦手なのかよ" "So, you're not good at it?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "うーん…" "Ummm..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "苦手っていうか、まだ慣れない感じかな" "I'm not good at it, or maybe I'm still getting used to it."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "そうですね" "Yes,"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "私は平気だったんですけどちゃると静香は目を回しちゃって" "I was fine with it, but Charu and Shizuka looked around."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "私も前までは人混みって平気だったんだけどね…" "I used to be fine with crowds, too..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "前までは平気だったのに…?" "You were fine before...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "まさか、何かトラウマでも!?" "Don't tell me you've had some kind of trauma?!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "えっ!?別に何もないよぅ!" "What? It's nothing!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ちょっと田舎暮らしをしてる間に免疫がなくなっただけだと思う" "I think I've just lost my immunity while living in the country for a bit."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "そっか、そっかそれなら良かったよー" "I see, I see, that's good, then!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "それで、環さんからは、お手伝いって聞いてたんだけど" "So, I heard from Tamaki-san that you were going to help me out."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "今日はどういう予定なのかしら?" "What do you have planned for today?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "いろはちゃんの考えてた予定は聞いてないんだけど" "I didn't hear about the plans Iroha-chan had in mind."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "わたしなりに良い方法を考えてきたよ!" "I've come up with a better way of doing things in my own way!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "その方法は…?" "How does that work...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "その前に確認したいんだけど、急いで慣れる必要はあるのかな?" "Before I do that, I just want to make sure you're not in a hurry."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "そうね…" "Well..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "あまり時間は残されてないかもできれば早く慣れてしまいたいわ" "Maybe we don't have much time left, but I can't wait to get used to it if I can."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "でも、静香あまり無理はしなくても" "But, Shizuka, you don't have to do too much."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "仕方ないでしょこれも時女本家の役割なんだから" "It can't be helped, this is also the role of the Tokime head."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ふーん?" "Hmm?"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んじゃ、鶴乃が言ってた通りにするしかねーな" "Then I guess we'll just have to do what Tsuruno said."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "それ、大丈夫なのかな…?" "Is that okay...?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "そんなに過酷なの!?" "It's that harsh?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "要は荒療治だからね" "The point is, it's a rough treatment."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "あらりょうじ!" "Rough treatment!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "つまり、これからみんなには、遊んで楽しんで慣れてもらいます" "I mean, we're going to let everyone play and have fun and get used to it."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "へ?" "Huh?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ただし!神浜で最も人が集まる場所で!" "However! In the most crowded place on Kamiyama!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "おぉ…" "Oh..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "段取りを踏まないこの感じ…等々力耕一も言ってたよ…" "Like Koichi Todoroki said, he never takes any chances."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "あえて苦難な道を選ぶ必要があるんだって!" "He said he had to dare to take the hard way!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "じゃあ、行ってみますか?" "Well, shall we go then?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "電車の乗り方は覚えたわそして覚悟もできた" "I've learned how to ride the train, and I'm ready to go."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "由比さん連れて行って!神浜で最も人が集まる場所へ!" "Take me away, Yui-san! Go to the most crowded place in Kamiyama!"
Part 7
Name Japanese Translation
Tsuruno "「村から山道を歩いて辿り着く時女集落それは正に、現代に残る隠された秘境…」" "The Tokime village, reached by walking up the mountain path from the village, is truly a hidden and unexplored area that remains in the modern era..."
Tsuruno "「ある時から文明の流入がなくなっていたが集落内の騒動が切っ掛けで門扉が開かれこの神浜へとやってきた…」" "At some point, the influx of civilization had ceased, but a disturbance in the village led to the opening of the gates and the arrival of this divine beach..."
Tsuruno "「それが時女一族!」" "That's the Tokime clan!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "って、嘘みたいな話だと思って聞いてたけど" "And I thought it sounded like a lie, so I listened to it."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "これは、本当みたいだね…" "This sounds like it's true..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "連れて来ちゃって良かったのかな…?" "Is it okay that we brought them here...?"
Shizuka "―静香―前に…後ろに…左右に…人が流れている…" "-Shizuka - In front of... back... left and right... people are flowing..."
Shizuka "―静香―これは、人間の川…人の作った水流そのもの…" "-Shizuka - this is a human river... the very stream of man-made water..."
Shizuka "―静香―私、渦に呑まれそう…!" "-Shizuka-I'm going to be swallowed by the vortex...!"
Sunao "―すなお―静香、何を言ってるんですか!戻って来てください!" "-Sunao- Shizuka, what are you talking about! Please come back!"
Sunao "―すなお―意識をしっかり保ってこれは、ただの人の流れです" "-Sunao- keep your consciousness tight, this is just a stream of people."
Sunao "―すなお―そのうち慣れますから…!" "-Sunao- you'll get used to it...!"
Chiharu "―ちはる―あ、ダメ…" "-Chiharu- Oh, no..."
Chiharu "―ちはる―やっぱりちょっとだけ気分が悪くなってきたかも…" "-Chiharu- I think I'm starting to feel a little sick after all..."
Sunao "―すなお―ちゃる!" "-Sunao- cha-ru!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ちはるさん、平気でしょうか…?" "Chiharu-san, will you be okay with this...?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "私も人混みってあまり得意じゃないから…" "I'm not very good with crowds either, so..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん…ちはるさん、大丈夫…?" "Yeah...Chiharu-san, are you okay...?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ん、大丈夫…" "Hmm, okay..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "深呼吸してたら、ちょっと落ち着いてきたよ" "I've been taking deep breaths and I'm starting to calm down a bit."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "これは人…人の流れ…" "This is a person... a stream of people..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "私は時女静香…" "I am Tokime Shizuka..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "大丈夫…大丈夫…" "It's okay... it's okay..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "こんな人の流れなんかに、呑まれて…" "I don't want to get swallowed up in this stream of people..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "本家は務まらないっ!!" "I can't do this."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "静香!" "Shizuka!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "大丈夫よ、すなお…" "It's okay, Sunao..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "私、打ち勝つわ…!" "I'm going to beat this...!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "はい、立派です!" "Yes, that's fine!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "なんだよこれ…" "What the hell..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ふたりとも乗り越えたねっ!" "You two got through it!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ええ、ここで負けてられないもの" "Yes, something I can't afford to lose here."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "それで、これからこの町で、何をして遊べばいいの?" "So, what am I going to do and play in this town now?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "色々ありそうだけどね" "It sounds like a lot of things."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "鶴乃さん何か考えてきてる?" "What have you been thinking about, Tsuruno-san?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "一応、やちよからオススメスポットは聞いてるよっ" "In case you're wondering, Yachiyo has some recommendations for places to go."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "やちよさんって、こういう場所で遊んだりするんだねっ" "Yachiyo-san, you play in places like this, don't you?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "んや、仕事関係の人から、情報だけが入ってくるんだって" "Nah, they only get information from people in the business world."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "へぇー" "Heh."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おい、向こうにウマそうなポップコーンがある!" "Hey, there's some good-looking popcorn over there!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "えっ?" "What?"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "あ、ほんとですね!" "Oh, it's true!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "コーンの頭が弾けたキャラクターも可愛いです!" "The character with the popped corn head is cute too!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "おぉ、速い" "Oh, that's fast."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "これなら自然と、楽しんでくれそうですね…" "This will be natural, and you'll enjoy it..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うん、良かった良かった!" "Yeah, good, good, good!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "あ、また目が…" "Oh, my eyes again..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うっぷ…" "Ugh..."
Part 8
Name Japanese Translation
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ふふっ" "Huh."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "見てくださいよ静香、ちゃる" "Look at this, Shizuka, Charu."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "このポップコーンカラフルでカワイイですよ" "This popcorn is colorful and cute."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "これ、食べれるの?" "Can you eat this?"
"あむっ" "Amm."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "なんか甘くて美味しい今まで食べたことがない感じ" "It's kind of sweet and delicious, like nothing I've ever had before."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "集落だと和菓子ばっかりだもんね" "In a village, it's all Japanese sweets."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ねえ、フェリシアわたしにもひと口ちょーだい" "Hey, Felicia, can I have a bite?"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "いいぞ、ほら" "Okay, here."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ありがとう" "Thank you."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "って、これポップコーンのかけら!!" "I mean, that's a piece of popcorn!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "味もほとんどわかんないよ!" "I can barely even taste it!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ひと口って言っただろ!?" "What did I say about taking a bite?
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ぐっ、たしかに…!" "Gosh, you're right.
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "嘘だよ、ほらひと掴みいけよ" "I'm just kidding. Come on, grab a handful."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "にひっ" "Nihihi."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Tsuruno "おらぁ!" "Hey!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "鶴乃!!それ取り過ぎだぞ!!" "Tsuruno! You're taking too much of that!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "これも甘くておいし~" "This is also sweet and delicious~"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ミルクティーなんて飲むのいつぶりかわからないですっ" "I can't remember when I had a cup of milk tea."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "それに、この食感もやみつきになっちゃいますね" "And the texture is addictive, too."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちゃると静香はいりますか?" "Do you want some, Charu and Shizuka?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ううん、わたしはいいや" "No, I'm not."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "私も遠慮しとく…" "I don't think I'm going to..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "そんなでかいカエルの卵あまり食べる気にならないから" "Because I don't feel like eating too many big frog eggs like that."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "え、カエル!?" "What, frog?!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "違うよ静香ちゃんこれ、タピオカって言うんだよ" "No, Shizuka, this is called tapioca."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "たぴおか…?" "Tapioka...?"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "キャッサバから作るんですよ" "We make them from cassava,"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "きゃっ、鯖…?" "Kyah, mackerel...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "…………へぇ" "............huh."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "わかってないよね…" "You don't understand..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "うん" "Yeah."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ういちゃん…ひと口食べてみる…?" "Ui-chan... try a bite...?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うんっ" "Yeah."
"ぱくっ" "Snap!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ふわぁっクリームが口で溶けちゃった" "Fluffy, the cream just melted in my mouth."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "イチゴもおいしい" "Strawberries are good too."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ここのクレープはやちよがオススメしてたんだよ" "The crepes here were recommended by Yachiyo."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "もう、私、幸せです…静香とちゃるはいりますか?" "I'm already happy... do you want some Shizuka and Charu?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ううん、わたしは大丈夫だよ…" "No, I'm fine..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ねえ、すなお…" "Hey, Sunao..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "はい?" "Yes?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "言いにくいんだけど、その…" "I hate to say it, but I mean..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "な、なんでしょう…" "What is it..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "太るわよ?" "You're going to get fat, okay?"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "くっ…" "Damn..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "…どなたか、いりますか?" "...Anybody want one?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あ、わたし食べたいな" "Oh, I want to eat."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あんまり食べ過ぎると、いろはさんに怒られるよ…?" "If you eat too much, Iroha-san will be angry with you...?"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "…………" "............"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "あ、あれ…?" "Oh, that...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "あーーーーそうだ!みんなで服でも見ようよ!" "Ahhhh yes! Let's all look at some clothes!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "色んなお店が揃ってる場所があるからさっ!" "There's a place where you can find all kinds of shops."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "オレはまだまだ食べられるぞ!?" "I can still eat!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "いいからいいから!" "It's okay, it's okay!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "あっ…" "Oh..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "すごい、色んな服があるっ" "Wow, there are so many different clothes."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "静香ちゃん気になる?" "Do you mind, Shizuka?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "うん、ちょっとだけワクワクしてきた" "Yeah, I'm just a little bit excited about it."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "だけど、右も左もこれだけお店があると" "But when there are so many shops on the right and left,"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "時間が経つのも忘れそうだし、回りきれない気がするわ" "I think I'm going to forget how much time has passed, and I feel like I can't get around."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それなら、また一緒に来よういつでも付き合うよ" "Then I'll come back with you, and I'll go out with you anytime."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "また…ふふっ、そうね" "Also...hmmm, yeah."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "静香、ちょっとだけ慣れてきたんじゃないですか?" "Shizuka, I think you're getting used to it a bit, aren't you?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "あ、確かにそうかも" "Oh, you're right, I might."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "アラ料理成功だな!" "That was a success!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "荒療治ですよ、フェリシアさん…" "It's a rough treatment, Felicia..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "…………" "............"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ごめん…わたし、やっぱり無理だ…" "I'm sorry... I can't do this..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ちょっと、ごめんね…" "Hey, I'm sorry..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あっ…" "Oh..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちゃる…" "Charu..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "これは困ったわね…" "This is a problem..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "はい…" "Yes..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちょっとお願いがあるんですけど場所を変えても良いですか…?" "I was wondering if you could do us a favor and change the location..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "極力、人が少ない場所だと助かるんですけど…" "It would be helpful if there were as few people in the area as possible..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ごめんなさい…" "I'm sorry..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "あなたたちに迷惑を掛けてしまって…" "I'm sorry I've put you guys through so much trouble..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ううん、わたしは全然平気だよ" "Nope, I'm totally fine with it."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "そうそう気にすんなよ!こういう時は助け合いだぞ!" "Don't worry about it so much! It's times like these that we help each other!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ねぇねぇ、さな…" "Hey, hey, Sana..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はい…?" "Yes...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "人が少ない所ってどこか知ってる?" "Do you know where the least amount of people are?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "それなら…はい…" "Then...yes..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "栄でも西の方に離れたら大きな公園があります…" "Even in Sakae, if you go away to the west, there's a big park..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "そこって、建物を壊して更地にしたところだっけ?" "Is that where they tore down the building and cleared the land?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はい…博物館の移転で…" "Yes... with the relocation of the museum..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あの辺りなら、人は少ないと思います…" "I don't think there are many people in that area..."
Part 9
Name Japanese Translate
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "ちょっと、里見さん!待ちなさい!" "Hey, Satomi-san! Wait!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "もーなんなのー?" "What is it?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "わたくしを追いかけても、費用対効果が悪いよせんせー" "It's not very cost effective to go after me, Teacher."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "宿題を提出してないのは、あなたひとりだけなんですから!" "You're the only one who hasn't turned in your homework!"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "やってないなら居残りしていきなさい!" "If you haven't done it, go get detention!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "あんな幼児向けの宿題なんて、もー終わって提出済みだよ" "That kind of toddler homework is already done and submitted."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "でも、先生は受け取ってません!" "But the teacher didn't receive it!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "メールで添付して送ったよ" "I emailed it to you as an attachment."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "――っ!?" "--Huh?!"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "それは提出ではありません!ちゃんとノートで出すように!" "That's not a submission! Make sure you get it out in paper!"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "それより、どうして、先生のアドレスを知ってるの!?" "More importantly, how did you know your teacher's address!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "セキュリティが甘いからすぐにわかっちゃったよ" "The security is so lax that I found out right away."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "里見さん…" "Satomi-san..."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "いいから、わたくしに構うなら仕事してよ!" "Just do your job if you're going to leave me alone!"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "今、してるわよ!" "I'm doing it now!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "さよーならー" "Good~ bye~."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "っていうことがあって、遅れちゃった" "That's what happened, so I'm late."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "ごめんね、お姉さま" "I'm sorry, sister."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "そこは、先生の言うことを聞いておいた方がいいよ…" "You'd better listen to the teacher there..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "みんなと一緒にお勉強するのも大切だよ?" "It's important to learn with everyone, okay?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "そうやって軍隊みたいに揃えよーとするのは" "That's how you try to align them like an army."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "日本のきょーいくの悪いところだと思いまーす" "I think that's the bad thing about Japanese kyoiku."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "もう…" "I can't..."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "相変わらず口が達者ね…" "Your mouth is as glib as ever..."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "それで、ブレスレットは持ってきてくれたかにゃー?" "So, did you bring your bracelet?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "そもそも、取れないんだっけ?" "You can't get it in the first place?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、無理に取ろうとしないでね?" "Yeah, don't try to force it, okay?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "今日は魔力パターンを調べようと思っただけだから" "I just thought I'd check out the magic patterns today."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "取らなくてもへーきだよ" "You don't have to take it, it's fine."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "魔女ともウワサとも違うのは、私たちでもわかったわ" "We knew too that it wasn't a witch or a rumor."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "魔力パターンを調べたところで新しい発見はないと思うけど…" "I don't think we'll find anything new by examining the magic patterns..."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "そんな感覚はなーんの当てにもならないよ" "You can't rely on any of those senses."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "やっぱり、ちゃんと分析して結果を出さないとねー" "I knew I had to analyze it properly and get the results..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "分析?" "Analysis?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "そう、桜子に見てもらってわたくしが答えを出すんだよっ!" "Yes, let Sakurako see it and I'll give you the answer!"
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|そう、私が見る|" "Yes, I'll see it."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "どういうこと?" "What do you mean?"
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|私は万年桜のうわさ|" "I'm a Rumor of the Cherry Blossom Tree of Many Years."
Sakurako "|灯花、ねむ、うい、いろはの4人が再び出会う場所として作られた|" "| It was created as a place where Touka, Nemu, Ui and Iroha meet again."
Sakurako "|だけどねむによって内容が変えられた|" "|But the content was changed by Nemu.|"
Sakurako "|の内容に縛られるのは今まで通り変わらないけど|" "|I'm still bound by the same rules as before, but.|"
Sakurako "―万年桜のウワサ―|得た知識や記憶がサーバーに保存されて随時更新されるようになった|" "-Sakurako -|The knowledge and memories gained are now stored on the server and updated from time to time."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "詰まるところ、彼女の知ってる魔力パターンと照合するのね" "So, at the end of the day, you're going to have to check it against the magic patterns she knows."
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "そんなことができるなんて思いもしなかったわ" "I never thought I'd be able to do that."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "くふふっ" "Hmmm."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "魔力でねむの本とウワサが繋がってるのは知ってたから" "I knew the rumors were connected to Nemu's book by magic."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "サーバーと繋がった桜子の魔力がどう変換されて" "I'm connected to the server, and how Sakurako's magic is converted."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "どんなデータベースを構築するかを調べてたんだよ" "We were trying to figure out what kind of database we were going to build."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "その答えさえ出れば" "If only I could answer that question."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "わたくしが組んだプログラムを実行するだけで照合できるからね" "All you have to do is run the program I put together and I can match it."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "へぇー?" "Huh?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "ただ、時間がかかるから腕を置いたまま動かさないでね" "Just don't move it with your arm in place because it will take a while."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "それは全然平気だよ" "I'm totally fine with that."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "あれ、灯花?" "Oh, Touka?"
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "僕が想定していたよりも随分と早いお帰りだね" "You're home a lot sooner than I expected."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あ、ねむちゃん" "Oh, Nemu-chan."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "いらっしゃい、お姉さん" "Welcome, sister."
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|ねーむっ|" "|Neemmmmmu|"
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "良かった、今日はご機嫌だね桜子" "Good, you're in a good mood today, Sakurako."
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|これで3人揃った|" "|Now we're all three.|"
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|あと、ういが来てくれたら私もブレスレットを見る|" "|Also, I'll look at the bracelet when Ui comes over.|"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "えっ…!?" "What...?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "ういちゃんは今日、別件ね…" "Ui-chan's got another thing going on today..."
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|え…|" "|Heh...|"
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "桜子…" "Sakurako..."
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|そう…|" "|So...|"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ちょっ、ちょっと桜子ちゃん!" "Hey, hey, Sakurako-chan!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "あーあ、すねちゃった…" "Ohhhh, she sulked..."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "4人揃うのが至福なのは、の内容で揺るがないこと" "What makes the four of us together blissful is that we can't shake the content of"
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "僕でもさすがに如何ともし難いことだよ" "It's hard to do, even for me."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "機嫌が直るのを待つしかないかもしれないにゃー…" "We may have to wait for her mood to get better..."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "あとで来られないかういに聞いてみるね" "I'll ask Ui if she can come later."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "ありがとう、お姉さん" "Thank you, sister."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "それで、ねむは結局を見つけられたの?" "So, did Nemu find the end result?"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "うわさ?" "Rumor?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "今、残ってるのは、桜子ちゃんだけじゃないの?" "Isn't Sakurako the only one left now?"
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "違う…" "No..."
Nemu "「僕はアリナと対峙した時に全ての力を使い冥府に堕ちるのも覚悟で最後のを作った」" "When I confronted Alina, I used all my powers to create the last one, ready to fall into the Underworld."
Nemu "「だけどうわさ、作ったが見当たらない」" "But the rumor I made, I couldn't find."
Nemu "「間違いなく僕の本には作ったうわさが記されているのに感知できないんだ」" "No doubt I made it in my book, but I can't detect it even though it's marked in my book."
Part 10
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ワタシも同じです…" "The same with me..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "皆さんが料理を振る舞ってくれた日の夜更けに" "Late in the evening on the day you all served me food."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "外で彼女と遭遇して勧誘されました…" "I ran into her outside and she recruited me..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "おふたりはいつ頃に…?" "When did you two...?"
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "ウチらは、やちよさんたちと別れたあとです" "Ours is after we left Yachiyo-san and her friends."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "どちらにしても夜遅く…" "Either way, it's late at night..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "マギウスの翼が解体されてから籠もってると思ってましたが" "I thought you've been caged in since the wings of Magius were dismantled."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "どうも“あのふたり”は、暗躍していたようですね…" "I think those two have been working in the dark..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "まさか、新しいマギウスの翼だなんて…" "I didn't think it was a new wings of Magius..."
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "でも、他の羽根たちと同じで説得はできるはずでございます" "But I'm sure you can be persuaded, just like the other feathers."
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "魔法少女の解放を目指すのは、こちらも同じでございますし…" "We're trying to free the magical girls as well, and..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "そうだと良いんですけど…" "I hope you're right..."
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "みふゆさん弱気にならないでください" "Mifuyu-san, please don't be weak."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "あの子たちは知ってるんですよ" "I know those kids."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ワタシたちの目的が今でも魔法少女の解放であることを…" "And that our purpose is still the liberation of magical girls..."
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "それは…" "It's..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それで敵に回るなら、他に理由があるはずなんです…" "If that's going to turn against them, there must be another reason..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "東で暗躍していたなら、十七夜さんに話すべきですね…" "If you've been in the dark in the east, you should talk to Kanagi-san..."
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "今はバイト中かもしれないです" "I may be working part-time right now."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それなら少しだけ待たせてもらいましょう" "Then we'll just have to wait a little while."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "ついでに令さんと郁美さんにも連絡をとっておきます" "While we're at it, I'll contact Ryo-san and Ikumi-san as well."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "調整屋で落ち合って話を摺り合わせましょう" "Let's meet at the adjuster shop and go over the details."
image=File:Card 77040 d.png "くっ…" "Damn..."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "嘘を吐いてるヤツはその目を見たらわかるんだよな" "You can tell who's lying when you look them in the eye."
image=File:Card 77040 d.png "本当のこと、言ったよ嘘なんてついてない、私は…" "I told you the truth, I'm not lying, I'm not..."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "あがき方に余裕があるし目玉の底に希望の火が見える" "There's plenty of room to struggle and I can see the fire of hope at the bottom of my eyeballs."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "諦めたヤツの目の奥はな夜の砂漠みたいになるんだよ" "You know, the ones that give up, behind the eyes, it's like a desert at night."
image=File:Card 77040 d.png "そんな例え方されても…" "You can't make that analogy..."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "じゃあ、もう何も聞かねーよ" "Then I won't ask any more questions."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "あとはヒッソリと、ここで骨になればいい" "The rest of it is hissy fit, and we can get to the bone here."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "手は下さない時間をかけてゆっくりな" "I'm not going to put my hand down, so take your time."
image=File:Card 77040 d.png "っ…" "Huh..."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "その目だ" "That's the eye."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "さあ正直に言いな納得すれば逃がしてやるよ" "Now, tell me the truth, and if I'm convinced, I'll let you go."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "あーあ、話を聞くっていうのもかなり疲れるもんなんだな…" "Oh, I guess listening to the story is pretty exhausting too..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "次女、何かわかったかしらぁ?" "Second sister, what have we learned?"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "ニヒッ当たり前だっつーの" "It's no wonder."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "今の目的が何なのか、ちゃーんと聞き出したよ" "I made sure I got her to tell me what she wants now."
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "嘘の情報じゃないよね~?" "You're not lying to me, are you~?"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "いくつか嘘は吐いたが、これは確度が高い自信がある" "I've told a few lies, but I'm very confident that this is a sure thing."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "それで、彼女たちは、どうするつもりなのぉ?" "So, what are they going to do?"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "どうも山の中に、どでかい電波望遠鏡があるらしくてさ" "Apparently there's a big radio telescope in the mountains."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "そこに、助けを求めて、仲間が移動してるらしい" "That's where they say they're moving their people to for help."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "あの、ローブを被った子たち、神浜の子だったわよねぇ" "You know, those kids with the robes, they were the kids from Kamihama, weren't they?"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "だな" "Right."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "そいつらが助けを請うんだどんな相手かは想像がつく" "Those guys need help, and I can only imagine what kind of people they're dealing with."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "実力者…あるいはブレインってことねぇ…" "You're a powerhouse... or a brain, I mean..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "まぁ、場所から想像するに、後者なんでしょうけど" "Well, from the location, I imagine it's the latter."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "フフッ、良い情報よ次女…" "Huh, good information, second sister..."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "結菜さん頭を潰せば体は動かないっす" "Yuna-san, if you crush your head, your body won't move."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そうね、次の狙いは定まったわぁ…" "Well, I think I've got my sights set on the next one..."
Part 11
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "んー" "Hmm."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "やっぱりなぎたんに運んでもらったケーキは" "I knew that the cake that Nagitan brought to me was..."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "実に美味でありますな" "It is indeed delicious."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Ka "何度も言っていることだが、他の客と同じものだぞ" "I've said it a million times, but it's the same thing as any other customer."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "いやいや、愛情が入ってる分美味しくなってるよ" "No, no, the more love you put into it, the better it tastes."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "客に愛情は皆無なんだがこれは値段の対価だぞ?" "I don't have any love for my customers, but this is the price you're paying for this."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "またまた、隠さなくても" "Again, you don't have to hide it."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "ふむ…" "Hmm..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "これならどうだ?" "How about this?"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "ケーキに…大量のタバスコ…" "A cake... and a lot of Tabasco..."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "いや、これも愛をもってすれば…" "No, this too, with love..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "…………" "............"
"あむっ…" "Um..."
image=File:Card 80011 d.png "び、美味であります!!" "Bi, it's delicious!"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "八雲のレシピだったんだが、案外いけるものなのか" "It was Yakumo's recipe, but it's surprisingly good."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "十七夜さん、あなたいつも、こんな接客をしてるんですか…?" "Kanagi-san, do you always treat customers like this...?"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "む、これは珍客だなご主人として丁重にもてなすぞ" "Mmm, this is a rare guest, and as your host, I will treat you with the greatest courtesy."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "これ、ご主人の扱いなんですね…" "So this is how you treat your customer..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うむ、どうもケーキとタバスコは合うらしい" "Mmm, apparently cake and Tabasco go together."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "梓もどうだ?" "How about Azusa?"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "いえ、遠慮しておきます…" "No, I'll refrain from..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それに今日は、客として来たわけじゃありません" "Besides, I'm not here today as a guest."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "なるほど、面接か梓なら衣装も映えるだろうな" "I see, the interview or Azusa would look great in costume."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "いえ、急いで十七夜さんの耳に入れておきたいことが…" "No, there's something I need to hear from Kanagi-san in a hurry..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "――っ!?" "--?!"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "…急に不穏だな、どうした" "...this is suddenly very disturbing, what's going on?"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "一部の羽根が、再び動きを見せています" "Some of the feathers are on the move again."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それも、ひとりやふたりでなく、数を集めているかと…" "I wondered if they were gathering a number of them, too, rather than just one or two..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "そういうことか" "So that's what it is."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "八雲には連絡はとってあるか?" "Have you contacted Yakumo?"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "はい、十七夜さんを連れていくと事前に連絡を入れてあります" "Yes, I've sent word in advance that I'll be taking Kanagi-san with me."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "それで合点がいった" "So we've come to a point."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "八雲から着信があったんだが、出られなかったところでな" "I just got a call from Yakumo, where I couldn't answer it."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "悪いが、1時間待ってくれそれで今日はあがりだ" "I'm sorry, but give me an hour and I'm done for the day."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "では、月夜さんと月咲さんも、呼んできますね" "So, I'll go get Tsukuyo-san and Tsukasa-san, too."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "中で軽くお茶でもしながら、待たせて頂きます" "We'll have to wait for you inside for a light tea."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "うむ、歓迎するぞ、ご主人" "Mmm, you are welcome, my lord."
Part 12
Name Japanese Translate
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "いろはちゃんからメッセージ?" "A message from Iroha-chan?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん" "Yeah."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "桜子ちゃんが会いたがってるから終わったら来て欲しいって" "Sakurako-chan wants to see you, so she wants you to come over when she's done."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "すねちゃったのかな" "I think she's sulking."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "多分、そうだと思う" "Maybe so."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "んぅ…" "Hmm..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ごめんね、だいぶ気分が良くなってきた" "I'm sorry, I'm feeling much better."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "おっ、良かった!" "Oh, good!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "病院とか行かなくて平気?一応、調べておいたけど" "Are you okay with not going to the hospital or something? In case you were wondering, I did some research."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うん、平気ほんと迷惑かけてごめんね…" "Yeah, it's fine, I'm really sorry to bother you..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "でも、大変そうだね人の数で酔っちゃうのって…" "But it sounds like a lot of work, getting nauseous because of crowds..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "な、好きな所いけねーしちょー不便じゃん" "Hey, I can't go anywhere I want, it's not even close."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "…………" "............"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "あの、さっき居た所って悪い人が多かったりする?" "Um, do you think there are a lot of bad people in the place you were just in?"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "あ?悪い人?" "Oh? Bad people?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "なんか、悪意を持ってたり、犯罪を犯そうとしてる人とか…" "It's like, you know, someone who has bad intentions or is trying to commit a crime or..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "どうだろうね?" "I don't know."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "確かに少し外れた場所に行くと変なキャッチがいたりするし" "It's true that if you go a little bit out of the way, there are some weird catches."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "女の子が行くには危険な場所なんだけど" "It's a dangerous place for a girl to go."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "じゃあ、そのせいかもしれないわね" "Then maybe that's why."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ですね…" "Yes..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ただの人酔いじゃないの?" "Isn't it just people sickness?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "えっと、実はね信じてもらえないかもだけど" "Um, actually, well, you're not going to believe this, but..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "わたし、人の悪意があると、それを感じ取っちゃうんだよぅ…" "I can sense when people have bad intentions, you know..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "人数が多くても、少しはコントロールできてたんだけど…" "We had a little bit of control over the number of people..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "すげーな、それ超能力じゃん" "Awesome, that's a superpower."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "未解決事件の番組に出てくる超能力捜査官と同じだぞ!" "You're just like the psychic agents on the cold case show!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ほっ?" "Ho?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ぉお、そっか!3人とも魔法少女だったんだ!" "Oh, I see, all three of us were magical girls!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "えっ!?" "What?!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "ほんとだ、指輪がある!!" "Really, they have a ring!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "あれ、じゃあ私のことも見えてたんですか…!?" "Oh, so you can see me, too...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "お化けじゃないんだから見えてるわよ!" "You're not a ghost, I can see you!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "それより、みんな、魔法少女を知ってるの!?" "More importantly, do you guys know about magical girls!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "知ってるも何もわたしたちも同じなんだよ!" "You know what? We don't know what we are either!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "まさか神浜の魔法少女に案内してもらってたなんて" "I didn't think we had a magical girl in Kamihama to show us around."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "まるで運命みたいです" "It's like fate,"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "こんな動物みたいな子に…" "You're such an animal..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぬぅ、よけられた!" "Nuh-uh, they've dodged me!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "お前らアイツラの仲間か…!?" "You're one of those guys...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "えっ!?" "What?"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "いろはのこと狙ったり、オレをボコボコにしたり" "They're trying to get to me and beat me up."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "仲間だったらぜってーに許さねーぞ…!" "If you're one of them, I'll never forgive you..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ちょっと、フェリシアさん落ち着いてください…!" "Hey, Felicia-san, please calm down...!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "そうだよ、あの時の人たちとは違うよ!" "Yes, It's not like those people back then!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "でも、コイツら、知らない町の魔法少女じゃん!" "But these guys are magical girls from a town we don't know!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "あの、どうしたんですか!?" "Um, what's going on?!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "恨みを買うようなことなんて全然してないよぅ…!" "I didn't do anything to cause any resentment at all...!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うーんと…" "Ummm..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "二木市って知ってる…?あと紅晴結菜って…" "You know what Futatsugi City is...? And Kureha Yuna..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "そんなの知らないわ初めて聞いたぐらいよ" "I don't know about that, I've never heard of it before."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "その町の魔法少女たちが、わたしたちを襲ったんだよ" "The magical girls in that town attacked us."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "全然、私たちは関係ありません" "Not at all, we're not involved."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "そうよ、私たちが来たのは、霧峰村の時女集落なんだから…!" "That's right, we came to the Tokime's Village in Misty Peak Village...!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うんうん!" "Yeah, yeah!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "だよ、フェリシア" "That's it, Felicia."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "…………だよな" ".....................right?"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "アイツらと同じなら、一緒に遊ぶはずねーしな…" "I wouldn't be playing with you if you were like those guys..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "悪い、勘違いしてたぞごめんな" "Sorry, I was wrong about you, sorry."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ただ、魔法少女なら気をつけてね" "Just be careful if you're a magical girl."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "二木市の魔法少女は、本気で攻撃を仕掛けてくるから" "Because the magical girls in Futatsugi City are serious about attacking you."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "同じ魔法少女なのに?" "It's the same magical girl?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うん…" "Yeah..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "狙いは神浜の魔法少女だから、そっちは関係ないと思うけどね" "I don't think that has anything to do with it, though, since the target is a magical girl from Kamihama."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "だとしても、大切なことを聞いたよ" "But even so, I've heard something important."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "等々力耕一も言ってたからね要らない情報はないって!" "You know, Koichi Todoroki also said there's no information we don't need!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Shizuka "とりあえず、誤解が解けて良かったわ" "Anyway, I'm glad we've cleared up the misunderstanding."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Shizuka "正直、みんなが神浜の魔法少女で安心したから" "Honestly, I'm just relieved that everyone is a magical girl from Kamihama"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "安心?" "Safe?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Shizuka "だって、私ってば集落から出てきたばかりでしょ?" "Because I just came out of the settlement, right?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Shizuka "人が沢山いる中で、私だけが世間とズレていて" "There's a lot of people out there, and I'm the only one who's out of step with the world."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Shizuka "新しい友だちとか、仲間とか、うまく出来るか不安だったのよ…" "I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make new friends and associates and all that..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "なら、安心だね!わたしたちが友だちだから!" "Then you're safe! Because we're your friends!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ふんふん!" "Humph!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん、そうだね!わたしたちみんな友だちだよ!" "Yeah, I guess so! We're all friends!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Shizuka "…………うんっ" ".........yeah."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "神浜で活動をするのに、少しは気が楽になりましたね" "It makes me feel a little bit better about doing the activities at Kamihama."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "そういえば、みなさんはどうして神浜に…?" "Speaking of which, why did you all come to Kamihama...?"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "あ、それはですね" "Oh, that is,"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "これ、魔女の反応…!?" "This is the witch's reaction...?"
Part 13
Name Japanese Translation
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "これ、魔女の反応…!?" "This is a witch's reaction...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ちゃる、すなお、この反応、かなり強いわよ" "Charu, Sunao, this reaction is pretty strong."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "どうして今まで気付かなかったんでしょうか…" "I don't know why I didn't notice it before..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "でも、これって魔女かな…魔法少女でもなさそうだけど…" "But I wonder if this is a witch... it doesn't look like a magical girl either..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ただ、魔女だとすれば、かなり危険よ…" "It's just that, if she's a witch, she's pretty dangerous..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "また、この反応…" "This reaction again..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "日の本を呪いで彩る魔女叩かないといけないわね…" "I'll have to beat the witch who colors the book of sunshine with curses..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うん" "Yeah."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "正体不明だとしても、もしもの可能性があります" "Even if it's unidentified, it could be if."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あ、ちょっと待って…!" "Oh, wait a minute...!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うぇえ!?なんで止めるのさ!" "What? Why are you stopping me?!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "悪鬼は倒さないといけないのに!" "The demon had to be defeated, though!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "悪鬼?" "Demon?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "あぁっと、魔女、魔女!悪鬼は村での呼び方ね!" "Oh, witch, witch! That's what you call them in the village!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "急がないと、移動するかもしれないわよ?" "If we don't hurry, we might have to move, okay?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "違うの" "It's not."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "あのね、この反応って、魔女でもウワサでもない相手なの" "You know, this reaction is against a person who is neither a witch nor a rumor."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "魔女でも噂でもない…?" "It's not a witch or a rumor...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "要は、よくわからない相手だっていうことだよ" "The bottom line is that you're dealing with someone you don't know very well."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それに、戦い慣れた仲間同士でも苦戦するぐらいだったから" "And it was so much more of a struggle, even among friends who were used to fighting."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "今の面子で行くのは危険だと思う" "I don't think it's safe to go with the face we have now."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "そうですね…" "Well..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "神浜の魔法少女に声をかけて、来てもらった方が良いです…" "You'd better talk to the magical girls of Kamihama and ask them to come..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "以前は何人で戦ったんですか?" "How many people did you fight with before?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "前に戦った時は、6人でやっとでした…" "The last time we fought, we barely had six men..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "まさか…" "No way..."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "って、喋ってる間にズガンッとやっちまおーぜ!" "Let's do it while we talk!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "今回は7人居るんだし、なんとかなるぞ!" "There's seven of us this time, we can handle it!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うん、悪意の多い町で暴れたら、どうなるかわからないし" "Yeah, and I don't know what's going to happen if I go off in a town with a lot of bad intentions."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "逆に倒せば、魔女の影響を受けた人たちが元に戻るかも" "On the other hand, if we defeat it, the people affected by the witch might be restored to their original state."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "それぐらい強い魔女なんだよね?" "That's how strong a witch you are, right?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "そ、そうだけど…" "Yeah, I know, but..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "じゃあ、消しましょう" "Then let's turn it off."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "この町がちゃるにとって、生きやすい町になるなら一層ね" "If this town will be a better place for Charu to live, even more so."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "もう、止まってくれそうにないですね…" "I don't think they're going to stop now..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "助けを呼んでる間に、行っちゃうだろうし…" "They'll be gone while I'm calling for help, and..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "よしっ!!" "All right!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "こうなったら、みんなでなんとか切り抜けよう!" "If this happens, we'll all manage to get through it together!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はいっ…!" "Yes...!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "どの辺りに居るかわかる…?" "Do you know where I am...?"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "少し待ってください" "Give me a minute."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "…だめですね強い魔力は感じるんですけど…" " can feel strong magic, but..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "わたしもダメだよ…" "I can't either..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "多分、こっち…!" "Maybe this way!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ういちゃん…?" "Ui-chan...?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "わたしだけなのかな…?なんとなく居場所がわかるよ" "Is it just me...? I kind of know where I am."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "んじゃあ、さっさと乗り込んで、ぶっ倒してやるぞ!" "Well then, let's get in there and beat the crap out of them!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ついでに、もう1個、ブレスレットも貰おうぜ!" "And while we're at it, let's get another bracelet, too!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "…ブレスレット?" "...bracelet?"
Part 14
Name Japanese Translation
image=Card 10274 d.png ⊃―☆|" ⊃―☆|"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "魔女の反応じゃありませんこの敵は一体…" "This is not a witch's reaction, this enemy is a..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "前まで神浜にいたウワサっていう敵です…" "It's an enemy called Uwasa, who was in the Kamihama before..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "もう残ってないはずなんですけど急にこうして現れて…" "There shouldn't be any more of them left, but all of a sudden they show up like this..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "あの時と魔力の反応も違うし、わたしたちにも正体はわからない" "The magic reacts differently than it did then, and we don't know who they are either."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ただ、最後にいる危険な親玉の手下だってことは確かだよ!" "Just make sure they're working for the last dangerous master!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "つまり、戦って倒すべき相手、それは魔女と同じってことね" "So it's the same as a witch that you're supposed to fight and defeat."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ちゃる、すなお!" "Charu, Sunao!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "時女一族の巫(かんなぎ)としていえ、魔法少女として" "Not only as a miko of the Tokime clan, but as a magical girl."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "日の本の悪を断ちましょう!" "Let's break the evil of the sun!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "はい!" "Yes!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うん!" "Yeah!"
Part 15
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10251 d.png "|ギ┐┗ギゴゴ┤ズ!?|" "| |┐┐ engraved on the end of a sentence. |"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "はぁ…倒した…" "Huh...I beat it..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ふたりとも大丈夫ですか…?" "Are you two okay...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ええ、まだまだ戦えるわ" "Yeah, I can still fight."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "わたしも全然平気だよっ!" "I'm totally fine, too!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おい、鶴乃!なにボーッとしてんだよ!" "Hey, Tsuruno! What are you doing in a daze?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "えっ、あぁ…ごめん!" "Eh, oh... sorry!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "(このウワサを普通に相手できているっていうことは)" "(The fact that they can deal with this rumor in a normal way)."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "(二木市の魔法少女と同じようにどこかで調整を受けてる…?)" "(Like the magical girls in Futatsugi City, they're getting adjusted somewhere...?)"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "くる…" "It's coming..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "みんなっ、来るよ!!" "Guys, it's coming!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png "∵へ~ ̄ハイ_ええ" "∵へ~ ̄ハイ_ええ"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うわっ…" "Uwaa..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "なっ、なにこれ…" "What is this..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "すごい…鳥肌が…" "Wow...goosebumps..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "思わず表情が引きつったわ…変な汗まで出てきた…" "I couldn't help but pull a look on my face... I'm even sweating weirdly..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "だ、だから言ったんだよ!" "That's why I said it!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "今ならまだ、逃げられるかもしれないよ!" "Maybe we can still get away with it now!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "魔女を相手に逃げる…?それはできないわ" "Running away from the witch...? I can't do that."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "この悪鬼を狩ることで、みんなを救えるんだから" "We can save everyone by hunting this demon."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うん、怯えてられないよ" "Yeah, I can't be frightened."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "心で負けちゃいけませんね7人で力を合わせて倒しましょう" "We can't let our hearts beat us, let's join forces with the seven of us to defeat it."
Part 16
Name Japanese Translation
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちゃる、静香!今です!" "Charu, Shizuka! Now!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "これで、お縄だーーーーー!" "Now that's a noose!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "潔く散れーーー!!" "Be gone gracefully!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ふぅ…" "Huh..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "魔女は…!" "The witch...!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png "∵ワァぁ―エエ_ええ" "∵ワァぁ―エエ_ええ"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Chiharu "ァアアアッ!!" "Aaaaah!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ぐぅぅぅっ!!" "Ughhhh!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "うっ…ケホッ…" "Ugh...keh-ho..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うぅ…" "Ugh..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちゃる!静香!!" "Charu! Shizuka!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "っ…" "Huh..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "…………" "............"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "侮っていた…" "I was underestimating..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "私たちは外の世界を知らなさすぎた…" "We know too little about the outside world..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ういちゃんの言う通りで…" "Ui-chan was right..."
image=Card 10274 d.png "∵へ~_うん" "∵へ~_うん"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "あ…" "Oh..."
image=Card 10274 d.png "∵ハイィ―_ ̄!?" "∵ハイィ―_ ̄!?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "鶴乃さん!ちょっとひるんだよ!" "Tsuruno-san! Just flinch!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うしっ!" "Ush!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "行くよ、フェリシア、さな!" "Let's go, Felicia, Sana!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "おう!" "Oh!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "はいっ…!" "Yes...!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "何がしたかったのか、忘れさせてやるぞ!" "I'm going to make you forget what you wanted to do!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png "∵ん~~_ハィ ̄!!" "∵ん~~_ハィ ̄!!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "にゃっ、もう動けんのか!?" "Nya, can't you move anymore?!"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "ぬぅっ!" "Noooooo!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "立ち直りが早い…!さな、引いて!" "It's recovering fast...! Sana, pull back!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "えっ" "What?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png "∵エェ_うん―!!" "∵エェ_うん―-!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ひゃあっ!" "Hyaa!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "まずい…魔女が…" "Not good... the witch..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "3人とも逃げて!体勢を立て直さないと!!" "All three of you, run! We have to get back into position!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "はっ…はぁ…はぁ…" "Ha...ha...ha...ha..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ぬぅん…" "Mmm..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちゃる、静香!担いでいきますね!" "Charu, Shizuka! I'm going to carry it!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "いらない…" "I don't want..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "静香…!" "Shizuka...!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "魔女が迫ってるのになにを言ってるの!?" "We're in the middle of a witch hunt, so what are you talking about?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "私たちは時女一族…" "We are a race of women...
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "何百年も昔から変わらない…" "It's been the same for hundreds of years..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "日の本とそこに生きる人々のために" "For the book of the day and the people who live in it."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "この魂を燃やし続けてきた" "I've kept this soul burning."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "だから、背は向けない…!" "So I won't turn my back on you...!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "抱き続けてきた矜持を簡単に捨てるわけにはいかない!" "I'm not going to throw away the pride I've been holding on to so easily!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "静香…" "Shizuka..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "ぬっあああああっ!!" "Nuh-uh!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png "∵オォ_ハイはい!?" "∵オォ_ハイはい!?"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "ちゃる!?" "Charu?
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "動き、止めたよ!" "It's stopped!
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "こんなちっぽけな悪意ひとつにわたしだってやられない!" "I can't let this little bit of malice stop me, either!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "勝って、立ち上がるんだ!!" "We're going to win and get up!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "っ…!!" "Huh...!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "わかりました…" "Okay..."
Sunao "―すなお―限界まで私が静香を癒やします" "-Sunao- I will heal Shizuka to the limit."
Sunao "―すなお―だから清浄な光と共にその剣で!" "-Sunao- so I'll be with the clean light with that sword!"
Shizuka "―静香―悪を断つ…!" "-Shizuka- cut off the evil...!"
Shizuka "―静香―まだ、折れないわ" "-Shizuka- I'm not broken yet."
Shizuka "―静香―私たちの変革は始まったばかりなんだから!" "-Shizuka- our transformation is just beginning!"
Part 17
Name Japanese Translation
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ハッ、ァアアアアッ!!" "Ha, ah, ah!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png "∵ハッ_ィィイイ!?" "∵ハッ_ィィイイ?!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "はぁっ…はぁっ…" "Ha...ha...ha..."
image=Card 10264 d.png "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "やった…倒した…" "I did it...I beat him..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "すごい、倒しちゃった" "Wow, she beat him."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "山火事の力だな!" "That's the power of wildfire!"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "…?" "...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "火事場の馬鹿力だね" "You're a fool's errand of the fire."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "それな!" "That's it!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "鶴乃さん…" "Tsuruno-san..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "静香さんが倒したっていうことはもしかして" "If Shizuka beat him, then maybe..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "うん、もしかするかもね…" "Yeah, maybe..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "あれ、静香ちゃん?" "Hey, Shizuka?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ん?" "Hmm?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "そんなブレスレットなんて着けてたっけ?" "Did you ever wear a bracelet like that?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ブレスレットって何?" "What's a bracelet?"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "腕輪のことですよ" "It's about the braces,"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "私、腕輪なんて着けたこともないわよ" "I've never even worn a bracelet before."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ほらっって、ある!?" "See? There it is!"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "え、な、何これ…" "What, what is this...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "――っ!?" "--What?
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "これ…さっき感じてた魔力…?" "Is this... the magic I was feeling earlier...?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "やっぱりお姉ちゃんと同じだ" "I knew you were just like my sister."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "ういちゃん" "Ui-chan."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "この敵を倒したあとにね" "After we've defeated this enemy."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "お姉ちゃんの腕にもブレスレットが着いてたの" "I had a bracelet on my sister's arm too."
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "グリーフシードは無かったけどな" "We didn't have any grief seeds, though."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "これは何なの?" "What is this?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "それが、わたしたちも絶賛調査中なんだよ…" "That's what we're raving about, too..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "さっきの魔女の命だっていろはさんは言ってました…" "Iroha-san said it was the witch's life earlier..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "形の違うグリーフシードでしょうか…?" "Is it a grief seed of a different shape...?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "どうなんでしょう…" "I don't know..."
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "強い魔力が秘められてるのは確かみたいですけどね…" "I'm sure it's got a strong magical power inside it..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "強い魔力…それって…" "Strong magic... that's..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "あっ!!静香ちゃん、すなおちゃん!" "Ah! Shizuka, Suna-chan!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "集めればいいのってこれなんじゃないかな!?" "I think this is what we should collect!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "私も思いました!" "I thought so too!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ちょ、ちょっと待って!" "Hey, wait a minute!"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "その話って詳しく聞いてもいいかな!?" "Can I ask you to elaborate on that story?!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "へ?" "Huh?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "前にわたしたちを襲った相手も、同じ物を狙ってたんだよ" "The guy who attacked us before was after the same thing."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ただ、その理由が全然わからなくって…" "I just didn't know why at all..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "うん…" "Yeah..."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "みんなはどうしてブレスレットが欲しいの…?" "Why does everyone want a bracelet...?"
Part 18
Name Japanese Translate
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "そう、神浜の東側に強い魔力反応が…" "Yes, there's a strong magical reaction on the east side of the divine beach..."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "よく見つけてきたわねぇ" "I'm glad you found it."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "やったっすよ!" "I did it!"
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "結構、イージーモードだったよね~" "It was pretty easy mode, wasn't it!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ただ、どうやって見つけたのかしらぁ" "I just don't know how they found it!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "強い魔力を保持してるとはいえ、簡単に感知できなかったはずよぉ" "Even though you hold a strong magical power, you couldn't have easily detected it."
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "それは、わたしにもよくわからないんだよね~" "That's not really clear to me either!"
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "また羽根っぽい人と、衝突しちゃってさ~" "I had another collision with someone who looks like a feather, again!"
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "その時、急に感知して、近くにあるんだろうな~って" "That's when I suddenly sensed it, and it must be close!"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "なんだ、場所までは特定せずに帰ってきたのかよ" "What, you didn't even specify where you were coming from?"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "そういうところが、妹の詰めの甘さなんだっつーの" "That's the kind of thing my sister is so lacking in stuffing."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "次女、見つけられただけでも、こちらとしては良い塩梅よぉ" "Second sister, it's a good salve for us to have found you."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "目的を果たすために必要な力が、手に入るんだからぁ" "You'll get the power you need to fulfill your purpose, you know."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "ただ、こっからどう動くつもりなんだ、姉さん" "Just how are you going to move on from this, sister?"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "狙いはふたつあるんだから、二手に分かれましょう" "We have two aims, so let's split up."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "ひかる" "Hikaru."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っす!" "Sss!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "これから私とふたりで、神浜の有力者を潰しに行くわよぉ" "From now on, the two of us and I are going to go crush the most influential people in Kamihama."
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "次女と三女は、その間に強い魔力を確保してきなさい" "The second and third daughters, go and secure a strong magical power in the meantime."
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "ええ…姉ちゃんと共闘で~?" "Yeah... in a fight with your sister~?"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "何が不満なんだよ" "What are you complaining about?"
image=File:Card 10234 d.png ??? "やり方が乱暴なんだよね~" "It's a wild way to do things!"
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "今回はむしろそれでちょうどいい相手だろ" "That's rather just the right partner for you this time."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "そっすね" "That's right."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "魔法少女が相手ならひかるたちも慣れてるっすけど" "Hikaru and the others are used to dealing with magical girls, though."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "得体が知れない敵っすから、油断は禁物っすよ" "They are an unknown enemy, so you can't be too careful."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "釈迦に説法だっつーの" "I'm preaching to the Buddha."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "お前こそ気をつけろ" "You're the one to watch out for."
image=File:Card 10241 d.png ??? "山の中に、どんな魔法少女が潜んでるか知れないからな" "Because you never know what kind of magical girl might be lurking in the mountains."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っす!" "Sss!"
image=File:Card 10211 d.png Yuna "あと気になるのは、ローブの連中ぐらいねぇ" "The only other thing I care about is those robes."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "っすね" "Right."
image=File:Card 10224 d.png Hikaru "マギウスの翼は解散したって聞いてたっすからね" "I heard that the Wings of Magus had been disbanded, right?"
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "いやはや、観鳥さんも驚いたよ" "Well, well, Midori-san surprised to see you."
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "まさか今になって堂々と勧誘に来るとは思わなかったからね" "I didn't think you'd come to me now to solicit me so openly,"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "そうだね" "Yes,"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "私のところにも普通に来て勧誘してきたし…" "They usually come to me and solicit me and..."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "暗躍してようやく準備ができたというところでしょうか…" "I guess I'm finally ready to go in the dark..."
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "でも、勧誘に来たふたりは元は黒羽根でございますし" "But the two who came to recruit me were originally Black Feathers, and..."
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "前の仲間を集めたところで、何もできないと思うでございます" "I don't think we can do anything about it if we gather our former companions."
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "ねー" "Hey,"
image=File:Card 10193 d.png Tsukasa "他の黒羽根たちを集めても、そんな戦力にはならないはずだよ" "You shouldn't be able to gather the other Black Feathers to be such a force to be reckoned with."
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Kanagi "無駄に争って傷付ける前に説得するのが最優先だな" "I guess the first priority is to convince them before they fight and hurt us for nothing."
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Kanagi "どうだ、八雲" "What do you think, Yakumo?"
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Kanagi "梓の見立てでは、それは難しいということだが" "The way Azusa sees it, though, is that it's hard to do."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "そうねぇ…" "Well..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "みふゆさんの言う通り説得はかなり難しいと思うわぁ" "I think you're right, Mifuyu-san, it's going to be pretty hard to persuade them, huh?"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "みたまさんは、何か気付いていたんですか?" "Did you notice anything, Mitama-san?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "何度か調整をする中で、ふたりの中は見えていたわぁ" "I could see inside both of you as we made a few adjustments, oh,"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ただ、ここまで本気で動いていたとは思わなかったけど" "I just didn't think it was working this seriously, though."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "それで、説得が難しい理由はなんだ?" "So what's the reason it's so hard to convince them?"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "彼女たちの目的が解放だけじゃないからよ" "It's because their purpose is not just to liberate the girls."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "それと同等に…いえ、それ以上に大切なことがある…" "Equally... no, more importantly..."
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "――っ!?" "--?"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "どういうこと…?" "What do you mean...?"
image=File:Card 30463 d.png Midori Ryo "マギウスの翼の理念は、解放にあったはずだよ" "The idea of the wings of Magius should have been to liberate you,"
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "ふたりの中にあるのは、灯花ちゃんから聞いた価値観" "The values that Touka told me about in the two of us."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "それは…" "It's..."
image=File:Card 10174 d.png Mitama "「魔法少女至上主義」" "Magical Girl Supremacy."
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "っ…そういうことですか" "Huh... is that what you mean?"
image=File:Card 10184 d.png Tsukuyo "みふゆさん!?" "Mifuyu-san!"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "灯花とねむがさらわれるかもしれません!" "There's a possibility that Touka and Nemu will be taken!"
image=File:Card 10064 d.png Mifuyu "彼女たちが狙われる前に助けに行かないと!" "We've got to go help these girls before they get targeted!"
image=File:Card 10164 d.png Kanagi "自分も行くぞ、梓!" "I'm going too, Azusa!"
Part 19
Name Japanese Translated
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|…………|" "|....................|"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "おっけー!全データの照合が終わったよー" "Okay! I've finished collating all the data!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ありがとうね桜子ちゃん" "Thanks, Sakurako-chan."
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|これで、ういも来てくれる?|" "
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "うん、後で寄ってくれるってだから少しだけ待っててね" "Yeah, she said she's going to stop by later, so you'll have to wait a little while."
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|うんっ|" "|Unh.|"
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "それで、魔力パターンを分析して何かわかった…?" "So, You've analyzed the magic patterns and found out something...?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "もー、ベテランさんはせっかちだなー" "Moo, you veterans are so impatient!"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "もう少し待ってよー" "Wait a little longer!"
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "僕が作ったと関係してるその可能性はないかな?" "Isn't there a possibility that it has something to do with me creating it?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "うーんウワサじゃないと思うよ?" "Hmmm, I don't think it's a rumor, do you?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "ウワサはねむの魔力が元だし、類似するパターンが混じるからね" "The rumors are based on Nemu's magical powers, and similar patterns are mixed in."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "あっ、結果がでてきたよー" "Oh, I'm getting the results!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "どう?" "Well?"
"バタン!" "Slam!"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "――っ!?" "--What?!"
image=File:Card 30434 d.png Sakurako "|ういが来たのかな?|" "
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "ちがう…ういじゃない…" "No... no... no..."
image=File:Card 77040 d.png "お迎えに上がりました灯花様、ねむ様" "I'm up for you, Touka-sama, Nemu-sama."
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "マギウスの翼…!?" "Wings of Magius?""
image=File:Card 10022 d.png Yachiyo "その衣装は一体…" "What are those costumes?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "もう、これで何人目?" "How many more of these are there already?"
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "衣装まで作ってきたのは、正直、びっくりだけど" "I'm honestly surprised that they even made the costumes, though."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "わたくしたちを担ぐつもりならさっさと帰ってよねー" "If you're going to carry me, you'd better get the hell out of here!"
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "うん" "Yeah."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "そこまで意気軒昂なのは構わないけれど" "I don't mind you getting all worked up about it."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "マギウスの翼を再建するつもりは坊主の毛先ほどもないんだよ" "I'm not going to rebuild wings of Magius as much as the tip of a monk's hair, you know."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "そうそう" "Yeah, yeah."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "一緒に解放を目指すつもりならそんなの脱いだ方がいーよ" "If we're going to work together for liberation, you'd better take that stuff off."
image=File:Card 10074 d.png Touka "こっちに歓迎するから" "You're welcome over here."
??? "「私たちはただ解放を目指すつもりはないんです」" "We're not just trying to liberate ourselves,"
??? "「ぼく…灯花様の理想…叶える…」" "I...Touka-sama's ideal...will come true..."
image=File:Card 10144 d.png Nemu "君たちは…?" "Are you guys...?"
image=File:Card 10011 d.png Iroha "(うい…)" "(Ui...)"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "みんなはどうしてブレスレットが欲しいの…?" "Why does everyone want a bracelet...?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "うーん…" "Ummm..."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "わたしたちが欲しいのってブレスレットっていうか" "What we want is more like a bracelet."
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "この中に詰まってる強い魔力の方なんだよ" "It's the strong magical power that's stuck inside this thing."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "魔力…?" "Magic...?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "とてもわたしたちが扱えるような力じゃないと思うんだけど" "I don't think it's very much of a power we can handle."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "ですよね…" "Right..."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "みたまさんだって、調整には使えないって言ってましたし…" "Even Mitama-san said that you can't use it to adjust..."
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "別に自分たちの体に使うつもりじゃないわよ?" "I'm not going to use it on ourselves, okay?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "それなら、何に使うつもりなんですか…?" "Then what are you going to use it for...?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "“魔女にならない力”がこの神浜にはあるでしょ?" "You have the power to keep from turning into a witch here in Kamihama, right?"
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "自動浄化システムのこと?" "You mean the automatic purification system?"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "そう、それ" "Yeah, that,"
image=File:Card 10251 d.png Shizuka "私たちが強い魔力を求める理由はそのシステムを貰うためなのよ" "The reason we want strong magic is so we can get that system."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "も、貰う!?" "Take it too!?"
image=File:Card 10052 d.png Felicia "それ、奪うってことじゃねーの…?" "Doesn't that mean you're going to take...?"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "いえいえ、集落のために少し分けて欲しくってですね!" "No, no, I just wanted to share some of it for the village!"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "そうそう、全然争うつもりなんてないんだよぅ!" "Yeah, yeah, I'm not trying to fight you at all!"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "でも、そんなことができるの?魔力を手に入れるだけで…?" "But how can you do that? Just to get the magic power...?"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "それは、正直なところ、私たちにも謎が多いんですけど…" "That's a bit of a mystery to us, to be honest..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "考えたこともなかったね…" "I never thought of that..."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "ただ、自動浄化システムも元を辿れば魔女だし" "But the automatic cleansing system is also a witch at its source."
image=File:Card 10032 d.png Tsuruno "もしかしたら、もしかするのかも…?" "Maybe it could be...?"
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "その、強い魔力があれば、自動浄化システムが手に入るって" "Well, she said that if you have a strong magical power, you can get an automatic purification system."
image=File:Card 10042 d.png Sana "誰から聞いたんですか…?" "Who told you about this...?"
image=Card 10264 d.png Chiharu "久兵衛様だよね?" "Kyubey-sama, right?"
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "――っ!?" "--?!"
image=Card 10274 d.png Sunao "はい、久兵衛様に聞きました" "Yes, Kyubey-sama told me."
image=File:Card 10154 d.png Ui "…キュゥべえ" "...Kyuubey."
"ピロン♪" "Pilon♪"
Iroha "「うい、こっちに来る時にみんなを連れてきて」" "Ui, bring everyone with you when you come over here."
Iroha "「灯花ちゃんとねむちゃんが危ないかもしれない…」" "Touka and Nemu-chan might be in danger..."
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "ちょっと、かりんちゃん待って!" "Hey, Karin-chan, wait!"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "ひとりで調べるのは危ないから!" "It's not safe to look into this alone!"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "でも、マギウスの翼なの!" "But it's a wings of Magius!"
image=File:Card 10124 d.png Misono Karin "もしかしたら、アリナ先輩がいるかもしれないの!" "Maybe Alina-senpai is there!"
image=File:Card 30534 d.png Makino Ikumi "信じないって言ってたのに…!" "You said you didn't believe me...!"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "本当にこっち?こっちで合ってるの?" "Really this way? Is it right over here?"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "…………" "............"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "ううん、信じてるよ私" "No, I believe it, I do."
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "山の中から聞こえてくるんだよね…?" "It's coming from the mountains...?"
image=File:Card 10201 d.png Kagome "魔法少女の声が…" "I heard a magical girl's voice..."

Section 3

Section 4