User talk:Shiori

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Revision as of 19:28, 17 March 2023 by EPF (talk | contribs)
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Shizuka Tokime art

Hi. I'm sorry if I am disturbing. Do you remember from where did you get Shizuka's art? A caption in Shizuka's page claims that it's from the main website but the website only has profiles/arts for Mikazuki and Quintet? --WizardFlower (talk) 19:50, 12 March 2023 (UTC)

It was shown around the time Arc 2 had come out introducing both Shizuka. and Yuna. here is the tweet showing the official art. i believe it was on the website for the Duration of Arc 2. but now that Arc 2/5 has started, it may have been removed CafeAuBandage (talk) 00:52, 13 March 2023 (UTC)

It's from here: . The image has two versions, one on mobile, one on PC. They differ by resolution, and one has more black shade at the bottom. Some of those images are also cut off at the sides, but I can't remember if Shizuka applies. (also isn't it weird how Arc2 is already over, yet they still haven't added Folklore, Neomagius or Puella Care to that list??) EPF (talk) 19:28, 17 March 2023 (UTC)