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Gisela (GISELA) is a witch who battles Kyoko within the flashback scene in Episode 7. She makes a reappearance in Madoka Magica Portable and Madoka Magica Online. Dora briefly appears in The Rebellion Story and Magia Record.

Witch Card


Gisela (Rust Form)

TypeSilver witch
EpisodesEpisode 7, Madoka Mobage, Madoka Portable, Madoka Online, Madoka Plus, Magia Record

The silver witch, with a free nature. She dwells in a barrier where everything moves at high speed, but the witch herself is dull. She unfortunately can not use any sort of scientific power. Her body was once dazzling with silver, but she has tarnished gazing upon the coastal sunset.


Gisela (Motorcycle Form)

TypeSilver witch
EpisodesPuella Magi Madoka Magica Portable

The silver witch, with a free nature. She dwells in a barrier where everything moves at high speed, but the witch herself is dull. She unfortunately can not use any sort of scientific power. Her body was once dazzling with silver, but she has tarnished gazing upon the coastal sunset.




TypeSilver witch's minion
DutyDeclaring opinions
EpisodesEpisode 7, Madoka Mobage, Madoka Portable, The Rebellion Story, Madoka Online, Madoka Plus, Magia Record

The silver witch's minion, whose duty is to declare her opinion. She makes a nuisance of herself with the roaring from the pipes extending from her body as she moves about like a freak sandstorm. She hates magnets.


Original Anime

Gisela and her familiars appear in Episode 7 in a flashback scene. She appears fighting Kyoko as she describes how her father would protect the world up front, and she would do so in the shadows, defeating witches. Gisela isn't shown being defeated though, and her Grief Seed is never shown in the anime.

Madoka Magica Portable

Gisela and her familiars make a reappearance in Madoka Magica Portable with an arguably more fleshed out appearance than their anime debut. A second form for Gisela is now shown: her Motorcycle form. This seems to be her dazzling silver form before she became tarnished (most likely her Rust form) as described in her witch card. Gisela can be fought in Mami's Route and Kyoko's Route and Dora can be fought in any mysterious witches barriers.

The Rebellion Story

While Gisela doesn't make an appearance in The Rebellion Story, her familiars do briefly. One appears as a part of Sayaka's orchestra.



The witch of silver. Her nature is freedom. Her Labyrinth moves along the top of overpasses at high speed. She has a gigantic body, and her personality is particularly violent even for a witch. If she sees anything that moves, she tries to smash it flat with her giant hands. During the time before her body became rusty, she was able to transform into a bicycle mode.


Rollin' Tire Rollin' (ローリング・タイヤ・ローリング)
Original text Translation
パリラ パラペレ (*擬音)

「避けろ!」 ニンジン オイルがたぎる
「轢けよ!」 ルッコラ ホーンは吠える
どかないキャペツは 道連れだ

パレラ ペレパレ
パララ パリラレ (*擬音)
銀の回転 休みを知らぬ
模範とセロリは すりおろせ!

Pa-ri-ra, pa-ra-pe-re (*Onomatopoeia)[1]

"Outta the way!" Carrots! Our oil is a-boiling
"Run 'em over!" Rucola! Our horns are a-howling
Any cabbages who don't scram will get dragged along for the ride!

Pa-re-ra pe-re-pa-re
Pa-ra-ra pa-ri-ra-re (*Onomatopoeia)
An echoing galaxy of asphalt![2]
The whirling silver knows no rest!
Grate all model examples and celeries to dust!

  1. Probably honking noises.
  2. "Canal of asphalt" according to some sources


  • In the anime version of the events, it is assumed that Gisela was defeated at the hands of Kyoko in her flashback for the timeline of the anime where Madoka makes her wish to destroy all witches. However, in the Madoka PSP game, Gisela can be defeated at two different times. One, by Kyoko in her route in the past, to protect her family. Or two, she can be defeated by Mami in her route, during a time period after Madoka has contracted, with or without Madoka's assistance. Both routes are clearly different timelines, as events unfold in a completely different manner, such as Mami dying to Charlotte before the start of Kyoko's route. Since game events differ from the anime, e.g. it's impossible to exactly recreate the events of the main timeline of the anime, discrepancies can easily be attributed to differing timelines. In the anime, there are examples of differences across timelines such as Oktavia having different familiars or Kyousuke playing violin in one and the guitar in another. The same logic seems to apply with the game. Fans have generated speculation on two different appearances by Gisela in the game.
While Kyoko has an impressive fight against Gisela, the flashback doesn't show the outcome of the battle, making it ambiguous enough to determine with certainty if Kyoko did kill her after all. In the game it is unambiguous as Kyoko kills her in her route.
The events are taking place in an alternative universe, a world where Gisela never fought Kyoko. There is precedent for this: (see: Speculah: Parallel Universes)
It is possible that Gisela was actually defeated, but her Grief Seed hatched again at a later time.
It is suggested that one of Gisela's familiars survived and became a Witch, becoming a new Gisela in its place. Or, the witch Kyoko defeated might be even a grown-up of another familiar. However, we don't know if familiars turn into the same witch or if they become their own witches.
A more likely explanation is that for pragmatic and development reasons, they chose to re-use existing witches rather than make more witches, or they didn't care about continuity between game routes. It is possible the developers wanted to give players the experience of fighting the known witches from the Madoka universe
  • Gisela may be named after Gisela von Armin, a prominent writer whose mother was close friends with and held unrequited feelings for Goethe.
    • Dora may be named after Alexis and Dora, an elegy by Goethe about a man on a ship who, in the final moments before departure, remembers the woman he loves and laments both their separation and the possibility that she may find another love
    • Dora may instead be named after Dora Stock, a German portrait artist whose home frequently made guests of notable contemporary artists, musicians, and writers, including Goethe. A teenage Goethe visited Stock's home frequently when she was a child, and was given art lessons by her father. Goethe in turn taught young Stock about theater and held household performances in which she took part. However, his presence was typically disruptive and upsetting, he had Stock and her sister serve as lookouts while he entertained female company, and (to the family's concerns) took Stock's father out drinking in Auerbachs Keller, a scene that would later be immortalized in Faust


  • According to commentary from Inu Curry in the official Guidebook, the Doras play the Godfather theme from their exhaust pipes
  • Dora in the original tv broadcast shared the same arms as Gisela. In the BD and movie version she has newly designed arms and the addition of trumpet shaped parts.
  • The black smoke on Gisela's body is significantly bigger than in other media.


Official Art


Original Anime

The Rebellion Story

Walpurgisnacht: Rising



Madoka Magica Portable

Madoka Magica Mobage

Madoka Magica Online

Madoka Magica Plus

TPS Featuring Akemi Homura

TPS Featuring Tomoe Mami

TPS Featuring Miki Sayaka & Sakura Kyoko

SLOT Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Magia Record


Memoria Cards

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Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Minion of the Silver Witch
Damage Down [III] (One / 1 Turn) 6 turns
Max Limit Break
Damage Down [IV] (One / 1 Turn) 5 turns
Silver Witch Minion. Role: Assertor.
Emits a mix of clangs and bangs from its many pipes, and moves with the chaotic whimsy of a sandstorm. It hates magnets.
Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links