Puella Magi Madoka Magica Mobage

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Mobage game Ad
Mobage ad found in NewType Magazines

Madoka Mobage was the first Madoka cellphone game, developed by DeNa for Android and iOS. It was online for approximately a year, lasting from the 16th of September 2011, to 19th of November 2012.

It used a free-to-play gacha model, where players used currency that could be bought or earned in-game to pull on banners. The rewards of these banners were luck-based, and varied depending on which banner was being used, with many being only available for a limited time. (Video of the gacha animation)

The game was promoted through animated and printed ads. The official Madoka website also posted a small article on it, containing a short description as well as links to download the game. Attempting to use them will redirect the user to a page explaining that Madoka Mobage has shut down.


Fight scene against Walpurgis

The game is set in the same background as that of the TV anime and some of the character relationships are connected. The player adopts the perspective of a magical girl who is found unconscious and amnesiac in Mitakihara Town by the five main anime characters.


It features the magical girl cast from the anime and four new magical girls to defeat witches and Walpurgisnacht. The game uses character designs, animation, and music from the anime as well as incorporating new designs and songs for the dialogue scenes. Characters are superdeformed or "chibi" in the fight scenes.

  • The game appears to use purchasable cards to unlock new attacks and items in the game. Players can also team up as 'Soul Mates' to defeat powerful enemies (which becomes more and more necessary later in the game).
  • The game features several new witches, including the witch of giraffes, the witch of sewing, and the witch of springtime.

For character cards, visit here and click the links on the side for each of the characters, Madoka (鹿目 まどか), Homura (暁美 ほむら), Sayaka (美樹 さやか), Mami (巴 マミ), Kyoko (佐倉 杏子), all other characters and witches (その他).

Story and Gameplay Videos

Note: If you do not have a Nico account to view these videos, you can use a free viewer.

Main Story's Chapter Titles

It's possible these titles may change due to gameplay. These are rough translations from the Nico videos.

Episode Original title Translation
1 じきに分かるわ You'll Understand Soon
2 魔法少女同士で…ってこと You're a Fellow Magical Girl...is the Thing
3 私の嫁にしてやるのだ I'll Make You My Wife
4 もう心配はいらない You Don't Have to Worry Anymore
5 優しいね You're So Kind
6 否定はしないわ I Won't Deny It
7 どこまでバカなんだよ You're Such an Idiot
8 子供なのかなぁ Am I a Kid?
9 わたし、いくね I'll Be Going
10 戻ってきたのね I've Come Back
11 見守ってくれてたの I've Been Watching Over You
12 その子のためにも、ね It's for Her Too, Isn't It?
13 魔法少女の願い事について About a Magical Girl's Wish
14 大事な親友だもん Because She's My Best Friend
15 みんな一緒って、いいなって It's Great That We're All Together
16 私たちにしか出来ないこと Things Nobody Can Do But Us
17 助けられないのかな…? Can't We Help...?
18 みんなのことを助けたいよ I Want to Help Everyone
19 あなたには関係ない It's None of Your Business
20 私が保証するよ I Guarantee It
21 自分自身のこと Myself
22 さやかちゃんの願い事…って Sayaka-chan's Wish
23 たくさん食べてね Eat as Much as You Want
24 そんなわけ、ないか That's Not True
25 魔法少女の契約を取り結ぶ僕の役目 Making Magical Girl Contracts is My Duty
26 逃られない運命 An Inescapable Fate
27 あなたの力が必要なの We Need Your Power
28 みんなに教えてあげよう I'll Tell Everybody
29 みんな、仲間でしょ… We're All Friends...
30 この笑顔を信じたい I Want to Have Faith in This Smile
31 無理はしちゃダメよ You Mustn't Push Yourself So Hard
32 もう二度と Never Again
33 きっと、分かってくれるはず Surely, You'll Understand
34 自分の力だけを信じなさい Believe In Your Power Alone
35 みんなで、頑張ろう Let's Do Our Best
36 私、やり直してみるね… I'll Try to Start Over...
37 こちらも好きにさせてもらうよ Do As You Like Here, Too
38 みんな、どうしちゃったの…
39 私は信じてるよ
40 私の時間はとまらないわ
41 どうかしらね
42 あんたの事を信用してるわけじゃない
43 勝手にしな
44 信じてください!
45 分かっていたはずなのに…

Special Events


See also

External links