The Madoka anime (Korean Title: 마법소녀 마도카★마기카 Mabeobsonyeo Madoka★Magika, "Magical Girl Madoka★Magica") is licensed for TV broadcast and streaming by ANIPLUS (애니플러스 Aenipeulleoseu) in the Republic of Korea. ANIPLUS simulcasted the show one day after the Japanese broadcast on its TV channel and website with Japanese audio and Korean subtitles and is currently streaming the show on its website.
BD and DVD
The anime is licensed by Mirage Entertainment (미라지 엔터테인먼트 Milaji Enteoteinmeonteu) for BD and DVD release in the Republic of Korea. The DVDs will be released in two 3-disc sets while the Blu-rays will be released individually across 6 volumes with 2 episodes per volume. The Blu-rays by Mirage will come with everything included in the Japanese limited edition releases. These releases do not come with a Korean dub.