Magical Arrows: Madoka can produce arrows of pink magic that seem to explode on impact as well as only damage selectively, only hurting her enemies. She can fire as many as five in one shot and they're able to curve in mid-flight to change direction. Additionally, her magic seal enables her to multiply her arrows and create hundreds of them and in her Ultimate form, it can create enough of them to destroy beings the size of planets.
Incredible Potential: Madoka is able to take out Walpurgisnacht in one hit in the right conditions. This would appear to burn through her magic near instantly however, and turn her into a witch.
Healing: In the timeline where Magia Record takes place, it is postulated that Madoka and Iroha Tamaki's magic are very similar. As Iroha has magic similar to healing, and Madoka is known to have wished to heal a cat in most previous timelines, it is highly likely that she possesses healing magic in most of them.
Remembrance: Madoka has some sort of ability to remember moments of the previous timelines, experiencing it as though it was a dream, as well as occasional moments of déjà vu.
Water Manipulation: In her Swimsuit form, Madoka attacks by shooting water projectiles from her bow-shaped water gun.
Domain: When Madoka's Doppel emerges, it creates a space where everything around it gets pulled in. Once absorbed, it takes full command of whatever's inside.
Projection: Gretchen's outer shape is projected from the giant soul gem shape at its center, much like a Brocken spectre.
Cosmic Scale: Her presence as a witch is so powerful that even in one of her earlier forms, she can obliterate a planet within ten days, or her barrier may even grow to encompass it, wiping out all life in favor of her dream world. Gretchen can even grow to such sizes that she could eventually crush galaxies under her weight.
Salvation: Her barrier, a distorted reality where she traps the absorbed life, serves as her version of paradise. This is essentially her heaven, where all life forms merge within her realm, a place shaped by her twisted perception of salvation and mercy.
Flight: Her familiars are able to fly due to the wings they possess.
Judgment: Kriemhild Gretchen's minions weigh the sins of those rising into her heaven. The more impure the heart, the deeper the mercy bestowed by the witch.
Flight: Madoka is able to fly due to her angelic wings.
Law of Cycles/Vital Circle: Due to her wish, Madoka became a concept beyond the physical universe, as well as an eternal goddess. Her existence was wiped from everyone's memories, with the exception of Homura.
Emissaries: If the situation calls for it, she's able to send the magical girls she's saved back to life from her heaven in missions as emissaries. She can even send a Pink Incubator to monitor, communicate directly with them and give instructions.
Salvation: Madoka can heal and purify the souls of magical girls from despair, preventing them from becoming witches and taking them to heaven, as well as occasionally giving them a power boost instead.
Reality Warping: Madoka can manipulate reality, allowing her to see all timelines as well as destroy them when it is necessary, though certain barriers do block this power of hers.
Time Stop: Homura can temporarily stop time in the surrounding area with the exception of herself and anything in direct contact with her (such as holding hands). From an outside perspective, this appears as if she is teleporting from place to place. She cannot use this power infinitely, as her shield acts as a "sand timer" that only runs when time is stopped. When the timer is finished, Homura can no longer stop time and can only restart the month.
Hammer Space: Besides blocking damage, her clockwork shield can store any size and amount of munition. Thus far, Homura has seen storing and pulling out from it pistols, grenades, flashbangs, an M249 and a large amount of RPGs.
Energy: She would appear to be able to fire purple blasts of magic out of her hand (or soul gem), as well as form energy barriers around her shield to block attacks. In chapter 5 of Oriko Magica she creates a defensive barrier around Madoka.
Time Loop: Homura can rewind time back one month; however, she must wait at least one month between uses (or use up one month's worth of sand in her timer). Just like her time stop ability, she can use this power on others as well.
Healing: Homura is seen healing, or recalibrating her eyesight, allowing her to no longer wear glasses. It's also possible that she healed her heart condition and altered her physical state, allowing her to beat the school's pole jump record.
Magical Arrows: Due to her wish in the new universe involving Madoka, whom only Homura remembered, she was granted an ebony bow like Madoka's that produces arrows of magic that can change direction and explode on impact. She can also rain arrows like Madoka with a similar magical seal, but on a smaller scale.
Corrosion Inducement: In Portable, Homura's able to sprout black energy wings from her back which induce corrosion, this is likely also the attack she uses at the end of Episode 12.
Memory Manipulation: Due to her wish in the new universe involving Madoka, whom only Homura remembered, she was granted the ability to manipulate both her own memories and those of others. When Homura took a part of the Law of Cycles, she could manipulate memories on a universal scale.
Magic Imbuement: Homura is able to move objects by imbuing them with magic through physical contact, as seen when she "drove" a large truck into Walpurgisnacht while on its roof. Additionally, her apartment has many traits similar to that of a labyrinth, with it being a wide space with depictions of Walpurgisnacht and a big pendulum.
Weapon Manipulation: In her Haregi form, Homura is able to create a large wooden hammer which she is able to levitate and control herself. It is likely she is able to conjure and manipulate other weapons similar to all other magical girls.
Time Manipulation: Homulilly can still manipulate time, much like her master. She controls the sands of time themselves. Using them, she can forge anything as powerful as earthly weapons, or even more lighthearted weapons like a palm tree which fires coconuts.
Fate Weaving: As the Doppel of Karma, she spins the threads of fate through many worlds, weaving an ever-deepening maze.
Familiars: Behind her, 14 incomplete bodies made of pure emotion operate without the need for Homura’s conscious direction.
Inner Labyrinth: Due to Kyubey's Isolation Field, Homulilly's labyrinth is inside Homura's soul gem, and Homura's able to rewrite the memories of those in it, invite people from the outside, and even partially control the laws of thermodynamics inside the labyrinth to create Nightmares.
Revival: Homulilly's own funeral procession never ends, as it is an endless loop which she cannot escape.
Resolve: The Lottes have serious, unyielding heads that ignore any attempts at persuasion from the witch herself, making them difficult to deter or manipulate.
Size Variants: Lotte minions exist in both human-sized and gigantic “Brocken-type” forms.
Exterminators: The soldiers harbor a specific animosity towards white rats (Incubators), enhancing their aggressive behavior when encountering them.
Flight: Nightmares are able to fly due to being carried by two spectral hands which accompany and direct them.
New Existence: Nightmares are created from the negative emotions of the humans residing in Homura's labyrinth, having them act as a new energy source.
Plush Projectiles: The Little Bear's Dream can shoot powerful pillows and teddy bears capable of destroying entire buildings while Hitomi's nightmare uses teddy-goats.
Dancers: The Bear's Dream has the ability to summon dancer figures that aid in its assault.
Bubbles: The first nightmare also uses bubbles as a form of attack.
Stuffed Transmutation: The Little Goat's Dream can transform objects into stuffed versions of themselves. Though these effects can be undone by putting the object back together as Mami was able to do with her ribbons.
Violin: The second nightmare attacks by using violins to bludgeon with.
Purification: Upon being pacified, nightmares release a stream of purifying energy that purifies the soul gems of magical girls close by.
Universal Rewrite: After taking part of the Law of Cycles, Homura was able to rewrite the universe to her will, as well as attack with her love and cracks in reality.
Familiars: Homura can control Homulilly's familiars, seemingly having them integrated as a normal part of her new world, as well as having them send information to her.
Regeneration: Sayaka can quickly regenerate any otherwise fatal body damage and continue fighting. Because of her wish relating to healing someone, she uses less magic to do this and is more efficient at it than other magical girls, even Mami, who also made a wish related to healing.
Screen Sweep: Leaving blue streaks in her wake, Sayaka is able to quickly bounce across the entire battlefield and take out any enemies in her path.
Musical Platforms: Sayaka is shown creating magical platforms that take the appearance of musical notation to walk on and propel herself from. Whether this is specifically due to her own love of music, or an underlying reason for her wish, is uncertain.
Ink Manipulation: In her Haregi form, Sayaka attacks with a calligraphy brush and ink, being able to draw ink symbols in midair as well.
Witch Summoning: In Rebellion, after having been claimed by the Law of Cycles and returning to Earth, Sayaka is shown summoning her witch form to fight alongside her in battle. She is able to appear in any place where water is present, and, in environments which lack it, Sayaka uses her own blood to summon her.
Teleportation: Sayaka herself is able to use Oktavia's power to teleport away through her cape, as well as project her voice.
Music: In Madoka Magica Portable, Sayaka can use music to drive opponents mad or support allies.
Flight: Sayaka's Doppel is able to freely, gracefully swim through the air.
Weapon Manipulation: Oktavia’s hollow body can control multiple swords at once, sending them to strike enemies in rhythm with the soundwaves that resonate from within her.
Flight: Oktavia's able to fly, as if swimming through the air.
Labyrinth: Her labyrinth, a moving concert hall, changes its layout in accordance to her will, allowing Oktavia to shift its environment to bring people to her main hall.
Wheel Summoning: Oktavia attacks by summoning and controlling giant wooden wheels which she throws at her enemies.
Healing: In episode 1, Mami demonstrated the ability to heal wounds on others. Unlike Sayaka however, whose wish was related to healing, Mami is not as good at healing quickly like Sayaka can.
Restrain: Mami can summon ribbons to restrain and incapacitate an adversary.
Ribbons: She can shape her ribbons as she sees fit, making bridges or giant pistols out of them. Mami had to study the mechanics of pistols first before being able to shape her primary weapon (ribbons) into them though. In The Different Story, Mami was shown to be able to turn her ribbons into strings to be both sharp and durable, using them to counter Kyoko's speed in a fight.
Ribbon Construct: As seen in Rebellion, Mami can create a duplicate of herself entirely out of ribbons. Whether it is capable of fighting on its own, possesses some form of its own consciousness, or if she is able to control and experience sensations through it, is uncertain.
Ribbon Barrier: Mami used her ribbons to create a ribbon barrier around Madoka and Sayaka to protect them from harm.
Magic Imbuement: Mami imbued Sayaka's bat with magic in episode 2, having it form shields to stop enemies.
Bullet Enhancement: Mami can imbue her bullets with many powers, like having special explosion bullets or bullets that can turn into her restraining ribbons.
Other Abilities: She frequently summons a cup of tea after defeating her enemies. In episode 1, Mami is able to kill familiars with only the light from her soul gem. In Rebellion, Mami is shown using her magic to instantly curl her hair.
Strength: Candeloro possesses powerful vine arms which are stronger than they seem and can easily pierce through most enemies.
Soul-Draining Food: Anyone consuming food at Candeloro's tea party will have their soul drained.
Familiar Possession: Can possess her familiars to perform powerful attacks, such as her version of Tiro Finale, but with flames instead of regular ammunition.
Invitation: Du Polignacs welcome and guide humans within the witch’s barrier, leading them to a tea party hosted by the witch.
Binding: They restrain those attempting to flee, ensuring they remain within the witch’s domain.
Rumor of Kamihama's Holy Maiden:
Frost Manipulation: Holy Mami's attacks are infused with frost.
Empowerment: The Rumor strengthens all of Mami's abilities, making her ribbons bigger and stronger, allowing her to summon more muskets and even making it possible for her to change the direction of her bullets in midair.
Erecting Fencing: Kyoko can erect impenetrable, latticed barriers to keep others from harm or to isolate her adversary. She can also create other things such as a chain or staircase.
Giant Spears: Kyoko's able to summon giant versions of her weapon from the ground. She can ride them and they move somewhat like snakes due to their chained form.
Illusions: Kyoko's unique ability which she lost. She was originally able to create illusions to trick others in various ways.
Illusion Duplicates: This power was shown in Drama CD 3, "Farewell Story", where she created up to 13 duplicates of herself. The attack was named Rosso Fantasma by Mami. Kyoko's subconscious mind blocks her use of this power after she lost her family.
Flame Manipulation: Kyoko can use fire in her attacks as well as simply use small quantities of fire for other means.
Magic Imbuement: In Episode 4, she used her soul gem to transform and enhance a pair of binoculars.
Soul Gem Detonation: Suicide attack. Able to create an explosion by shattering her soul gem to take out witches in one hit. It is a technique which other magical girls are able to do with explosions in different ranges.
Other Abilities: Kyoko was able to keep Sayaka's (soulless) body from decaying while also keeping it warm. This might be a generic use of magic all of the girls can learn to do, but it might also just be an application of healing magic on a body other than hers.
Hypnotic Mist: Ophelia can generate a thick mist from the flowing sleeves of her kimono-like form. This mist has a hypnotic quality, able to cloud the minds of her enemies and create illusions that disorient them. She can also create illusions to allow Kyoko to swim, which she was previously unable to do.
Doppel Form: Kyoko's been the only magical girl who was able to equalize her Doppel into creating a new, fused form.
Mist: Ophelia produces a thick mist which clouds her barrier and confuses her enemies.
Companion Horse: She is always accompanied by a forgotten horse, though she cannot remember what it is or its significance.
Duplication: Ophelia has access to Kyoko’s lost ability, Rosso Fantasma, which allows her to create duplicates of herself. These duplicates are solid and capable of delivering powerful melee attacks.
Spear Form: Ophelia can transform into a spear and eject herself for long-range attacks.
Greed: Nagisa's magic makes her greedier and more self-assertive, according to a Rebellion production note. In her Swimsuit form, her soda makes others more assertive and greedy as well, and even breaking them out of trances.
Food Manipulation: Nagisa frequently attacks by using food or sweets. In her Valentine form, she even attacks by manipulating chocolate and in her Summer form, with soda.
Hammer Space: Nagisa's been shown to attack by trapping her opponents inside a covered plate which is much smaller than them, as well as eating it. She's also been shown to have eaten human bodies in order to get rid of them so they're not found by authorities.
Witch Summoning/Transformation: Nagisa can transform between her normal form and Bebe/Charlotte due to her being claimed by the Law of Cycles. She can even do so partially, usually by only transforming her face. When sent as an emissary to the universe of Magia Record, where offshoots of her witch still existed, her presence caused their numbers to spike considerably.
Food Generation: Charlotte is able to generate different sweets directly from its body, either candy, chocolate or even soda between its different forms. She is, however, unable to create cheese.