User:RaviaVee/Fan Stuff

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This page includes all fanmade content to prevent my userpage from overloading.

This section contains fanart images

Everything in the following fan gallery is created, or the comments accompanying them are created, for entertainment value and should not be confused with actual canon events of the Puella Magi franchise.

Puella Magi Alia Magica

This is a (fanmade) story set within the continuity of Magia Record, but in the perspective of a far away city named Tsukuzaki Town, where people worship a forgotten witch known as the "Grimoire Witch". Pages of the sacred book Grimoire has been scattered across the city, and Alia - an amateur Magical Girl, set off to find the lost pages while coming across dark facts no one wants to know.

Magical Girls (w/Doppels)

Contains non-canon spoilers. This collapsable table is used to prevent overload.

Alia Kizuna

Alia Kizuna
Japanese Name (愛結 アリア) Kizuna Alia

“Nice to meet you! I'm Alia Kizuna, a... slightly new Magical Girl form Tsukuzaki Town, now as a member of a small peacemaker group named Liebus. I want to explore new things so feel free to tell me more about anything you found interesting!(はじめまして!私は愛結アリア。津久崎町出身のちょっと新手の魔法少女で、今はリーバスという小さな平和を作るグループのメンバーとして活動しています。新しいことに挑戦したいので、気になることがあったら何でも教えてね!)” - Self-Introduction

Alia Kizuna is a Magical Girl OC created by RaviaVee. She is from Tsukuzaki Town who wants to help her twin brother that got lost inside a witch barrier.

A mysterious Magical Girl hailing from Tsukuzaki Town. Born from a family who can see Witches and Kyubey without the need of a contract, she seems truth behind the reason of this unique ability. Very adventurous and helpful, but is always clumsy.

Her Magical Girl form is based on a scientist and a swordsman.

She was actually the descendant of Agnes Waterhouse, who became L.C. Salomonis. Her parents also study Magical Girls and Kyubeys, and have been struggling to find ways to turn a Witch back to a Magical Girl, yet failed. While her initial wish was to help her twin brother Adel, her Soul Gem was crushed by Miku Yamiya, but due to Miku's wish, plus the possession of a Sacred Grimoire page inside Alia's body, she survived and made a second wish to create a world where everyone can be happy. She eventually and willingly became the second L.C. Salomonis after the death of Melody Lupin, vanquished Schwarzschild completely, and fulfilled her wish at the cost of her sanity. Yet still, she believes someone can carry on her wish even if she is killed eventually.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth June 3
Age 19
Eye colour Blue with white pupils
Hair colour Hot Pink, curly
Height 174.2cm
Soul Gem Gold, belt
Weapon Sword
Witch Form Ars Paulina
Powers and Abilities Reverse a target's time
Wish “I want to protect my twin brother Adel, even when I am not with him.”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives Adel (younger brother)
Origins Tsukuzaki
School Tsukuzaki University
Affiliation Liebus



“Not enough... I desire to know more!(物足りない...。もっと知りたい!)” - Summoning Doppel

Doppel of Curiosity. Its form is a Fairy.

The master of this emotion seeks knowledge of occult, so this Doppel manifests itself to help its master into knowing the unknowns of this world.

True to its nature, this Doppel would sometimes defy its master's will and drags her to explore other Witch's barriers.

Sometimes it even seeks help from other Witches even though they prey on humans. However, the more it helps, they more life energy it absorbs.





  • Note that the name is not Polina. This Doppel is named after Ars Paulina, a chapter of Lesser Key of Solomon.
  • Attacks with sparkles that bursts into light pillars.

Melody Lupin

Melody Lupin
Japanese Name (メロディー・ルパン) Merodi Rupin

“The name's Melody Lupin - descendant of the great phantom thief Arsene Lupin! Here at your service, helping the weak, the poor and the innocent to make their lives better. That's what Magical Girls do, isn't it?(怪盗アルセーヌ・ルパンの末裔、メロディ・ルパンです!弱い人、貧しい人、罪のない人を助けて、彼らの生活をより良いものにする。それが魔法少女の仕事でしょ?)” - Self-Introduction

Melody Lupin is a Magical Girl OC created by RaviaVee. She is Kizuna Alia's rival-turned-best friend. She created the small group Liebus to assist people and other Magical Girls in and out of Tsukuzaki Town.

Self-proclaimed to be the descendant of the legendary phantom thief Arsene Lupin. She acts like a phantom thief and occasionally steals luxuries for the poor. Has a great sense of justice and founded Liebus - a Magical Girl group to save the weak and innocent from Witches.

Her Magical Girl form is based on a phantom thief and a gentleman.

She turned into the Witch Ars Goetia due to the plans of Black Nebula, but was reverted back to normal when Alia and Reimi used a Sacred Grimoire page on her. She was then fatally wounded by Schwarzschild's second form who combined the attacks of herself and some of the strongest Witches of history (which includes Walpurgisnacht, Shitori Egumo, Winchester and 10^-47). She entrusted all her powers to Alia before her despair took over her once again.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth May 27
Age 18
Eye colour yellow
Hair colour Light grey, bon-cut
Height 175.3cm (without hat)
Soul Gem Black, Bow
Weapon Pistol
Witch Form Ars Goetia
Powers and Abilities Superspeed
Wish “To become the best Phantom Thief so I can help the poor”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives Arsene Lupin (self-proclaimed)
Origins Tsukuzaki
School Unknown
Affiliation Liebus



“Shroud in the underworld's darkness...(冥黒に染まれ......)” - Summoning Doppel

Doppel of Wickedness. Its form is a God Killer.

The master of this emotion wants to help the poor, so she decided to become a necessary source of evil. This Doppel agrees with the master, but also has thoughts to claiming every treasure just for itself.

This Doppel believes that the brighter the light, the darker the darkness is, and thus darkness shall consume all light and return every to nothingness. With a shoot of its pistol, one shall witness endless suffering of the abyss of darkness and evil.




  • Ars Goetia is the second chapter of the Lesser Key of Solomon.
  • Attacks with thousands of gunneries and ends with a demonic beam.

Emi Yorugawa

Emi Yorugawa
Japanese Name (夜川 恵美) Yorugawa Emi

“I'm Emi Yorugawa. I am here to search for ways to turn Witches back to Magical Girls, as per wish of my dead friend Shizuko. It might be impossible, and the Doppel System is incomplete, but it's too early to give up. There must be a way to true salvation to the world...!(うちは夜川恵美。亡くなった静子ちゃんの遺志を継いで、魔女を魔法少女に戻す方法を探しに来ました。不可能かもしれないし、ドッペルシステムも不完全だけど、諦めるのはまだ早い。世界に真の救済をもたらす方法がきっとあるはず......!)” - Self-Introduction

Emi Yorugawa is a Magical Girl OC created by RaviaVee. She is a veteran Magical Girl who has won several battles against Witches and other Magical Girls alike. She knows the origin of Witches, and believing that there are other ways to provide them salvation other than killing them, it's just the other ways don't work now.

A Magical Girl who lost her best friend and came from Kamihama City. Wanting to fulfill her dead friend's wish, she kept her Grief Seed as a memory, and joined Liebus in the Witches Hunt. Have terrible mood swings, and therefore requires support from her allies.

Her Magical Girl form resembles to a samurai, and is based on Shingen Takeda.

She fell into despair after witnessing the death of her family by the hands of Carat (The Jewel Witch). Alia managed to convince her, but she was killed by Schwarzschild with a blackhole, while also shattering her Grief Seed in the process.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth April 4th
Age 17
Eye colour Purple
Hair colour Purple, wavy
Height 168.2cm
Soul Gem White, back of left hand
Weapon Warfan
Witch Form Chelydra
Powers and Abilities Brainwashing Witches and Familiars, Changing Elements
Wish “To be useful to her friends and family”
Japanese pronoun uchi (うち)
Known relatives Unknown
Origins Kamihama
School Tsukuzaki University
Affiliation Liebus



“Move like the thunderbolt you are!(動くこと雷霆の如し!)” - Self-Introduction

Doppel of Solidarity. Its form is a Snapping Turtle.

The master of this emotion seeks to unite the Magical Girls together to stop them from becoming Witches, as a failsafe in case the Doppel System fails one day.

This Doppel thinks otherwise and belives the master of this emotion cannot save everyone, but still inherits its master's will to save as many as possible.

Its four heads provides a wide vision to its master, and attacks in unison. They control the elements of Wind, Forest, Fire and Rock, and provides a wide range of choices as counters. Of course, using all elements at once is extremely risky to its master.


この感情の主は、ドッペルシステムがいつか破綻したときのためのフェイルセーフとして、魔法少女たちの魔女化を阻止するために、魔法少女たちを団結させようとしている。このドッペルはそうではなく、この感情の主が全員を救うことはできないが、それでも一人でも多く救おうとする主の意志を受け継いでいると考えている。 4つの頭部を持ち、主に広い視野を与え、一体となって攻撃する。風、森、火、岩のエレメントを操り、カウンターの選択肢も広い。もちろん、すべてのエレメントを一度に使うことは主にとって非常にリスキーである。

  • Chelydra is the Genus name of a Common Snapping Turtle.
  • Attacks by sending out hurricanes, rasor leaves, flames and boulders at the enemies.

Celia Futami

Celia Futami
Japanese Name (二見 芹亜) Futami Seria

“A- a self introduction? C- Celia Futami. That's... my name. I am struggling to improve m- my timidness, j- just don't involve me into a moving building! (じ...自己紹介?ふ... 二見芹亜。それが...あたしの名前です。臆病な性格を改善しようと奮闘中です...ただ、動いている建物に私を巻き込まないでください!)” - Self-Introduction

Celia Futami is a Magical Girl OC created by RaviaVee. She is a Magical Girl who is very airheaded. However, she has become extremely timid, which she struggled to improve. She is one of the founding members of Liebus, shortly after Melody Lupin came up with the concept of having a team.

A Magical Girl who loves doing artistic things, especially dancing. Used to be ferocious but now has become very timid. Said personality was said to caused by a moving Arc de Triomphe when it attacked her when she was visiting said location France, and has now struggling to get rid of her cowardice.

Her Magical Girl form resembles to a ribbon dance gymnast.

As stated above, despite being a veteran Magical Girl, Celia was attacked by the witch Izabel when she was visiting the Arc de Triomphe in France, and has become traumatized. In the present day, the same Izabel returns to haunt her again, but with the combined strength of the Liebus, she finally won against her traumas. Later, Alia and Emi fell into despair and became a Witch, and Melody sacrificed herself while protecting Alia, Celia is the only surviving member of Liebus. After Schwarzschild was completely vanquished, Celia and Black Nebula formally formed a truce and rebuild the group to help other Magical Girls and civilians around the world, so everyone can achieve a happy world.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth November 30th
Age 18
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Dark brown, low ponytail
Height 170.4cm
Soul Gem Blue, Headband
Weapon Ribbon whip
Witch Form Jenny
Powers and Abilities Confusion
Wish “Wants true love”
Japanese pronoun atashi (あたし)
Known relatives Deceased father
Origins Tsukuzaki
School Unknown
Affiliation Liebus



“I am not weak, but...(弱くないけど......)” - Summoning Doppel

Doppel of Constraint. Its form is ribbons.

The master of this emotion wants to be loved, so this Doppel gently wrapped its master with soft ribbons, while its master's negativity surfaces as a resentful dark being and crushes those who hates her.

However, in truth, the ribbons are only meant to hold its master's head together. Should there be more hatred than this Doppel can handle, the master's life can be severely threatened.


この感情の主は愛されることを望んでいるため、このドッペルは主を柔らかいリボンで優しく包み、その一方で、主のネガティブな部分は恨みを抱く闇の存在として表面化し、自分を憎む者を押しつぶす。 実は、リボンは主の頭をまとめるためのものでしかない。このドッペルが処理しきれないほどの憎悪がある場合、主の命はひどく脅かされる。

  • Jenny is the name of a character in The Green Ribbon, a French horror story of unknown origin. Jenny wears a green ribbon around her neck, but the Doppel/Witch utilises red ribbons as well.
  • Attacks with ribbons that wraps around enemies until it tightens so hard that they explode.

Miku Yamiya

Miku Yamiya
Japanese Name (闇屋 未来) Miku Yamiya

“Past, present, future. I, Miku Yamiya, stand before you, along with my fellow comrades in Black Nebula, shall bring peace to the world. We will use Magical Girls against Magical Girls, to prevent them from further harming the world and our descendants. Together, all as one.(過去、現在、未来。私、闇屋未来は、ブラックネビュラの仲間たちと共に、世界に平和をもたらすために、皆さんの前に立ちます。我らは魔法少女を魔法少女に対抗させ、これ以上魔法少女が世界と我らの子孫に危害を加えないようにする。ともに、ひとつに。)” - Self-Introduction

Miku Yamiya is a Magical Girl OC created by RaviaVee and is one of the main antagonists. She is the one of the founding members of Black Nebula who hates Magical Girls and wants to obtain the strongest and invincible power to crush them, and is extremely ruthless.

Her Magical Girl form resembles to both a black knight and a priestress.

Her wish was supposed to kill Magical Girls entirely by redirecting all her attacks to their Soul Gems, but she hesitated inside, so her power now becomes being able to force Magical Girls out of their transformation, and crushing their Soul Gem without killing them, effectively undoing their contract. It took her a while to realise Schwarzschild's plan to eradicate all life, not to make a world a better place, so she and her allies formed a truce with Alia to vanquish the Blackhole Witch. After the battle, she reformed and disbanded Black Nebula, until Celia proposed to rebuild it.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth Unknown
Age 19
Eye colour Red
Hair colour Black with red streaks, long braid
Height 183.2cm
Soul Gem Red, Back of hands
Weapon Scepter
Witch Form Halley
Powers and Abilities Nullify Contracts (requires destroying Soul Gems)
Wish “I want the power to eradicate all Magical Girls”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives Unknown
Origins Tsukuzaki
School Unknown
Affiliation Black Nebula



“In the end, we are still human beings...(結局のところ、私たちは人間に過ぎない......)” - Summoning Doppel

Doppel of Indulgence. Its form is a meteor.

The master of this emotion seeks to crush all Magical Girls. As such, this Doppel takes on the form that was rumored to have exterminated the dinosaurs - a meteor.

The Doppel draws out cosmic energy and attracts asteroids to destroy anyone in its path, but little did its master know, she is also human after all, so she can also be a target to the Doppel.




  • Halley is named after the Halley's Comet, a short-period comet that is occasionally visible from the naked eye.
  • Attacks by ramming onto enemies directly, causing catastrophic events.

Ina Genzai

Ina Genzai
Japanese Name (源済 伊奈) Genzai Ina

“Ina Genzai - Commander of Black Nebula. The Liebus are nothing but terrorists led by Incubators, tearing us apart. We shall set things to right, and not to bound with strings pulled by these alien lifeforms. All as one!(源済伊奈 - ブラックネビュラの幹部。リーバスはインキュベーターに率いられたテロリストに過ぎない。我々は物事を正し、地球外生命体に引っ張られた糸に縛られないようにする。ともにひとつに!)” - Self-Introduction

Ina Genzai is a Magical Girl OC created by RaviaVee and is one of the main antagonists. One of the three founding members of Black Nebula who wishes to eradicate everyone who bullies or those who disagrees with her. Boyish, cunning and is willing to do whatever means necessary to herself and her allies.

Her Magical Girl form is based on an astronaut and a assassin sniper.

Her cunning personality was in fact a act to trick her enemies. While she does care about herself and her allies, these were plans to make Magical Girls hate her so she can become stronger and stronger. Like Miku, Ina failed to realise Schwarzschild's true intentions, but managed to help battle against groups of Witches sent by her.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth Unknown
Eye colour Grey
Hair colour White, very short
Height Unknown
Soul Gem White, Helmet
Weapon Sniper
Witch Form Salyut
Powers and Abilities Camouflage
Wish “I want the power to eradicate everyone who bullies me”
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives Younger sister
Origins Unknown
School Not attending
Affiliation Black Nebula



“Shut up already, bastard!!(やかましいぞコラ!!)” - Summoning Doppel

Doppel of Indolence. Its form is a Space Station.

The master of this emotion seeks to eradicate bullies, so this Doppel do whatever that can help its master. This Doppel seeks and targets the master's enemies with its all-seeing eyes, and with its power to allow its master to breathe in space, the victims cannot see when its attacks are going to happen, thus allowing the Doppel to assassinate them.

However, the Doppel's laziness causes the attacks to miss often.




  • Salyut is the name of the first space station.
  • Attacks by locking onto enemies and blasts a powerful energy beam.

Reimi Kakogawa

Reimi Kakogawa
Japanese Name (加古川 霊見) Kakogawa Reimi

“Magical Girls are cool, you know! Fighting against Witches and monsters... They... become Witches eventually... but such is life. Whatever, being one is so cool and I can't resist it!! Oh! Forgot to introduce myself... Reimi Kakogawa from Black Nebula, pleased to make your acquiantance from now on!(魔法少女ってカッコイイよね!魔女やモンスターと戦う... 彼女たちは...やがて魔女になるんだけど...人生ってそんなものよね。何はともあれ、魔法少女になるのはとてもクールで、私には抵抗できないわ!あ、自己紹介するの忘れてた...。ブラックネビュラの加古川霊見です、以降お見知りおきよ!)” - Self-Introduction

Kakogawa Reimi is a Magical Girl OC created by RaviaVee and is one of the main antagonists. One of the three founding members of Black Nebula. She is very proud of herself being a Magical Girl. Even though she knew the dark truth of Magical Girls, she still thinks Magical Girls are cool, but distrusts Kyubey greatly. An early iteration of the Black Nebula saved her life before she was contracted, so she joined them out of gratefulness. Shy and dislikes fighting unless provoked.

Her Magical Girl form is based on a musketeer in a robe.

Reimi hailed from Kamihama and was a Wings of Magius Black Feather. She joined Black Nebula just because she thought they can bring peace to the world, not realising she was being used. She managed to amend with her allies, and battled against groups of Witches together.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth Unknown
Eye colour Orange
Hair colour Orange, Half-up
Height Unknown
Soul Gem Yellow, Glasses
Weapon Rapier
Witch Form Melies
Powers and Abilities Mitosis
Wish “To make the entire world bow down to the greatness of Incubators”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives None
Origins Kamihama City
School Not attending
Affiliation Wings of Magius (formerly), Black Nebula



“Wait... This can't be me!(待って...... これは私じゃ......!!)” - Summoning Doppel

Doppel of Ambition. Its form is, a Trip to the Moon.

The master of this emotion loves aliens and want to know more about them, but a particular kind of alien already satisfies her will. Therefore, this Doppel seeks to spread their greatness to the world.

The rocket is pierced to the eye, but it doesn't stop the Doppel from spreading words to everyone. Because of this, nearby Witches believes in it and are instantly under its control, as if they were invited to the space travel.




  • Melies is named after Georges Méliès, the director of Le Voyage Dans La Lune, which has the iconic scene of a capsule landing on the moon's eye. The moon is also played by Georges Méliès himself.
  • Attacks by sinking enemies into shadows, or - as a last resort - unplugs the rocket on its eye and blast it to enemies instead.

Mao Kanatomi

Mao Kanatomi
Japanese Name (金富 真央) Kanatomi Mao

“Can't wish for a golden paradise SO I wish that everything can be gold, and share it to my friends so we can all be rich. But not Chrysos, we are simply here to aid people, and maybe find ways to let Witches and humanity live together in peace I guess?(黄金の楽園は望めない。だから、すべてが黄金になることを願い、それを友人たちに分け与え、みんなで金持ちになれるようにしたい。でも、クリュソスは違う。ただ人々を助けるためにここにいる。そして、魔女と人類が平和に共存できる方法を見つけるためにいるんだと思うね?)” - Self-Introduction

Mao Kanatomi is a Magical Girl OC created by RaviaVee. She is the Leader of Chrysos. Wears pyrite-like armor and a heavy sword in combat. Obsessed with gold and shiny things, but is willing to share with her friends. She knows Kyubey can't grant her the wish of El Dorado (because it does not exist), so she wishes to be rich. Was once mistaken to be the host of Carat.

Her Magical Girl resembles to a golden king and is based on Midas and the Golden Touch.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth Unknown
Age 18
Eye colour Red
Hair colour Yellow, Side braid
Height Unknown
Soul Gem Red, Crown
Weapon Mace and Shield
Witch Form Midas
Powers and Abilities Turn anything into gold (freezing)
Wish “To become the riches girl in the world”
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives None
Origins Tsukuzaki Town
School Not attending
Affiliation Chrysos



“Let's dye in gold!(ともに金色になればよい!)” - Summoning Doppel

Doppel of Regret. Its form is, a golden hand.

The master of this emotion wants to be rich and has gained the ability to turn anything into gold. This Doppel agrees with its master, but has overused the powers. As such, it not only turns object into gold, but also friends and foes alike. The master of this emotion turns from excitement to regret because of this, as it would end up sacrificing millions of lives.



  • Named after King Midas and the Golden Touch.
  • Attacks by turning enemies into gold and crushes them with its giant sword.

Nul Xora

Nul Xora
Japanese Name (ヌル・ソラ) Nul Xora

“Rebooting... Codename: Nul Xora. I don't know what my real name was, but one thing I am sure is that I want to bring innovation to the world. We made the Homunculus to kill Witches, but people use them against us. Will you aid me so I can step aside as a Magical Girl and become human again?(再起動... コードネーム:ヌル・ソラ。本名が何であるかは知らないが、確かなことは、この世界に革新をもたらしたいということだ。魔女を殺すためにホムンクルスを作ったのに、人々はホムンクルスを操られた。魔法少女から身を引き、人間に戻れるよう、助けていただけませんか?)” - Self-Introduction

Nul Xora is a Magical Girl OC created by RaviaVee. She is the leader of the organization of the same name. A disabled girl from Dubai who was turned into a cyborg, wishing one day she can be human once again. Despite this, she is proud of her cybernetic abilities and appearance. As Dubai is a highly advanced city, she believes that this city has the greatest science and technology.

Her real name is unknown, and "Nul Xora" is just her codename.

Her Magical Girl form is based on aliens and cyborgs.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth Unknown
Age 19
Eye colour Blue-green gradient
Hair colour Blue-green gradient, messy
Height Unknown
Soul Gem Blue, Butterfly Drones
Weapon Butterfly drones attached to her armors
Witch Form Aeschylus
Powers and Abilities Attack Prediction/Gravity Control
Wish “To become human once again”
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives 2 younger siblings
Origins Dubai (Born in Asunaro City)
School Unknown
Affiliation Nul Xora



“Killer Program, Activated!(キラー・プログラム、起動!)” - Summoning Doppel

Doppel of Innovation. Its form is Deus Ex Machina.

The master of this emotion wants to be human again, but is also fascinated with the rapidly advancing technology of the world, believing it could make the world a better place. However, this Doppel wants to rule the world with technology. It is actually an artificial Doppel created by the best scientists of Tsukuzaki Town, using stolen blueprints found in Magius of Kamihama City, but since some of the developers implemented necessary grudge against Witches into the system, this Doppel shows signs of self-consciousness and rebellion.

革新のドッペル。 その姿は、機械神。


  • Aeschylus is an ancient Greek tragedian who was said to introduce the idea of Deus Ex Machina for ancient Greek theatres.
  • Attacks by causing glitches on the enemy, similar to the Uwasa of the Anonymous AI.

Soranaki (Sorana Kurozome)

Sorana Kurosome
Japanese Name (黒染 空名) Sorana Kurozome

“I don't really know my name, but... people call me Soranaki for some reason... Maybe it has something to do with my abilities, which return things to nothingness with blackholes...? Kyubey said I wasn't supposed to be a Magical Girl, but with this unnatural power... I feel... I feel like using it for my own good.(自分の名前はよく知らないんだけど...みんなはなぜか空亡って呼ぶんだ...。ブラックホールでモノを無に帰す私の能力と関係があるのかも...?キュゥべえは、私は魔法少女になるべきじゃないって言ってたけど、この不自然な力は...。私は... 自分のために使いたいんだ。)” - Self-Introduction

Soranaki is a Magical Girl OC created by RaviaVee. She is a mysterious Magical Girl who appeared in illusions, warning people about an incoming calamity, thus spreading the Rumor of the Faceless Girl. In the present day, she randomly appears to defeat and absorb Witches, but instantly forgets everything once out of the barrier. Some Magical Girls gave her the name Soranaki due to her sheer power of one-shot even the strongest Witches. However, Kyubey claimed to have no memories of contracting her. Her real name is Kurozome Sorana, and was actually a normal girl with a menacing name.

It is later revealed that she became a Magical Girl due to having a fraction of Schwarzschild's powers. Black Nebula, Chrysos and Nul Xora all sought to claim her power and had a crossfire, while Liebus aims to protect her. She was ultimately captured and had her power drained by Miku Yamiya, but things got worse when her powers is directed to Schwarzschild's main body, initiating The Apocalypse.

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth Unknown
Age 15
Eye colour Red and Blue
Hair colour Half white & half black, extremely long
Height Unknown
Soul Gem Purple, Star
Weapon Scythe
Witch Form Ars Goetia
Powers and Abilities Mini Blackhole, Gravity Control
Wish N/A
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives Arsene Lupin (self-proclaimed)
Origins Tsukuzaki
School Unknown
Affiliation Liebus



“What happened to me!?(私に何が起こったんだ!?)” - Summoning Doppel

Doppel of Singularity. Its form is, a Blackhole.

The master of this emotion didn't know what happened to herself, nor having memories of getting this power. She is not contracted, or fated to be a Magical Girl. This Doppel granted her the power to return everything to nothingness, and that makes its master a Singularity. In truth, the Doppel originates from a world-ending Witch that somehow got into its master's body, making the impossible possible.



  • Schwarzschild's name means "black shield" in German. Also named after Karl Schwarzchild, a German physicist and astronomer, and the Schwarzchild black hole.
  • Attacks with an enormous black hole that absorbs everything into darkness.

Other Characters

  • Adel Kizuna (愛結 アデル): Alia's twin brother, who is timid and shy. Like Alia, she has the ability to see Witches, Familiars and Incubators (Kyubeys) without contract. One day he got lost inside Carat's growing barrier, but her familiars saw his hidden potential and didn't even attack him. Slowly, he discovered that Alia has became a Magical Girl, and the existence of Kyubey. He blamed Kyubey for almost making Alia fall to despair, and his will was then made use by Schwarzschild to create a vengeful Nightmare to hunt down Kyubey. Adel is revealed to be a Singularity that almost make him suitable to become a Magical Girl. He was then able to use and control his Nightmare after taking a page of the Sacred Grimoire.
  • Shizuko Nishi (西 静子): Emi Yorugawa's former friend, with her wish being "to lose a few pounds and marry my crush in the future". She became the Witch Pillans due to her overusing the Doppel System, causing her Doppel to take over her mind. Her Grief Seed was kept by Emi as a memory, and refused to use it.
  • Agnes Waterhouse: A Magical Girl from the year 1503 being accused as the "First Witch", who still kept on her hopes even after hearing the truth of the Witches. She embraced her despair and willingly became L.C. Salomonis, with her Familiars being affected by her wish and became friendly to humans. She sealed the world-threatening Schwarzschild and sacrificed herself, with the book she used scattered across and is currently hunted by multiple Magical Girls, and died honorably as a Magical Girl at 1566. Her legacy was honored by people of Tsukuzaki Town until Witches that look different from their imaginations appeared. Her Grief Seed can be used an unlimited amount of times, but the Soul Gem would become darker after the next battle.
  • Iroha Tamaki (環 いろは): One of the heroes of Kamihama City. Her existence was spread into rumors with some Magical Girls in the Tsukuzaki Town even worshipped her. (The timeline is according to the game)
  • Kyubey (キュゥべえ): That one Incubator, once again who kept on asking young girls to become Magical Girls. Adel is able to see them despite not having the potential to be a Magical Girl, nor is contracted. His existence was almost severely threatened when Adel's Nightmare hunted numerous Kyubeys, and when Schwarzschild showed herself to the world.

Witches & Familiars

Contains non-canon spoilers. This collapsable table is used to prevent overload.






TypeJewel Witch
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of Gemstones. Its nature is Selfishness.

She desires to be rich, so much that she turned into a golden, luxurious chandelier at the cost of her mobility. Her minions likes to lure humans that are or wants to be rich into her barrier, but they often didn't get paid enough, nor received any jewels from the witch.

Her name is a unit that is used to measure the weight of jewels. Minions (CARAT) are mascot keychains, and their duty is to be Adornments. Originally being as strong as 10^-43, its powers has been deteriorating due to the lack of prey. It is the first witch fought by Alia Kizuna, and was also defeated by her through luck, when structures inside her barrier crumbled on her.

A pre-evolved, jewellery mannequin-like version of the Witch also appeared inside a shopping mall and killed Emi's family in front of her. She defeated the Witch, but the immense amout of rage and despair also turned her into Chelydra.






TypeFruit Witch
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of Fruits. Its nature is Harvesting.

The overwhelming amount of Dark Fruits that she creates brings misfortune to whoever enters its barrier. It enjoys being inside this tropical world, but if someone disturbed it, it splits out toxic juice to attack everyone on sight. The only way to defeat it is to bring sharp weapons, or more effectively, depend on one's luck.

Despite its nature, it also see its cherry-like minions as nuisances, and would also attack them if they assist its prey by bringing them luck.

Her name means "fruit basket" in German. Minions (CHERI) are a pair of cherry that explodes like bombs, and their duty is to be Jams. She appeared inside a fruit stall in a supermarket and has stall staff as her victims. Both Alia and Melody had a hard time fighting her due to her explosive minions, but was defeated when Melody remembered how to use Connect.






TypeTraffic Witch
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of Traffic. Its nature is Impatience.

A witch that proclaimed to ensure road safety within its barrier, or locations where she appears, especially on motorways. Should someone enter or attacks the land it is standing, it calls out its car-like minions and goes on an all-out attack.

However, she is very vulnerable to being crushed because she often appears in places where traffic never ends.

Her name means "street" in Italian. Minions (BEEP BEEP) are cartoony cars that appears in insanely large numbers, and their duty is to be Private Cars. Her witch portal suddenly appeared when Alia, Melody and Emi was riding a bus to Alia's father's laboratory, dragging everyone into the barrier. She was defeated by Alia's Doppel, saving everyone but also made her Soul Gem darkened even more.


黒板描きの魔女。その性質は恐怖心。 侵入者や異物に怯えやすいが、チョークで描かれた平坦な世界での生活を楽しんでいる。誰かに襲われると黒板消しで消してしまう。


TypeBlackboard Doodle
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of Blackboard Doodle. Its nature is Fearfulness.

Easily scared by intruders and foreign objects, but enjoys living in the flat world drawn by chalks. If someone attacks her, she would erase them with a chalkboard eraser.

Pillans is named after John Pillans, a teacher who invented the first modern blackboard in 1801. Minions (KREIDE) are shadowy limbs drawn by chalks, and their duty is to be Limbs. She is the Witch of Shizuko - the best friend of Emi. She appeared in an abandoned school, where a fraction of Black Nebula was also reported. She was pacified and defeated by Emi willingly, who then kept her Grief Seed as a memory.


カミツキガメの魔女。 その性質は連帯。




TypeSnapping Turtle Witch
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of Snapping Turtle. Its nature is Solidarity.

It has 4 heads and eyes, each possessing a unique element that counters any opposing force. These includes Wind, Forest, Fire and Rock.

It is also most proud of its strong jaws and hard shell. The former can bite through concrete, crushing enemies in an instant, while its shell protects it from literally everything. Yet it greatly dislikes being poked in the eyes.

Chelydra is the Genus name of a Common Snapping Turtle. Minions (OSCEOLA) are snapping turtle offsprings and their duty is to be Survivors. She is the Witch of Emi, and was born after witnessing the death of her family by the hands of Carat. Alia tried to pacify her, but was killed by a recently revived Schwarzschild, while also crushing both hers and Pillans' Grief Seeds.


アマルガムの魔女。 その性質は絶滅。




TypeAmalgam Witch
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of Amalgam. Its nature is Extinction.

A witch who is said to have came from the end of the galaxy. The ritual by Black Nebula to revive this witch failed, leaving her in an incomplete form and requires a massive amount of energy. She consumes countless Witches and familiars, wanting to bring herself to go beyond her heyday she once had.

This resulted in a form resembling a massive amalgamation with numerous faces and features, each screaming in agony and despair.

ブラックホールの魔女(通称・コラプサー)。その性質は黙示。 銀河の果てからやってきたと言われる魔女。この魔女は、千年を通して魔法少女たちに倒された無数の魔女の魂と怨念を吸収している。この魔女の力は想像を超え、他の魔女の力を利用することができる。この魔女は多くの者たちによって戦われ、逆らわれ、その全てが犠牲となり、彼女によってソウルジェムやグリーフシードが砕かれた。それはグリモアが彼女を永久に封印するまでである。だが今、彼女はこの世界で再び蘇るだろう。


TypeBlackhole Witch
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of Blackhole (Alias: Collapsar). Its nature is Downfall.

A witch who is said to have came from the end of the galaxy. This witch absorbs souls and grudges of countless witches defeated by Magical Girls throughout the millennials. The power of this witch is beyond imagination, and can utilize other witches' powers. This witch was battled and defied by many, all which sacrificed and have their Soul Gems or Grief Seeds crushed by her. It is only until the Grimoire sealed her for good. But now, she shall rise again within this world.






TypeBlackhole Witch
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of Blackhole (Alias: Collapsar). Its nature is Singularity.

A witch who is said to have came from the end of the galaxy. Her size now might be similar to a normal human, but whoever witnesses it means imminent death. Minions aren't even needed, everything can be done just by herself.

She returns everything into nothingness, while also stealing powers from anyone, including another witch. Her existence is resulted by a time-space anomaly caused by a Magical Girl who kept on travelling back in time, causing alternate timelines to cease to exist.

She ascends from the earth to heaven and descends again to the earth. So also is the creation of this world.

Has 3 phases, which goes from big to small. Her name means "black shield" in German. Also named after Karl Schwarzchild, a German physicist and astronomer, and the Schwarzchild black hole. Has no minions, but can summon Witch spectres that also doubles as minions.

A Witch created by thousands of Witch Souls and grudge caused by the occasional time travel of Akemi Homura, and can speak human language. She often possesses Magical Girls and overwriting their inner Witches, eventually absorbing their energy. She was sealed by L.C. Salomonis, but an archeologist in the present day discovered her tomb in the depths of Tsukuzaki Town, and revived her by accident, resulting in an incomplete amalgamation until Black Nebula captured and studied her. Her remaining power was inside a girl named Sorana Kurosome and eventually absorbed her power, becoming whole again. Has the ability to create Witch spectres, even the strongest Witches in history like Walpurgisnacht.

Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis

魔導書の魔女。 かつて平和の夢を見た。



L.C. Salomonis (Past)

EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

The Grimoire Witch. Its nature is peace.

Used to be a magical girl who willingly let her despair consume herself in order to save her friends. This amalgamation of hope and despair caused her to be unique, having the powers a witch while retaining all memories as a Magical Girl.

It has the ability to return all other Witches back to Magical Girls or familiars, thus being the most powerful Witch of all times. However, with the interference of the Blackhole Witch, its powers were scattered across Tsukuzaki Town, eventually a piece of itself was absorbed by a lone Magical Girl in a pink cape.





L.C. Salomonis (Alia)

EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of Utopia. Its nature is Love-hate.

The pages of the "Sacred Grimoire" are all gathered and repaired, allowing the girl in white coat to assume the Witch that once saved the world from calamities.

It balances the power of love and hate, good and evil, creating an ideal world where everyone can be happy. However, this form cannot last long, and overusing it would only cost one's mind and soul, just like all other Witches.

After all, there is no such thing as a perfect utopia.

Named after the Latin name of The Lesser Key of Solomon. Alia's Doppel, Ars Paulina, is part of this Witch. Its existence is similar to Isabeau, but different. Minions (PRUFLAS + BAEL are cupids and wryms, and their duty is to Protect Humans and be Guardsmen. The present-day Salomonis does not have minions. Agnes willingly turned into the Grimoire Witch in order to seal Schwarzschild and leave a warning to future Magical Girls, while Alia turned into the Utopia Witch after gathering the Sacred Grimoire's pages while also fusing it with herself and her Doppel. The modern L.C. Salomonis is composed of hope instead of despair.

Ars Paulina

妖精の魔女。その性質は好奇心。 「禁断の魔導書」の力を利用した魔法少女の結果である。なぜか意識を保つことができ、絶望に飲み込まれることはない。おそらく伝説に伝わる魔女の純粋な側面から生まれたのだろう。しかし、それでもこの魔女の好奇心は、行き過ぎた正義感から、予測不可能な望まぬ悪意を引き起こすのだろう。

Ars Paulina

EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of Fairies. Its nature is curiosity.

The result of a Magical Girl that harnessed the powers of the "Sacred Grimoire". For some reason she is able to retain her consciousness and not be consumed by despair. Perhaps she was born from the pure side of a witch that passed down to legends. However, her curiosity would still caused unpredictable and unwanted malice, because of her overdone sense of justice.

Has no minions. In one of the timelines, Alia turned into this Witch instead of L.C. Salomonis due to despair.

Ars Goetia

神殺しの魔女。その性質は悪意。 この魔女はすでに絶望しているため、未来を見ることができない。この魔女はインキュベーターに憎悪を募らせ、彼らを絶滅させることが唯一の選択肢なのだ。魔法少女の使命が人類を救うことなら、なぜ私たちはそれでも魔女になるのか?やがてこの魔女は 「神殺し」の名を冠し、物語を破壊し続け、彼女が知るすべてを破壊し続け、歴史も未来も存在しなくなってしまう。

Ars Goetia

TypeGod Killer
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Witch of God Killer. Its nature is malice.

This witch can't see the future, as it is already desperate. This witch grew hatred on the Incubators, and exterminating them is the only option. If a magical girl's mission is to save humanity, then why we would still become witches!? Eventually, this witch takes on the name of "God Killer", continues to destroy stories and all she knows, and histories and futures would cease to exist.

Has no minions. She is the Witch of Melody, who fell into despair after knowing the true intentions of Kyubey. However, she was quickly pacified and convinced by Alia, who used her time-reversing abilities to turn Melody back to normal. Melody assumes this form again when fighting against Schwarzschild, after her Doppel failed to attack her.

Adel's Nightmare

ほうおうのこのゆめ この夜のすみっコで 臆病な少年が見た 恐ろしく 復讐に満ちた夢。ふわふわの翼を恐怖で満たし 今夜はすきなだけ 憎む者に炎を投げかけろ。 踊り子たちだけが、あなたのフィナーレを助かります。

Ho-oh no Ko no Yume

TypeNightmare (Little Phoenix's Dream)
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

A fearful, vengeful dream that a timid boy saw in a corner of this night. Fill your fluffy wings with dread, and cast flames on the ones who hate you as much as you like tonight. The dancers alone shall help your finale.

The Nightmare of Kizuna Adel, which wasn't supposed to happen since Alia's timeline is an alternate timeline of Magia Record. It was caused by Schwarzschild's time-space distortion that causes it to utilise the powers of Homulilly from the Rebellion Timeline. Has two pairs of puppeteer hands. Like other Nightmares, it can either be pacified by giving it food, or by comforting the victim. It was pacified by a temporally truce of Liebus and Black Nebula leaders.

Other Minor Witches

All of the following witches were transformed from the members/assasins of Black Nebula.

  • Bastet BASTET: Witch of Music. Its nature is Calmness. Minions (MUSE are marching bands. Sent to kill Alia and Melody but was defeated.
  • Medusa MEDUSA: Witch of Jellyfish. Its nature is Petrifying. Minions (SELFROD MOR) are jellyfish warriors with spears, and their duty is to be rock statues. Sent to kill Alia and Melody but was defeated.
  • Bienen BIENEN: Witch of Honeybees. Its nature is Leadership. Minions (?????) are worker bees. Forcibly transformed by Miku, and defeated by Celia.
  • Idrottsman IDROTTSMAN: Witch of Sports. Its nature is Indefatigability. She said Patricia (Witch of Exercises) stole her title in another dimension but this has yet to be confirmed. Minions (BOLEL'SCHITSA) are cheerleaders. Forcibly transformed by Ina, and killed by Chelydra.


Homunculus are mechanical Witch-like robots made by Nul Xora, and are also primary enemies of Puella Magi Alia Magica. They are designed to be both Magical Girl and Witch slayers, and has a proxy designed specifically to kill these enemies.

Homunculus drops Sahar Core when defeated, and can be used like normal Grief Seeds. (Sahar means "magic" in Arabic)

Homunculus are themed after legendary creatures and the seven sins.

Contains non-canon spoilers. This collapsable table is used to prevent overload.

Soaring Steed Homunculus of Prides

誇り高き - 飛ぶ馬のホムンクルス

鋼鉄の翼、しかし誰も飛び立たず、 果てしない夜に漂う。 蹄は火花を散らすが跡形もなく、 空虚な獣は空虚な優美さを持つ。 泣くこともできない時計仕掛けの心臓は、 暗く深い回路に閉じ込められている。 騎手の願いが、冷たく剥き出しになり、


Soaring Steed Homunculus of Pride

TypeSoaring Mount
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Wings of steel, yet none take flight, Drifting lost in endless night. Hooves strike sparks, but leave no trace, A hollow beast with hollow grace. Clockwork heart that cannot weep, Trapped in circuits, dark and deep. A rider’s wish, now cold and bare, Echoes through the empty air.

The first Homunculus encountered by Liebus. It was defeated by Melody Lupin.

Inferno Serpent Homunculus of Wrath

憤怒 ‐ 獄炎蛇のホムンクルス

錆と針金で鍛え上げられた蛇が、 炎の墓穴の奥深くで蟠っている。 その空虚な咆哮、ねじれたチャイム、 果てしない時の中で失われたエコー。 立ち上がることのない灰の翼、 虚ろな目をした魂のない獣。


Inferno Serpent Homunculus of Wrath

TypeInferno Serpent
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

A serpent forged from rust and wire, Coiling deep in graves of fire. Its hollow roar, a twisted chime, Echoes lost in endless time. Wings of ash that never rise, A soulless beast with empty eyes. No treasure hoard, no kingdom grand, Only dust in outstretched hands.

The second Homunculus encountered by Liebus. It was defeated by the Alia and Emi.

Headless Swordsman Homunculus of Sloth

怠惰 ‐ 首無し剣士のホムンクルス

錆と針金で鍛え上げられた蛇が、 炎の墓穴の奥深くで蟠っている。 その空虚な咆哮、ねじれたチャイム、 果てしない時の中で失われたエコー。 立ち上がることのない灰の翼、 虚ろな目をした魂のない獣。


Headless Swordsman Homunculus of Sloth

TypeHeadless Swordsman
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

Headless rider, bound by chains, A shadow lost in endless plains. Its hollow form, no heart to race, It drifts through night, a cursed face. Hooves that strike, but none can hear, A faceless knight, devoid of fear. A deathly path, it cannot stray, A soul condemned, forever gray.

怠惰 ‐ 首無し剣士のホムンクルスの召使い (聖剣のホムンクルス)

光の刃、持つ手なし、 王の失われた遺産、凍てつく冷たさ。 それは力強さを歌うが、誰も振るうことはない、 壊れた剣、忘れられた盾。 歯車から生まれ、その刃は明瞭で、 真の恐れを持たない生気のない剣。 掟に縛られ意のままに打つ

空虚な剣 王なき刺激

Sacred Sword Homunculus of Sloth

TypeHeadless Swordsman's Servant
EpisodesFanworks, made by RaviaVee

A blade of light, with no hands to hold, A king’s lost legacy, frozen cold. It sings of might, but none shall wield, A broken sword, a forgotten shield. Born of gears, its edge is clear, A lifeless sword with no true fear. Bound to serve, it strikes at will, A hollow blade, a kingless thrill.

Homunculus summoned directly by Nul Xora herself against Liebus. They were then defeated and reprogramed by Miku, which is then defeated by Celia.



Liebus is a small organization in Tsukuzaki City and are the main heroes of Puella Magi Alia Magica, founded by Melody Lupin and Emi Yorugawa, with the former also being the leader.

  • Faction name : Liebus
  • Leader: Melody Lupin
  • "Girls who swore to protect the weak and innocent from potential flaws of the system"
  • Type : Kind and United
  • Goal : To clear out any flaws within the Doppel System and save the innocent.
  • Atmosphere : Jolly and brave
  • Ideology : Magical Girls are neither saviours nor destroyers, and should balance good and evil.
  • Internal relationship : Friendly with little to no conflicts inbetween

Black Nebula

Black Nebula are the main antagonists of Puella Magi Alia Magica. They are an organization funded by large companies in Tsukuzaki Town to eradicate Magical Girls through artificial Magical Girls. In fact, none of the members are actually contracted by Kyubey, but rather Schwarzchild (Collapsar), who was awaiting for a revival. After defeating Schwarzachild, they were disbanded and rebuilt, with the transplant technology buried away.

Members wear black masks and robes, and uses scythes or guns as their primary weapons, giving them the impression of grim reapers. High-ranking members resembles to bishops and uses staves as weapons.

  • Faction name : Black Nebula
  • Leader: Miku Yamiya
  • "Girls who worship a supernatural entity, falsely beliving it would bring peace"
  • Type : Ruthless and Selfish
  • Goal : To revive Collapsar and achieve peace
  • Atmosphere : Dark and Eerie
  • Ideology : Humanity is bound with inevitable fate of extinction
  • Internal relationship : Caring but do things separately


Chrysos is an organization from Tsukuzaki Town. They once aimed to achieve El Dorado - a city of gold, but has now aims to find a way to make Witches and Human live in harmony (which Kyubey responded to be impossible). Mainly aids Liebus.

Members wear bronze knight armor, and uses swords/spears and shields as their primary weapons. At least two high-ranking member wear silver armor, but were all killed by a rampaging Oshiti that suddenly appeared nowhere. Since then, Chrysos members' armors are coated with a special magic that minimalises their damage dealt from enemy Magical Girls and Witches.

Chrysos means "gold" in Greek.

  • Faction name : Chrysos
  • Leader: Mao Kanatomi
  • "Girls once sought to reach El Dorado has how wished for the impossible"
  • Type : Egostic and Prideful
  • Goal : To make Witches and Human live in harmony
  • Atmosphere : Jolly and brave
  • Ideology : If Magical Girls become Witches, there should be ways to revive small hints of their humanity.
  • Internal relationship : A gold enthusiast and loyal subordinates

Nul Xora

Nul Xora is an organization founded in Dubai and has arrived to Tsukuzaki Town to investigate the mystery of the Doppel System. They discovered they went to the wrong place, but decided to stay as a neutral syndicate. However, the vast majority of the members didn't know the true intentions of Black Nebula, and has provided Magical Girl slayers known as Homunculus to them.

Members wear futuristic suits and armors and wields laser swords as their primary weapon. They even have drones and robots in their ranks, giving the impression of them being from the far future. Several of these members were Wings of Magius or Promised Blood, who used their knowledge to develop artificial systems and even mechanical Witches (known as Homunculus).

  • Faction name : Nul Xora
  • Leader: Codename - Nul Xora
  • "Girls who believes in technology can save Magical Girls"
  • Type : Neutral
  • Goal : To investigate the mystery of the Doppel System
  • Atmosphere : Futuristic and Calm
  • Ideology : Magical Girls are neither saviours nor destroyers, and should balance good and evil.
  • Internal relationship : Let the members do whatever they want