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== Manga ver. ==
=== Manga ver. ===


Revision as of 12:03, 7 February 2011


Original article from Megami Magazine

Megami Interview

Interview with Akiyuki Shinbo regarding the show.

Once it ends, I want [the viewers] to watch again one more time. I want to make it a show that you can enjoy watching 12 episodes straight. There might even be some parts that is not understandable without watching it that way. I think it is fun if you watch it once you know how it ends. You can empathize the characters that way, and you can discover something new by watching it from different viewpoint.

Animedia Interview

Interview with Atsuhiro Iwakami (from Animedia, original article):

  • Every words from Homura has meaning.
  • We will deliver a certain theme throughout the series.
  • Mahou shoujo does not equal heroine.
  • It doesn't have to follow the defeating-one-enemy-a-week pattern.
  • Weapons of magical girls and the concept of enemy are different from standard.
  • Each character has a strong attachment to their past or present.

Animage Interview

Interview with Gen Urobuchi (from Animage):

  • Mahou Shoujo in this show are not united as a single group.
  • Main element of the story is how everyone from a different standpoint understands each other.
  • Everything about Homura is mysterious, unlike other characters whose parts and motivation are clear.
  • Mami knows the mechanism of the world to a certain degree, so her part is a guide to Madoka and Sayaka.
  • Madoka and Sayaka will follow the way Mami leads, but at a certain point they might choose their own paths.
  • Urobuchi "this is my first time I have been entrusted with a big task that is scenario for all episodes, I feel like I can say I'm an anime scenario writer now (laughs). Can I go ahead from this point is up to "Madoka."

Nyantype Interview

Original article from Nyantype Magazine

Interview with Urobuchi Gen in Nyantype 2011/03. Regarding Mami's death:

If this was a 26-episodes show there would be more of Mami. Someone that looks exactly like Mami in a traditional hotspring maid outfit. Or something that looks like Mami in a life guard vest. That would be nice wouldn't it? Except that I am lying. Sorry. (Urobuchi)

Regarding the story:

Mahou shoujo is a cruel task, that kind of story is what the producer believed is needed. So he asked someone who's good at stories like that. The reason he chose me was because of Fate/Zero, the style he seeks is clear to me from that point.

Megami Interview

Interview with Urobuchi Gen in Megami Magazine 2011/03. Regarding Kyouko:

She appears as a character that cover values of battle after premise of the series has been established. How her sense of values differs from other characters, as a character that change the viewpoint [of the premise], that there's someone with this way of thinking. After Mami's death, the viewpoint is changed to Kyouko; the way each Mahou Shoujo treats her is how each character's nature becomes clear.

Regarding Homura:

Homura's position is that she's another veteran Mahou Shoujo apart from Mami, since it's clear that she knows something Sayaka and Madoka don't know. After Mami's death, she going to become the one who hold the key about various mystery in the show. She's going to be the one that pull out the truth together with Kyubey.


Collection of Twitter conversations from involved staff members.

Mami's special move

Urobuchi Gen explaining about name change of Mami's special move in episode 2 to the manga writer.

Original tweet
@hanokage Ah sorry. I've changed the special move name from English to Italian in the recording room, now it's different from the manga version.
@hanokage そもそも必殺技の名称も収録現場の土壇場で英語からイタリア語に変更されたもんで、コミカライズ版と変わってしまったのです。申し訳ねぇ……

Kyubey cuteness

Urobuchi Gen's tweet about Kyubey being "cute" right before episode 3 airs.

Original tweet
If things went according to my plan, viewers will soon be captured by Kyuubey's cuteness and unfair suspicion against him will be no more. They should stop bringing up my past already!
Original tweet
@Butch_Gen So basically you're saying "be cautious about Kyuubey" right? I understand!
@Butch_Gen つまりキュゥべぇを警戒しろ、と声を大にして言ってる訳ですね!わかります!
Original tweet
@eiitiro 'Kyu' in "Kyuubey" is 'Kyu' as in "Cute"!
@eiitirou キュゥべぇのキュはキュートのキュだyo!


Urobuchi Gen's tweet claiming it's accuse to say the show is bloodspattered right before episode 3 airs.

Original tweet
"Fate/Zero from the writer of currently bloodspattered TV anime [Chidamari], Urobuchi Gen-sensei" #akiba
Original tweet
@akibablog What's with that accusation!
@akibablog おのれ なんという いいがかりを!
Original tweet
@Butch_Gen Everything is so mixed-up... lol
@Butch_Gen なんかもういろいろごちゃ混ぜにw
Original tweet
@k_hirohiro Yeah, that's terrible! We still haven't shown even a single scene with bloodshed!
@k_hiroriro まだ今んとこ流血シーンなんてないのに、ひどいよね!

Urobuchi's claims

Urobuchi Gen's defense about his past tweets after episode 3 airs.

Original tweet
So here's my defendant's claims…
Original tweet
About the "what's that wholesome scenario writer" in actuality, we had this idea of hiding scenario writer's name until the broadcast starts, the plan fell down since staff list was leaked back in early spring. But the director still want to surprise the viewers...
Original tweet
So I thought it is bad if everyone can guess how the series will be because of me. As a troubleshooter, I tried to mislead everyone. But as you can see, it's ineffective.
Original tweet
Okay now I've took a big load off my mind. Thank you everyone who keep up until today! I'm going back to the normal Urobuchi from now on!
ともかく、これでようやく肩の荷が下りた。皆さん、今日まで本当にありがとう! これからは普通の虚淵に戻ります!
Original tweet
@Butch_Gen DIE! lol
@Butch_Gen ブッコロス!w
Original tweet
@Butch_Gen I won't be tricked! I know that tweet is also a lie! Adults are dirty!
@Butch_Gen だまされないぞ!どうせこれもうそなんだ!おとなはきたないな!
Original tweet
@kotoriXP @studio_ise Sorry. Forgive me.
@kotoriXP @studio_ise すまなかったな。許してくれ
Original tweet
@Butch_Gen Wait! The episode still hasn't been broadcasted on CBC!
@Butch_Gen まだCBCがーっ!きゃー!!
Original tweet
@umeaoki I... I didn't say anything about the story! I can't stay quiet without a lawyer any longer!
@umeaoki な、内容には触れないから! もう弁護士抜きの黙秘は無理だから!
Original tweet
@Butch_Gen thank you for the put-on. Urobuchi-san now looks refreshing as if you just out of the bath (lol
@Butch_Gen ニャンコかぶりお疲れさまでしたっ お風呂上りのような清清しい表情の虚淵さんが見えます!(笑
Original tweet
@Butch_Gen are you a popular idol or something? lol
@Butch_Gen 売れっ子アイドルかアンタは!(w
Original tweet
@Butch_Gen What's that, Candies? lol
@Butch_Gen 何そのキャンディーズ!w
Original tweet
@Higashide_Yu @eiitirou @moo_eroduke everyone will know your age if you can reference Chun-Li or Candies from that
@Higashide_Yu @eiitirou @moo_eroduke このフレーズでキャンディーズと春麗どっちを連想するかで歳がばれるよね
Original tweet
...if someone don't know about Urobuchi-san, I'm sure he will think "well, this should be the peak of it"...
……。虚淵さん作品初体験の人は、『この3話が絶望の底だろう』と思ってるのかもしれないんですよね考えてみれば……。 #madoka
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Captain Kraft: "Always think of the worst possibility for his scenario. He will exceed that expectation!"
クラフト隊長「虚淵脚本の場合に限って常に最悪のケースを想定しろ。奴は必ずその少し斜め上を行く!」 #madoka
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@ryohgo_narita let's leave that to storyboarder's conscience...
@ryohgo_narita そこは今後とも絵コンテさんの良心に期待するといたしましょう……
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@Butch_Gen where has our wholesome Urobuchi-san gone...
@Butch_Gen ぼくらの癒し系の虚淵さんはどこへ行ってしまったのでしょう…
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@seikaisha_ymnk In your heart!
@seikaisha_ymnk アナタの心の中に!

Manga ver.

Original tweet
I just got Madoka Magica's manga sample! Since it's an occasion, let's talk about the story behind manga ver...
漫画版まどかマギカのサンプルが俺の手元にも届いたぜよ! 宣伝ついでに折角だから、漫画版まどかの裏話など……
Original tweet
To tell the truth, production of Madoka anime was temporary stopped once the scenario has finished, however Hanokage's manga still continues. So rough sketch of manga was done before the storyboard. It's amusing if you compare manga and anime, as they're divergence from a single scenario.
Original tweet
Putting that aside, look at this angel-like cuteness! As expected from magical girl's familiar!
それはそれとして…見てよこの天使のような愛らしさ‼ やっぱ魔法少女のオトモはこうでないと!

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