Puella Magi Production Note

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Production Notes Updated.jpg

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Production Note are a set of 496 pages in two volumes that were first sold in a limited edition version at Comic Market 80 from August 12 to August 14. It is scheduled for sale to the general public starting in late September.

SHAFT, collaborating with graphics designer Milky Isobe, compiled and edited 352 pages of production materials and 144 pages of art by Gekidan Inu Curry. The book set measures 268 x 195 x 47 millimeters (about 10.5 x 7.6 x 1.9 inches) and 1.629 kilograms (3.59 pounds).

Each set contains a B5-sized illustration sheet of Madoka by character designer Takahiro Kishida.

The limited first edition sold at Comic Market 80 also has:

  • Gekidan Inu Curry designed postcard
  • Charlotte bookmark
  • Kyubey bookmark

This, along with other Madoka-related merchandise, was reportedly sold out at the Aniplex booth around 11:15 am on the first day of Comic Market. Additional merchandise was added for sale the last two days of Comic Market 80.

Translations of Select Pages


Sketch English Japanese
File:PN 31.jpg (1) Smashed-up doll parts fall like snow
(2) Music box springs and doll parts
(3) Birdmen flying around the cage
(4) Clock face. Also gears.
(5) Dead birdmen, trampled by the witch
(6) A hysterically thrashing pair of legs in a cage. The chain it's tied to makes an annoying smashing sound.
(7) A witch who lived for a long time as a magical girl. She is weak, as she was no longer a girl when she became a witch (mid-20s to 30s?). The form she takes in her barrier is how she would've turned out in the future (around 40s). What she desires is life. Enjoys alcohol and books.
(8) The witch, post-explosion. Stuff drifting down around Homura: *Burning book pages *Sparkly bottle shards *Doll and bird parts *Witch blood
(9) Rough background (far-off): Sparkly curtains. Shelves lined with books and liquor bottles. One layer. Feels a bit like a bar.
(1) 雪みたいに バラバラの人形パーツ 降ってる。
(2) オルゴールのゼンマイと 人形のパーツ
(3) かごの まゆりを 飛んでる 鳥人間
(4) 時計の盤面。 歯車とか。
(5) 魔女 踏まれて 死んだ 鳥人間
(6) かごの中でヒステリックに あばれる足。つながれている 鎖ガチャガチャ うるさい。
(7) 魔法少女として けっこう長く生きた魔女。 魔女化する頃は もう少女でもなかったので 魔女としては弱い。 (20代中盤~30代くらい?) 結界の中の姿は 来るハズだった未来の姿。 (40代くらい) 欲しかった物は人生。 お酒と本が好き。
(8) 魔女、爆破後 ほむらの周りにゆっくり降りそそいでいる ・燃える本のページ ・キラキラビンの破片 ・人形と鳥のパーツ ・魔女の血。
(9) 背景ボケ(遠い) キラキラ暖簾。 本と酒ビンの並んだ棚。 一面に。ちょっとバーみたいなイメージ。



See Also

Puella Magi Madoka Magica Art Book

Storyboards and Sketches
