File talk:Chart of 4chan Madoka General per Week.jpg

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I crashed my computer and the guy I lent my restoration CDs is out of the country, so no nerdy update this week unfortunately, unless someone with Excel is willing to do it --Homerun-chan 19:59, 14 April 2011 (UTC)

Is OOo good enough? It's not quite the same style, but here's a chart: If you find it good enough, upload it. --KFYatek 20:47, 14 April 2011 (UTC)
Just in case, the ODS source of this chart is here: - I used the Ubuntu font for the chart, so it'll look a bit different on Windows or Mac, but should be OK after changing it to Calibri or something. --KFYatek 01:12, 15 April 2011 (UTC)
Well it doesn't have to look the exact same, as long as it's not too ugly and easy to read (which seems to be the case with your version, I'm just not sure about the bullets). Also, Ubuntu Font is olev. Oh and by the way, here is the xlsx in case someone want to keep the good ol' style (may be buggy when opened in OOo). --Homerun-chan 09:27, 15 April 2011 (UTC)
I didn't exactly like the bullets, too. In fact, OOo doesn't seem to support round bullets for charts. There are squares, many variations of triangles and such, and graphics, but no circles. Nvm, I just saw your version has diamond shapes, not circles... am I blind or what? But you can't remove the bullets' black borders in OOo, either. And there's no way to resize the legend to fit in one line. All in all, yeah, making charts in OOo pretty much sucks. Waiting for someone with Excel, then ;)
On an unrelated note, don't know what "olev" is, but I love the Ubuntu font, personally. --KFYatek 13:08, 15 April 2011 (UTC)
MS Office Web Apps with a bit of tweaking in GIMP (to recolor and antialias the chart) did the trick for me. Uploaded the new version. Hope you like it. --KFYatek 13:44, 15 April 2011 (UTC)

File format

On a totally unrelated note - why is the file .jpg? Does saving charts in .jpg make any sense anyway? .png not only looks better, it is smaller for that kind of graphic - the last version is 55,1 KB in .jpg and 17,4 KB in .png... --KFYatek 00:01, 16 April 2011 (UTC)

I just saved it first as a JPG out of habit, since usually posting something on 4chan as a PNG = shitstorm, be it justified or not. After that, prima uploaded it here as-is, and it stayed since you can't change the MIME-type when updating a file. So tl;dr let's say: historical reasons. --Homerun-chan 18:44, 16 April 2011 (UTC)
In addition, I think there's something wrong with .png upload. I tried to upload my user page's front image in .png, but if failed consecutively, even with the size well without boundaries (1.something megs). I had to upload it in .jpg.
(PS: Why the hell are PNG's in 4chan grounds for shitstorm? I mean, I imagine anything is, but... Well, I wouldn't know, I abstain myself from going there :P) BrickBreak 20:19, 16 April 2011 (UTC)