The Azalea Sisters

The Azalea Sisters is a group of three Magical Girls heralding from The Azalea House, an orphanage where the three grew up. The group comes to prominence in Arc 2 during the events of Our Beginning is a Recurring Dream, although they have been together ever since they all contracted at the same time. They are a neutral party during the events of Arc 2.
Also see Konoha・Hazuki.
Event Appearences
- Magia Record Story Our Beginning is a Recurring Dream
- Magia Record Story Seven-Coloured Summer Pattern ~Daily Lives Written in a Notebook~
- All of their wishes involve the Azalea House in some way.
- Their three separate doppels reference three sisters created by Amaterasu and Susanoo.
- Ayame has Ichikishima-hime.
- Konoha has Tagori-hime.
- Hazuki has Tagoitsu-hime.
- Their combined doppel, Ukei, references the ritual done by Amaterasu and Susanoo to create the sisters.
The Azalea House
The group is on the right.
The Sisters in the anime.
Their combined Doppel, Ukei.
Their magical girl seal.
Memoria Cards
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![]() (NA: Those Days Are Gone) |
This photo is from a time when we were loved by someone... But once I take my eyes off of it, I see "the present" that I find myself in. I know we have to rise to fight "the present" ...but please, just let me glance at the past for a little longer. | 写っているのは、私たちが優しく抱きしめられていた日々でもこの写真から目を上げれば、そこには "今が広がっている分かっている…私たちが、その"今と戦わなきゃいけないことはでも…あともう少しだけ、私をあの頃にいさせて | ||
![]() (NA: Our Backs Together) |
In the face of the pain before them, they do not hide from it. They turn toward the pain and trust their backs to each other. If one of their hearts wavers in fear, the others will stop it. They'll rouse their hearts anew and turn once again to face what's before them. | 目の前の苦難に対し、彼女たちはお互いを向かない
目の前の苦難に向き合ってお互いの背中を預ける もし、不安で心が揺れたら誰かがそれを止める そして、新たに心を奮い立たせて再び前を向く |
![]() (NA: With the Red Azalea) |
At the end of their accumulated fates, they went on an aimless journey, leaving their beloved home behind. They stood with their hands held together to break through the many disasters they anticipated would come. Their blood may not connect them, but their hearts do. They are the three azalea sisters. | 運命を重ねた末に、住み慣れた家を後にして流浪の旅へ
七難八苦が待ち受けようと、手を取り合ってこれを打ち破る たとえ血は繋がらなくとも、心で繋がっている それが彼女たち、アザレアの三姉妹 |
![]() (NA: The Flowers Will Bloom Again) |
A beginner team and an experienced group of Magical Girls met by chance one day. They taught and they learned about the mysterious world that exists alongside reality. Sharing the same fate, in time they could become closer, and speak to each other from the heart. | ある日、偶然に出会った魔法少女の先輩組と後輩組
現実と隣り合わせの不思議な世界のことを教え、そして学ぶ やがて彼女たちは自然と心を通わせるようになる 同じ宿命を背負った者たちが、そっと寄り添うように… |
![]() (NA: We've Got This!) |
"Don't worry about your backs! I've got 'em! I've got 'em!"
"It's fine, I can cover our backs without a hitch!" "What're you two arguing about? I'll take care of it." "I told ya! Don't worry about it! I'll...(continues endlessly)" | 「後ろは気にしないで!まー、あちしに任せてよ!」
「大丈夫だって、後ろはアタシがバッチリ守るからさ!」 「何言ってるの、ふたりとも…後ろは私が対処しておくわ」 「だからー!後ろは気にしないで!まー、あちしに(以降繰り返し)」 |
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"Konoha~, let's not follow Ayame around..."
"It's just a coincidence that you look like that. My purpose is to take pictures..." (I don't want anything to happen to Ayame, so it's fine if you just want to watch over her...) (I'm sure she's thinking, "If you're just going to watch over her, then...") | 「このは~、あやめの後をつけるのはやめようよ…」
「…偶然そう見えてるだけよ。私の目的は写真撮影だから…」 (あやめに何かあったら困るし…見守るだけならいいわよね…) (このは…きっと“見守るだけなら”って考えてるな、こりゃ…) |
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"Next time you make oyakodon, let me do it.
What? I don't want to have a stomach ache... "But if you don't challenge yourself, you won't improve. I'll ask you next time. "Thank you...! I'm sure I'll make an oyakodon that will surprise you both. | 「次に親子丼を作る時は、私にやらせてね」
「え!あちし、もうお腹壊したくないよぉ…」 「けど挑戦しなきゃ上達もしないしね。…今度はお願いするよ」 「ありがとう…!ふたりを驚かせる親子丼をきっと作ってみせるわ」 |
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That day when we vowed to survive, that day when we decided to change...
What awaited these girls who had passed through many major crossroads and moved forward was What awaited them was a connection with other magical girls, and hope for the future. And then... the inevitable parting. | 生き抜くと誓いあったあの日、変わることを決心したあの日…
大きな岐路をいくつも通り抜け、前進した彼女たちを待っていたのは 魔法少女たちとの繋がりと、未来を想起させる希望 そして…避けられない別れだった |
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**Unique to Konoha・Hazuki** Sandwiched between my naïve younger sister and my anxious older sister But I'm always happy and full of life. I'm always happy and full of life every day. So thank you, Director. For giving me the necklace that day... | 天真爛漫な妹と、心配性の姉に挟まれて
気を揉むことはしょっちゅうあるけどさ アタシはいつも幸せで、毎日が満ち足りてるよ だからありがとう、院長先生。あの日ネックレスをくれて… |
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