Chika Aoba

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Chika Aoba
Japanese Name (青葉ちか) Aoba Chika
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Voiced by Japanese: Marina Yamada
ID No: 3047
Release Date (JP): July 06, 2020

Chika Aoba (青葉ちか Aoba Chika) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She was made playable on July 6, 2020.

General Info

Physical Features
Age Unknown
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour White
Soul Gem Two Green leaves as a tiara
Weapon Dual Hatchets
Witch Form Unknown
Powers and Abilities Talk to Animals
Wish “I wish to live quietly with my family, surrounded by nature.”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives Unnamed parents, unnamed paternal and maternal grandparents
Origins Hokuyo Ward
School St. Lilliana Academy
Affiliation Tokime Tribe

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

3★→ 4★




Initial 4628 1502 1516

Max at ★3 15624 5178 5190
Max at ★4 20361 6745 6762

Max SE 24513 8525 10071
Connect: I shall guide you through the Steep Path

★3 Damage UP [V] & Chance to Critical [V]
★4 Damage UP [VII] & Chance to Critical [VII]
{{{2}}} Magia: Nature Regression

★3 Attribute Strengthened Damage to One Enemy [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP (All / 3T)
★4 Attribute Strengthened Damage to One Enemy [V] & Status Ailment Resistance UP (All / 3T)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

3★ +5% +5% +5% +5% +3% +5%
4★ +6% +6% +6% +6% +4% +6%

SE +6% +6% +6% +12% +7% +16%
Spirit Enhancement

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Technical Adept Charge Disc Damage UP [II]

Charge Adept Charged Damage UP [II]

Regenerate Adept Regenerate HP [II]

Critical Adept Chance to Critical Hit [II]

Blast Adept Blast Damage UP [II]

Accele Adept Accele MP Gain UP [II]

Shield Adept Damage Cut [II]

Resist Adept Status Ailment Resistance UP [III]

Possession Attack UP [IV] (Self / 3T) & Status Ailment Resistance UP [III] (Self / 3T) & Regenerate HP [III] (Self / 3T) CD: 8 turns


A Magical Girl belonging to the Tokime Tribe who loves nature. She was invited by Shizuka and her friends from Tokime's branch village to return to Kamihama, where she used to live a year ago. Due to her deep knowledge of plants and animals, she works as a nature guide while living in the Hokuyo Mountains, surrounded by nature.

Side Story

Warning, this section contains spoilers.

The following is a summary posted on 4chan's /pmmm/ general

Chika gained a strong distrust for people after her dad become a guarantor for his childhood friend in the village who then disappeared immediately after. This crushed her happy life so far (loving father and mother with good job, her essay on nature is good enough to enroll her in St Lilliana Academy which is for the rich and smart) and Kyubey took this opportunity to ask for contract. She wished for her family to be able to live peacefully surrounded by nature.

Her dad dejectedly decides to move back to the village, something he had not done despite being chased after for repaying loans since he did not want to sacrifice his daughter, but realized everything is for naught when he saw her ring. Things went back to normal until Shizuka invites her to Kamihama again.

Chika helps Shizuka elude con-men as they head to the phone stall to buy one for Shizuka. Shizuka respects Chika's careful nature and thanks her for it.

However, Chika is still suspicious of others, even Shizuka, which is why she decides to stay in the woods instead of living together in the temple. A storm destroyed her soon-to-be finished tree house, and she dejectedly decides to seek shelter in the temple.

It is then that Shizuka brings along the whole Tokime Tribe in Kamihama to help Chika finish her house. It seems she never intend to force Chika to do anything, and Chika realized her taking Shizuka's offer is her attempt to give her trust to people she actually can depend on in the city which she used to love. Things end on an upbeat note as the tribe finish the house together.

Costume Stories


When Chika told her parents about her plans to play in the river with her friends, they gave her a sum of money for a swimsuit. On the way, she is apprehensive, as she isn’t used to carrying around so much, but is determined to not let it go to waste. When she arrives at the store, she’s left stumped by the large selection of swimsuits, so she quickly dials up Asahi for assistance. However, the connection was unstable, and kept cutting out, leading to Asahi’s misunderstanding of Chika supposedly going diving with a harpoon, and gives her advice for hunting as the signal continues to buffer. Through this vague advice, Chika is recommended a swimsuit that is green, and prioritizes lightness over protection, along with some flowers for extra camouflage.

After acquiring the swimsuit, Chika meets up with the others at the river, who comment on how her swimsuit perfectly matches the environment. It’s then that Chika connects the dots and realizes the miscommunication, but since the swimsuit turned out to be a great choice, she doesn’t mind one bit.


Event Appearances

Magical Girl Story Appearances

Powers and Abilities

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  • The characters of her last name mean "blue/green" (青) and "leaves" (葉) respectively.
    • Considering the shape of her soul gem when transformed, they may be a reference to the meaning of her last name.



Game Gallery

Official Art

Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Blood Rush to a Superb View
Ignore Debuffs
Anti-Debuff [3x] (Self / 3T) 8 turns
Max Limit Break
Anti-Debuff [3x] (Self / 3T) 7 turns
In broad daylight on a holiday,

Under scorching sun and amidst the pale scent of the damp trees, While soaking in the ultimate sense of freedom, a girl soothes her soul.

“Mmm~. Paradise…that’s what I call this~…”

焼けつくような日差しと、湿った木々の青いにおい そんな究極の開放感に浸りながら、少女は魂を癒す

Hyped About the New Year
Episode Bloom Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Episode Experience Gain Increased [III] & Attack UP [I] & Defense UP [I]
The beginning of a new year makes me excited, because I feel like I have become a new person myself.

Oranges, sea breams, hibachi, and rice cakes are like gods of good fortune to celebrate your new self, so let's meet expectations and celebrate the New Year with new knowledge!

“Eat Galette des Royes and decide who is the happiest!”

橙も鯛も火鉢もお餅も、新しい自分を祝ってくれる福の神みたいだ だから期待に応えて一族の長らしく、新しい知識で新年を祝おう!

Trust in the Natural Stance
Glitter Rise
Attack UP [III] & MP Gain UP [I] (Self / 3T) 9 turns
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [IV] & MP Gain UP [II] (Self / 3T) 8 turns
**Unique to Chika Aoba**
I wasn’t able to trust others.

Even so, I began to interact with others as a part-time nature guide. When we arrived at the best spot and it was time to put down our sacks,

The smile on my client’s faces seemed to be genuine.

それでも人と関わるために始めた、ネイチャーガイドのアルバイト イチオシのスポットに着いてザックを下ろした時

The Decisive Battle of the Clear Stream
Shield Bearer
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Chance to Guardian [III] & Damage Cut [III]
"We can't lose this battle, no matter what...!

...H-Hey! For God's sake, please be quiet!" "Heh heh, the fish are messing with you. Now then, I'm going to get serious!"

The battle of the girls for the pride of Tokime continues...

…って…おい!頼むから大人しくしてくれぇ!」 「ふふ、お魚さんに遊ばれていますね。さて、私も本気を出します!」

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos

Dialogue Lines