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Raspberry (RASPBERRY) is a witch that appears in the twelfth episode of the Magia Record Anime. It was shown in a flashback fighting against Yachiyo Nanami's team prior to Mel Anna becoming a Witch and managed to escape from them.




TypeCritic witch
EpisodesEpisode 12, Yachiyo Nanami (Anime ver.)'s side story.

A witch who passionately endeavors to sort out that which has value from that which does not. She apparently stabs stakes into the valueless things, and hands flowers to the valuable things, but it’s extraordinarily rare for anything besides the witch herself to receive a flower. Her standards of arbitration are unclear. Her Labyrinth is filled with light in the colors of the things and people that have been crushed by her stakes.




TypeCritic witch's minion
DutyJumping on bandwagons
EpisodesEpisode 12, Yachiyo Nanami (Anime ver.)'s side story.

When something is deemed valueless by the witch, these jumping, flea-like minions will descend upon it en masse. These minions only do so because they desperately want to gnaw at their target with their large, pincer-shaped mouths, and have zero interest in any of the “value” nonsense that their witch talks about.

In the Anime


  • The Witch's type, "Critic", was revealed in the game during the airing of the Episode 12 of the Anime by Doroinu's game profile.
  • She is named after the Golden Raspberry Awards, also known as "the Razzies" or "the Razzie Awards".
  • Her Witch's Kiss in the Magia Record Manga adaptation is rotated 90 degrees compared to the game version.


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See Also