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"She has shown herself now in order to forget about all the magical girls from this universe." ~ Witch Card

Itzli (ITZLI) is an original witch that appears in Madoka Magica Portable.

Witch Card



TypeOblivion witch
EpisodesPuella Magi Madoka Magica Portable

The witch of oblivion, with a vengeful nature. A witch who is said to have originally been a magical girl who came from the end of the galaxy. She has shown herself now in order to forget about all the magical girls from this universe.


Madoka Magica Portable

Itzli makes her debut in Madoka Magica Portable. She is the final boss of the Oblivious barrier on floor 50. She doesn't have her own familiars and uses the shadow magical girls of Walpurgisnacht. Her barrier is a grassy landscape just like Quitterie's but has the addition of film reels and a deep hole that she emerges from.

SLOT Puella Magi Madoka Magica 2

Itzli makes a reappearance in SLOT Puella Magi Madoka Magica 2 as a boss Homura can fight. In this game, Itzli's labyrinth looks like a movie theatre yet the area where she is battled is the same as its appearance in Portable. The heads of magical girls such as Mami can be seen in the seats when Homura walks through but they never move and Homura never interacts with them. When the battle with Itzli begins, a screen at the back of her labyrinth will rapidly scroll past pictures of various traumatic moments in Homura's life, before settling on the image of Itzli, pulsating in wait. Instead of using Walpurgisnacht's familiars, in this game she uses Adelbert, Gotz, Sebastian and Mathieu. She can even summon both Charlotte and Izabel to block attacks for her. Homura can either kill Itzli with a strong attack or the other magical girls will arrive to help finish Itzli off.


  • Because of the Witch's information, it is suspected that Itzli was a magical girl from another planet, an alien magical girl.
  • Her use of other witch's familiars, reels of characters' memories within her barrier, her desire to forget all magical girls, and her identity as the witch of Oblivion ("the fact or condition of not remembering or not being remembered") may indicate that Itzli, and even her magical girl form, possesses memory-related powers.
  • When Itzli summons witches and familiars in SLOT, they have a distorted and washed-out film grain effect to them. When she summons proper witches, the yellow bulbs poking out of her brain will glow, potentially implying that such a thing takes more energy for the witch to do.
  • Itzli also has the ability to grow large hands from the gelatinous substance surrounding her brain, and she uses them both to backhand her opponents and crush them as attacks.
    • In addition, her death animation from Portable is reused as a proper attack as well. Her surrounding mass turns into an arrow and launches far into the sky, before coming down to crush Homura with her brain.
  • In SLOT Puella Magi Madoka Magica 2, Kyubey has several lines relating to Itzli:
    • Itzli's magic is different from that of any other witch on Earth. Thanks to this, she was never found before Homura entered her barrier.
    • Itzli is able to watch people through all the clovers in the world (which explains the clovers in her design and witch kiss)
    • Itzli has been gathering power while observing magical girls from all places and eras.
    • Itzli can summon other witches and familiars from memories. In SLOT they're shown to look slighty blurry, unlike in Portable.
    • Kyubey believes that the reason Itzli has become so strong is thanks to Homura. The exact meaning of this is unclear, though it may be speculated that she has the ability to retain memories/information across Homura's repeated reversal of time, or to extract that information from Homura herself. If so, Itzli would then have been able to repeatedly observe the same events across multiple timelines, as well as gain new information from any differences she otherwise would have never witnessed.
      • Homura remarks that Kyubey seems to know a lot about a witch that's supposedly never been found before. She also comments that though Itzli may keep watch on the outside world, "at least she never meddles with it."


  • Itztli means obsidian or an obsidian knife in Classical Nahuatl, the Aztec language. There are several Aztecs gods related to obsidian, most of them related to sacrifice and the death.
    • In Aztec mythology, Itztli (or Itzli) was a god of stone, particularly in the shape of a sacrificial knife. He served the god of night Tezcatlipoca as the god of the Second Hour of the Night. He is also considered to be one of the variants of Tezcatlipoca, and associated with the goddess of lakes and rivers Chalchiuhtlicue and the goddess of lust and sex Tlazolteotl. Itzli was therefore the god of (human) sacrifice and stone knives.
    • In the Aztec mythology, Ītzpāpālōtl or Itzpapálotl ("Obsidian Butterfly") was an Aztec warrior goddess of human sacrifice, rebirth, regeneration, the Earth and the Moon who ruled over Tamoanchan, the paradise of dead children and infants, which is also considered the land where humans were first created and also was the leader of the Tzitzimitl (The Angry Ones) star goddesses of protectresses of the feminine and progenitresses of mankind. According to the myth, she came to land with an invisible cape to kill the Mixcoas but died in battle against the primordial god of war Iztac Mixcoatl or Iztac-Mixcóatl (Snake in the White Cloud) and was turned into one of the stars of the Milky Way after her death. Source.
    • In the Aztec mythology, Itztlacoliuhqui ("Curved Obsidian Blade") was the god of cold, frost, snow, obsidian, justice, sacrifice, sin, chastise, misery and natural disasters who ruled over Itztepetl (The Obsidian Mountain), the 3rd of the nine levels of Mictlān or Mictlán (the aztec underworld). He once used to be the god of dawn Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli (Lord of the dawn), but he was killed and turned into Itztlacoliuhqui by the Sun god Tonatiuh. Tonatiuh, as the 5th sun, demanded obedience and sacrifice from the other gods before he will move, enraged at his arrogance Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli shot him an obsidian arrow but Tonatiuh evade the arrow and throw it back at him, piercing the Lord of Dawn through the head, killing him and turning him into Itztlacoliuhqui.
    • Obsidian was a valuable material prior to the use of iron; like flint, it could be fractured to produce sharp blades or arrowheads. Like all glass and some other types of naturally occurring rocks, obsidian breaks with a characteristic conchoidal fracture. It was also polished to create early mirrors such as the ones used in Aztec shamanic rituals.
  • In Madoka Magica Portable, Itzli uses shadow magical girls as familiars, identical to those used by Walpurgisnacht. She also uses the Red-nose and Blue-nose familiars of Walpurgisnacht.
    • In the Pachinco Slot Madoka Magica 2 it's shown that Iztli has the ability to summon familiars and even witches fought by Homura in the anime.
  • Itzli's entrance in Madoka Magica Portable, shows off a grand theatre and film reels. An aesthetic very similar to that of Mabayu Aki, leading to speculation that Mabayu may have become Itzli.
  • Upon her death, she launches into the sky like a rocket and explodes.


Madoka Magica Portable

Slot Madoka Magica 2