Magia Record Formations

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This is a list of all party formations in the Magia Record game.

Brave Echelon

This formation is initially available to all players.

Brave Echelon (ブレイブ・エシュロン)

Bright Phalanx

This formation is initially available to all players.

Bright Phalanx (ブライト・ファランクス)

Mighty Cross

This formation can be purchased from the Mirrors Shop.

Mighty Cross (マイティ・クロス)

Attribute Delta

These five formations can be purchased from the Mirrors Shop.

Attribute Delta (Flame) (アドリビュート・デルタ [火])

Attribute Delta (Aqua) (アドリビュート・デルタ [水])

Attribute Delta (Forest) (アドリビュート・デルタ [木])

Attribute Delta (Light) (アドリビュート・デルタ [光])

Attribute Delta (Dark) (アドリビュート・デルタ [闇])

Union Assault

This formation can be purchased from the Mirrors Shop. It was not available on the NA server.

Union Assault (ユニオン・アサルト)

Tricolor Raid

This formation can be purchased from the Mirrors Shop. It was not available on the NA server.

Tricolor Raid (トリコロール・レイド)

Duo Resonance

This formation can be purchased from the Magia Chip Shop. It was also available from the Purity of Haregi event. It was not available on the NA server.

Duo Resonance (デュオ・レゾナンス)

Brave Cross

This formation can be purchased from the Magia Chip Shop. It was also released together with Livia and Ranka's introductions.

Brave Cross (ブレイブ・クロス)

Lucent Vanguard

This formation can be purchased from the Magia Chip Shop. It was also released together with Eternal Sakura's introduction.

Lucent Vanguard (ルーセント・ヴァンガード)

Eclipse Vanguard

This formation can be purchased from the Magia Chip Shop. It was also released together with Valentine's Nagisa.

Eclipse Vanguard (エクリプス・ヴァンガード)

Mermaid Duet

This formation can be purchased from the Magia Chip Shop. It was also released together with Ao and Maria's introductions.

Mermaid Duet (マーメイド・デュエット)

Grandir Strike

This formation can be purchased from the Magia Chip Shop. It was also released along with Yuuna and Hotori's introductions.

Grandir Strike (グランディール・ストライク)

Guardian Force

This formation can be purchased from the Magia Chip shop.

Guardian Force (ガーディアン・フォース)

Mighty Echelon

This formation can be purchased from the Magia Chip Shop. It was also released along with the Let's go to the All Gods Festival! event.

Mighty Echelon (マイティ・エシュロン)

Prominence Vanguard

This formation can be purchased from the Magia Chip Shop. It was also released along with Juri's introduction.

Prominence Vanguard (プロミネンス・ヴァンガード)

Wald Paradiso

This formation can be purchased from the Magia Chip Shop. It was also released along with Alexandra's introduction.

Wald Paradiso (ヴァルト・パラディーゾ)

Light Tercio

These three formations could be purchased from the Mirrors Shop on the NA server. They are not available on the JP server.

Light Tercio (Forest)

Light Tercio (Flame)

Light Tercio (Aqua)

Dark Tercio

These three formations could be purchased from the Mirrors Shop on the NA server. They are not available on the JP server.

Dark Tercio (Forest)

Dark Tercio (Flame)

Dark Tercio (Aqua)