Alexandra Kurusu
Alexandra Kurusu | |
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Japanese Name | 栗栖アレクサンドラ (Kurusu Alexandra) |
Character Designer Primary Artist |
Ume Aoki Imoan |
Voiced by | Japanese: Marika Hayase |
ID No: | 1035 |
Release Date (JP): | April 14, 2021 |
Alexandra Kurusu, nicknamed Sasha was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She was a member of Folklore of Zero, infiltrated in Neo-Magius.
General Info
Physical Features | |
Age | 17 |
Eye colour | Deep pink |
Hair colour | Cream |
Magic | |
Soul Gem | Golden Nabla-shaped gem on necklace |
Weapon | Harp |
Witch Form | Halomonas Titanicae |
Powers and Abilities | Pacification (eliminates the possibility of aggression and hostility) |
Wish | “This love for Teacher that torments me... Please... erase it!” |
Other | |
Japanese pronoun | watashi (私) |
Known relatives | Unnamed parents, unnamed uncle |
Origins | Yukuni City |
School | Yunohana International Junior and High School |
Affiliation | Folklore of Zero, Neo-Magius |
Game Info
Spirit Enhancement Data | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A Magical Girl who has lost her place in the world and is currently hiding out in Neo-Magius. She has been a member of the choir since she was a child, and used to love singing so much that she even sang in club activities. She has a calm and friendly demeanor, but her fearlessness is one of the reasons why people trust her.
Doppel Description

The Doppel of longing. Its form is a ship's figurehead. The master of this emotion locked away her own love, and continues sleeping without ever putting it into words. Her Doppel is an avatar of unsinkability that emerges from the water’s depths, and refuses to allow anyone to give up on any kind of love. Upon seeing someone who it or its master is fond of, it puts their feelings towards that person into song while waving its wings and mast as part of the ultimate concert. If you don’t give any response after observing the performance, you’ll be sliced to ribbons by its lattice-shaped mast, so applauding is the safe option. But either way, listening to its song will cause the iron in your body to become oxidized and make you sick, so people say it’s best to just avoid listening in the first place.
Costume Stories

After agreeing to go to the pool with Himena, Alexandra spams the doorbell of the Satomi household, where an annoyed Lavi lets her in, and hands over the swimsuit that she had left behind. She also had her bag set up aside with everything in it, but when Alexandra looks through it, her sunglasses are absent. As she begins to panic, Lavi quickly returns them and apologizes, initially assuming that they were a pair of toy sunglasses that belonged to Mikage. Happy about having her sunglasses back, she puts them on and shows off to Lavi, who imagines her at the pool with and without her hat and sunglasses, compliments on how the sunglasses, combined with the rest of her outfit, make her look mature.
Alexandra wonders if she could invite Asahi and Urara to the beach some other time, though she and Lavi realize that Asahi most likely wouldn’t be wearing a swimsuit or try going in the water, so a beach barbecue felt like the better option. With that, Alexandra rushes off to the pool.Appearances
Event Appearances
- Dependence Blue (prologue and epilogue only)
- The Ash Grey Revolution
Powers and Abilities
Alexandra's power is described as "Pacification". Alexandra's harp music can "pacify" those who are her targets, eliminating their aggression and hostility.
Her first name may come from the HMY Alexandra, a British royal yacht steamship first used as a luxury cruise. After being claimed by the Norwegian government in the 1940s following the German invasion of Norway, it was repurposed to transport Norwegian troops for the war effort. Now renamed as the Prins Olav, it was eventually sunk by German bombs while attempting to escape to the United Kingdom as the Norwegian Campaign was coming to an end.
The meaning of her surname however is unclear.
- The first kanji (栗 kuru) means chestnut or trembling. The second kanji (栖 su) means nest. Both are jinmeiyo kanji using a nanori reading.
- The syllables of her surname are the same ones that would be used to render the Hispanic surname "Cruz" (meaning "cross").
- They are also the same syllables that would be used to render the English word 'cruise', which could be significant given the naval theme of her doppel.
- It is possible that the kanji were chosen solely for phonetic values, and her surname was intended to be either Cruz or Cruise. However, at least one other character with a clearly non-Japanese name (Alina Gray) did not have the surname rendered in kanji. It's unclear whether using kanji is supposed to have some significance.
- She may be named after Saburō Kurusu, a Japanese diplomat who acted as an envoy trying to negotiate peace and understanding with the United States while his own government, under the leadership of Hideki Tojo, were secretly preparing an attack on Pearl Harbor. However, the first kanji used is different from his name.
- Her Soulgem could reference a Nabla Symbol, a an ancient stringed instrument probably like a Hebrew harp of 10 or 12 strings, Which also was seen as the inverted Greek delta,
- This is supported with her music aesthetic and her weapon being a harp
- Her witch form is named after a proteobacteria that feeds itself with the rust of sunken ships, first found on samples taken from the wreck of the RMS Titanic. This bacteria is notable because it is both projected to bring about the Titanic's total deterioration within a decade, and yet also having beneficial potential in the field of bioremediation by accelerating the decomposition of shipwrecks littering the ocean floor.
- Alexandra was released on April 14, 2021 which coincides with the sinking of the Titanic on April 14 and 15, 1912.
- Her Doppel is designed after the hull of a ship, with Alexandra herself taking the form of a figurehead.
- Because of the chains that hang from it, it also resembles her harp.
- Alexandra first introduced Neo-Magius to Himena when Neo-Magius was facing disbanding. Even though Himena is aware of Alexandra’s true affiliation, Alexandra remains Himena's most trusted aide with Himena calling her "My Man(マイメン)".
- Judging by Lavi Himuro's laissez faire attitude toward her colleagues, it is presumed that Alexandra's job was done with the approval or connivance of Lavi at least.
- With her father being a sailor and the possible references in her name and her doppel, Alexandra is seemingly very associated with boats.
Game Gallery
Magia Record 4 star card
Magia Record 5 star card
In-battle sprite
Doppel Sprite
Magical Girl Seal 2022
Official Art
Memoria Cards
To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
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"It's nice to be able to wave 'Welcome Home' to my dad like this.
I'm scared that I'll have to wave goodbye again. It's a long journey and you never know what might happen. So whenever I see you off, I'll say a lot of prayers and hope you come back safely." | 「こうしてパパに“おかえり”って手を振れるのはうれしいけど
また“いってらっしゃい”って手を振る時が来ると思うと怖いんです 長い旅で何が起きるかわからないから。だから見送る時はいつも たっぷり祈りを込めて、無事に帰って来るのを願ってます」 |
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**Unique to Alexandra Kurusu** Neither the people around you nor God can teach you how to love properly. So I'll just have to keep my thoughts straight to the beat of my heart. The face that noticed the letter, the face that read it, the face that reacted to it, the face of that person whose moment was captured. Whenever my expression bursts out of my eyes, it makes me sigh with love and pain. | 正しい恋の仕方は周りの人も神様も教えてくれない
だから心臓の鼓動に合わせて、思ったことを真っすぐにするしかない 手紙に気付いた顔、読む顔、反応する顔、一瞬を切り取ったあの人の 表情が目の奧ではじける度に、ため息が出るほど愛おしくて苦しくなる |
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**Unique to Asahi Miura** We simply lie there as time moves around us, gentle and slow and silent. The body is no longer hurt; the mind is at ease. To be in a world free of ups and downs is surely the highest bliss, but perhaps it's all the same whether you're asleep or dead. | ただ横たわるだけの、ゆるくてやわらかい静かな時間
体は傷付かず、心も穏やかでいられる 物事の起伏とは無縁の世界でいられるのは、きっとひとつの至福 だけどそれは、眠りに落ちていても、死んでいても同じかもしれない |
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The wind that passes by without a care in the world, and the trees that sometimes rustle
Hand in hand with only a single flicker of sound She becomes a director who enhances the performance of one girl The absolute harmony that is created when people come together... there is only peace here. | 素知らぬ顔で通り過ぎる風も、ときどきざわめく木々も
たったひとつの音の揺らめきだけで手を取り合って ひとりの少女の演奏を引き立たせる演出家になっていく 人も集って生まれる絶対の調和…ここにあるのは平穏だけ |
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Three senpais whom I've admired since the first time I met them,
and who I can always count on. But I don't want to just admire them, so I have to grow even more so that I can get closer to them. | 初めて会ったときから憧れで
いつだって頼りになる3人の先輩たち だけど憧れるだけではいたくないから 近づけるように、もっともっと成長しなくちゃ |
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"Now everyone, let's bathe our whole bodies in this candy-sweet Cola!
And don't worry about what's going on around you. Do what you want to do as much as you like!! So... Nagisa will eat eat as much cheese as she wants!" | 「さぁみんな、全身にこのオカシコーラを浴びるのです!
そして周りのことなんか気にしないで 自分のやりたいことを好きなだけやっちゃえなのです!! というわけで... なぎさは好きなだけチーズ食べることにするのです!」 |
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Wh-what should I do! Such a figure in such a place ... It would be terrible if it was seen!
I have to do whatever it takes to not be seen! At least I have to do this...! Eek! Himena and her friends are here...! ...uh...? Maybe I should cancel my transformation?...Is that...Ye-yes, that's what I should do! | ど、どうしよう!こんな場所でこんな姿…見られちゃったら大変!
なんとかして見られないようにしなきゃ!せめてこうするしか…! あー、ひめなさんたちまで集まってきて…! …え…?変身解除すればいいんじゃね?…ですか…そ、その通りです! |
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
External links
Gameplay Videos
- Recording of Alexandra's Transformation Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Alexandra's Magia Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Alexandra's Doppel Video on Youtube (JP)
Side Story and Costume Story Videos
- Recording of Alexandra's MSS on Youtube (JP): Episode 1/3, Episode 2/3, Episode 3/3
- Recording of Alexandra's Dialogue lines on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Alexandra's Swimsuit Dialogue lines on Youtube (JP)