Rion Yuzuki

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Rion Yuzuki
Japanese Name (柚希 りおん) Yuzuki Rion
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Ren Sakuragi
Voiced by Japanese: Chiemi Tanaka
ID No: 3045
Release Date (JP): May 29, 2020

Rion Yuzuki (柚希 りおん Yuzuki Rion) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She first appeared in September 2019 in the event Otsukimi is After an Elegant Tea Party. She is the younger twin sister of Hotori Yuzuki.

General Info

Physical Features
Age 13
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Blonde with pink tips
Soul Gem Pink heart at her throat
Weapon Wand
Witch Form Unknown
Powers and Abilities Bind
Wish To reset time so that a building won't crush and kill Hotori (exact wording unknown)
Japanese pronoun atashi (あたし)
Known relatives Hotori Yuzuki (twin sister), unnamed mother, unnamed father
Origins Hokuyo Ward
School St. Lilliana Academy, 7th Grade
Affiliation Wings of the Magius (black feather; imagined)

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

3★→ 4★




Initial 4922 1329 1315

Max at ★3 17207 4422 4407
Max at ★4 22383 5747 5726

Max SE 27696 6912 7867
Connect: Because You're Hopeless Without Me by Your Side

★3 Attack UP [V] & Guaranteed Bind
★4 Attack UP [VII] & Guaranteed Bind
{{{2}}} Magia: Citron Princess Kiss

★3 Damage to All Enemies [III] & Defense DOWN (All / 3T) & Chance to Bind (All / 1T)
★4 Damage to All Enemies [V] & Defense DOWN (All / 3T) & Chance to Bind (All / 1T)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

3★ +7% +4% +4% +5% +3% +5%
4★ +8% +5% +5% +6% +4% +6%

SE +8% +5% +5% +12% +7% +16%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Technical Adept Charge Disc Damage UP [II]

Magia Adept Magia Damage UP [II]

Shield Adept Damage Cut [II]

Blast Adept Blast Damage UP [II]

Magia Adept Magia Damage UP [II]

Skill Quicken Chance to Skill Quicken [II]

Accele Adept Accele MP Gain UP [II]

Bind Edge Chance to Bind on Attack [II]

Bloom Down Attack DOWN (Single / 1T) [V] & Defense DOWN [V] (Single / 1T) CD: 6 turns


A magical girl with an extreme sister complex, she is incredibly possessive of her older twin sister. She treats anyone who approaches her sister as a nuisance. Her jealousy is what causes all of her anger. Even though she loves her sister so far, her expressions of love have become twisted, which leaves her running in circles. She worries that her older sister doesn't reciprocate her feelings.

Side Story

Warning, this section contains spoilers.

One day the Yuzuki twins go shopping at the mall, but as always Rion wants to force Hotori to buy cute clothes, but Hotori is not very comfortable with the idea and would prefer to go to a toy store to buy hero toys, but Rion he refuses to do it. Hotori is sad because she wanted to buy the DX Transformation Belt, but Rion says that's why she refuses because she doesn't think Hotori looks good wearing things like that. Rion forces Hotori to try on "cute" clothes, but Hotori doesn't like outfits with bows and she would rather wear something cooler, but Rion insists that "those kind of cute clothes" suit Hotori. Rion proceeds to look for outfits that look like her magical girl outfit because he wants Hotori to look like that so they both "match." At that moment Rion hears two girls calling her and Hotori cute, but Rion jealously tells them that the only one who can say that Hotori is cute is her and pushes them away from her. Hotori tries to tell Rion that he wasn't nice, but she says that they only need each other and that's why they "became magical girls at the same time", remembering that it was when "they were both saved by their older sister feather." white" and that they even "joined the Wings of Magius" because of it. Rion insists that this is why the two will always be together.

The next day, at the Santa Liliana Academy, when her half-day classes are over, Rion runs out to Hotori's classroom, interrupting her when she was asking a friend about a math problem that she doesn't understand. Rion complains to Hotori for talking to another girl but she says that she was only asking her about something in class, to which Rion angrily tells her that if she had paid attention in class she would know, demanding that the girl stay away from Hotori and not is allowed to teach her sister, but instead of getting upset the girl says that "Rion is still acting as usual" and Rion says that it is because "she is Hotori's guardian", but since the break between classes is about to end, Hotori he urges Rion to go to his classroom while Rion complains about not being in the same group as his sister. At the next break, Rion again goes to see Hotori, who tells Rion that she would like to talk more with her classmates but Rion says that just with her should be enough for because "Hotori belongs to her", demanding that they meet to walk home together after Let them finish their classes.

However, when classes end and Rion goes looking for Hotori in her class, he realizes that she is not there. Rion sees Hotori's classmate "having hidden her sister" from her, but the upset girl complains that she wouldn't do something like that and explains that Hotori left without her, asking if the two fought or something like that. . Rion thinks that something strange is happening, and that Hotori was acting strange because she had never left her behind before. Rion thinks that he has done a lot for Hotori but she doesn't seem to understand his love for her. For her part, Hotori runs away from Saint Lilliana Academy wondering what to do with her, because she is sure that Rion must have been upset, and since he doesn't want to go home, she calls Yukika to talk to her. The two meet at a cafe, Yukika asks what's going on and Hotori tells her that she thinks Rion must hate her. Yukika asks why she thinks that and Hotori says it's because she never listens to what she wants to do and interrupts her when she talks to her friends, so Yukika thinks it could actually be Rion's jealousy of Hotori friends.

Hotori is not sure, as she believes that Rion secretly hates her and is worried if it is true. Hotori mentions that "when they became magical girls at the same time" she believed that they had already started getting along. However, Yukika believes that it is impossible for Rion to hate Hotori, who she remains unconvinced. She claims that she loves her younger sister, and believed that she felt the same, but since she is still unsure about Rion's emotions she asks Yukika for advice. Yukika suggests that Hotori be honest with Rion about her feelings, but Hotori is afraid that this will result in Rion telling her "I hate you", but Yukika again insists that this is not true while Hotori wonders why Yukika is so angry. sure about that. Eventually the two girls say goodbye, Hotori thanks Yukika for listening to her and they both return home.

That night Rion proceeds to make his own guide, lying to her mother that it is her homework, so that Hotori will realize her love. So Rion creates her own guide "100 expressions of love that even Hotorin could understand", ensuring that by following those steps Hotori will see how much she loves her and says that her older sister should be more sensitive to her feelings for she.

The next day Rion proceeds to test one of her expressions, point #3 "Personal Appearance", in which she will have Hotori decide what she should wear. Rion proceeds to ask Hotori what kind of lipstick she should use that day, but when Hotori chooses the flower-scented one, Rion insults her by saying that she doesn't know anything and explains why the other lipstick goes better with the color of her buns. but Hotori tells her that it doesn't make sense because she always wears the same buns as always and changes lipstick every day, but Rion insists that "the subtext of colors" also matters and her material, but Hotori still doesn't understand her, which it bothers Rion more. Later Rion follows point #9, "sense of adventure", asking Hotori to choose the route to her school that day. Hotori doesn't think much and says that they should take the usual route, but Rion thinking that Hotori is being "a coward" and forces her to take a longer route that she chooses while applying point #16 "loneliness", saying that as "Hotori is always alone" he will hold her hand all the time on the way.

However, this causes them both to fall behind and even makes Hotori embarrassed to hold her hand, which upsets her. Rion notices Hotori's annoyance, but is unable to understand why Hotori has gotten upset with her, blaming her and again assuring that "Hotori doesn't understand her love." Rion insists on going to Hotori's class, but she scolds her saying that she can't do that. At that moment the school bell rings and Hotori runs to her classroom due to the class assignments that she must attend, leaving Rion alone, who thinks about changing her strategy. During recess, Rion goes to Hotori's class and decides to apply her best expression, point #1 "heroes", so she decides to talk about Hotori's favorite show Dragon Knight Squad. Hotori can't believe that Rion talked about heroes, but when Rion thinks that "he has won", Hotori asks Rion if something strange is happening to her, but Rion says that he is "acting as usual" and even suggests to Hotori that they go buy the belt. of Transformation DX that Hotori wanted so much and even proposes that they go buy sneakers for Hotori, that being point #36, since they are Hotori's favorite type of shoes.

Rion's strategy seems to work, as the two twins manage to talk normally without Hotori feeling uncomfortable or intimidated, but when Rion talks about giving gifts to Hotori, she gets strange and says that Rion hasn't stopped acting strange and when she calls Hotori "older sister", Hotori herself claims that Rion's strange actions are proof that Rion's strange actions are true, so Hotori flees the place saying that Rion is not the real Rion. That afternoon, when classes end, Rion again goes in search of her sister but is surprised to see that he once again left her behind. Rion becomes sad, but as he watches his guide he passes by a room where he hears the voice of her twin. Peeking inside, Rion hears Hotori talking to a girl about hero topics. Rion gets upset, but instead of butting in like always, he decides to listen to the conversation. Rion notices that the two are talking about hero toys, revealing that she is a classmate of Hotori's who has invited her to buy hero things together.

Rion thinks that Hotori never shows a happy face next to her, but at that moment he hears how Hotori's new friend says that she just gained the courage to talk to her, saying that it is difficult to approach her because of Rion's fault, mainly because of her annoying dominant and possessive personality, but tells her that she is glad to have finally become her friend. Rion upon hearing Hotori's friend becomes sad, saying that unlike Hotori's friends, she cannot properly express her emotions and is only seen as a nuisance by Hotori's friends, which makes her believe that Hotori has to think the same about her. Rion wonders if she could be kinder and more open with her emotions as Hotori's friend maybe it could make her smile instead of hurting her. Rion thinks that she is really to blame for her older sister hating her, but at that moment because she starts to cry she trips and is discovered, but she lies to Hotori saying that she met them there, but when she tries to run away she collides with Hotori. and knocks over both of their backpacks, accidentally taking Hotori's guide to heroes and leaving her notebook behind as she flees the room. Rion arrives at a park and starts to cry, but as she calms down, she again blames Hotori for not appreciating her efforts, but realizes that the problem is her and her inability to be kind and honest with Hotori. At that moment Rion realizes that he has Hotori's notebook and that she must have seen her notebook when she was collecting things from both of their backpacks. A frightened Rion fears that Hotori has seen her notebook and thinks that she is not capable of being honest.

Rion returns home and is greeted by her mother, who asks why she came home so late, but Rion ignores her and asks about her sister as she goes to her room. Rion enters Hotori's room and returns her notebook, making Rion suspect that Hotori must have her notebook. She denies it and says she didn't look at anything, but Rion sees through her lie. Hotori tries to apologize and Rion tries to say it's nothing, but Hotori claims that she only saw the cover with the title. Rion feels embarrassed, but Hotori thinks it's a good time to ask about how Rion feels about her and explains that she feels like he hates her for how he treats her, but she says that after seeing her book she realized that Rion was more like " "I wasn't harassing her." Hotori asks if he loves her (as a sister), and she explains that he loves her because she is her dear younger sister, but he usually feels bad about how he treats her and even when he compares her to herself, he hates being a coward. However, she does not hate Rion despite how he makes her feel. Rion tells Hotori that she also sees her as her dear older sister and she shouldn't make her say "things she should know."

As a "compensation for the loss of time," Rion asks to sleep in Hotori's room next to her, but asks that Hotori not talk about heroes. Later Rion insists that they go shopping that weekend, saying that if there is time left after buying things for her they can buy things for Hotori. That weekend, the twins meet up with Yukika. Hotori thanks Yukika for her help, but when Rion asks what they are talking about, Yukika lies saying that they were school questions that Hotori didn't understand. Rion proceeds to say that she and Hotori were born on the same day and became magical girls on the same day and that the same thing also happened "the day they became magical girls." Hotori telepathically thanks Yukika, but she says that she already knows how much Rion loves Hotori. Yukika thinks that she cannot reveal to them that they did not become magical girls together, but rather that Rion recently became a magical girl, since the effects of her wish modified both twins' memories. Yukika narrates that Rion used her wish to reverse time and save Hotori from being crushed by a building, and she wonders if she will one day reveal the truth to the twins about that incident. However, Yukika knows that there is a great bond between the two, seeking to protect each other.

Rion proceeds to insist that Hotori and Yukika go shopping for nice clothes to dress Hotori in, which bothers Hotori but she accepts due to her sister's personality, while Yukika wonders if that attitude is still normal between the two of them. if they don't fight. At the clothing store, while Rion forces Hotori to try on a dress, Yukika thinks that Rion is really very irrational. Once she finishes trying on the clothes, Yukika congratulates Hotori for holding out, but Hotori begins to think that Rion was just tricking her with a fake notebook to trick her. Yukika thinks Hotori might be overthinking things. Rion proceeds to bring clothes for her and Hotori to wear together, saying that since "she belongs to her" they should always be together. Yukika thinks that this strange way is Rion's way of expressing her love for Hotori.


Event Appearances

Powers and Abilities

Rion's unique magic is called Bind, which allows her to restrain her opponents. Himena described this ability as similar to Mami’s and has demonstrated its use by halting the movement of Winchester’s familiars. Rion can also generate light attacks in the form of pink hearts or yellow stars.

Rion’s wish resulted in the creation of two distinct timelines: one where Hotori is alive and another where she is not and Rion was placed into the timeline where Hotori survived. To maintain consistency within this altered reality, certain memories had to be rewritten, ensuring the timeline’s stability and coherence until they joined again.


  • The characters of her last name mean "citron" (柚) and "hope/pray" (希) respectively. The name of her and her sister's Magia refers to this.


  • Hotori and Rion have a past/future theme in their costumes. Hotori represents the future and Rion represents the past.
  • Their elements being Light and Dark mirrors that of another set of twins.
  • Her illustrator, Ren Sakuragi, is also the illustrator of her sister.
  • The Yuzuki twins’ age is confirmed by Hotori during Our Beginning is a Recurring Dream.
  • She is a member of St. Lilliana Academy's Student Council, alongside Hotori and Yuuna Kaharu.


Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Welcome to the Meeting
Narrow Shield
Normal Passive
Damage Cut [II] & Attack UP When At Critical Health [I] & Defense UP When At Critical Health [I]
Max Limit Break
Damage Cut [III] & Attack UP When At Critical Health [II] & Defense UP When At Critical Health [II]
"Welcome to the exchange meeting between St. Liliana Academy and Mizuna Girls' School!

In this exchange meeting hosted by the student council of both schools, inviting wonderful guests, such as those who are active in club activities,

will help to deepen our mutual friendships...that's how it should be."

両校の生徒会が主催するこの交流会では、 部活動で活躍する方々など、素敵なゲストをお招きして、

Everything Desired
Intent Adept
Normal Passive
Accele MP Gain UP [III] & Guaranteed Anti-Charm
Max Limit Break
Accele MP Gain UP [IV] & Guaranteed Anti-Charm
**Unique to Rion Yuzuki**
The dolls listen to everything I say.

They don’t complain, don’t oppose me, and of course they’re never suddenly disagreeable. They put on the clothes I choose, and I attach the accessories I choose.

I wish everything could be the way I want.

文句も言わない、反抗もしない、もちろん嫌がったりもしない あたしの選んだ服を着て、あたしが選んだアクセをつけてくれる

My Things!
Breath Adept
Normal Passive
Accele MP Gain UP [II] & Chance to Anti-Curse [X]
Max Limit Break
Accele MP Gain UP [III] & Guaranteed Anti-Curse
“Look, it’s just as I thought! Doesn't this look great on you Hotorin?”

“It’s, it’s embarrassing…for me. I don’t think it’s too cute to be like this….” “Huh? What’re you talking about, if I say it suits you then it suits you.

Be sure to start liking clothes like this, Hotorin! Got it?”

「は、恥ずかしいよ…ボク、こういう可愛いのはあんまり…」 「はあ?何言ってるの、あたしが似合うって言ったら似合ってるの

Sunday Morning Habit
Brave Step Adept
Normal Passive
Attack UP [I] & Chance to Evade [II]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [II] & Chance to Evade [III]
“Ooh…This week is good too!…Hey, Rion, did you see that special move just now?”

“…Hotorin, don’t you ever get tired of watching special effects every week?” “How could I ever get tired of it? Look, it’s so cool!”

“…sigh, I wonder if you’ll finish watching it soon. I can’t play with Hotorin.”

「…ほとりんさぁ、毎週特撮見てよく飽きないよね」 「飽きるはずなんてないよ!ほら、こんなにカッコいいんだよ」

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos

Dialogue Lines