Rui Mizuki
Rui Mizuki | |
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Japanese Name | (水樹塁) Mizuki Rui |
Character Designer Primary Artist |
Fal Maro |
Voiced by | Japanese: Mariya Ise |
ID No: | 3056 |
Release Date (JP): | May 01, 2020 |
Rui Mizuki (水樹塁 Mizuki Rui) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record.
General Info
Physical Features | |
Age | 16 |
Eye colour | Dark Red |
Hair colour | Light Gray |
Magic | |
Soul Gem | Green cat head on her left hip |
Weapon | Scythe |
Witch Form | Grim |
Powers and Abilities | Celestial Eye (Perception of something or someone's proximity to death) |
Wish | “Kyubey... precious familiar's eyes.” (referring to her pet cat) |
Other | |
Japanese pronoun | High-Pitched voice: watashi (私); Low-Pitched voice: boku (僕) |
Known relatives | Unnamed mother, Paracelsus/Susy (pet cat) |
Origins | Kosho Ward |
School | Kosho Academy |
Affiliation | Kamihama Magia Union |
Game Info
Spirit Enhancement Data | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A delusional Magical Girl with Chuunibyou. Imagining herself as the reincarnation of a legendary overlord who led his army to victory thousands of years ago, her head is filled with stories of herself as a dark hero chasing "Them." She's aware of how embarrassing these delusions are, and she normally hides them.
Doppel Description

The doppel of blindness. Its form is a third eye. The master of this emotion, while feeling joy at hiding their true self, also feels that there is no more need to disguise that self. This doppel absolutely does not hide itself, lets their figure go completely open and does not tolerate a word of interference. Those who do are summarily burned by the hellfire from its opened eyes and carved by the sword fallen from heaven. In truth it seems that it does in order to not be noticed by other people and stopped by its master, but they have completely missed this, being inebriated by the slaughter of the enemies.
Side Story
Warning, this section contains spoilers. |
At Kosho Academy, Seira Mihono, Rui's classmate, was worried thinking about a new protagonist for her new film. Seira's classmates suggest that she be inspired by a real person as a model for her next film, asking Seira about a characteristic of the protagonist she is looking for. Seira says that the only think the protagonist need is to be a person with a secret. Seira's friends think that Rui, their classmate, fits the role of someone cool and mysterious. The girls don't really know about Rui, but there are rumors that she plays in a band and since she doesn't talk much about herself they consider her a very mysterious girl. Rui, however, knows about the rumors about her and feels guilty about it because none of the great things they say about her are true. Rui proceeds to have a fantasy where a group of terrorists enter her school and are detained by her as "Fortress, the Sorcerer", but one of Seira's friends interrupts her fantasy. Rui is embarrassed and explains in her mind how she usually imagines herself as a hero or a demonic knight who protects others by fighting with "them", other people or fantasy beings, but because she gets very shy she is unable to answer when the girl asks her if she likes movies. The girl apologizes for bothering her and returns to talk to Seira. Rui says that in her mind she is a cool and cynical girl, but in reality she is unable to talk to her classmates, who think she is cool, but Rui doesn't understand why others think of her in that way. Rui then processed to tell she is a magical girl and also is a Chūnibyō. In a flashback, 1 year ago, Kyubey appeared in Rui's room and offered her a wish in exchange for becoming a magical girl. When telling her about witches and magical girls, Rui excited said that she wanted to become a magical girl. Kyubey asks about the wish and Rui asks if she could wish to have a redeemed Shinagami (god of death) as a partner and Kyubey states that if she wants he can grant what ever she wants (although she was probably lying to him since Kyubey cannot grant unreal things). Rui is about to make her wish but she remembers that "she already has a demonic familiar who has sworn eternal loyalty to her." Kyubey asks if she is talking about a witch's familiar, but Rui clarifies that she is referring to her cat "Paracelus", who is really named Susy. Kyubey says that she is just a normal cat, but when Rui calls her she notices that Susy doesn't seem to see her when she bumps into her. Rui's mother then appears and reveals that she went to take Susy to the vet and as a diagnosis she obtained that Susy was losing her sight and was going to go blind due to a chronic genetic illness, despite her young age. Rui, crying, asked Kyubey as her wish to “Kyubey... precious familiar's eyes.”, which Kyubey granted, curing the sight of her cat Susy. Back in the present, Rui thinks that her wish wasn't that cool, but she is grateful that Kyubey healed Susy's eyes. At dusk, leaving the Kosho Academy, Rui runs into a witch's barrier. Rui enjoys fighting against witches it because she can use his "cool self" that she fantasizes about often and has fun with saying the lines she usually likes to say, but this time, she didn't realize that Seira was there. Both girls see each other as magical girls after Rui defeats the witch saying her monologues and she is surprised to see that Seira is also a magical girl. Rui thinks that her life has ended after being discovered as a Chūnibyō. The two girls greet each other. Rui thinks that Seira is brilliant girl and has many friends, unlike her, and the only thing she knows about Seira is that she makes movies. Rui sees Seira smile and imagines that Seira will tell the others about her strange personality and even make fun of her by imitating her in class. Rui asks Seira how long she was there and Seira says that she arrived just after hearing her saying her monologue and her laughs, and she wants to ask her for a favor. Rui starts crying asking if Seira wants money, but Seira tells her that she wants her to be the lead in her movie. Rui, surprised, asks why she wants her to be the protagonist of her film and Seira says that after seeing her fight with the witch she thinks Rui would be perfect acting in the same way, but Rui is not entirely sure she can act, however, Seira believes that Rui's acting can inspire others by being cool. Rui wonders if she can really inspire others and if she is great, thinking if it is okay for her to show her true self, so she agrees to be Seira's new lead protagonist. The next day, Seira gathers her classmates, including Rui, to film her new movie. Everyone is excited to see that Rui will be the protagonist. All the classmates say that her role is very difficult, but they believe that Rui will be able to handle it. When Seira stars filming, Rui shows "her true self" by acting like she usually does in her fantasies, acting under the role of the "Blue Viscount" as a cool protagonist that fights criminals. Rui manage to impress everyone with her great acting ability, making Seira happy, as she can make her new movie. A few days later, the editing is finished and Seira says she will be showing the movie after school, which makes Rui a little nervous, but her acting is praised by everyone in her school when Seira's movie is proyected. A few days later, Rui's classmates still think she is cool and loved her performance and started imitating her, but then Rui became sad and confused when two of them Her classmates asked her if she had prepared to act like that, because "such cool character like that could only exist in fiction". This makes Rui think of how she became an otaku with Chūnibyō that hides her true self and has no real friends. In another flashback, it's revealed that when Rui used to be a little girl she had a best friend, who introduced her to non girly animes, like Decaball. Thanks to her friend Rui got introduced to fantasy stories of mangas, animes and games to a more boyish audiences. However, her best friend had to move out of Kamihama and both lost contact. Eventually, her best friend moved back to Kamihama when Rui was in middle school and both decided to see again. Although, at the start her friend was really nice to her, Rui noticed that she ignored all the fantasy stuff she had in her room, like a black jacket she had hanging in her room as a part of a cosplay, and instead tried to talk about more "girly teen stuff" instead of thinking about "their childish and immature past" and even commented of how childish they used to be playing and thinking about stuff that wasn't real. Rui was so sad about her friends words that she became more timid and stopped talking to others, even her, as she became afraid of others finding out about her delusional fantasies and "immature" likings. Back in the present, Rui thinks that nothing has changed since she hid her true self and begins to think of slowly stop talking to others again, but her thoughts are interrupted by Seira, who offers her to have lunch together. While they eat, Seira asks Rui why she looks so depressed. Rui is impressed to see that Seira noticed her emotions and she tells her that has a serious case of Chūnibyō, telling Seira that it's not that she really "acts", but rather that she tends to fantasize that she is a cooler person, saying that she usually having such vivid fantasies that she are afraid of acting this strange in front of others. Rui is afraid of making Seira think she is weird, however, Seira believes that Rui is like an american comic book superhero, "mentally". Rui doesn't understand, and Seira explains that american superheroes usually hide their true identities and that makes her cool like them, and she thinks it's natural for Rui to have "two personalities" that coexist with each other, like american heroes do in their "civilian form" and their "hero form", which makes Rui happy and thinking that Seira really accepts her as she truly is. A few days later, Rui hears her classmates whom walks with talking about a show featuring a cool female police officer. Rui gets a little sad that they don't talk about her acting anymore, but she's happy that she can keep her other self as a secret. At that moment she senses the presence of a witch and communicates with Seira to get there. Rui's classmates hear her excuse of she hearing something on the wind as she goes, still thinking she is a cool girl. Rui and Seira head to the witch's barrier and confront the witch. Rui calls Seira "Future Star", and although Seira doesn't understands why Rui calls her in that way, she plays along with her as the two fight the witch. Rui thinks that, although, they are not the same, she is happy to become friends with Seira, as she truly accepts her. |
Event Appearances
- I, the Reincarnated Overlord, Magnificently Thwart "THEIR" Conspiracy!!
- Where is Ashley Taylor's Japanese Horror!?
- Miyuri Yukari on Practice!
- My Only Salvation
Powers and Abilities
Her magical girl ability is "the ability see how close someone is at death's door". It works closer to fortune telling and, through intervention, the living's fate can be changed even if they are very close to "death's door".
- The character of her first name (塁) means "base", in the sense of a home of operations or a fortress.
- The characters of her last name mean "water" (水) and "tree" (樹) respectively.
- It is a homonym with the similar name "Mizuki" (水城), meaning "water castle", denoting a castle surrounded by water such as a moat.
- She is a so-called Chuunibyou, a term for someone (mostly teenagers) that believes themselves to be more special than anyone else and are convinced they have special powers or abilities. This mostly involves having an evil eye, and thinking that they are a reincarnation of a specific figure.
- Rui seems to recognize, to some extent, that she is a chuunibyou and that she is portraying a character.
- The name of her claimed past self is "Fortress the Wizard". This is referenced by both her first and last names.
- Her initial idea for her wish was for a "redeemed shinigami who fights for justice" as a partner, which Kyubey says can be granted. This contradicts what Kyubey says to Sana Futaba when she wanted to wish to be transported to the fictional world of her favorite television show, in that it was an impossible wish to grant.
Magia Record Four Star Art
Magia Record Five Star Art
In-Battle Sprite
Doppel Sprite
Magical Girl Seal 2021
Memoria Cards
To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
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**Unique to Rui Mizuki** In the corner of my room that is steeped in tranquility, The Baphomet coat emits a distinct darkness. From the day I saw it on the other side of the glass, It is a treasure that I have scrimped and saved for to obtain. | 安らぎに染まる空間の片隅で
黒き異彩を放つのはバフォメットのコート ガラスの向こう側で見かけたその日から おこづかいを貯め手に入れた未代までの宝物 |
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An electric current ran through the brain and body without any warning.
It came from knowledge, experience, thoughts, situations, and everything else. Truth from another dimension. "Oh...everything, everything...I understand it all...!" | 何の前触れもなく、脳と体を駆け抜けた一筋の電流
それは知識、経験、思考、状況、他すべての生きる力がもたらした 異次元からの真理 「そうか…何もかも全部…完全に解った…!」 |
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A light in the eye like a beast that has cornered its prey,
A smile like that of an angel that kills a demon, Crawling over all existence, The time of my death is exposed before me. | 獲物を追いつめた獣の如き眼光
悪魔を殺す天使のような頬笑み 這い寄られしすべての生命は ただ己の死期をさらけ出すこととなる |
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Coming home from a false student life.
A girl returning to her true self. The soft and gentle monster awaits in the castle. It will heal your tense spirit. | 偽りだらけの学生生活から帰還し
本当の自分へと立ち戻る少女 城で待つ軟らかくて優しい怪物は 張り詰めた精神の癒しとなる |
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
External links
Gameplay Videos
- Recording of Rui's Transformation Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Rui's Magia Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Rui's Doppel Video on Youtube (JP)
Side Story and Costume Story Videos
- Recording of Rui's MSS on Youtube (JP): Episode 1/3, Episode 2/3, Episode 3/3