Takina Inoue

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Takina Inoue
Japanese Name 井ノ上たきな (Inoue Takina)
エミリ (Emily)
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Voiced by Japanese: Shion Wakayama
ID No: 4062
Release Date (JP): September 22, 2023

Takina Inoue (井ノ上たきな Inoue Takina) is a character from the TV anime Lycoris Recoil, which had a crossover with Magia Record. She is friends with Chisato Nishigiki.

General Info

Physical Features
Age 17
Eye colour Purple
Hair colour Brown
Soul Gem Blue diamond hairclip
Weapon Machine gun
Witch Form Unknown
Powers and Abilities Unknown
Wish “Please save Chisato.”
Japanese pronoun Unknown
Known relatives None known
Origins Tokyo, Japan
School Unknown

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 6713 2336 1979

Max at ★4 23817 8591 6970
Max at ★5 29404 10605 8602

Max SE 36606 13007 10704
Connect: I'll ask for your help

★4 Damage UP [VII] & Guaranteed Ignore Defense & Guaranteed Anti-Evade
★5 Damage UP [IX] & Guaranteed Ignore Defense & Guaranteed Anti-Evade
{{{2}}} Magia: Takina's Random Fire

★4 Damage to All Enemies [V] & Blast Damage UP (Self / 3T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (Self / 3T) & Guaranteed Ignore Damage Cut (Self / 3T) & Barrier [5,000 HP] (Self / 3T)
★5 Damage to All Enemies [V] & Blast Damage UP (Self / 3T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (Self / 3T) & Guaranteed Ignore Damage Cut (Self / 3T) & Barrier [5,000 HP] (Self / 3T)
{{{2}}} Magia 2: Judgement of My Mind

★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [IX] & Blast Damage UP (Self / 5T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (Self / 5T) & Guaranteed Ignore Damage Cut (Self / 5T) & Barrier [8,000 HP] (Self / 5T) & Blast MP Gain UP (Self / 3T)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +5% +8% +4% +4% +8% +4%
5★ +6% +9% +5% +5% +9% +5%

SE +6% +9% +5% +9% +15% +13%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Regenerate Adept Regenerate HP [III]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Charge Combo Expert Charged Attack Damage UP [III] & Charge Combo Charge Count UP [+3]

Barrier Aura Barrier [5,000 HP] (Selfl / ∞ Turns on Battle Start)

Blast Salutation Blast MP Gain UP [V]

Full Gauge Bloom Attack UP When at Max Health [VI] & Defense UP When At Max Health [II]

Dark Smash Aura Dark Attribute Attack UP [V] (Self / 5T at Battle Start) & Blast Damage UP [V] (Self / 5T at Battle Start)

Avenge Adept MP UP When Attacked By Weak Element [V] & MP UP When Damaged [V]

Inevitable Aura Guaranteed Critical (Self / 3T) & Guaranteed Anti-Evade (Self / 5T on Battle Start)

Dark Penetrate Attack Guaranteed Ignore Defense (Self / 1T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (Self / 1T) CD: 6 turns


A magical girl who is officially an employee of Café LycoReco, but she's also an agent of a public secret organization called "Lycoris". She looks cool, but has her own unique sense of style and tends to be pushed around by Chisato. Because she is rational and hates waste, she thinks that magical girls' costumes are flashy.

Side Story

Event Appearances


  • The characters in her last name mean "well/community" (井) and "above/up" (上) respectively.
    • The middle character is the hiragana character for the sound "no".


  • She shares the same voice actress with Heruka.


Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Special Trouble Consultation Center
Brave Spirit
Normal Passive
Accele MP Gain Up [V] & MP Gain Up [IV] & Attack Up [I]
Max Limit Break
Accele MP Gain Up [VI] & MP Gain Up [V] & Attack Up [II]
**Unique to Chisato Nishikigi**
"Leave it to Emily and Chisatochi to take care of your problems!"

Such voices can be heard in a corner of the shopping street, a hangout for girls. The new members, rumored to be from another world, are cheerful and full of smiles.

They're happy to solve anyone's problems until they return to their original world.

そんな声が聞こえるのは商店街の片隅、少女たちのたまり場 異世界から来たと噂の新メンバーは、元気で明るく、笑顔にあふれ

Result of Caricature Training
Morale Blast Adept
Normal Passive
Blast Damage UP [V] & Blast MP Gain UP [III]
Max Limit Break
Blast Damage UP [VI] & Blast MP Gain UP [IV]
**Unique to Takina Inoue**
Special training for professionals in Kamihama City is the path to growth

The girl's eyes were shining with anticipation and hope,

even though the results of the practice she had begun in order to look back at the person who had been shoving her around, were not so flattering.

自分を振り回す相手を見返すために始めた練習の成果は お世辞にも上出来とは言えないはずなのに

Recorded Document: Rock
Penetrate Attack
Attack UP [XI] (Self / 1T) & Chance to Ignore Defense [XI] (Self / 1T) 8 turns
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [XII] (Self / 1T) & Chance to Ignore Defense [XII] (Self / 1T) 7 turns
What do you think? It seems to be a rock-style costume....

Also, I heard that this guitar is a type called a Les Paul. This is just a prop for the photo shoot... I won't play it since I'm not Chisato.

(Lycoris Recoil TV Animation Episode 7 Commercial Bumper)

あと、このギターはレスポールという種類だと伺いました これはあくまで撮影の小道具…千束じゃないので演奏はしません

(リコリス・リコイルTVアニメ 第7話アイキャッチ)
Recorded Document: Relationship of Me and Guns
Dark Adept
Normal Passive
Dark Attribute Attack UP [VII] & Attack UP [II]
Max Limit Break
Dark Attribute Attack UP [VIII] & Attack UP [III]
Yes, it would be hard to fight if I actually did this,

but me and guns are inseparable, so is it really that dangerous to pose like this...?

(Lycoris Recoil TV Animation Episode 9 Commercial Bumper)

私と銃は切っても切れない関係なので、このようなポーズを そんなに物騒ですかね…?

(リコリス・リコイルTVアニメ 第9話アイキャッチ)
Leave it to Café LycoReco
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Chance to Critical [VII] & Chance to Evade [VI] (Self / 1T) 6 turns
Coffee and sweets are not the only orders that Café LycoReco receives!

We can take care of your children, do the shopping for you, provide relationship counseling, conduct background checks, or whatever else you need!♪

(Lycoris Recoil Key Visual #1)

こどものお世話に買い物代行、恋愛相談に身辺調査 どんなご注文も、おまかせあれ♪

(リコリス・リコイル キービジュアル第1弾)
The Other Side of Our Peaceful Lives
All Disc Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Blast Damage UP [IV] & Charged Attack Damage UP [III] & Accele MP Gain UP [III]
Peaceful days... but behind them lies a secret.

The existence of these girls, called "licorice," who protect everyday life is kept secret from society, as they continue to fight.

(Lycoris Recoil Key Visual #2)

リコリスと呼ばれる、日常を守る少女たちの存在が 社会から秘匿され、戦い続ける彼女たちの姿が

(リコリス・リコイル キービジュアル第2弾)
Our Chosen Future
Full Burst
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Blast Damage UP [V] & Accele MP Gain UP [V] (Self / 1T) 7 turns
Is it the daily routine or the mission that's important?

It is up to you to decide. They fight to save what is important to them

(Lycoris Recoil Key Visual #3)

それを決めるのは自分自身 彼女たちは、自分にとっての大切なものを救うために戦う

(リコリス・リコイル キービジュアル第3弾)
The Odd Couple of Café LycoReco
Heartwarm Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Episode Points UP [IV] & Regenerate HP [IV]
Their extraordinary daily life is far from over.

It always has been, it always will be. If we're together, we can do anything

(Lycoris Recoil Visual Teaser)

今までだって、これからだって ふたり一緒なら、なんだってできる

(リコリス・リコイル ティザービジュアル)
Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Dialogue