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Suleika (SULEIKA) is a witch that hasn't so far made an appearance in an episode. Her familiar Ulla was swiftly defeated by Mami at the beginning of Episode 3. Ulla appears again in Madoka Magica Online, briefly in The Rebellion Story and Magia Record

Witch Card



TypeWitch of Darkness

The Witch of Darkness, with a delusional nature. Her power grows as the darkness deepens. In total darkness she can scarcely be matched. She's almost unrivaled inside an absolute black; however, with lights as numerous as they are nowadays, she is not a witch to be feared.




TypeWitch of Darkness's minion
EpisodesEpisode 3, Madoka Mobage, Madoka Online, The Rebellion Story, Madoka Plus, Magia Record

The Witch of Darkness's minion whose duty is to dream. She can shapeshift into anything to express her witch's desires in pitch-black darkness. She boasts incredible power in the dark, but something as small as a lamppost or moonbeam can halve her strength.


Original Anime

While Suleika doesn't appear in the anime, Ulla appears in the beginning of Episode 3. She is quickly defeated by Mami with Tiro Finale.

The Rebellion Story

Ulla makes a brief reappearance in The Rebellion Story as Madoka's escort. They don a new design with a ribbon around their neck and a bell at the end of their tail


Ulla is seen much more briefly in the manga than they are in the anime. A quick shot of their labyrinth and death is shown in one panel.

In the Rebellion Manga, Ulla appear much more like their original design. They lack a collar and have what looks like a sapling shoot at the end of their tail. They appear fighting alongside the magical girls and once again in the new world.



Dreams wrapped up in a blanket (ゆめは包んで布の中)
Original text Translation
モニャモニャ ムィムィ 朝ですか?

「だいじょうぶ」 「お日様は まだ 凍った海の底の国」

モニャモニャ ムィムィ
「だいじょうぶ」 「お日様は 今 ごはんの途中」

夜が溶けるその前に お前の夢だけ かじらせろ。

モニャモニャ ムィムィ
「だいじょうぶ」 「お日様は さっき フォークでプスリ」

モニャモニャ ムィムィ
「だいじょうぶ」 「お日様は もう お墓の下よ」


Munya munya, mui mui[1]... Is it morning yet?

"Don't worry!" "Mister Sun's still in a land beneath the frozen sea."

Munya munya, mui mui...
"Don't worry!" "Mister Sun is in the middle of his lunch right now."

Before the time comes for the night to melt away, let us munch and crunch on just your dreams alone.

Munya munya, mui mui...
"Don't worry!" "Mister Sun was 'pshunk'-ed with a fork just now."

Munya munya, mui mui...
"Don't worry!" "Mister Sun is sleeping underneath a grave by now."

The night drools on over that-a-way,
and your dreams all sit atop a plate.

  1. Onomatopeia for mumbling


  • Suleika is a German form of the name Zuleika of arabian origin that means fair; brilliant and lovely. It was made popular in Germany by the poem collection West-östlicher Divan by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Ulla is a nordic name that means will, determination. In German-speaking countries, Ulla is a variant of the name Ursula of Latin origin that means little she-bear


Examples of Witch's Doors in Magia Exedra. Suleika's door is on the middle right above Oktavia von Seckendorff's (the door has Ulla's head)
  • The battle against Suleika in the anime was cut for the convenience of the scale of the episode, an instant fight against Ulla was used instead.
  • Ulla in The Rebellion Story has a slightly altered design. She now has a ribbon collar and a bell on the end of her tail.
    • In Magia Record her original design is used, no longer having the collar or bell.
  • Despite her barrier and familiars being in Magia Record, Suleika has never made an appearance. This also makes Ulla the only Minion in the Magia Record game to lack a master.
  • Suleika is currently the only Witch in the anime who has yet to have her Witch's Kiss revealed.
    • As of February 2025, she is the only Witch (excluding minor Witches and Familiars) whose full appearance has not yet been revealed. While there are concepts of her within the Production Note, it should be noted that this may not become her final design in the future. Several media, games and merchandises also only depict Ulla and has no traces of the Witch herself.
    • However, during Magia Day 2024, Suleika's witch door (the one that depicts Ulla's head) can be seen and has her Witch's Kiss in the middle.


Official Art


Original Anime

Rebellion Story

Walpurgisnacht: Rising



Madoka Magica Mobage

Madoka Magica Online

Madoka Magica Plus

Magia Record

Magia Exedra


Memoria Cards

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Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Minion of the Darkness Witch
Damage Up [III] (Self / 1 Turn) 6 turns
Max Limit Break
Damage Up [IV] (Self / 1 Turn) 5 turns
Darkness Witch Minion. Role: Dream
Changes form to depict their Witch's desires in the dark. Though mighty in the dark, even weak light - a flashlight, or even moonlight - can halve its power.


Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

See Also

External links