Uwasa of the Chelation Land Ferris Wheel

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See also Rumor Tsuruno.

Uwasa of Chelation Land Ferris Wheel is an Uwasa that appeared in Chapter 7 of the mobile game Magia Record.

Underlying Rumor

Rumor of Chelation Land

Have you heard? Has anyone told you? The Rumor of Chelation Land! A stress-free theme park where you can relax to your heart's content and be happy! And it's the grand opening♪ You won't wanna leave! No way! And you don't have to! You can stay as long as you want! Oh, but, attention please! If it reaches max capacity, you'll be removed from this world. It's a hot rumor rolling through Kamihama! Ah, but that's okaaay!

Major Uwasa


Uwasa of the Chelation Land Ferris Wheel (キレートビッグフェリスのウワサ lit. Rumor of the Chelation Ferris Wheel)

EpisodesPuella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record

Fan Translation: “My, have you heard? Who’d you hear it from? The Rumor of the Chelation Ferris Wheel! Its gondolas spin round and round, but what’s that stuff inside? Mankind’s trash, of course! Anger, sorrow, worries– every heavy feeling you can name. You’ll regret riding it even just once, so it’s totally off-limits to try to get close! Thanks to this wonderful wheel, we can all zone out and relax. It’s a rumor that ALL the people in Daitou Ward are talking about. I! WANT! HAPPY~!””

Official Translation: Have you heard? Has anyone told you? the Rumor of the Chelation Ferris Wheel! What in the world could be inside its whirling gondolas? Of course, it's stuffed with the garbage of human existence, like rage, sorrow, and uncertainty! No one's allowed to ride it because if they did they'd regret it at once! Everyone can free themselves from worry with this Ferris wheel! It's a hot Rumor in Daito Ward! I wanna be happy!

Minor Uwasa


Uwasa of the Chelation Land Mascot (キレートマスコットのウワサ) lit. Rumor of the Chelation Mascot)

EpisodesPuella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record

Fan Translation: “My, have you heard? Who’d you hear it from? The Rumor of the Chelation Mascots! They might move by sliding, but these park mascots still arrive with a jaunty 'clip-clop’ of their hooves! If you happen to meet one, it’s curtains for you. But oh non-non, don’t be afraid! ♪ They’ll soothe everyone’s body and mind with a pleasant ’pho-wa-wa~h,’ and carry all your bad vibes away. It’s a rumor that ALL the people in Daitou Ward are talking about. How princely~! ♪”

Official Translation: Have you heard? Has anyone told you? The Uwasa of the Chelation Land Mascot! These theme park mascots slide across the ground, but still arrive with the jaunty "clip-clop" of hooves! Yes, their arrival heralds your end, but you mustn't be scared, no no no! They soothe your heart and mind, and make you all warm inside, you see! They'll carry all those bad feelings away. It's a hot Rumor in Daito Ward! How princely!

In the Anime

  • The Uwasa doesnt appear on its own in the anime or get explained by the Rumor Spreader, only appearing when fused with Tsuruno or Hotel Fenthope
    • When fused with Hotel Fenthope the underlying rumor changes name to Chelation Fenthope
  • The ferris wheel Uwasa never appears, but the mascot Uwasa does.


  • "Chelation" is a pun, combining the word "elation" (great happiness and exhilaration, appropriate for an amusement park) with the word it's contained within, "chelation". Chelation is a process by which ions and molecules are bound to metal ions. Chelation therapy is the application of this process to extract metals from the body so as to prevent or treat metal poisoning, but must be performed carefully as it carries the risk of death if done improperly.


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Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Full Burst
Blast Damage UP [V] & Accele MP UP [V] (Self / 1T) 5 turns
Max Limit Break
Blast Damage UP [VI] & Accele MP UP [VI] (Self / 1T) 4 turns
She has no regrets. She doesn't miss the place she used to live, or her friends' house she used to visit. She is only determined to develop her new special "home" of relaxation...この時の彼女には後悔はなかったかつて住んでいた家にも、かつて通っていた仲間たちの所もあるのはただ、新たな憩いの地を盛り上げること迷いはなかった、一切合切において…
Without Conveying Our Feelings...
(NA: Our Misunderstanding)
Armament Adept
Normal Passive
Damage Increase [II] & Damage Cut [II]
Max Limit Break
Damage Increase [III] & Damage Cut [III]
A Magical Girl who claims to be the mightiest and has sworn to do great things... She is always optimistic, cheerful, and warm... she always gives us strength. She never gives up and has the power to withstand anything. Or so we thought... I’ll never forgive myself. I can’t.最強と自称する少女…偉業を成すと誓う少女…前向きで、明るくて、温かくて、元気をくれる決してめげずに、雨にも、風にも、打ち勝つ力を持っているそう思っていた。だから許せない。自分が許せない
Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text