One of the typical "magical girl" anime characteristics that Madoka Magica stands out from is weaponry. While most such series feature weapons such as magical staffs and rods (when they show weapons at all), all heavily magic-related weaponry in Madoka is far more mundane, with the main characters using weapons such as bows, swords and spears.
Homura Akemi is particularly notable for using real-life firearms and explosives to great effect, lacking weapons of her own.
Weapons listed by order of appearance in the episode: images do not necessarily follow this order.
Anime Series
Episode 1
Image | Name | Description |
Official artwork of this weapon has been released, and can be seen at the bottom of the page. |
Episode 2
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Episode 3
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Episode 4
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Official artwork of this weapon has been released, and can be seen at the bottom of the page. |
Episode 5
Image | Name | Description |
Official artwork of this weapon has been released, and can be seen at the bottom of the page. |
Episode 6
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Episode 7
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Episode 8
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With it, Homura is pinpoint accurate: she connected exactly fifteen shots, a standard full magazine of the 92 series. As the 92FS was adopted by the US military as the M9 pistol, it led to speculation that it might have been stolen from a US base in Japan. |
Episode 9
Image | Name | Description |
Episode 10
Image | Name | Description |
Stolen from Shafuto Industries. | ||
Stolen from Shafuto Industries. | ||
Stolen from Shafuto Industries. Note the fact that neither weapon stolen from the locker is chambered for this round: the only weapon in the series that uses it is the Beretta 92, which Homura likely did not possess yet. | ||
Stolen from a JSDF base. | ||
Stolen from a JSDF base. | ||
Interestingly, the homonymous Roberta from Black Lagoon is known to use exactly this model, being able to deploy several of them from her skirt. | ||
Episode 11
Image | Name | Description |
Stolen from Shafuto Industries. | ||
Likely stolen from a JSDF base. | ||
Stolen from a JSDF base. | ||
Episode 12
Image | Name | Description |
Here used by several pikemen, guarding Joan of Arc's execution by burning at the stake. | ||
Stolen from Shafuto Industries. | ||
Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
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Chapter 3
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Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
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Chapter 6
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Chapter 7
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Chapter 8
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Chapter 9
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Chapter 10
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Chapter 11
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Chapter 12
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The Holy Quintet with their weapons from the Sports Hochi Madoka Special
Mami's musket and Sayaka's magically enhanced bat from Episode 2
Madoka's bow and Mami's musket from Episode 10
Madoka's bow
From the Puella Magi Production Note
Homura's weapons
Mami's weapons
Mami's muskets from the Rakugaki Note by Akihisa Takano
Sayaka's weapons
Sayaka entering Gertrud's labyrinth with the magically enhanced bat from Episode 2