Weapons/Oriko Magica/Magical Girls

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Main Characters

Oriko Mikuni

Crystal Ball

A tool often used for fortune telling, finding out someone's future. Her crystal balls have a vine design and can be used to fire lasers and track opponents. In her final form, her crystal balls gain bat wings.

Kirika Kure

Sickle Claws

Her primary weapon, these claws allow her to kill easily. Her attack "Vampire Fang" creates a chain of multiple claws.

Yuma Chitose

Rounded Hammer

A bludgeoning weapon used to beat and keep opponents away.

Sasa Yuuki


A weapon that allows her to control Witches and concentrate her magic.


Witches under the control of Sasa. She uses them in combat to fight for her.

Komaki Asako


A long-handled axe used to cut away at opponents. On its top end is a defensive shield that can be disconnected.


A defensive instrument used to block attacks in combat. Usually connected to her axe, Komaki can disconnect and expand it.

Lina Hitomi

Stun Baton

A weapon used to paralyze opponents. Lina can use it to create electrical barriers.


Shield with katar-like blade

A blade coming out of a shield.

Miyako Saki


Inanimate objects that Miyako can bring to life. She uses them to fight for her.

Mai Akane


A traditional Japanese sword, specialized in slashing attacks. She can extend her katana's reach.

Koito Asako

Conductor's Baton

A tool used by conductors to direct music. It is unknown how Koito uses it as a weapon.

Minor Characters

Chihana Masumi

Dual Muskets

Two old-fashioned guns that Chihana uses, one in each hand.

Hikari Ayano

Dual Hatchets

A weapon derived from an axe, used to chop away at opponents. Hikari uses one in each hand.