Madoka Magica Drama CD 1: Memories of You

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The Drama CD came with the "Puella Magi Madoka Magica DVD volume 1".

Madoka DVD Special CD.jpg


Homura is released from the hospital, because of her health problems she is concerned that she will become a burden to other people for the rest of her life.

Homura transfers to Mitakihara and on her way to school she meets a black cat and she takes a liking to it. After her introduction to class Madoka takes Homura around school, on their way they meet the same black cat and both of them bond over it. Madoka tells Homura that the cat is a frequent visitor to the school.

Homura's first day of school consist mostly of her failing every subject, as a result students start to badmouth her behind her back without taking into consideration her health problem. Homura starts to get depressed and Madoka tries to console her, this is when Sayaka approaches both of them to save the day with a math notes to help them study. We then learn that Sayaka stole Hitomi’s math notes to help out Homura and Madoka. Hitomi at first feigns anger and she chews Sayaka that her math notes were taken without her asking first, but she tells Madoka and Homura that they can borrow her notes.

When Homura fails PE more students continue to bully her behind her back. Homura hears their whispers and decides to push her frail body pass to its limit and she collapses. Madoka helps Homura and she takes her to the school infirmary. Homura so depressed with her failures she launches into a tirade of how useless she is. Madoka tries to cheer up Homura by encouraging her to just do her best. Madoka decides to secretly help Homura by giving her a helping hand by using her magic.

Madoka places an enhancement spell on Homura that helps her pass the first running jumping test. This makes Homura feel better about herself so she tries the second jumping test. But when Homura tries to do a second jump, her legs won't stop running and she is carried away by her feet. Madoka telepathically calls Mami for help to dispel the enhancement spell, which she does. Homura stops running but she falls unconscious after overexerting her body. While unconscious the Witch Isabel tries to invade Homura's psyche by playing on her negative emotions. When Homura wakes up she hears a strange conversation of Mami lecturing Madoka about the misuse of magic, Madoka tries to explain things to her, but she isnt sure how to. This makes Homura depressed again and blames herself for what happened.

On her way home, Witch Isabel senses Homura's depression and starts to whisper suicidal thoughts on her head. Homura is depressed enough to wander into Isabel's barrier. Just like in Episode 10, Homura is saved by Madoka and Mami from Isabel and they explain to her that they are Puella Magi. Back on Mami's apartment Madoka admits to Homura that the PE accident was her fault and properly apologizes to her for that. Homura wonders if she should become a Puella Magi just like them. Madoka seems excited, but Mami tells Homura that she should never become a Puella Magi on whim. Being a Puella Magi is a calling with responsibilities and not an escape from one's problems.

Madoka walks Homura home and on their way they encounter the same black cat that Homura met earlier. Madoka tell Homura that Mami's reasoning is right but Madoka also confesses to her that she became a magical girl to save that black cat from being hit by a car. Madoka admits that she's a text book example of someone who became a magical girl on whim, so she asks Homura to keep it a secret from Mami. Homura in response tells to Madoka that kindness is cool.

Madoka tells Homura that if she should ever decide to become a Puella Magi, she must think her wish seriously and not make her decision on a whim. Homura promises to Madoka that she will.

Madoka tells Homura that she wanted to adopt the black cat but apparently it likes being independent. So she asks Homura that if something were to happen to her, she sould like Homura to take care of it. Homura panics but Madoka tries to calm her by telling her she is not planning on dying soon. Instead, Madoka is just concerned that the battles with witches have become more dangerous and unpredictable, also she is not sure what could happen inside of a witch barrier. Madoka then apologizes to Homura for making her worry but then she tells her on last advice. Madoka asks Homura to promise that if a storm ever came, that under any circumstance she should ever leave her house. Madoka excuses herself as she has to prepare for Walpurgis Night.

Time passes and Homura notices that Madoka is absent from class. At home Homura wonders what Walpurgis Night could be as she heard it from Mami. Homura decides to search the word on the internet and she learns that it refers to a Witch festival from Europe. Homura deduces that it cant be a good thing in the context of magical girls. Homura then notices that a storm is gathering outside and she remembers Madoka's warning. Concerned with Madoka's safety Homura decides to look for Madoka. On her way Homura runs into the black cat that Madoka saved, the cat helps Homura by leading her toward Madoka's location.

And the rest we know...

End of Drama CD 1


  • Episode 10 shows a Homura that is meek, burdened with self-doubt, and with a weaken heart. However, the Drama CD further explores her character and depicts her as a girl with a weak constitution and a fragile spirit that is easily bullied into depression. The depiction of Homura's difficulties in the anime was far too gentle in contrast to the Drama CD.
  • Madoka's first wish was borne from the kindness to save a cat, she admits that she did it out of a whim. Homura tells Madoka that her kindness is "cool".


  • The Drama CD takes place during the events of Episode 10
  • The cat's name is Amy
  • In an interview Gen Urobuchi, he admitts that he was not aware of any cat and he was surprised when he saw it at storyboard of the OP. The cat was never part of the original storyline, it was fabricated by SHAFT for the OP of the Anime to mislead viewers and fans with a red herring. However, SHAFT approached Urobuchi for the Drama CD and asked him to include the cat in it.

Past Speculations

  • Before the Drama CD was released, there were past speculations regarding the cat in the OP and its relationship with the storyline and Madoka. There were many wild theories regarding that cat only to find out in an interview with Urobuchi that it was all a fabrication by SHAFT.
  • There were many speculations regarding Madoka's first wish (one that included cake). The Drama CD explains that Madoka’s wish in the original timeline was to save Amy who was ran over by a car. No fan (that I know of) saw this one coming.

See Also

Episode 10