Scene 0 Film 2

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Day 1

Scene 1 (Homura)
Homura Akemi wakes up in the hospital and realizes it's one month ago. While she's pleased she was able to turn back time with her magic, now's not the time to celebrate because Kyubey is tricking everyone.
Scene 2 (Homura)
Knowing they won't let her out of the hospital quickly if her test results are too healthy, Homura stops time and rewrites the results on her lab work to deter suspicion on why she was suddenly cured.

Mabayu Aki dreams of something piercing her stomach, then pain and then ceasing to exist. An alarm rings, waking her up in fright. It must have been a dream, no matter how real it seemed. In the dream she had died but clearly she's alive right now. But how odd: the movie sitting in her room is the one she rented about three weeks ago and it has a due date of the 16th. Mabayu freaks out for a moment thinking the movie was over a month late, but according to the calendar today is the 16th of last month. Maybe her dream was about the future?

She feels so behind. Today she had to do the make-up exam that she had in her dream. Her dream had seemed so real and she can recall everything in the dream exactly the way it was. But the part about magical girls fighting witches is too fantastical to not be a dream. As Mabayu lets her mind wander, Mami Tomoe walks up to her and asks about a book she wanted to borrow. Mabayu recalls Mami being a magical girl that even threatened her life, but she also remembers Mami asking to borrow a book in the dream too. Was it a precognitive dream then? Impossible.

In class it's the same material they covered in her dream. She remembers in her dream a voice had called her name, prompting her to stand in surprise and get called on by the teacher. This time Mabayu is determined to stay awake and listen for the voice, but the voice never comes and the question she had been called on to answer before comes and goes. If it were a prophetic dream, a time stop would have happened by now. And just like that time stops. Mabayu notes that this time, time didn't stop at the exact same moment as before. But if time is stopping, then does that mean magical girls really do exist? If that's true, then Mami should be... But no, Mami is as frozen in time as all the rest. If that's the case, then Mami isn't the one who's stopping time. Then it must have been a dream, except for the fact that time is currently frozen. None of this makes any sense.

Later that evening, Mabayu is working her usual shift at the café. After attending to a customer, her aunt approaches her. Before she can even speak, Mabayu cuts her off and tells her she needs to hire proper part-time help if she needs someone to help with a few more shifts. Her aunt Sakie giggles nervously and asks how she got found out, so Mabayu smiles replies she can predict the future. Sakie stares at her with wide eyes for a moment before Mabayu then tells her she was just joking and asks if Sakie believes in precognitive dreams. Sakie immediately replies that such things don't exist and it's better to live in the present without being distracted by such things. Mabayu is taken back by Sakie's sudden strong conviction in contrast to her usual lackadaisical attitude.

Day 2

Scene 3 (Homura)
Because the results on her lab work didn't make sense, Homura has been forced to stay an extra day in the hospital. Nonetheless, she's been given the clear to be discharged. She'll need to hurry to Madoka Kaname and Mami, but first she has someone else she has to deal with. Kyubey enters the room and tries to get her attention, but Homura ignores him. He just wants to know how it is she can be a magical girl despite not making a contract with him. An "irregular" he calls her. But Homura remains silent. She remembers Madoka turning into a witch and knows that Kyubey is hiding this fact from the others. She can never forgive him.

At school, the class is greeted with a pop quiz. Mabayu giggles to herself: she had been expecting this thanks to her dream. Not only that, but she remembers the answers from her dream as well. She rushes through the test with ease.

Back at the café, Mabayu was pleased with how the test went, even if having to take one is no fun. But if the dream was correct about her test, then maybe the rest of her day will go the same as it did before. She gazes outside before her aunt asks her if she saw Amy, the local stray black cat, but Mabayu says it was white. Sakie denies seeing anything white and gets back to work. Mabayu is troubled: if the dream really was true, she should have seen a white creature just now, but there was nothing. Considering how the dream went, maybe it's better if the prophetic dream doesn't come ture. At that moment Mami walks into the café, startling Mabayu. She remembers her coming in during her dream, and begins to recite her order in her head. Mami then orders a lemon cake and sachertorte just as Mabayu finishes reciting it to herself, confirming the events from the dream.

Scene 4 (Mami)
Mami enters the café and gets her usual takeout order. She steps outside where Kyubey greets her. He asks if she recognizes the girl, and Mami acknowledges her as one of her classmates though they've rarely spoken. The only thing she knows about her is she works at the café to help out one of her relatives. Kyubey is surprised that Mami didn't realize Mabayu was a magical girl. But he has no recollection of making a contract with her, thus she is what's called an "irregular". However, Mabayu is not the only irregular around. There is another named Homura Akemi, and she seems to be purposefully ignoring him. She must be up to something.

Mabayu is finally back at home after a long day of school and work, but she's finding it hard to concentrate on her movie. Saving her allowance was nice, but she needs to do some research on magical girls. A voice offers to help inform her on the subject, and Kyubey appears on the scene. Mabayu is surprised to see him here after not seeing him at the café and that she can hear him talk despite his mouth not moving. He introduces himself before explaining he can talk directly to her via telepathy. Hearing this, Mabayu realizes this explains the odd voice she heard while she was in class during her dream. She asks this white cat to explain about magical girls. After correcting her, Kyubey explains he finds girls with talent and makes a contract with them in exchange for a wish. Mabayu gets excited at the prospect of making a wish, but Kyubey says that's impossible since she's already made a contract with him.

Day 3

Mabayu dreams. In her dream, Mabayu had quietly followed behind Mami only to find Mami going into a dark, abandoned building. Mami stops and turns around; she knows she's been followed ever since she left the school, so she warns her not to follow her any further or she'll have to kill her. She stares at Mabayu, and recognizes her clothes as that of a fellow magical girl's. She herself transforms and threatens to not show any mercy as she attacks.

Mabayu wakes up screaming in fear. She's glad that was all just a dream. It had to have been: magical girls can't be real and no way is she herself one. Kyubey appears from seemingly nowhere and tells her to stop denying it. Mabayu screams once more in fright at the sight of a talking cat. In that same instant, she recognizes him and realizes she really must be a magical girl. Kyubey tells her her soul gem is proof of this. Mabayu exams the odd ring she found that she didn't even know she owned and suddenly it transforms into her soul gem.

Last night, she had been so shocked that she passed out and stayed asleep throughout the night. Now that she's awake, she can't deny the reality of her situation. It's the only thing that would explain everything that's been going on. She turns to Kyubey and asks him what exactly a magical girl is. Do magical girls just spend their time fighting one another? Kyubey directs her attention to the slightly cloudy coloring in her soul gem. If she were to use magic to vanquish a witch, than the soul gem will become tainted. Witches drop grief seeds that can be used to purify them, but because there are a limited number of witches, magical girls often fight one another over prey. She remembers hearing the term grief seed in her dream. Kyubey looks at her quizzically and asks if she doesn't have one already in her desk drawer. Confused, Mabayu opens the drawer and is surprised to find a grief seed sitting there. She accuses Kyubey of putting it there himself, but Kyubey assures her it was there already before he ever stepped foot in her apartment. He urges her to use it to purify her soul gem, but Mabayu doesn't understand a thing.

As Mabayu is walking to school, she continues her conversation with Kyubey. She learns that only magical girls and girls with the potential to be one can see him. This is why her aunt Sakie couldn't see him outside the café. Wait, was that yesterday or the yesterday in her dream? This is so confusing. Kyubey notices she's been mentioning this dream a lot and asks for more details on it. She explains it's a possibly prophetic dream where everything that's happened now had already happened in the dream in a very similar manner. There are also random time stops that occur over which she has no power. Could this be caused by magic? Kyubey isn't certain, but it sounds very much like it as the nature of a magical girl's magic varies from individual to individual.

Mabayu sits in class. Kyubey confirms she can hear him clearly, then asks why he has to hide himself. In the dream, Mami had tried to kill Mabayu because she is a magical girl. Although she hadn't understood it at the time, she realizes now it's better if she keeps that a secret from her in order to prevent it from happening again. Kyubey calls her a cautious person, and Mabayu recalls she was called that before. She sighs; she never wanted to be a part of all of this and it all seems so troublesome. That and she doesn't even remember having a wish come true. He asks her if she remembers how to use her magic. Mabayu had tried and prayed for time to stop or start but it never made any difference. Kyubey explains she's an irregular because she is one of the very few magical girls in this world whose contract isn't memorized by him. Normally that would be impossible, but if he at least knew what the wish was he could make an educated guess on what kind of magic she would have received. For now she'll just have to figure it out on her own. Mabayu doesn't think that's good enough: if she's going to get dragged into magical girl battles she should at least be able to protect herself. Kyubey proposes she stare out the window at the building next door. As she does so, he directs her to break up the image into a 3x3 grid and then focus on the center square. From there, he directs her to divide it again into a 3x3 grid and focus in on the center square once more. To her delight, Mabayu finds her vision enhancing. She's able to see the individual people having a meeting on the other side of the window inside the building! Kyubey figures as much as this small test confirms that Mabayu's magic is based on light. If she keeps investigating in this direction, surely she'll figure out the secret to her contract. Mabayu giggles in delight; she can use her enhanced vision powers to cheat on the test! Kyubey warns her not to use too much magic, or else she'll taint her soul gem. If she taints it too much, she won't be able to use much if any magic against witches, which means no grief seeds and no way to purify her soul gem. With that said, Mabayu promises to not use her magic to cheat on the tests unless she really needs to.

Inside Café Récompense, Mabayu is delightedly thinking about her recent revelation. Not only can she use magic, she uses light-based magic. Normally she'd think she would have been dark-based because of her personality, but light and dark are two sides of the same coin, she tells herself. Kyubey asks her why she's wearing that outfit and if it's for a part-time job. Mabayu explains she can't possibly have a part-time job since she's only in middle school, so she only does this to help out Sakie. When Kyubey asks if Sakie is her mother, Mabayu's face contorts in pain for a moment. She informs Kyubey her real mother died due to an incurable disease. Since she has no father, Sakie took her in and raised her as her own. She'd do anything to repay Sakie for her kindness. Suddenly, Mabayu's eyes flash and she can momentarily see the future: a car will go out of control and run over Amy!

Kyubey asks what's wrong, but Mabayu hurriedly runs outside. She remembers her dream and she knows she's too far to make it in time and stop what's about to happen. If she's really a magical girl, she has to do something. She begs for time to stop but it's too late. The car's tires screech as it hits Amy. Madoka Kaname appears from nearby, running over to where Amy is laying and crying over her. The dream has come true and once more Mabayu was powerless to stop it. Sakie comforts her before introducing herself and asking for her name. Once Madoka has calmed down a bit, Sakie offers to drive Madoka and Amy to the vet while she leaves Mabayu in charge of the café. She turns to ask Kyubey something, but he's gone.

Back at home, Sakie informs Mabayu that Amy's operation had failed and her heart had stopped, causing the vet to declare her dead. As Sakie sat outside the clinic in grief, a miracle happened: Amy's heart started beating once more and she was saved! The veterinarian had never seen anything like it. Mabayu smiles and agrees with her that it must be a reward from God. Inwardly, Mabayu knows it's no such thing. Madoka was a magical girl and Kyubey disappeared just as the accident had happened and now coincidentally a "miracle" had happened to Amy. Kyubey must have made a contract with Madoka to save Amy's life.

Scene 5 (Homura)
It's night and Homura is back in her home. She needs somewhere to store her weapons and ammunition for the upcoming battle against Walpurgisnacht. She remembers not being able to find anywhere suitable, but since the apartment was empty for the entire time, she opts to rent it out for just one more month.
Scene 6 (Homura)
Homura doesn't know what to do. She couldn't bring herself to try and tell the others that Kyubey is lying to them. If she thinks about it, because Mami has been working with Kyubey for a long time they'll naturally be more inclined to believe him over her whom they've never met before. What if Mami believes she may be an enemy? In the previous time loop, Mami had been inclined to fight with other magical girls and seemed to have had some sort of falling out with Kyoko Sakura. Homura has made it this far and was able to turn back time once more, but she has no idea how she can go about convincing the others of the truth. Still, she can't give up. She has to try.

Day 4

The teacher continues her lecture on orbits in space as Mabayu quietly walks past her in magical girl form. Thanks to her light magic, she's able to bend the light around her causing her to appear invisible in a technique called "optical camouflauge". Kyubey congratulates her, as it's a rare form of magic and she would work well in a supportive capacity. Mabayu thinks this kind of magic suits her personality and will help tremendously with her investigations.

The sun is setting as Mabayu watches from a rooftop. Kyubey asks her what she's doing. She replies that she's practicing being quiet and sneaky. It does her no good to hide from others if she makes a noise and is overheard. She also recently learned how to use her magic to give sound when she reads lips, as if she could actually hear the conversation. She watches from afar as Mami offers Madoka some cake. Kyubey is surprised at just how cautious Mabayu is, but she shushes him so she can focus on concentrating her vision. She watches and 'listens' in as Mami explains to Madoka that witches are beings born from curses, much in the same way magical girls are born from hope. This confirms to Mabayu that Madoka must have very recently contracted, which is why she turned to her senior Mami for guidance. Mami continues with her lecture, telling Madoka that high suicide rates and crime without a clear reason are often the work of a witch. She's interrupted when her doorbell rings, causing her to get up and answer the door. It's Homura. She introduces herself as a fellow magical girl. She needs to talk to them both and urges them to not listen to Kyubey. He's deceiving them all. If things go on as they have, then they'll both perish. Mami tells her to calm down and assures her she must be misunderstanding things. She's worked with Kyubey to defeat witches for several years now, and although she can't always fathom what he's thinking there's never been a reason to not believe him. Surely this talk of deception is just a misunderstanding. Homura stammers but Mami wants an explanation. Since she doesn't know Homura well, maybe she can begin by telling them about herself, but Homura asks for more time first then runs off. Madoka and Mami think her strange and don't understand why they shouldn't trust Kyubey, especially since it was thanks to him that Amy was saved.

Mabayu ponders what she heard. She wonders what they meant by mistrusting Kyubey and decides to confirm something first. She asks him if he's made contracts with others. Kyubey confirms he was the one that contracted Mami and Madoka as well, causing Mabayu to panic and wonder if he divulged information about her to the others. But Kyubey promises he hasn't compromised her as he is completely neutral. He hasn't told her anything about the others either. He just didn't tell her because she didn't ask. She tells him he sounds like some kind of scammer, but he defends himself with the fact he's not human and therefore can't predict what humans would consider would be natural to divulge. Because of this, magical girls sometimes feel betrayed by him and then hate him. Mami had said the reason Homura mistrusts him must be due to a misunderstanding, most likely for a similar reason. For her part, Mabayu doesn't hate him. She understands that he's just trying to profit as much as he can from their relationship so it makes sense to her. Kyubey thinks they could have a very profitable relationship with one another.

Day 5

Mabayu is idly wiling away the day, but as much as she'd love to keep loafing around watchign a movie she has some things she needs to do. She dresses in her uniform and heads to the school. A teacher is surprised to see her there and asks if she has any club activities. Mabayu lies and says she's here to study since she didn't do so well on the last exam. The teacher cheers her on and then leaves. The real reason she's here is to find Homura's home address. Since she was wearing the same school uniform as her, it stands to reason she must be attending Mitakihara Middle School. Mabayu lurks around the school. She'll either wait until time stops or until absolutely no one is around and then sneak into the teacher's staff room and get her address from the directory they keep in there. Otherwise the sound of drawers opening and closing might give her away even if she does use her invisibility. Thankfully she doesn't have to wait long as time stops. She immediately springs into action and gets ahold of the directory. She skims the list but can't find her name written anywhere. She figures it must be because she doesn't know what kanjis are used to spell it so she tries reading through the list again but to no avail. Homura isn't listed at all.

Scene 7 (Homura)
Homura calms herself down and reminds herself she's not technically a thief. She just happens to remember what happened last time. She walks up to the clerk, an older lady, and hands her the winning lotto ticket. The numbers are for first place and the clerk congratulates Homura. Since Homura is clearly in middle school, the clerk asks for her parents. Winners for any amount above 500,000 yen have to go to the bank to verify their identity. She offers to hand Homura a pamphlet with the rules but Homura says no thanks and runs off. The clerk tries to follow so Homura freezes time and escapes. She'll have to find some other way to make money.

Day 6

Scene 8 (Homura)
Kazuko Saotome tells the class to head to the restroom for one last break before they head back. Madoka tells her friends she'll be right back as Sayaka Miki follows suit, leaving Hitomi Shizuki behind. Homura remembers Madoka meeting up with Sayaka during the factory tour and how they ended up being saved. Just in case there's trouble again, Homura decides to follow after them.

It's nearing the end of the day and the class are on a field trip to an auto plant. At the moment they're on a restroom break as the class disperses. Mabayu recalls that witches have a negative influence on the world around them and that an accident had occurred at this factory in her dream. She had been pulled into a strange realm, which in retrospect must have been a witch's barrier and thus a witch must have caused the accident. Right on cue she's enveloped in an eerie darkness. In her dream, she had been wrapped in ribbons. If that was due to magic, then a magical girl must be nearby. Time freezes however, which wasn't what happened in the dream. But now's not the time to worry about that. If she hurries, she can look around and possibly find what is causing the time stops. She transforms into a magical girl and then evokes her invisibility.

Scene 9 (Mami)
The teacher tells the class they have a 10 minute bathroom break before they head back. Mami is perturbed by a strange feeling and looks around. She soon sees Mabayu standing near the entrance to a witch's barrier, which quickly envelopes her. Mabayu can feel a presence nearby but Mami decides this isn't the time or place for this and opts to use her ribbons to get Mabayu out of here. Before she can do anything, Mabayu seemingly disappears. Kyoko then approaches Mami.

Mabayu travels deeper into the witch's barrier where she sees a magical girl and a witch frozen in time.

She recognizes Madoka and notices that neither is moving, which means Madoka isn't the one who is freezing time. She watches as Homura approaches Madoka, deep in thought. If Homura is the one moving, then she must be the one freezing time. She continues to watch as Homura then grabs hold of Madoka's hand. Madoka begins to move and recognizes Homura. Homura warns her not to leave as she is using her magic to freeze time. Madoka thinks this is amazing and asks for her help in defeating the witch, but Homura begs her to listen to her. Stopping time isn't the only power she has and warns her that Walpurgisnacht is coming in a month's time and they won't be able to stop it. They'll lose the fight and Mitakihara will be left in shambles. She came back to this world from the future to help Madoka. She knows Madoka will have trouble believing her, but it turns out Madoka does believe her. She's just having trouble accepting all of this information. Homura is grateful for this, breaking down and telling her how afraid she had been. Afraid Madoka wouldn't believe her and would believe Kyubey instead. That's why she had ran away from her and Mami the night before. Still, she braced herself and thanks to the courage given to her by Madoka she was able to do something about it. With her powers as a magical girl, she can now protect someone. That's why she had to believe in Madoka and come here to speak with her. She realizes this is a lot to take in, especially from someone she barely knows, but Madoka knows she's telling the truth. She believes in Homura.

Madoka asks Homura to release time so they can defeat the witch together, but Homura has a better plan. If Madoka uses her magic arrows to strike the witch, the witch will begin to move through frozen time which would defeat their advantage. Instead she tells Madoka to pluck her bow as if she were shooting an arrow but without actually doing so. She does so, causing the air to shiver for a moment. If she does this repeatedly, she can build up a flurry of air currents that will slice through the air all at once at the witch. She releases time and the witch is sliced to pieces by the air currents and the barrier dissipates. By causing multiple air currents to layer, the waves overlap and dramatically increase their power. Homura explains it was a special move they both discovered during a previous timeline. Surely this time they'll defeat Walpurgisnacht. Mabayu watches in amazement. She's learned a ton of information all at once, so perhaps its best she head home to sort this all out.

Scene 10 (Homura)
Mami approaches Madoka and asks if she's not injured. Madoka tells her she's not thanks to Homura's intervention. She calls Homura over but she's nowhere to be seen. Homura hid herself away. Even though she knows Madoka believes in her, she's not so sure Mami is ready to believe in her yet.

Back at home, Mabayu goes over what she saw and heard with Kyubey. Now she knows that it wasn't a dream, but a previous timeline and she is also trapped in a larger time reset. Kyubey finds her theory interesting but there's no way to test the hypothesis. Mabayu believes this explains why there are so many similarities and differences between her memories of the previous time loop and this one: Homura also has her memories of the previous timeline and has been acting on these memories to change the future. Kyubey points out that Homura isn't the only one with the potential to change the future since Mabayu also remembers what happened previously. Maybe her own contract has something to do with time travel. For now, he suggests she continue her investigations on Homura.

Day 8

Mabayu is standing in front of Café Récompense in her school clothes. How is she supposed to investigate Homura if she doesn't even know where she lives? It's not as if she'll bump into her by wandering through the city. Maybe it would be a better idea to stalk Madoka instead? Amy approaches Mabayu, causing her to giggle to herself. She'd been preparing for this day. She slyly reaches down to Amy and offers her some dry cat food, chicken-flavored, and this time Amy chows down happily on the food. Thanks to her memories based on what she learned from the last time loop, she's victorious. Sakie overhears her talking aloud about time loops and asks what she means. Caught off guard, Mabayu stammers out that she learned about Amy's love of chicken from a friend at school last week. Sakie is happy to hear that she's not the only one that knows of Amy's secret, but she's even happier to hear that Mabayu has friends. Mabayu takes offense and asks what's wrong with wanting to be left alone.

Thankfully, it was a quiet day with not too many customers. With a lull in the customers, Sakie takes the time to ask Mabayu about her field trip to the auto plant. She'd heard about how the smokestack had collapsed while the school was there, but Mabayu reassures her she was nowhere near the danger. It was actually due to the rampaging of a witch, but since she's a magical girl and tasked with fighting witches she sees no reason to worry her aunt any further. She decides to follow through and asks if Sakie has finished making all the pre-ordered cakes. Whoops! Sakie giggles as she realizes she's forgotten to make one of them. Mabayu sighs in exasperation: her aunt is always forgetting stuff like this. Her aunt asks her to read out the cake details. It's a cake to celebrate someone getting out of the hospital, and this time Mabayu knows how to read the kanji for the name: Homura Akemi. If this is a cake congratulating her on leaving the hospital, then that must be the reason she wasn't in the student directory.

Day 10

Scene 11 (Homura)
Homura stands in front of the school gates. Although she wasn't able to say much when she first arrived, it made her happy to be able to talk to Madoka again. However, Mami also goes to this school and she still hasn't told them Kyubey is deceiving everyone. Amy passes by and meows at Homura. Even in this world Madoka became a magical girl in order to save Amy. Homura may not have the confidence, but she has to keep trying.

Ms. Saotome asks Homura to introduce herself to the class. Elsewhere Mabayu has tracked down Homura's address. Now she just needs to find out if she's a friend or foe. Back in the class, Sayaka notices that Homura has been staring at them intently. She asks Madoka if she knows anything but Homura approaches them first and explains she met Madoka some days ago when she was playing with a black kitten. Because they wore the same uniform, they got to talking and have hung out since then. Sayaka is satisfied with this explanation and Madoka introduces Sayaka and Hitomi. The girls greet one another. Sayaka acts dramatically and accuses Madoka of cheating on her. Hitomi agrees, saying the food at their favorite restaurant just isn't the same when it's only the two of them. Homura gets flustered, but Madoka assures her they're just teasing like they always do. However, Sayaka says it's not teasing since Madoka and Homura are on a first name basis. Mabayu continues to watch secretly from the hallway. Maybe she should skip class and observe them further?

Up on the roof, Mabayu feels like lazily dozing away as she plays hooky from P.E. class. She can hear the coach shouting at the students on the field far below. It's too beautiful a day to waste but now's not the time for sleeping. She transforms into a magical girl and immediately goes invisible. She looks down at the field and enhances her vision. Down below, Homura prepares for the long jump as Madoka cheers her on. She runs across the mat and executes a high leap over the bar, landing on the cushioned mat below. Madoka and the other classmates cheer. Mabayu is impressed with the height she was able to achieve and wonders if she was the same girl as last time that overshot her jump. Most likely it was due to her not being used to her magical girl body yet. She continues to watch and listen in as Sayaka begins to suspect something. She finds it very strange that a girl who was hospitalized for so long due to heart disease should be such a good athlete, on par with someone who exercises regularly. Mabayu agrees with her. Maybe becoming a magical girl boosts your athletic abilities? Mabayu could test it by seeing if she can run faster if she wanted to, but that would involve effort. Next up is Madoka, but Mabayu has other things she needs to do after school. All she needed to know for now is that Homura is apparently on good terms with Madoka.

Scene 12 (Homura)
Up on the rooftop, Madoka and Homura are talking. Homura really wants Mami to believe her, but she isn't sure of how to accomplish that. Instead, she decides to tell Madoka about the location of a witch she's found. Madoka thinks Homura can prove she has memories of the past by using them to stop witches before they've caused any major damage. Homura tells Madoka to meet her at the southern bridge in the evening and to bring Mami with her. If they're able to prevent tragedies from happening then maybe... The thought of the word "tragedy" triggers something in Homura, giving her a feeling like she's forgotten something. She remembers Sayaka's face and then recalls Sayaka went missing ever since she went to the mall that day. Could she have been involved in the store robbery, and could that have been the work of witches? She has to hurry.

Later that afternoon at a different café, Mabayu gleefully giggles to herself over her latest purchase: a monumental idol movie she bought at a trunk show. She's pleased she was able to get it again, but finds it isn't as exciting. More like something she just needs to do. She then overhears some other students at the café. It's Sayaka, who is loudly and angrily complaining to Hitomi about the new transfer student and how she's stealing Madoka away from them. It's another afternoon where the two are off to do something together but don't want Sayaka or Hitomi to join them. What could they be up to, she wonders. Hitomi teases her about actually being in love with Madoka, but Sayaka is serious. Madoka is easily fooled and, although she may not seem like the type to be deceptive, Homura does seem to be hiding something. Mabayu overhears and catches Sayaka's name. She thinks Sayaka is perceptive, and how difficult it must be to keep secret about being a magical girl.

Outside the mall café, Mabayu is ready to follow her prey but she gets an odd, disturbing feeling around her. Kyubey appears, telling her her appearance was perfect timing. He points out one of the mall shoppers, who has a glowing symbol on her neck and is acting strangely. Mabayu deduces it must be a witch's kiss, just like the ones she had heard about. She then remembers about the robbery incident from the last timeline and figures it must have been a witch that caused it. Kyubey asks what she will do, but Mabayu has no time for this. She has to follow that person!

Scene 13 (Madoka)
Mami and Madoka are fighting against Izabel. Mami uses her Tiro Finale and finishes off the witch. Madoka is happy they were able to defeat it before it caused any trouble, and Mami thanks her for showing her where it was. Otherwise she might not have noticed it on her way back from school and it could have been much worse. She then asks Madoka how it is she could have known it would be there. It was like Madoka could see the future.

Inside the witch's barrier, Mabayu looks around. She soon hears the voice of Sayaka and follows after it. There she encounters Sayaka being attacked by a familiar.

Mabayu transforms and is about to rush in, but stops herself. She only knows support magic like enhancing her vision or turning invisible. Nothing that would work offensively. Invisibility won't help when there's so many enemies. She turns to ask Kyubey for help, but he's gone. She looks around and spots him approaching Sayaka. Sayaka is surprised at the living "stuffed animal", and even more so to hear him speaking inside her head. The conversation is one sided, as first Sayaka cries out in fear at the thought of dying, then stares at Kyubey incredulously. If she makes a contract, can she really survive? Before she can continue, time stops. Mabayu recognizes what's going on and hurries to turn invisible before she's spotted by Homura. Homura arrives, out of breath but just in time. She's surprised to see Kyubey there, but figures out he must have been trying to contract with Sayaka. Well she won't let it happen. Homura aims carefully and throws several bombs. Mabayu watches as the bombs freeze in midair, realizing Homura fights by using the time stops to her advantage. Having thrown enough bombs, Homura prepares to start time again. She utters the phrase, "this time I'll save Miki-san" which puzzles Mabayu. Time starts and both Gertrud and all of the Anthonies are destroyed by the bombs, saving Sayaka.

The barrier dissipates and Sayaka is left standing confusedly in the mall. She thinks she was saved but isn't sure of what happened. She sees Homura approach her and asks what she's doing here, but Homura only cryptically replies it's better not to know. Instead she begs her to remember her warning: Kyubey is not to be beleived and she should never make a contract. She turns and runs off, with Sayaka left behind calling out to her. Mabayu watches the exchange. Once more Homura warned someone not to believe Kyubey, so why does she hate him?

Scene 14 (Homura)
Homura gleefully congratulates herself on being able to defeat a witch all on her own as well as changing the future by saving Sayaka. She's not going to let Kyubey get away with this and she's going to save everyone and Madoka too. Nor can she let herself keep running away forever, so she's determined to talk to Mami tomorrow and try to convince her.

Day 11

Mabayu has arrived early at school, earning her Sakie's praise. She yawns sleepily; normally she'd sleep in until the last possible minute and just barely get to school on time, but she has to get her early if she plans on spying on Homura. She notices Madoka talking with Hitomi. It seems Sayaka is late to school, which never happens and is more Madoka's thing according to Hitomi. Maybe they need a change in roles? At that moment, Sayaka runs up to them with Kyubey riding on her shoulders. Hitomi asks why Madoka is staring, but is interrupted by Sayaka demanding to know why Kyubey had to tell her all about Magical Girls and why Madoka didn't. Hitomi looks at Madoka confusedly, who doesn't respond. Madoka and Sayaka stare at each other for a moment as they speak telepathically, causing Hitomi to accuse them of becoming so close they can now understand each other without a word and running away, calling it forbidden love. Sayaka watches her run off and turns to Madoka, promising to tell her about the magical girl story later.

It's lunch break and Mabayu finally has a chance to investigate Homura's secret, but considering how Sayaka looked maybe she needs to look into her too. As she considers a course of action, Mami stands up from her desk. Up on the rooftop, Mami faces Sayaka, Madoka, and Homura. Madoka had brought Sayak to meet Mami and told her about Sayaka's recent run-in with a witch at the mall where Homura had ended up being the one to save her. Homura reminds Sayaka about her warning to not trust Kyubey, but Sayaka had been concerned about Madoka's behavior lately only to find out she's been fighting these terrifying witches this whole time. Mami assures her she'll take good care of Madoka, and that the fighting they do protects the people of this town. Still, Sayaka doesn't think it's right children like them should be the ones to do it, and nothing can balance out the miracles they wish for. She turns to Madoka and tells her they should stay away from such dangerous people and takes off, with Madoka trailing after her.

Left alone, Mami thanks Homura for having saved Sayaka. She also confirms that it was Homura who told Madoka about that other witch yesterday. She wants to know when did Homura become good friends with Madoka and what else is she hiding. As much as Homura wants to, she can't tell Mami anything because she isn't ready to believe her yet. Mami can't believe her unless Homura tells her the truth, but when pressed to promise not to tell Kyubey, she shakes her head. Kyubey is her trusted partner, and she can't promise not to tell him what Homura says until she hears it for herself. She asks Homura what she'll do now. Instead, Homura stares at her steadfastly then begs her to take her along on the witch hunts. At the very least she can prove she's to be trusted out on the field. Mami is taken aback by the outburst. By now, she admits she had begun to consider the possibility that Homura might be her enemy but Homura denies it flatly. Mami can't understand her motivation, but she does understand that Homura is also adamant about defeating witches. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and Mami is willing to take all the allies she can get. She instead asks Homura to join them. Nearby, Mabayu watches this entire exchange while invisible. She finds it odd that Mami, who would so readily kill her in the last time loop, is acting so differently in this one.

Day 13

Homura apologizes for dragging Madoka along with her to the industrial complex, but she had no other choice since Mami isn't ready to believe in her yet. She tells Madoka how there was a witch who appeared in a factory on the outskirts of town. There was a gas leak and they hadn't noticed it until a day later, resulting in several victims. This time, however, they'll be able to stop it before something happens. If they use Homura's memories to their advantage, they'll be able to save lots of people. Mabayu watches from around a corner, in invisible mode. She remembers the factory accident that happened around this time during the last time loop. Considering this, Madoka asks if that was the reason she was able to save Sayaka the other day. Homura stares intently at the floor for a moment, before quietly telling Madoka she never wants to see her as hurt as she was when she was grieving the loss of her friend Sayaka. Madoka promise she'll support Homura, but her phone rings. It's a call from Sayaka.

Madoka meets up with Sayaka, who demands to know if Madoka is really going to go. One little mistake and Madoka will wind up dead. Madoka is well aware of the consequences, but she's not worried since Mami and Homura will be helping her. Sayaka isn't so sure they're trustworthy. She still thinks Homura is weird and hiding something, whereas Mami is currently solo. She clearly had some other magical girl partner before, so why is she alone now? Sayaka wonders if her previous partner died fighting Witches, but Madoka is sure that isn't the case. Mami would never put her friends in danger. If not, she's sure to have some other explanation. Madoka admits she's never felt like she had something to offer others, so she feels a little proud that she now has the power to stop witches from hurting people. It's something she can do for everyone. That's the reason she fights as a magical girl. Sayaka scratches her head; Madoka is such a good girl so if she beleives this strongly about it then she'll believe in her. That said, she does have one favor: show her what Madoka looks like in an actual fight. If she sees she can handle herself and isn't in danger, then Sayaka won't say anything about it. Kyubey appears from nowhere, agreeing with Sayaka's suggestion. Sayaka also has the potential to be a magical girl, so they have the option of having her contract should things become too overwhelming. However, Sayaka is sure it won't come to that as she encourages Madoka to crush all the witches.

Mami, Madoka, and Homura are fighting Patricia. The Team defeats Patricia as in episode 10. Mabayu, in invisible mode, is watching in amazement as Mami conjures a bridge made of ribbons across the sky. Homura stops time, runs while panting across the bridge, then throws a bomb at Patricia. She restarts time and the witch is defeated, with the barrier dissipating soon after. Madoka pounces on Homura, hugging her and calling her amazing.

Mami is also very impressed with Homura and her strategy. She trails off for a moment, mentioning something being just her imagination, but she shakes her head and doesn't finish the thought. Instead she praises Homura's magical ability to conjure explosions from out of nowhere. Homura doesn't correct her, only replying she'll continue to try harder. Mabayu catches on, realizing that Homura hasn't told Mami about her true ability because it's her trump card. Madoka turns to Sayaka and asks her what she thinks. Sayaka has to admit they did a fine job. She turns to Homura and Mami and asks them to please take care of Madoka. Both of them quickly agree, but Mami believes if Sayaka is so worried about her, then she should just contract and help to protect Madoka. Homura is aghast that Mami would suggest Sayaka contract, but Mami points out Sayka would also still get a wish as recompense. Sayaka shakes her head. As much as she has things she wants or wants to do, she'd rather make her wishes come true by her own hands rather than rely on someone else. Not that granted wishes are worthless, but she's not sure what that means either. Mami asks if she's sure, but Sayaka is certain. It may sound stupid, but she's made her decision. Homura thinks that's a good idea and promises they'll take good care of Madoka, which pleases Sayaka.

Day 14

Scene 15 (Sayaka)
Hitomi and Sayaka greet each other in front of the school building. It seems Madoka has become rather close to Homura lately since Sayaka had walked to school on her own this morning. Hitomi reminds her that Sayaka still has another best friend, namely her. Sayaka nonchalantly agrees, prompting Hitomi to call her out on her blasé response and asks if maybe she isn't acting weird. Sayaka brushes her off and Hitomi walks on ahead. Kyubey talks to Sayaka telepathically and asks if she regrets not making her contract. He doesn't care when she does it as she's always welcome to change her mind. He changes tactics and asks if she hesitated because she was afraid of fighting witches. Sayaka replies that's not what's holding her back so much as she doesn't like the idea of her wishes coming true. And while there is something she wants, she feels it would be cheating if she just contracted and got what she wanted. Kyubey doesn't understand; isn't it human nature to act on one's desires?

Sayaka tells him to shut up and never speak to her again. Kyubey shrugs and tells her it's a shame since he really wanted to see her fighting alongside her friend Madoka. Speaking of Madoka, Sayaka wonders what it is she wished for in order to become a magical girl. Kyubey responds it was for a cat. They had attempted to save a cat's life after it was in a traffic accident. Sayaka's face turns pale as she calls him a liar. Hitomi turns back and asks Sayaka if anything is wrong. She noticed her standing there and then suddenly grow pale. Sayaka forces a smile and tells her it was nothing.

Day 15

Scene 16 (Sayaka)
Up on the hospital's roof, Sayaka calls herself disgusting. She looks up to see Kyubey watching her and she angrily reminds him he wasn't to talk to her again. Kyubey replies she never said anything about him not being near her. Sayaka sighs. Kyubey asks if something happened. Sayaka only replies that she's useless and can't do anything whereas Madoka is practically dazzling in comparison.

Day 16

Scene 17 (Sayaka)
Kyousuke attempts to move his hand but is unable to. At this point he can't even feel the pain in his hand anymore either. Sayaka tells him it's ok and things will work out so long as he doesn't give up. But that's just it: his violin teacher told him it would be better if he did give up playing since his hand would never be able to move again, at least not with modern medicine. It would take magic or a micale at this point. "Miracles and magic do exist", cries out Sayaka as she looks up to find Kyubey's silhouette in the window. (same as in episode 4)
Scene 18 (Sayaka)
Sayaka faces Kyubey, who asks if she's changed her mind. Sayaka is no longer worried now that she's been faced with someone who would need a miracle and she had the power to make that miracle happen. She makes her contract and screams as her soul is turned into a gem. Kyubey hands her the soul gem.

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Scene 19 (Sayaka)
Sayaka stands in the hospital lobby. She finds hanging out with the transfer student rather awkward. She could sort of understand why she would hide her power to freeze time, but Madoka is too good of a person and will readily believe anyone. Sayaka doesn't trust Homura. She decides to visit Hitomi first but her hospital room is locked. Since she must be undergoing an examination, Sayaka instead decides to visit Kyosuke Kamijo first but finds Hitomi standing in front of Kyosuke's door. Hitomi enters the room and greets Kyosuke. It seems a visitor had given her some cake but since it was too much for one person, maybe she could share it with him? Kyosuke is delighted and offers her some tea from the mini-fridge in the room. Lurking in the hallway, Sayaka watches as the scene unfolds before her. She reasons it's perfectly normal for two people who were hospitalizad to hang out and calls herself a creep for spying on them. Hitomi asks if Kyosuke is indeed getting discharged tomorrow. With his hand perfectly well, there's no reason for him to stay any longer. Kyosuke attributes it to Hitomi's visits that cured his hand. Hitomi responds she is only returning the favor. Kyosuke doesn't think he did anything but Hitomi assures him just knowing he was here also was enough. Up until now she'd been wanting to have a proper conversation with him. Sayaka tears up in the hallway and opts to go home instead.
Scene 20 (Mami)
Mami stands in her apartment and weighs the news. Homura had come to her and claimed that Kyubey was deceiving them and that magical girls turn into witches. If that were true and she'd known that, Mami would have never invited anyone to contract. While she's never even heard of such a situation as this, and while it sounds impossible, there is some evidence to the contrary that hints this may be true. Kyubey appears and asks what she's thinking about. Mami tells him it's nothing and asks what he wants. Kyubey asks her what Homura talked about with her the other day. Mami still isn't sure whether or not Homura is telling the truth, but since Kyubey doesn't lie maybe she can ask the right kind of questions to get what she wants to know. Mami decides against it and lies to Kyubey, telling him Homura had asked them about the possibility of them working together as a team. Considering that's the kind of thing a newbie would say, Kyubey determines she must have very recently contracted. In the end, Mami couldn't bring herself to ask him about the truth.

Day 20

Scene 21 (Mami)
Mami comes across Sayaka, who is standing by the river. Sayaka is mentally beating herself up for not being able to bring herself to congratulate Kyosuke on his discharge. Mami tells her a lot of things changed when she became a magical girl so she came down to collect her thoughts. Sayaka asks if Madoka really did make her wish for some cat, which Mami seems to believe is so. She then asks Mami what she wished for. Mami describes the traffic accident that nearly killed her and how she hastily wished to save her own life. She's known others who made their wish for someone else, however. There are many who believe the wish of another is more important than their own. Mami sort of envies them. While she has no regrets, she does wish she could have made her wish to benefit someone else rather than just herself. Perhaps this is the reason she continues to fight. Mami asks what Sayaka's wish was for, but Sayaka would rather talk about that another time.

Day 21

Scene 22 (Kyoko)
Similar to episode 7, Kyoko finishes recounting her backstory. She explains that all hope is balanced out by an equal amount of despair which is why she swore to only ever use her magic for herself. Sayaka thinks this is a pretty selfish view of the world, and that balancing out is a joke. She accuses Kyoko of not knowing what her wish entailed, whereas she knows what she did. According to her, she was the only one who could make someone important to her happy. What despair could come of that? Her miracle made someone happy and her magic is for justice, to be used to make someone's dreams come true. Kyoko doesn't respond until now, asking Sayaka why she looks like she wants to cry then. Sayaka claims to have no regrets then immediately runs off. Kyoko calls after her.
Scene 23 (Sayaka)

Sayaka has found Sebastian and begins to whale at it with her sword. The familiar attempts to flee but Sayaka won't let it. She prayed for a miracle to make someone happy and she doesn't care what anyone else thinks. The familiar dies and the barrier dissipates, leaving Sayaka panting as she transforms back to her school clothes. She braces herself then heads out to find the next one.

Day 22

Scene 24 (Sayaka)
Sayaka stands by the river, outraged at the fact that Kyubey lied to her just like the transfer student had said and didn't tell them about the relocation of a Magical Girl's soul upon making the contract. Because she never asked about the details, Kyubey saw no need to tell her. Sayaka responds, saying what a convenient omission that was. She'd suffered needlessly and is now no longer human all because she wasn't told. But if she had known, perhaps she wouldn't have hesitated. Kyubey is confused until Sayaka assures him she is still an ally of justice, and can be no less.

Day 23

Scene 25 (Kyoko)
Kyoko has finally found Sayaka sitting at the train station. She asks how long she plans on being stubborn, and advises her not to misjudge her abilities if she's to survive. But Sayaka doesn't care about surviving, or if her body perishes. She knows what she signed up for. Kyoko uses her magic only for herself so if she dies it's her own fault, but Sayaka is using her magic for someone else, isnt' she? Sayaka gets mad, but before she can respond Mami, Madoka, and Homura show up. Sayaka angrily turns to Kyoko, who tells her an ally of justice who fights for others also has friends who will help her so she shouldn't do herself the disservice. Madoka notes that Sayaka has been fighting lots of witches by herself and offers her a grief seed. But instead Sayaka slaps it out of her hand, saying she doesn't deserve it. Madoka tears up. Although she's always been by her side, she doesn't understand Sayaka's troubles. She asks if they can't talk with each other more to help one another find a way to make things work, especially if they all work as allies of justice together. Sayaka seemingly relents, calling Madoka too kind unlike herself then apologizes. Unlike Mami and Madoka, she can't be an ally of justice. Crying, her Soul Gem explodes, turning into a Grief Seed and creating a Labyrinth with Sayaka apparently becoming a Witch. Kyoko and Mami both recognize it as a witch's barrier. Mami is traumatized as she realizes the truth: witches are born from magical girls.

Day 24

Scene 26 (Homura)
Homura stands in her room, unsure of what to do. Even though she's a much better fighter than the last time loop, it's not enough for just her and Madoka to take down Walpurgisnacht. She has no way to win without collecting more grief seeds, and she lost completely to the witch last time. Maybe she should ignore the familiars like Kyoko had suggested?

Day 25

Day 31

Day 32



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