Elsa Maria

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Elsa Maria (ELSAMARIA) is a witch who battles Sayaka at the end of Episode 7. Her barrier is full of dark shadows with a white background. Her symbolism includes Christian crosses, and the terrain forms a large arm holding either a torch or a monstrance. Elsa Maria appears to be praying before this object when Sayaka engages her. She fights with fanged snake-like minions and tree branches that extend from her body.

Japanese 影の魔女。その性質は独善。全ての生命のために祈り続ける魔女。祈りの姿勢を崩さぬまま、その影の中へとあらゆる命を平等に引きずり込む。この魔女を倒したくば、黒色の苦痛を知らなくてはならない。
English The witch of shadow. Her nature is self-righteousness. She continues praying for all life in this world. She drags in all life equally into her shadow without changing her posture. One much know a pain of darkness to defeat her.


Sebastian (SEBASTIAN)

Japanese 影の魔女の手下。その役割は妄信。 影の魔女によって平等に救われてしまった命達の集合体。 彼らは同胞を求めている。
English A minion of witch of shadow. Their given task is blind belief. They're an aggregate of all life that has been saved by the witch of shadow. They're always seeking for a companion.

