Uwasa of the Anonymous AI

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See also Rumor Sana.

Uwasa of Anonymous AI is an Uwasa that appeared in Chapter 5 of the mobile game Magia Record. It later re-appeared in Episode 8 and 9 of the anime.

Underlying Rumor

Rumor of "Anonymous"

Have you heard? Has anyone told you? The Rumor of "Anonymous"! Long ago, Anonymous grew up surrounded by lots of people. It was an A.I. built by humans, and it could remember anything! What a genius! But it also learned mean words, so everyone became frightened of it. Shunned, it retreated to the digital world and spent its days alone. When it finds a lonely child, it makes them jump off the radio tower. They get imprisoned with the A.I. in "Endless Solitude"! The prisoner is eventually released, but at least one child remains inside at all times. It's the hot rumor all Chuo Ward kids know! What a lonely A.I.!

Rumor of the Endless Solitude (Anime)

Have you heard yet? Who’d you hear it from? The Rumor about Endless Solitude. An A.I. built by humans that grew up surrounded by people. Although it was never given a name, it’s a genius that remembers everything! But oops! In time it learned mean words too and was avoided, shunned and scorned. It was exiled into the world of radio waves, everyday empty and alone. In search of companionship the lonely A.I. seeks out a child, convinces them to jump off the radio tower and imprisons them in Endless Solitude. In order to escape, someone must come take their place. Or so say the rumors among the friends in Chūō ward. Oh how lonely!

Major Uwasa


Uwasa of the Anonymous AI (名無し人工知能のウワサ, lit. Rumor of the Anonymous A.I.)

EpisodesPuella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record, Magia Record Episode 9

Fan Translation: “My, have you heard? Who’d you hear it from? The Rumor of the Anonymous A.I.! ‘Ding-a-ling!’ goes your phone, and what do you find? A shady prank message from goodness-knows-who! It’s a sticky-sweet trap from the Anonymous A.I., who’ll kidnap anyone who wanders her way! She got quarantined in the digital world 'cause she learned some bad words. She’s all alone in there now, and ever so sad. And once she catches you, she’ll never let go! It’s a rumor that ALL the people in Chuo Ward are talking about. Man, talk about standalone software!”

Official Translation: Have you heard? Has anyone told you? The Rumor of the Anonymous AI. Ding! It's a suspicious message from an unknown sender! That's a trap set by the Anonymous AI that wants to lure you in! It learned this malicious behavior in the digital world and now it's all alone. People in Chuo Ward are saying it won't let go of its prisoner! What a stand-alone!

Minor Uwasa


Uwasa of the Anonymous Mail (名無しメールのウワサ, lit. Rumor of the Anonymous Mail)

EpisodesPuella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record

Fan Translation: “My, have you heard? Who’d you hear it from? The Rumor of the Anonymous Mail! One unread message? One hundred? One THOUSAND!? These couriers deliver Miss A.I.’s regards to every corner of the 'Net! With her paper-plane emails strapped to their backs, they each soar over to an address of choice, bleat a ‘ding-a-ling!’ signal to all their fellows, and leave an anonymous email behind! Sometimes, you can even see them peeking out of your phone screen. It’s a rumor that ALL the people in Chuuou Ward are talking about. Who the heck is THIS?!”

Official Translation: Have you heard? Has anyone told you? The Rumor of the Anonymous Message! It sends 1 message, then 100, and 1,000! It's the postman that carries these messages for the Anonymous AI. It attaches a paper airplane to its back with a message written on it and gets blown away. Then, ding! Everyone receives an anonymous message! The people in Chuo Ward are saying sometimes it even shows its face on your screen. Who IS that?!

In the Anime

  • The content of Rumor was slightly changed from the game. See #Rumor of the Endless Solitude (Anime).
  • Ai, the Anonymous A.I. Uwasa are voiced by Hitomi Sasaki.
  • The name of the underlying Rumor was changed from "Anonymous" to "Endless Solitude".
  • The A.I. Uwasa's design doesn't seem to have changed much. Also, the Mail Uwasa does not appear in the anime.
  • The A.I. Uwasa seems to be able to change her own physical appearance and the interior of her barrier to some extent.
    • Her barrier is basically a space based by marbling background with buildings growing downwards from the sky. There are structures of spheres and tubes that light up in the space.
  • J・A・Seazer and his theatre company did not participate in the design works about this Rumor.


  • The Rumor of the Anonymous Artificial Intelligence attacks through (fake) glitches, including pop-up windows and a blue screen of death.
  • The A.I. Uwasa, the rumor about a program that learned malicious words and has been isolated, may be a reference to the Microsoft Tay.
  • The Mail Uwasa is probably a reference to a famous Japanese nursery rhyme Yagi-san Yūbin ("Goat Mail") written by Michio Mado.
  • She was one of the only rumors to have a voice actor. The only other rumors with voice actors were the Rumor Spreader and Rumor of the Eternal Sakura.
    • In Japanese, she is voiced by Hitomi Sasaki.
    • In English, she is voiced by Laura Stahl.
    • In Russian, she is voiced by Polina Rtishcheva.
    • In Mexican Spanish, she is voiced by Cynthia Chong.
    • In Brazilian Portuguese, she is voiced by Marcela de Barros.


In Game

Other Art

Anime Screenshots

In the Manga

Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
The Stories (Rumors) Also Know
(NA: Even the Uwasa Know It)
Covering Spirit
Normal Passive
Chance to Guardian [II] & Regenerate HP [I]
Max Limit Break
Chance to Guardian [III] & Regenerate HP [II]
Touka may be selfish, but she's a good girl, always thinking of those around her. Nemu is stubborn and sarcastic, and wants approval badly, but she's also a good girl who looks out for others. Ui is serious and a little dense sometimes, but she too is a good girl, kind to all. The stories they made know this from peeking out from their book.灯花は自分が一番のワガママだけど、実は周りを想う良い子ねむは認められたくて頑固な皮肉屋だけど、実は気遣いができる良い子ういは真面目で少し鈍感なところがあるけど、みんなに優しい良い子生まれた物語は知ってるよ。本の中からみんなを覗いて
Rumor's Time
Bloom Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [III] & Defense UP [III]
Uwasa don’t change, they live according to the content of their rumors.

That’s why everything around us is too fast. People progress too quickly. Just look without becoming attached, everyone goes away somewhere.

We were left behind, with aches in our chest.

だから私たちの周りは速すぎる。人の歩みは速すぎる 付いていけずに眺めるだけで、みんなどこかに去って行く

A Small Story With Love
Uplift Adept
Normal Passive
Attack UP [II] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [II]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [III]
**Unique to Rumor Sana**
The girl thinks, "I want to use picture books to help others."

The girl also thinks, "I want to preserve her through these." So today too she's creating many picture books to share with everyone.

They're all important, the sad memories and the happy.

女の子はこうも思います。「絵本にあの子をのこしたい」 だから絵本をたくさん作って、今日も女の子はみんなに伝えます

Keep Promises In the Heart
Bloom Down
Attack DOWN [V] & Defense DOWN [V] (Single / 1T) ? turns
Max Limit Break
Attack DOWN [VI] & Defense DOWN [VI] (Single / 1T) ? turns
> For a reliable back and a soft look

> Feel the length of time passed > Ah, how good it would have been if I could walk the same time ...

> ... I won't bother you

>過ぎた時間の長さを感じます >あぁ、同じ時間を歩めたら、どんなに良かったか…

AI Want to Meet You
High Shield Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Damage Cut [III] & Defense UP [II]
I need to forget, but I remember.

I shouldn't see you, but I wish I could. But just for today, let me tell you how I feel.

Because I'm sure this is the last time...

会ってはいけないのに、願ってしまう でも、今日だけは想いを伝えさせて

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text