Rumor Sana

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Rumor Sana
Japanese Name ウワサのさな (Uwasa no Sana)
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Ume Aoki
Gekidan Inu Curry
Voiced by Japanese: Yui Ogura (Sana)

Hitomi Sasaki (Ai)

ID No: 1104
Release Date (JP): February 12, 2021
For her full bio, see Sana Futaba and Uwasa of the Anonymous AI.

Rumor Sana (ウワサのさな Uwasa no Sana) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She is a version of Sana Futaba fused with the Uwasa of the Anonymous AI.

General Info

Physical Features
Age 14
Eye colour Iridescent Magenta
Hair colour Iridescent Green
Height 153cm
Soul Gem Green crown-shaped gem (necklace at her throat)
Weapon Large Shield composed of an Anonymous Mail Rumor
Witch Form Theresia
Powers and Abilities Disappear (Disappears along with all signs of magic)
Wish “Please make me invisible.”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives Unnamed biological father (deceased), unnamed mother, unnamed step-father, unnamed older step-brother, unnamed younger step-brother
Origins Chuo Ward
School Mizuna Girls' School, Eighth grade
Affiliation Kamihama Magia Union, Wings of the Magius (black feather; briefly)

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 6222 1972 2201

Max at ★4 22560 7047 8038
Max at ★5 28012 8817 9419

Max SE 35033 11215 13551
Connect: Together Just For Now...

★4 Damage UP [VII] & Guaranteed Curse & Guaranteed Evade
★5 Damage UP [IX] & Guaranteed Curse & Guaranteed Evade
{{{2}}} Magia: Electron Schwert

★4 Damage to All Enemies [V] & Attack DOWN (All / 3T) & Guaranteed Stun (All / 1T) & Water Attribute Attack UP (Self / 3T)
★5 Damage to All Enemies [VII] & Attack DOWN (All / 3T) & Guaranteed Stun (All / 1T) & Water Attribute Attack UP (Self / 3T)
{{{2}}} Magia 2: shutdown -r -t 21

★5 Damage to All Enemies [IX] & Attack DOWN (All / 3T) & Guaranteed Stun (All / 1T) & Water Attribute Attack UP (Self / 5T) & Guaranteed Ignore Damage Cut (Self / 3T)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +6% +6% +6% +6% +6% +4%
5★ +7% +7% +7% +7% +7% +5%

SE +7% +7% +7% +13% +15% +9%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Blast Adept Blast Damage UP [II]

Shield Adept Damage Cut [II]

Curse Edge Chance to Curse on Attack [II] (1T)

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Blast Adept Blast Damage UP [II]

Accele Adept Accele MP Gain UP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Penetrate Adept Chance to Ignore Defense [III]

Magia Adept Magia Damage UP [II]

Shield Adept Damage Cut [III] (3T from start of battle)

Attack Drain Attack DOWN [II] (Single / 5T) & Attack UP [II] (Self / 5T) CD: 3 turns


A Magical Girl who’s fused with the Uwasa of the Anonymous AI (Ai). She wants to take down the lonely Uwasa they accidentally created. Having an Uwasa’s unique nature of not needing to eat or sleep throws her off, but she’s comforted knowing she can talk to Ai in her mind.

Side Story

Event Appearances


  • The name of her second Magia is a Unix shell command that means "reboot the computer after allowing 21 minutes for programs to close". Even so, the correct command would be shutdown -r +21.
  • The QR code in her second Magia decodes to "???????≪?ゃ?<??????筝?膩?" ("???????≪?Ya?<??????Koto?Rice?")


Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
AI Want to Meet You
High Shield Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Damage Cut [III] & Defense UP [II]
I need to forget, but I remember.

I shouldn't see you, but I wish I could. But just for today, let me tell you how I feel.

Because I'm sure this is the last time...

会ってはいけないのに、願ってしまう でも、今日だけは想いを伝えさせて

Difficult! Illustration Training
Weapon Strike Adept
Normal Passive
Damage Increase [IV] & Chance to Critical [IV]
Max Limit Break
Damage Increase [V] & Chance to Critical [V]
“...I’m done drawing! It’s a large family of ten piglets~!”

“Wow… Amazing…! Every one is distinctive and they’re adorable…” “Ehehe… What should I draw next?”

(...I have to work hard at drawing more too…!)

「わ…すごい…!みんな特徴的だし、可愛い…」 「えへへ…次は何を描こうかな?」

Keep Promises In the Heart
Bloom Down
Attack DOWN [V] & Defense DOWN [V] (Single / 1T) ? turns
Max Limit Break
Attack DOWN [VI] & Defense DOWN [VI] (Single / 1T) ? turns
> For a reliable back and a soft look

> Feel the length of time passed > Ah, how good it would have been if I could walk the same time ...

> ... I won't bother you

>過ぎた時間の長さを感じます >あぁ、同じ時間を歩めたら、どんなに良かったか…

A Small Story With Love
Uplift Adept
Normal Passive
Attack UP [II] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [II]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [III]
**Unique to Rumor Sana**
The girl thinks, "I want to use picture books to help others."

The girl also thinks, "I want to preserve her through these." So today too she's creating many picture books to share with everyone.

They're all important, the sad memories and the happy.

女の子はこうも思います。「絵本にあの子をのこしたい」 だから絵本をたくさん作って、今日も女の子はみんなに伝えます

You Want to Meet AI?
Full Burst
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Accele MP Gain UP [III] & Blast Damage UP [III] (Self / 1T) 4 turns
Sensing the feeling of "I want to meet", from the lonely digital world. What appears fluffy and fluffy is the name "Denpa Girl". It’s a bad existence that makes people have nightmares. I'm really looking for someone... that's the only secret here.“会いたい”気持ちを感知して、寂しいデジタル世界から

ふわふわビリビリ現れるのは、その名もなんと“電波少女” 人をさらって悪夢を見させるたちのわるーい存在だけど

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos