Gallery:Oktavia von Seckendorff
(Redirected from Gallery:Oktavia)
Image gallery for Oktavia von Seckendorff
Official Art
Concept Art
Oktavia's barrier (timeline 1) from the Puella Magi Production Note
Timeline 1 Oktavia from the Puella Magi Production Note
Concept of Sayaka's mermaid ghost
Art of Oktavia's Grief Seed
Timeline 3 Oktavia from the Puella Magi Production Note
Klarissa from the Puella Magi Production Note
Witch Kisses from the Production Note
Art from the Key Animation Note
Concept art from Rebellion Production Note
Art of rental Anthony
Art of Oktavia and Sayaka's orchestra in full
Art of Oktavia's Grief Seed from the 10th Anniversary Exhibition
Art by Other Artists
Art of an Oktavia robot by Hiroyuki Terao from the Rakugaki Note
Art featuring Oktavia by Gekidan Inu Curry's S from the Rakugaki Note
Collaboration Art
Breath of Fire 6: Hakuryuu no Shugosha-tachi
Summons Board
Unision League
Other Art
Art of Oktavia from the Key Animation Note volume 4
Art featuring Klarissa from the Key Animation Note volume 6
Art of Holger from the Beginnings and Eternal Material Book
Oktavia's mark
Oktavia with Kyoko's spear from the Rebellion Material Book
Original Anime
The subtle messages show her eagerness for attention
A violinist that resembles Kyousuke Kamijou
Oktavia's familiars (Holgers), which resemble orchestra members, in the current timeline
Oktavia in Episode 10 in timeline 3
Oktavia's familiars from timeline 3 - Klarissa - which resemble Hitomi Shizuki
Oktavia's death in timeline 3
The Rebellion Story
Oktavia's first appearance in The Rebellion Story, though with her previous design
Oktavia with her new design for the movie
Oktavia against Homulilly
Oktavia's rental Anthony familiars
Holger, they appear monochromatic instead of their previous blue colour
Oktavia in the new world
Concept Movie
Oktavia and a Satori Wraith from the Concept Movie trailer
Walpurgisnacht: Rising
Oktavia appearing behind Sayaka in the second Walpurgisnacht: Rising trailer.
Oktavia as shown in an ad for the Rebellion Blu-ray release
Oktavia with the Klarissas
The Klarissas have a slighty different design, with paint splotches on their bodies
Oktavia's wheel familiar
Original Manga
Oktavia in the manga
Oktavia and Holger. The Holger seem to play more instruments than just the violin in the manga
Oktavia's labyrinth is more like an aquarium in the manga
A silhouette of a mermaid Sayaka, only shown briefly in the anime
Oktavia's grief seed
Timeline 3 Oktavia in the manga
Reprint Manga
Oktavia's first appearance
Oktavia in timeline 3
Oktavia's grief seed
The Rebellion Story
Oktavia in the Rebellion Manga
A flashback to the original series Oktavia
Oktavia with her spear
Oktavia versus Homulilly
Oktavia in the new world
The Different Story
Oktavia in The Different Story
Oktavia's labyrinth
Oktavia's Grief Seed
Other Manga
Oktavia's cameo in the Wraith Arc
Oktavia in Kazumi Magica
Oktavia in The Veranda of Madoka
Kyoko turns Sayaka into a witch
Madoka Magica Portable
Oktavia's introduction from Madoka Magica Portable
Klarissa in an early version of Madoka Magica Portable
The first style of floor in Oktavia's barrier. Has train tracks and flying wheels in the sky
The second style of floor. Resembles the corridor Kyoko and Madoka walk through in Episode 9
Oktavia's witch kiss from the loading screen
Oktavia's Witch's Kiss
Oktavia's Grief Seed
Oktavia on a Madoka Magica PSP theme
Madoka Magica Mobage
Oktavia in Madoka Magica Mobage
Madoka Magica Online
Chibi Klarissa on the hard mode victory screen from Madoka Magica Online
Madoka Magica: The Battle Pentagram
Oktavia in The Battle Pentagram
Oktavia on the loading screen
Madoka Magica (Flash Game)
TPS Featuring Tomoe Mami
TPS Featuring Miki Sayaka & Sakura Kyoko
SLOT Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Timeline 3 Oktavia from SLOT Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Magia Record
Oktavia's doppel sprite from Magia Record
Doppel bio
Haregi version
Doppel bio
Surfer version
Concept art from Magia Archive Volume 1
ADV sprite (Timeline 3 ver.)
In Scene 0, Film 2
Movic Witch Collection
Grief Seed phone strap
Phone strap from the Rebellion Witches and Mascots series
Grief Seed pin
Bandai Grief Seeds
Movic Grief Seed Collection
Ichiban Kuji H prize playing cards
Ichiban Kuji G prize art glass
Ichiban Kuji H prize clear file
Ichiban Kuji I prize phone charm
Ichiban Kuji G prize character cushion
Ichiban Kuji Grief Seed pin
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Witch's Minion Acrylic Key Chain With Stand Collection Box
Witch's Kiss mini badge collection
Information regarding the Melusine
Comparison between Sayaka's coat of arms and the Seckendorff family coats of arm
Oktavia 3D standee from the 10th Anniversary exhibition
Same image, digital version