Isabeau de Bavière in Magia Record

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Japanese Name イザボー・ド・バヴィエール (Isabeau de Bavière)
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Golden Pe Done
Voiced by Japanese: Chiaki Takahashi
ID No: 4122
Release Date (JP): March 18, 2022
For her full bio, see Isabeau de Bavière.

Isabeau de Bavière was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story. She is an original character from Puella Magi Tart Magica: The Legend of "Jeanne d'Arc".

General Info

Physical Features
Date of Birth c. 1370
Age 19 (contracted at 14, in-game files listed as 19 year old version)
Eye colour Yellow (Dark Pink when transformed)
Hair colour Blonde
Soul Gem Oval gem at the center of her necklace (largest oval)
Weapon Ribbons on her dress covered in black roses
Witch Form Crépuscule de La Reine (Real name Isabeau)
Powers and Abilities Creation of Magical Girls, all the powers of Kyubey
Wish For everything you (Kyubey) possess.
Japanese pronoun watashi (私)
Known relatives Charles VI of France (husband), Dauphin Charles (son), Corbeau, Lapin and Minou (daughters), additional children not shown, Louis I (brother-in-law/lover), Louis IX (grandson), Marie D'Anjou (daughter-in-law)
Origins Likely Munich, Germany
School Not attending

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 7037 2239 1600

Max at ★4 25699 8118 5718
Max at ★5 31724 10018 7058

Max SE 41277 12741 9577
Connect: The Queen Gives...

★4 Attack UP [VII] & Dark Attribute Attack UP [VII] & Guaranteed Curse
★5 Attack UP [IX] & Dark Attribute Attack UP [IX] & Guaranteed Curse
{{{2}}} Magia: L'Exécution de la Reine

★4 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [VI] & Guaranteed Curse (All / 1T) & Magia Damage UP (Self / 3T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (Self / 3T) & Survive (Self / 3T)
★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [VIII] & Guaranteed Curse (All / 1T) & Magia Damage UP (Self / 3T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (Self / 3T) & Survive (Self / 3T)
{{{2}}} Doppel: Isabeau

★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [X] & Guaranteed Curse (All / 3T) & Magia Damage UP (Self / 5T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (Self / 5T) & Survive (Self / 3T)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +6% +7% +5% +6% +4% +6%
5★ +57% +8% +6% +7% +5% +7%

SE +7% +8% +6% +13% +8% +17%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Accele Adept Accele MP Gain UP [II]

Parry Adept Chance to Evade [II]

Magia Adept Magia Damage UP [II]

Anti-Curse Guaranteed Anti-Curse

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [IV] & Magia Damage UP [II]

Moral Light Shield MP Gain UP [V] & Light Attribute Damage Cut [III]

Curse Edge Chance to Curse on Attack [III] (2T)

Nursing Care HP Regen [V] & MP Regen [V]

Curse Mana Charge Guaranteed Curse (Single / 1T) & MP Restore [II] (Self) CD: 10 turns


Queen of France, in the midst of the Hundred Years War, is busy expanding her rule and power. She is a Magical Girl with a powerful causality, and has a large number of Magical Girls who have lost their will. She later sells out the kingdom of France to England and becomes Tart's (Jeanne d'Arc) greatest enemy.

Doppel Description

Crépuscule de la Reine, Isabeau's doppel

The Doppel of dominion. Its form is La Reine’s Twilight. The master of this emotion seeks dominion and influence ad infinitum, for as long as she exists. The curses scattered by this Doppel are themselves a death-bringing darkness to all other humans, and if bathed in these curses, those without a resistance to them will instantly vanish from existence. The joy its master derives from this sight is synonymous with purification to her. The more her surroundings are stained with despair and darkness, the brighter her Soul Gem’s rhapsodic light shines.

Side Story


Event Appearances

Other Appearances



  • Both Isabeau and Ui Tamaki wished for some if not all of the abilities of Kyubey. Isabeau's final Witch form resembles a butterfly while Ui's final Witch form resembles a moth.
  • Isabeau's Magical Girl form bears many similarities to Kyubey: the jewels on her shoulders resemble his eyes, she has cat ears on her head, her veil resembles Kyubey's earflaps while her bracelets resemble the rings, and she is surrounded by the same monitoring system Kyubey uses in Rebellion. Looking up close on her Doppel form also reveals a pair of Kyubey's eyes inside the skull's mouth.
  • Her magic seal has both German and French within its design. The German can be seen at the center of her seal, which the French borders the seal along the edge.
    • The German reads "Komm, süsser Tod" which means "Come, sweet Death".
    • The French is two sentences back to back. They are both common French proverbs.
      • The first reads "La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure." which translates to "The strongest reason is always the best." The English equivalent would be "Might makes right."
      • The second reads "Faute de grives, on mange des merles." which translates to "Lack of thrushes, one eats blackbirds". The English equivalent would be "Beggars can't be choosers."


Game Gallery

Official Art

Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
The Bloodstained Candlestick
Regeneration Blast
Normal Passive
Blast Damage UP [IV] & Regenerate HP [II]
Max Limit Break
Blast Damage UP [V] & Regenerate HP [II]
**Unique to Isabeau (Witch ver.)**
The being who calls himself Cube has told her everything she needs to know.

She wanted to find out the truth of the story, and that was all. She pierced him with the candlestick and eliminated that single individual.

Without any doubt, without any hesitation, without any emotion, she simply extinguished the light of the candlestick.

話の真偽を確かめる…ただそれだけのために 彼女は燭台を突き通し、ひとつの個体を抹殺した

The Formed Darkness
(NA: Darkness Given Form)
MP Gain DOWN [VII] (All / 1T) & Regenerate HP [III] (Self / 3T) 8 turns
Max Limit Break
MP Gain DOWN [VIII] (All / 1T) & Regenerate HP [IV] (Self / 3T) 7 turns
**Unique to Corbeau**
A shadow lurks on the other side of the flimsy curtain. Though addressed in awed tones as a "benefactor", it can no longer be called human. It was the darkness that cloaked Europe itself.

彼女は畏敬を込めて「あの方」と呼ぶ そこに在るのは、もはや人と呼べる存在ではない

Incubator's Pupil
Regenerate Aura
Normal Passive
Attack UP [III] & Damage Cut [II] & Regenerate HP [II]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [IV] & Damage Cut [III] & Regenerate HP [III]
**Unique to Isabeau**
It's always staring at someone else,

As if it were observing its prey. With a cold, impassive gaze...

The next time those eyes turn to look, it could be looking at you.

まるで、捕食する獲物を観察するかのような 冷たく、心の通わないまなざしで…

The Queen's Path
Bloom Curse Edge
Normal Passive
Attack UP [III] & Defense UP [III] & Chance to Curse [II] (1T)
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [IV] & Defense UP [IV] & Chance to Curse [III] (1T)
Youth, power, and everything in between;

The Queen of France dreams of endless power. She will deal with anyone who gets in her way.

Her prestige knows no shades of twilight, for in her field of vision there is only the vast future.

フランス王妃が夢見るのは、終わりなき権勢の夢 邪魔する者は処断する

The Young and Pretty Queen
Poison Attack Adept
Normal Passive
Chance to Poison [III] (3T) & Attack UP [IV]
Max Limit Break
Chance to Poison [IV] (3T) & Attack UP [V]
A young and pretty lady from Bavaria...

When the day of her official coronation arrives, she will be the Queen of France. But for those who were given that angelic smile,

She was anticipating the day when she would be the "queen" to whom they would have to swear allegiance to.

やがて正式な即位の日を迎えれば、彼女はフランスの王妃となる けれど、その天使の笑みを向けられた者たちにとって

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos