Magia Record Story The Inheritors of Our Souls

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Fading Memories

Kagome learns through Aru-chan that a girl named Torte from 15th-century France wants to know how Joan of Arc is remembered in the future. Despite researching in libraries and databases, Kagome finds no records of Joan of Arc, leading to confusion about her existence in the present day. Torte explains to Kagome that they are in the "Ark of Feelings," a place where people's memories are stored as books. Torte reveals she entered Kagome's mind to understand why Joan of Arc’s memory persists despite being erased elsewhere, and they decide to continue their investigation by exploring more books within the Ark. Kagome and Torte enter another memory book, finding themselves in a dark, eerie world with a red moon. Torte reveals her real name is Jeanne and she resembles Tart herself. She hopes to learn more about Joan before becoming a magical girl herself, while also dealing with Kyubey’s influence and potential contract. In the mysterious memory world, Kagome questions whose mind they are in, suspecting someone who knows Joan of Arc. Their contemplation is interrupted by an attack from a familiar, prompting Torte to attempt using her mother’s magical tools for defense, though she is uncertain of her ability to handle the situation.

Nicholas and Pernelle

Kagome encounters Nicholas and Pernelle Flamel, an alchemist and a magical girl respectively, who are concerned about their daughter, Torte. They explain that they have been gathering memories of "La Pucelle" to preserve them in books within the "Ark of Feelings." Pernelle recounts how "La Pucelle" saved Europe but was later burned at the stake. Nicholas and Pernelle noticed abnormalities as people's memories changed, leading them to collect these memories in books to investigate the cause of world abnormalities. Torte entered the space within one of these books without permission, prompting them to follow her. Torte wanted to learn more about "La Pucelle," sharing her name. Kagome and Torte discover that Torte has the power to awaken memories of "La Pucelle" by making eye contact, while Kagome’s magical pen records these memories, allowing them to return to the Ark. They decide to continue exploring other books to gather more memories. Inside another book, they meet Gilles de Rais, who mistakes Torte for "La Pucelle." He laments the soldiers forgetting her miracles and plans revenge. Elisa, claiming to be the daughter of Barbara Celjska, interrupts, questioning Torte's identity.

Melissa and Elisa

Kagome is introduced to Melissa and Elisa, who fought alongside Tart and were her closest friends. They entered the same mental world as Kagome's group while investigating an Ark at Pernelle’s request but initially did not know about each other's presence. Elisa reveals Gilles de Rais’ dark past after Tart’s death, including his abduction and sacrifice of over 100 young boys in dark rituals. Despite losing memories of others, he retained memories of Tart but turned to madness and sin. After confronting Gilles, it is revealed that his crimes will soon lead to his execution. Both Melissa and Elisa express frustration over the fading memory of Tart among people and their inability to continue driving out England without her legacy. The group learns from Nicholas that their world might be being invaded by another world where Tart never existed, symbolized by a red moon first observed around 1400. This invasion causes the gradual disappearance of Tart’s memories from people's minds, threatening history itself. Pernelle suggests that the collected memories in the "Ark of Feelings" resist this erosion, though only fragile ones like those of La Pucelle were preserved. The group worries about humanity disappearing if the invasion continues unchecked, leading them to explore Kagome's future again. In the alternate future, they find no signs of human civilization due to Isabeau's unchecked power in a world without La Pucelle. However, places tied to specific points like Mikazuki Villa remain unaffected. Kagome’s actions recording magical girls with her enchanted pen are deemed crucial for protecting the original timeline. Nicholas notices the red moon resembles the color of their original world seen through certain magic, suggesting it could be their world's shadow from the perspective of one without La Pucelle. If their world disappears entirely, so might the red moon. The group decides to help Kagome continue documenting Tart’s memories to restore the original world. Melissa and Elisa reaffirm their commitment to preserving Tart’s legacy and fighting for peace in Europe. To return to the Ark, Torte suggests conducting interviews with Melissa and Elisa, which leads to heartfelt declarations about their dedication to Tart’s cause.


Pernelle gathers everyone to enter the fourth book, where they find themselves in a forest in France. They realize that this world exists within someone's mind at a campsite and suspect it may involve soldiers. Elisa identifies the army as rebels against King Charles VII of France. Former comrades of "La Pucelle," including La Hire, are leading the rebellion due to grievances with the king, possibly stemming from his abandonment of Tart. Richemont’s plans to expand the king’s standing army have alienated nobles and mercenaries. Additionally, King Charles’ refusal to pay ransoms for captured allies like Tart has fueled resentment among generals. Melissa confronts her father, La Hire, about supporting the rebellion, arguing that cooperation with Richemont is necessary for France’s peace. Despite their emotional discussion, La Hire refuses to trust King Charles due to past betrayals. Tart offers herself as a prisoner to protect others, reminding La Hire of his forgotten memories. La Hire recalls how "La Pucelle" sacrificed herself for their safety, causing him to regret his involvement in the rebellion. Isabeau attacks but is repelled by Pernelle’s defensive magic. She reveals her plan involves thwarting "La Pucelle" and mentions other obstacles before retreating. It is revealed that this Isabeau is from her younger days as a magical girl, predating her transformation into a witch. Kagome reflects on the pain endured by those left behind after Tart’s death while Isabeau comments on the entertaining nature of the current situation.

Those Left Behind

Cube reveals that the young Isabeau, once a magical girl, underwent significant transformation into a witch long before her daughters were born. Around 40 years ago, during the appearance of the red moon, she attacked to hinder their efforts, and Cube explains how the world split into two branches due to Isabeau's actions: one where Tart exists and one where she doesn't. Pernelle discusses a prophecy about France being destroyed by a woman but saved by a girl, "La Pucelle," suggesting Isabeau's ambitions could be thwarted by this figure. NicHolas believes that by preserving "La Pucelle's" existence, they can restore the original world, countering the erosion caused by the red moon world. Elisa notes their investigation of magical books is yielding results, despite Isabeau’s interference. They decide to continue documenting the memories of "La Pucelle" with Kagome’s help, hoping it will influence positive changes in the world. In Charles VII’s mind, Elisa confronts his fear and guilt over abandoning "La Pucelle." Charles acknowledges his failure and promises to restore her honor once Rouen is reclaimed from English control, offering hope for justice in the real world. Torte expresses determination to take responsibility for the difficult choices ahead, inspired by "La Pucelle’s" sacrifices. She decides to ensure the path created by Tart is followed, even if it means accepting blame if things go wrong. Meanwhile, Kagome reflects on her evolving role as a participant rather than an observer. As they finish recording, Isabeau reappears in an unfamiliar space.

A Chance Meeting and the Resolution

Kagome realizes that a time paradox caused by Isabeau observing the future through a mirror from the Mirror Witch has created conflicting timelines. To resolve it, they must break the mirror connecting the past and future. The group plans to recreate the conditions leading to the paradox by entering someone's mind and restoring balance. Melissa and Elisa distract Isabeau while Kagome and Torte attempt to fix the timeline. Inside someone’s mind, Kagome and Torte encounter Dauphin Louis who has lost his memories. He expresses regret over not forgiving his father and dreams of being king. Pernelle instructs Torte to restore Louis' memories. Upon regaining them, he reverts to his younger self and recalls wanting to meet "La Pucelle" again. Prince Louis meets Tart, thanking her for Orleans' victory and pleading for her help in crowning his father as King of France. This interaction strengthens Charles' resolve to march to Reims. Kagome reflects on how Louis' gratitude towards Tart was overshadowed by resentment after forgetting her due to world erosion. She hopes this encounter restores his kind intentions. The group discusses unresolved mysteries like why Kagome was chosen as the Recorder and the connection between her, Torte, and Tart’s memories. Torte decides to sacrifice herself by wishing for Tart’s legacy to be preserved correctly in the world. After saying goodbye, she makes her wish to Cube.

Preserving Her Feelings

Torte realizes she has become a magical girl, and Cube explains that her wish was granted. Breaking the mirror would erase the red moon world and restore everyone to their original lives, ending the rebellion by Dauphin Louis. Torte decides to secretly deliver a magic pen to Kagome from the past so that the truth of “La Pucelle” will be recorded and remembered.


Kagome is discharged from the hospital but feels something is missing as she reads interview records written in her own handwriting that include unbelievable accounts, including one about Jeanne d'Arc. Despite doubts about the truth of these records, she believes the feelings expressed within them are genuine. Her friends support her decision not to share everything immediately, and she considers naming her collection of magical girl records "Magia Record."

Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story Stories
Main Story Arc 1
PrologueChapter 1: Iroha of the BeginningChapter 2: The Rules of FriendshipChapter 3: Kamihama Rumor FileChapter 4: The Guardians of RumorsChapter 5: The Far End of SolitudeChapter 6: The Memories that Speak of the TruthChapter 7: The Eve of Awakening to ParadiseChapter 8: Kamihama Painted in LiesChapter 9: Closing In on Fendt HopeChapter 10: Dawn of a Shallow DreamLast Magia
Another Story Arc 1
Chapter 2: Only this City is DifferentChapter 3: The Same Appearance as UsChapter 4: The City I Heard About From HerChapter 5: I Want to Learn the SecretChapter 6: Confrontation with FateChapter 7: If We Could All Share with Each OtherChapter 8: Once Again From HereChapter 9: Take My HandChapter 10: The Place We Finally Reached
Layers 1 - 12Layers 13 - 24Layers 25 - 36
Main Story Arc 2: The Gathering of 100 Evils Arc
PrologueChapter 1: Forward with the Sound of ShoesChapter 2: Smiles and FireworksChapter 3: Dawn Within the Perpetual NightChapter 4: Ultramarine in the DistanceChapter 5: Shaky Ideals in a Hazy Love SongChapter 6: Raison D'etre on Thin IceChapter 7: Twilight RemnantChapter 8: Flowers Sprouting from the Remains of DreamsChapter 9: The Labyrinth of LightChapter 10: Scampering Drastic LoversChapter 11: The End of the Cycle of Joy and SorrowChapter 12: Tying The Eternal Coloring
Another Story Arc 2
Chapter 1: Choose For Yourself, Without Being OverwhelmedChapter 2: Kind-hearted ConnectionsChapter 3: I'll Show You My ResolveChapter 4: Anguish in the Safe ZoneChapter 5: Confused by Good and EvilChapter 6: The Changing World From Behind the ShieldChapter 7: Underwater PlotChapter 8: Final TriggerChapter 9: Invisible yet IndelibleChapter 10: Shadowy Reflection in the WaterChapter 11: Reportage of Intersections
Battle Museum
Yozuru SasameSudachi SawaKanagi IzumiRen IsuzuNanaka Tokiwa
Puella Historia
Present-day KamihamaThe Battle Shamanesses of KamihamaThe Mirage of AlexandriaThe Valkyrie of VikThe Rakshasi of TibetThe Heiress of YamataiThe Lovers in the Pax RomanaPillar of Tomorrow
Event stories (by year)
My Diary With YouAnd So, the Azaleas BloomMagical Halloween TheaterReaching a Happier HeightAnother DazeChristmas at Mikazuki Villa
Mitama's Special Training: Kyoko and FeliciaAmane Sisters and Tsuruno
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