Kanae Yukino
Kanae Yukino | |
![]() | |
Japanese Name | (雪野 かなえ) Yukino Kanae |
Voiced by | Japanese: Nanako Mori
English: Abby Trott |
ID No: | 3049 |
Release Date (JP): | May 21, 2018 |
Release Date (NA): | January 21, 2020 |
Kanae Yukino (雪野 かなえ Yukino Kanae) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. Kanae first appeared only in a flashback, when Iroha and the others relive Mifuyu’s memories while inside the Memory Museum. She was later released as a playable character in May 2018. She is a magical girl with a love of playing guitar.
General Info
Physical Features | |
Age | 16 |
Eye colour | Purple |
Hair colour | Light blonde |
Height | 159cm |
Magic | |
Soul Gem | Red crucifix shaped gem with elaborate gold framing (right shoulder accessory) |
Weapon | Iron pipe (resembles a Japanese smoking pipe) |
Witch Form | Gibdaughter |
Powers and Abilities | Ignore Armor (Direct damage to the inside by ignoring defense) |
Wish | “I wished to erase this slimy leech's whole syndicate from reality. Immediately...” |
Other | |
Japanese pronoun | atashi (あたし) |
Known relatives | None known |
Origins | Sakae Ward |
School | Sakae General School |
Game Info
Stats, Connect, Magia Data | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kanae was always quiet and kind since she was a child; however, as she grew older, bad characters flocked to her due to her severe expression. Not one to back down, she found herself in fights every day. After discovering music, she started playing the guitar.
Doppel Description

The Doppel of resonance. Its form is a hummingbird. The master of this emotion is fond of her Doppel's body, which reverberates well. The Doppel aligns the pitch of its singing voice to resonate with any physical object until it shatters. It is also likely to use its voice to oscillate the brains of organisms, then use high frequency sound waves to vibrate its beak, with which it pierces the hearts of its victims with great precision.
Side Story
Warning, this section contains spoilers. |
The following is a summary posted on 4chan's /pmmm/ general by Summary Anon. Kanae has the face of a thug thus she grew up being harassed by actual thugs and got into fights. She became a Magical Girl because a thug from a local gang targeted her after losing a fight. He took her only friend Kohai as hostage and intended to ravage them as revenge. Kyubey gave the bait and Kanae took it since there was no other way. Her wish was she wanted the eradication of the thug's gang. He had just joined another one. She distanced herself from Kohai and chased after the thug when she caught wind of him appearing again. She barged into Kanagi's territory and they got into a fight since Kanagi thought Kanae was a poacher. Their fight led them to Yachiyo's territory and she and Mifuyu intervene. At this time, Kanagi and Yachiyo are not acquaintances. Both sides explained their reasons and accepted mediation from Yachiyo. Kanae passes out from her injuries. She is nursed back to health at Yachiyo's home. It seems Kanagi left a grief seed to heal Kanae as a form of apology. She was being overly aggressive since her territory has been plagued by poachers recently. Yachiyo introduced Kanae as a friend who has ran away from home. Yachiyo's grandmother is a kind and loving elderly lady who warmed Kanae's heart. After being nursed to health, Kanae wanted to go back to see Yachiyo's grandmother again but cannot find a reason to. Yachiyo found her loitering around her place and knowingly invites her home. She also informs her that grandma is worried for her as well. Kanae took the offer after some considerations and this begin her life at Nanami's. Kanae joined the team of Yachiyo and Mifuyu and bonded together with them. Grandma was always there with a listening ear and Kanae is comfortable spilling all her worries out. Grandma's advice is she should lose the frowning face since it attracts the same company and give more thought on what she wants than how people look at her. Slowly, Kanae changed for the better. She took up music so she could express herself, joining the K-on club and taking rock. She gets along well with the members and has a good time. Sometime later, she is returning home with two of her band mates, excited about practicing at a studio and bid each other goodbye. Mifuyu arrives and informs Kanae about a witch nearby when they hear a scream. Mifuyu saw two girls with musical instruments being carried off in a black van, and Kanae chases after it. She found her friends at the same place where Kohai was once held hostage. It was the same thug, and she knocks her out easy this time round. Mifuyu arrives and notes that the thug was kissed by the witch, and Kanae decides to call the cops to send the girls home and arrest the thug. The girls were no longer afraid of Kanae after this. Mifuyu informed Kanae that grandma is hospitalized and Yachiyo is there with her. After some thought, Kanae decides to hunt the witch to prevent it from hurting others instead, leaving grandma under Yachiyo's care. Mifuyu joins her and they are able to nail down the witch's location. However, the witch is too strong and they are having trouble defeating it. Yachiyo arrives just in time, informing the two that grandma is alright and affirmed by the doctor. They make short work of the witch and rush back to the hospital. Grandma is happy that she is surrounded by the kind girls and hopes that they will be there when it is time for her funeral. Back in the present, Kanae's ghost apologizes to grandma for going first. However, Kanae has no regrets since she choose to give her life willingly, and thanked the Nanamis and Mifuyu for giving her the chance to change into a better person. It ends with Kanae's voiced line: "Nice to see that you are well, Yachiyo". |
Costume Stories

Kanae is haunting the realm of the Halloween Castle. She knows she is just an imaginary being created from the fragments of Kanagi Izumi’s memories of the original Kanae. All she knows is that for some reason a green-haired girl named Mel Anna is interested in her. As the two hangout in the Halloween Castle, Mel urges Kanae to go Trick-or-Treating with her since it is Halloween after all. However, after asking the other Magical Girls around they weren’t able to score a single piece of candy. However, they soon spot Yachiyo Nanami and Mifuyu Azusa, but it seems they don’t have any candy either. Mel decides that gives them the right to play a trick on them but the only thing they’ve been able to come up with for a trick is to tickle them and Mel thinks it’s starting to get lame. Since it’s their last shot at trick-or-treating for the night, Mel asks Kanae to think of the last trick to play but Kanae is at a loss. Yachiyo tells her she doesn’t have to listen to Mel if she doesn’t want to but Mel insists her request is neither unreasonable nor impossible. Kanae finally comes up with something so she whispers into Mel’s ear. Mel nods and says their trick is that they’re going to hit them, but not mean. Mel bops the two of them on the head and says it’s because she loves them. Kanae also bops them on the head (The screen goes white as she does so. The log for the scene shows that Kanae whispered the words “You two will be ok…”) as well. The two smile and bid them a Happy Halloween. She may not be the real Kanae but she wanted to tell them something with a prank that both hurts but doesn’t hurt.
Back at the Coordinator’s Shop, Yachiyo rubs her head where she got hit by Kanae. The two of them are lamenting the trick a little. As Yachiyo thinks back to the prank, she could have swore that Kanae had said something when she bopped them, but she couldn’t make out what it was. Whatever it was, it was a ridiculous prank.
Event Appearances
- Mitama's Special Training - Iroha and Yachiyo Episode
- Voices From Beyond
- Girls in the Hood
- Halloween Castle of Prayers and Funeral ~The Living are Bewildered, The Dead are Silent
Other Appearances
In Mifuyu’s memories, Kanae urges Yachiyo to visit her grandmother in the hospital while she still can. Kanae also purchased a guitar and gave her first concert on that night. Thereafter, she and the other girls try to fight off a witch, but are quickly overpowered. Kanae sacrifices herself so that Yachiyo can deliver the finishing blow to the witch. In doing so, her soul gem was shattered, and Yachiyo and Mifuyu discover the secret of soul gems after attempting to use a grief seed on it.
Powers and Abilities
Kanae's unique magic allows her to inflict internal damage on her opponents, likely through vibrations. Additionally, she seemed to possess illusion magic similar to Kyoko and Mifuyu, enabling her to create illusionary clones of herself during combat, as seen in her game animations.
With its hummingbird-like body, Kanae's Doppel, Gibdaughter, is capable of flight using its wings. It can also manipulate sound to adjust the pitch of its singing voice to resonate with objects until they shatter.
- The characters in her last name mean "snow" (雪) and "field" (野) respectively.
- Her illustrator is NOCO.
- The name of her Doppel is a pun on the Gibson guitar brand.
- Its design is a reference to the very popular model of acoustic guitar, the Gibson Humingbird.
- Despite her Soul Gem being more consistently portrayed as magenta (in contrast to her purple eyes) in both the game (as seen here and here) as well as the anime adaptation (as seen here and here), its egg form is colored purple in Episode 12 of the anime. This inconsistency is presumably a mistake.
- Her weapon being a metal pipe may be in reference to when she made her wish. When she and the thug (who took her friend hostage) faced off, she fought him with a metal pipe.
Magia Record Four Star card
Magia Record Five Star card
In-game sprite.
Halloween Costume
Magical Girl Seal 2019
Kanae in the manga
In Touka's lecture on soul gems
Kanae Anime Screenshots
Kanae's school uniform
Kanae's Magical Girl form
Kanae's Soul Gem, transformed
Kaede's Soul Gem, untransformed (center)
Memoria Cards
To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
![]() (NA: That Which Speaks for Me) |
**Unique to Kanae Yukino** "…" I quietly stare down at the proof that I’ve changed. I strum note by note into the air, and the strings of my heart, which were pulled tight, slowly relax. I feel like my heart enjoys making music. | 「…………」 静かに見据える先にあるものは、自分が変わった証1音、1音、指で弾いて音を空気に滑らせていくと、張り詰めていた心の弦も緩んで、気持ち良く音を立てている気がする | ||
![]() (NA: Gentle Breeze) |
A gentle breeze flows through the now-silent classroom, caressing my hair softly. It seems the twilight is no longer an invitation to the night frenzy or the barbs of Witch battles. It proves it... The tranquility in my heart proves it. So I will fend off my past, no matter how many times it rears its ugly head. | 静かになった教室に飛びこんでくる風が、心地良く髪を撫でる
黄昏は夜の喧騒や、魔女と争う茨への誘いではなくなったらしい 証明している…この穏やかな心が証明しているから… だから振り払ってみせよう、どれだけ過去が追いかけてきても… |
![]() (NA: Watching Over Them Together) |
(The two I saw in my dream. They couldn’t have met each other, so why were they standing together? I don’t know, but it somehow feels right. Kanae doesn’t express herself much, so I can just see Mel dragging her around everywhere.) | (私が夢で見たふたり。一緒に居るはずがないのに、
どうして並んで見えたのかしら…。分からないけど、なんだか しっくりと来るような気がする。かなえって余り主張しないから、 メルに引っ張り回されるのが、目に浮かぶみたいだわ) |
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
External links
Gameplay Videos
- Recording of Kanae's Transformation Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Kanae's Magia Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Kanae's Doppel Video on Youtube (JP)
Side Story and Costume Story Videos
- Recording of Kanae's MSS on Youtube (JP): Episode 1/3, Episode 2/3, Episode 3/3
- Recording of Kanae's Halloween Costume Story on Youtube (JP)