Sayaka Miki (Scene 0 ver.)

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Sayaka Miki
Japanese Name 美樹 さやか (scene0 ver.) (Miki Sayaka (Scene 0 ver.))
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Ume Aoki
Sasagi Koushi
Voiced by Japanese: Eri Kitamura
ID No: 2402
Release Date (JP): December 4, 2023
For her full bio, see Sayaka Miki (or in Magia Record).

Sayaka Miki (Scene 0 ver.) (美樹 さやか (scene0 ver.) (Miki Sayaka (Scene 0 ver.)) was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She is a version of Sayaka Miki as she appears in Scene 0, a prequel story to Puella Magi Madoka Magica in Magia Record.

General Info

Physical Features
Age 14
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Blue
Height 158-160 cm
Soul Gem C-shape, similar to a crescent moon or a mermaid's tail on her abdomen
Weapon Cutlass
Witch Form Oktavia von Seckendorff
Powers and Abilities Treatment (Accelerated Healing)
Wish To heal the arm of Kyosuke Kamijo (exact wording unknown)
Japanese pronoun atashi (あたし)
Known relatives Unnamed mother and unnamed aunt
Origins Mitakihara City
School Mitakihara Middle School, Second Year

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 8439 1866 2719

Max at ★4 30599 6669 9929
Max at ★5 37777 8233 12257

Max SE 46169 10488 16014
Connect: You should be rewarded!

★4 Regenerate HP [VII] (3T) & Barrier [8,000 HP]
★5 Regenerate HP [X] (3T) & Barrier [10,000 HP]
{{{2}}} Magia: Animato Fortissimo

★4 Damage to Single Enemy [V] & Barrier [10,000 HP] (Self / 3T) & Defense UP (Self / 3T) & Guaranteed Guardian (Self / 1T) & Status Ailment Resistance UP (Self / 1T)
★5 Damage to Single Enemy [VII] & Barrier [10,000 HP] (Self / 3T) & Defense UP (Self / 3T) & Guaranteed Guardian (Self / 1T) & Status Ailment Resistance UP (Self / 1T)
{{{2}}} Magia 2: Futurismo Concertante

★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to Single Enemy [IX] & Barrier [10,000 HP] (All / 5T) & Defense UP (All / 5T) & Guaranteed Guardian (Self / 3T) & Status Ailment Resistance UP (Self / 3T) & Regenerate HP (Self / 3T)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +6% +4% +8% +6% +4% +6%
5★ +7% +5% +9% +7% +5% +7%

SE +7% +5% +9% +13% +8% +17%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Blast Magia Wall Blast Damage Cut [V] & Magia Damage Cut [V]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Regeneration F Shield Regenerate HP [III] & Flame Attribute Damage Cut [III]

Full Gauge Guard Defense UP While At Max Health [VII]

Covering Adept Chance to Guardian

Conversion Adept MP UP When Damaged [VI] & MP Gain UP [IV]

Survive Aura Survive [IX] (Self / ∞T on Battle Start)

Endure Adept MP UP When Damaged [V]

H Shield Aura Damage Cut [III] & Defense UP [III] (All / 5T on Battle Start)

Healing Veil Regenerate HP [V] (Self / 3T) & HP Restore [V] (Self) CD: 5 turns


A magical girl with a strong sense of justice in the midst of repeating time. She's a second-year student at Mitakihara Middle School. After school, she goes to the hospital where her childhood friend, Kyosuke Kamijo, is hospitalized, and also helps out at Récompense, which is run by Sakie. She's best friends with her classmate Madoka.

Side Story



  • The film in her 4 star card and Kyoko's 4 star card art mirror each other.


Game Gallery

Official Art

Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Bittersweet Heart
Full Gauge Heal Shield
Normal Passive
Defense UP While At Max Health [IV] & Defense UP [III] I& Regenerate HP [II]
Max Limit Break
Defense UP While At Max Health [V] & Defense UP [IV] & Regenerate HP [III]
**Unique to Sayaka Miki (Scene 0 ver.)**
What if it doesn't suit your tastes? What if they think it's clumsy?

I still want you to be happy, so I'm just going to go out on a limb and give it to you. I don't care if it's out of character,

Because this is my true "feelings" without any lies.
もし口に合わなかったら? 不格好だって思われたら?

それでも喜んでほしいから、今は思い切って渡すだけ らしくないって思われてもいい

A Song to Share
Guardian Shield
Normal Passive
Chance to Guardian [III] & Defense UP [IV] & Damage Cut [III]
Max Limit Break
Chance to Guardian [IV] & Defense UP [V] & Damage Cut [IV]
"This person's playing is really amazing. Would you like to listen to it too, Sayaka?"

"I-If that's okay..." I can't tell you how nervous I am about this...!

It's okay, just focus on the song and you'll calm down...!

「い、いいのかな…」 この緊張を伝えるわけにはいかない…!

Guided by the Melody
Hard Covering
Guaranteed Guardian (Self / 1T) & Defense UP [II] (Self / 1T) 9 turns
Max Limit Break
Guaranteed Guardian (Self / 1T) & Defense UP [III] (Self / 1T) 8 turns
The sound that attracted the audience spread throughout the tranquil space,

leaving a sad and sweet aftertaste that makes the girl think, "I want everyone to hear it, too."

The girl was simply captivated by the tone.

静謐な空間いっぱいに広がって、切なく甘やかな余韻を残す 「みんなにも聴いてほしい」と思ってしまうくらい

We'll be there, Someday, Somewhere
Assault Break
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Attack DOWN [III] (All / 3T) & Damage DOWN [III] (All / 3T) 8 turns
Even if I don't remember it, even if I don't remember seeing it in my dreams,

the warm scene is wrapped in dazzling light and is etched with nostalgia.

If we were to meet again, I'm sure we'll laugh together then, too.

あたたかなシーンはまばゆい光に包まれて 懐かしく刻まれている

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Dialogue Videos