Mami Tomoe in Magia Record

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Mami Tomoe
Mami magia record profile.png
Japanese Name 巴 マミ (Tomoe Mami)
Voiced by Japanese: Kaori Mizuhashi

For her full bio, see Tomoe Mami

General Info

Physical features

  • Age: 15 (estimated)
  • Height: 156-159 cm
  • Eye colour: Yellow
  • Hair colour: Yellow


  • Soul Gem: Yellow flower on right side of her head
  • Weapon: Ribbons (Turned into Percussion-lock rifled muskets)
  • Wish: To connect to life / save herself (exact wording unknown)
  • Witch form: Candeloro
  • Japanese pronoun: watashi ()
  • Known relatives: Father and/or Mother (deceased)
  • School: Mitakihara Middle School (9th Grade)

Game Info

Game related data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute
★4 → ★5 100 Magia Attribute forest.png
Initial 4687 2079 1480
Max at ★4 16629 7646 5212
Max at ★5 20941 9652 6553
Disk accele.png Disk accele.png Disk blast horizontal.png Disk charge.png Disk charge.png
Connect: Tiro Duet!
★4: Damage UP [VII] & Guaranteed Bind Edge & Guaranteed Burn Edge
★5: Damage UP [IX] & Guaranteed Bind Edge & Guaranteed Burn Edge
Magia: Tiro Finale
★4: Damage All Enemies [VI] & Bind (All / 1 T) & Defense DOWN (Self / 1 T)
★5: Damage All Enemies [VIII] & Bind (All / 1 T) & Burn (All / 3 T) & Defense DOWN (Self / 1 T)
Damage All Enemies [X] & Bind (All / 1 T) & Burn (All / 3 T)


A magical girl that has been fighting witches in Mitakihara City for longer than Kaname Madoka and the others. A 3rd year at Mitakihara Middle School. As a magical girl, she is a good senpai to Madoka and the others, and she takes pride in being able to save people. She likes black tea.

Side Story

In Kamihama City, Mami is unsure of what to investigate first. Sensing a witch, she enters a barrier and finds a magical girl fighting familiars. Mami saves the girl and they defeat the familiars together, with Mami using Tiro Finale. Afterward, the magical girl introduces herself as Kanoko Yayoi and thanks Mami. Kanoko says it's been awhile since she's gone hunting so she has a bad time. Mami says she can't agree with that, feeling that witch hunting is not something to be done half-heartedly. She tells Kanoko not to be reckless with her life.

Kanoko says she can't help but be reckless because she has something more important. Mami realizes Kanoko didn't really want to be a magical girl, but rather had to be one. Mami apologizes to Kanoko, though Kanoko insists it's alright. Kanoko reveals her dream is to become a fashion designer. She shows Mami her book of designs, which are very odd. One of the designs has mushrooms on it. Mami tactfully says they are original and wishes Kanoko good luck. She also tells Kanoko not to push herself too hard when fighting witches. Kanoko then asks Mami for advice on hunting witches. Mami says to analyze and record witches, and to practice her magic. Mami also says there's one important shortcut to becoming a great magical girl: Naming your own moves!

Mami says that naming your moves can give you courage. Kanoko then practices saying Tiro Finale, and says it's super stylish. She asks Mami to name one of her moves. Mami asks Kanoko about her magic, which is sewing. Mami thinks a bit and says that Kanoko should think up names herself, like a signature. Kanoko decides on the name "Yayoi Collection" (her in-game Magia move). Mami tactfully says it's an original name. Kanoko thanks Mami and they depart.

On a later day, Mami returns to Kamihama and drinks tea. She overheards a girl talking to another about a necklace. Mami thinks they're too loud. They leave, and Mami prepares to enjoy her tea until she sees the girl, Rika Ayano, has come up to her. Rika says that she saw Mami fighting the other day (with Kanoko) and praises Mami for saving other people. Rika asks Mami to be her friend, which Mami is fine with. She also reveals she's a third year in middle school, like Mami. Rika then gets a phone call from someone who had to cancel their plans with Rika. Since she now has time, Rika asks Mami to help out.

While shopping, Mami asks Rika why she was invited. Rika says there was no reason. They stop at a clothes shop, and then an arcade. Mami turns out to be really good at the arcade games, despite not playing them often. Mami wonders if it's because she's a magical girl. Mami tells Rika it's been awhile since she played around like this. Rika tells Mami she should enjoy her youth, even if she is a veteran. After leaving the arcade, Rika asks Mami if she had fun. Mami said she did, and that Rika reminds her of the first magical girl friend she made - Kyoko Sakura. Rika asks if they're still friends, but Mami admits they aren't close anymore. Mami thinks they could have stayed together if she was stronger. However, Rika think it was just a misunderstanding. She believes Mami is already a strong and kind person, so it can't be the reason she lost her friend.

Rika then says Mami must have other friends, which reminds Mami of Madoka Kaname, Sayaka Miki and Homura Akemi. Mami says they're her adorable juniors. She says she has to be the best as their senior, but she was able to be herself today. Mami thanks Rika, who finds it embarassing. Rika said she had fun too, and asks Mami not to be too stressed out. She takes Mami's contact information and says she'll call when she wants to do a group date. Mami is shocked and says she wouldn't go to one. Rika laughs and asks Mami to hang out again sometime. Before leaving, she says that if Mami ever gets a boyfriend they should have a double date. Rika says that Mami's homework is finding a boyfriend.

On another day, Mami fights off a swarm of familiars. Afterward, she's confronted by Nanaka Tokiwa. Nanaka introduces herself and says that she wanted to meet Mami because of the rumors. According to these rumors, the strongest magical girl came from Mitakihara, a real monster who has never been to the Adjuster even once. Nanaka wants Mami to team up with her to help fight witches. Mami says she's on a team already, and she doesn't come to Kamihama that often. Nanaka then asks Mami to fight her.

As Mami puzzles over Nanaka's request, Akira Shinobu arrives. Akira recognizes Mami from a rumor where she reportedly cut a hundred people down. Nanaka explains that Mami uses rifles, which causes Akira to think she shot a hundred people. She asks to fight Mami as well. Mami explains she's not the strongest, nor has she cut down a hundred people. However, the girls insist. Mami decides she'll accept the challenge on one condition: They have to have tea with her. At the cafe, Nanaka and Akira ask Mami why she wants tea time. Mami says it's fun. Mami then says she notices Akira is a kind person, the sort who can't leave someone in trouble. Akira says she feels if someone is counting on her, then she wants to save, but thinks that's just a no-brainer. Nanaka says it isn't and agrees Akira is a kind magical girl; in fact it's an observable fact! Akira gives her own observable fact: Nanaka's a strategic genius. Akira says that Nanaka's strategies help save everyone, which make her one rank higher than Akira. Nanaka says she never thought about it that way.

Mami says the girls make a good team. She explains she was alone until recently, but really admires and is jealous of the partnership the girls have. Nanaka is surprised, while Akira admits it's a bit flattering. Mami again thinks of Madoka, Sayaka, and Homura. She wonders if there's a wall between herself and the other three. She thinks it's because she's forcing herself to play the role of their senior. She decides that maybe she can be herself, just a bit.

Afterward, the girls leave the cafe. Mami offers to fight them now, but Akira thinks they should save it for another day. Akira says she realized that Nanaka is her best friend, that this alone is enough for today, and that she owes Mami for making her realize that. Nanaka agrees. Mami says the girls are wonderful friends, and while she won't form an alliance on a whim, she's willing to work with them. She also says she's willing to fight them if they want. While she couldn't become their ally on the spot, she's willing to help them now that they know each other better. Nanaka realizes that this is why Mami wanted to have tea with them and looks forward to their future cooperation. Mami says they'll have tea again next time she comes to Kamihama and departs. Mami thinks that when she gets back to Mitakihara, she needs to tell others about the people she met.

Event Appearances

Other Appearances

See Holy Mami.



Memoria Cards

Card Effect Cooldown Eng Text Jap Text
Black Tea of Victory
Gain additional MP when hit by a weak element [IV]
Max Limit Break:
Gain additional MP when hit by a weak element [V]
Passive The aroma of black tea wafts through the air, soothing her body.
The flavor of a cup had after defeating a witch is special.
The hectic battle moments before is as if it were a lie,
And time returns to its normal leisurely flow.

魔女を倒した後の一杯の味わいは特別 さっきまでの慌ただしかった戦いが嘘のように ゆっくりとした時間の流れを戻してくれる

Closely Watched Heart
Defense UP [V] (Self / 1 T)
Max Limit Break:
Defense UP [VI] (Self / 1 T)
6 turns
Max Limit Break:
5 turns
Around Kaname Madoka are three girls.

One is her close friend, one is her reliable senpai, and the last is a transfer student full of mystery... They all have their own differing closeness to her, and they all gaze at her with their own differing thoughts.


ひとりは気のおけない友人、ひとりは頼れる先輩 そしてもうひとりは、謎だらけの転校生… 彼女たちはそれぞれの距離から、それぞれの想いで見つめている。

Changing into Swimsuits
Chance of Charm & Attack DOWN [V] (All / 1 T)
Max Limit Break:
Max Limit Break:
Different Story: Mami and Kyoko
Charged Attack Damage UP [V] (Self / 1 T)
Max Limit Break:
Charged Attack Damage UP [VI] (Self / 1 T)
6 turns
Max Limit Break:
5 turns
To the magical girl who was fighting in solitude

The reassuring partner who cares for her as a senior came. Every time they battle repeatedly The two hearts also overlap.


先輩と呼び慕う心強い相棒がやって来た。 戦いを幾度も重ねていくたびに ふたりの心も重なり合っていく。

Embrace Your Hopes and Dreams!
Regenerate HP (I) Each Turn

(2% HP/turn)
Max Limit Break:
Regenerate HP (II) Each Turn (3% HP/turn)

15 turns
Max Limit Break:
13 turns
"Whatever kind of witch we face, we won't lose! There's no such thing as fate that can't be changed! Since magical girls can make hopes and dreams come true, as long as you put your mind to it, you'll definitely make miracles happen!" 「どんな魔女が相手だって、私たちは負けない!

変えられない運命なんてない! 魔法少女は、夢と希望を叶えるんだから、 ずっと想い続ければ、奇跡はきっと起こせるはず!」

Hope in Despair
Counter Chance [II]
Max Limit Break:
Counter Chance [III]
Passive Even if the truth is confronted, it stands still.

Even though it is inevitable, now is not the time to despair. If you are with your friends, you can become stronger again and again.


それが必然だとしても、絶望するのは今じゃない。 仲間と一緒なら、何度だって強くなれる。

Magical Girls that Define Causality
Magia UP [III]
Max Limit Break:
Magia UP [IV]
Passive One carries a sharp sword that slices through the darkness,
One carries a fierce gun that blasts away nightmares,
One carries a swaying lance that pierces any threats,
and one carries a glittering shield that makes time wander, and they are all tied by fate.

一人は、その猛き銃砲をもって悪夢を撃ち抜き、 一人は、その揺らめく槍をもって脅威を貫き、 一人は、その煌く盾をもって時を彷徨い歩き、因果を結びつけてゆく。

A Moment of Rest
Draw Owner's Disks
Max Limit Break:
Draw Owner's Disks
15 turns
Max Limit Break:
13 turns
**Unique to Tomoe Mami**

An elegant tea time.

For these girls who are fated to continue fighting, relaxation is also important.



Reliable Mami-senpai!
Damage UP [II]
Max Limit Break:
Damage UP [III]
Passive ”During all the unbelievable things that happened, and all the terrifying things, too, Mami-san is there leading the way ahead of me so that I can take a step forward. Because Mami-san is by my side, my heart grows in strength. Thank you as always, my strong, kind, and beloved senpai..." 「信じられないような出来事があっても、とっても怖い目にあっても、マミさんが前を歩いてくれるから、一歩を踏み出せる。

マミさんがそばにいてくれるから、心を強く持てる。 いつもありがとうございます、強くて優しくて大好きな先輩…」

Welcoming with Treats
Chance to Apply Fog [VI] (All / 1T)
Max Limit Break:
Chance to Apply Fog [VII] (All / 1T)
7 turns
Max Limit Break:
6 turns
"Oh, Kaname-san, you've got a really nice decoration."

"Mami's cake seems to be very delicious, too." "I made it by hand today, I wonder who that is? Miki-san should have just gone out for a drink..."

Summer Impact!?

Max Limit Break: