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Japanese Name エボニー
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Voiced by Japanese: Tomori Kusunoki
ID No: 1048
Release Date (JP): March 10, 2023

Ebony was a playable character in the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She was the focal character of Puella Historia The Mirage of Alexandria Arc.

General Info

Physical Features
Age Unknown
Eye colour Pink
Hair colour Black with purple sheen
Soul Gem Scarab Beetle with magenta circle (fabric clasp, torso)
Weapon Censer
Witch Form Apebis
Powers and Abilities Can charm and manipulate people with perfume from her censer
Wish “I want Pharaoh Cleopatra to have glory enough to carve her name in history.”
Japanese pronoun Watashi ()
Known relatives Unnamed parents (deceased)
Origins Alexandria, Egypt [1]
School Not attending
Affiliation Met Clan
  1. She's shown as living in Alexandria, but originally comes from a remote village.

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 6268 2299 2046

Max at ★4 22890 8336 7312
Max at ★5 28257 10288 9023

Max SE 35486 12874 12807
Connect: Wings of Bennu

★4 Damage UP [VII] & MP Restore [V] & Guaranteed Dazzle
★5 Damage UP [IX] & MP Restore [VII] & Guaranteed Dazzle
{{{2}}} Magia: The Eyes of Horus

★4 Attribute Strengthened Damage to Single Enemy [VI] & Dark Attribute Defense DOWN (Single / 2T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (All / 3T) & Damage Increase (All / 3T)
★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to Single Enemy [VIII] & Dark Attribute Defense DOWN (Single / 2T) & Attack UP (All / 5T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (All / 5T) & Damage Increase (All / 5T)
{{{2}}} Doppel: Apebis

★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to Single Enemy [VI] & Dark Attribute Defense DOWN (Single / 3T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (All / 3T) & Damage Increase (All / 3T)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +6% +7% +5% +8% +4% +4%
5★ +7% +8% +6% +9% +5% +5%

SE +7% +8% +6% +15% +13% +9%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Morale Adept MP Gain UP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Mana Spring Adept Regenerate MP [III]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [II] & Magia Damage UP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [II] & Magia Damage UP [II]

Anti-Seal Magia Guaranteed Anti-Magia Seal

Mana Spring Aura Regenerate MP [XV] (Self / 2T on Battle Start)

Resist Shield Negate Status Ailments [x1] (∞T on Battle Start)

Dark Thrust Adept Dark Attribute Attack UP [V] & Accele MP Gain UP [III] (All / ∞T on Battle Start)

D Magia Up Circle Dark Attribute Attack UP [III] (All / 1T) & Magia Damage UP [II] (All / 1T) CD: 9 turns


A magical girl born into a family loyal to the Pharaohs. From an early age, she was sworn to obedience to the dynasty and forced by the adults to enter into a magical girl contract. She secretly wonders if she was really born just to serve the Pharaohs.

Doppel Description

Apebis, Ebony's doppel

The Doppel of skepticism. Its form is a vulture. From the moment that the master of this emotion was born, she has been forced into a life of servitude to the Pharaohs. But upon realizing that other ways of life exist, she was wracked with conflict. This Doppel continually emits fluctuations in response to that conflict, and creates doubt in the hearts of those around it as it propagates the fluctuations with its wingbeats. These doubts quickly balloon into various opposing poles– joy and sorrow, hope and resignation, veneration and contempt– thus calling forth further chaos. As this chaos reaches its breaking point and overflows, it drags everything down with it into transience and uncertainty.

Side Story

Warning, this section contains spoilers.

June of 31 BCE: Ebony is summoned by an Elder of the Met Clan to make a contract with the White Beast God to serve Cleopatra, and from that point, protect the royal family from Evil Gods and their Messengers. On the day of the ceremony, Ebony makes her wish to Kyubey for Cleopatra to have glory enough to carve her name in history. Ebony arrives in Alexandria to become Cleopatra's lady-in-waiting, and she notices increasing tension from the conflict between Cleopatra and Octavius. As dissatisfaction with the Pharaoh grows in Alexandria, Ebony discovers her magic of charming and controlling others with the smoke from her censer whilst fighting a familiar. A soldier reminds her that her survival depends on continuing to fight and serve the Pharaoh. Cleopatra recognizes Ebony’s abilities and has her use them to ensure loyalty among the citizens. After some time, Kyubey suggests Ebony abandon the dynasty to focus solely on fighting Evil Gods, but she refuses.

Event Appearances

Powers and Abilities

Ebony wields magic that allows her to control the minds and actions of those who inhale the perfume from her censer. She frequently uses this ability to maintain obedience among the people of Egypt and to ensure Cleopatra remains highly regarded. In battle, Ebony can generate purple energy orbs from her censer, which she hurls at her enemies. She can also manipulate the perfume to create a purple fog which sh can use it to conceal herself.

The wing beats of Apebis instill doubts in the hearts of those nearby, causing these doubts to spiral into intense and polarizing emotions. It also attacks by manipulating cloth, to wrap its victims in linen to mummify them.


  • 'Ebony' denotes wood of trees of the Diospyros family. The word comes from the Ancient Egyptian hbny.


  • Due to the fact that Egypt was controlled by a Greek dynasty and had close ties with the Roman Empire during the time period of her event, it's possible that her family may be Greek or Roman instead of Egyptian.
  • She is the sixth playable character to lack a family name, the others being Lil' Kyubey, Kuroe, Chizuru, Kuro (黒) and Kuro (くろ).
  • Ebony's design seems to be heavily themed around Egyptian deities.
    • Her magical girl outfit resembles some of the clothing worn by Egyptian deities.
    • Her Soul Gem is based on Scarab artifacts, a symbol common in Egyptian mythology, that is said to represent the god Khepri. Here, her Soul Gem takes the place of the ball (sun) the scarab holds.
    • Her head-dress is a peacock, which is said to reference the sun god Ra and is also associated with the Eye of Horus. Despite her wearing several sun symbols, she is a Dark-type.
    • The name of her Connect references Bennu, an Egyptian god linked with the Sun, creation, and rebirth.
    • Her Magia name references Horus, the most significant god of the Egyptian pantheon and the god of kingship and the sky.
  • Her Doppel's name, Apebis, is a combination of Apeba (a genus of longhorn beetles, referencing scarabs and Khepri) and Anubis (the Egyptian god of mummification that takes the form of a jackal).
    • Despite its name being associated with beetles and jackals, the Doppel itself takes the form of a vulture. Vultures, being carrion birds, are also associated with death. The Egyptian goddess Nekhbet, who took the form of a vulture, was a patron goddess of the city Nekheb who ultimately became the patron of Upper Egypt, and then one of two patrons for the entirety of Egypt once it was unified. In ancient Egypt, vulture crowns were protective symbols of the goddess worn by high ranking priestesses, the Great Royal Wives, and female pharaohs.
  • The name of her clan, the Met Clan, is an Ancient Egyptian word that means "lioness".


Game Gallery

Official Art

Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Dazzling Fragrance
Accele Draw
Accele Draw 5 turns
Max Limit Break
Accele Draw 4 turns
**Unique to Ebony**
This is not a sacred incense dedicated to God, but an incense that deceives and manipulates people.

Once you let it waft over the area, the place is instantly under your control. Once the sensation of smoke wafting into your head is seared into your mind,

All that remains is to surrender and let "her" guide you.

辺り一面に漂わせれば、たちまちその場は掌中へと収まる 頭の中にまで煙がたゆたうかのような感覚がひとたび刻まれれば

Wavering Loyalty
D Doppel Up
Magia Damage UP [VI] & Doppel Damage UP [VI] & Dark Attribute Attack UP [X] (Self / 1T) 10 turns
Max Limit Break
Magia Damage UP [VII] & Doppel Damage UP [VII] & Dark Attribute Attack UP [XI] (Self / 1T) 8 turns
Since I was a child, I have been told to devote my body and soul entirely to the Pharaoh.

I have lived my life accordingly, without the slightest hesitation. But now, the throne in front of me looks distorted

I must hide the glimpses of regret with my scarred loyalty

これまで微塵の迷いもなく、その通りに歩んできた人生 だけど、今、目の前の玉座は歪んで見える

Gorge of Fate
Berserk Adept
Normal Passive
Attack UP [IV] & Defense Down [IV]
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [V] & Defense Down [IV]
My fate was changed a lot in this gorge

My fate was changed by the "God" I met in this gorge. I just keep on walking through the darkest valley floors

Without noticing the faint light overhead.

この谷で出会った“神”が変えてしまった私の運命 私はひたすらに、闇深い谷底を歩いていく

An Odd Coincidence
Astral Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Magia Damage Up [V / 15%] & Accele MP Gain Up [IV / 17.5%]
Two girls face each other across time and across countries.

Their family's karma weighs heavily on their backs. Is this why they were drawn to each other, or is it a tangle of causes and effects?

Either way, this encounter shines with an intense and vivid light, illuminating the world around them.

彼女たちの背中には、一族の業が重くのしかかる だからこそ惹かれ合ったのか、それとも因果のもつれなのか

Blown By the Dust
Mesmerize Mirage
??? ? turns
Max Limit Break
Chance to Dazzle [V] (All / 1T) 6 turns
Losing sight of left and right, I just keep looking forward and continue crossing the sea of sand.

When I looked back, my footprints were already blown away by the wind. No one will ever know my path again.

Yet, I look forward and never stop walking.

後ろを振り返ると、もう私の足跡は風に吹き消されていた これでもう、誰も私の道程を知ることはないだろう

Desert Walker
Dark Thrust Adept
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Dark Attribute Attack UP [V] & Accele MP Gain UP [IV]
She could not choose her own destiny.

Caught in the storm of a journey's destiny, she becomes a servant of the pharaoh. But while living a life of obscurity, the voice of comrades who have appeared from beyond time echoes in her heart.

Eventually, after regaining her soul, she sets out on a journey of faraway sands.

一族の宿業が吹き起こす嵐の中に巻き込まれ、王の僕となる しかして茫漠たる生を営むも、時を越えて現れし同志の声が心中に響き

A Battle That Will Make History
Star Breaker
Attack UP [VII] & Damage Increase [IV] (Self / 1T) 10 turns
Max Limit Break
Attack UP [VIII] & Damage Increase [V] (Self / 1T) 9 turns
Magical girls who try to resist their fate end up in sorrow.

The witch breeds sadness and paints over the history that has seeped into it. Breaking the chain of sorrow is the legend that connects hope to the future.

When the despair engraved in history is connected to the present, hope is carried to the future.

その染みついた歴史に、魔女が悲しみを繁殖させて上塗りする 悲しみの連鎖を断つのは、希望を未来へ繋ぐ伝説

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos