Magia Record Another Story Part 2 Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Gentle Connection

Summary is by TigerEye81

“Remorse is an unbearably heavy thing.”

Section 1: Nostalgia and Conflict

Shigure: “Now that we’re in the union… Where do we go from here…?”

Ui walks up to her sister to see what she’s doing. Iroha wants to send a message to Shigure and Hagumu, but doesn’t quite know how to word it. Since the KMU has obtained another stone, Iroha plans to throw a party to celebrate, and she hopes the party will allow them to become more familiar with each other.

Shigure gets the message and forwards it to Hagumu, who is being clumsy as ever in her school sewing club, so she didn’t see her own text from Iroha. When reunited, they discuss their worries about the message, and the ties they now have with the union, but suddenly, they get a text from Juri to meet up with her.

Despite Juri’s presence intimidating the duo, she’s in a rather chipper mood. After offering to buy the girls juice, she brings up a rumor that she heard from Livia. The rumor being that the Promised Blood is working alongside Magical Girls on the Eastern side of Kamihama, which both frustrates and intrigues Juri.

The duo confirms that they are Eastern Magical Girls, but note that the conflict between Western and Eastern Magical Girls is long over. Happy with the information, Juri goes about her day, leaving the duo with more questions than answers. Hagumu wonders if everyone really agrees with what the KMU is doing, and Shigure is worried that the West and East are going to potentially fight again.

With much reluctance, the duo goes to a certain maid cafe to find someone, who just so happens to be Kanagi while on her way to work. After the girls timidly request to speak to her, Kanagi agrees and gets in her maid outfit, before promptly serving her two clients.

The girls tell her about the rumor and their concerns, asking if Kanagi knows anyone that may be involved. Kanagi doesn’t deny the allegations, but claims she has seen no signs of unusual activity, and it would be very unlikely. That’s all the info they could get before she is called back into work, but not before giving the girls a coupon for the cafe.

Section 2: Seeking is Punishment

Hagumu: “Kanagi called us… It’s terrifying, but… we can’t run away, can we?”

The following day, the duo is called by Kanagi to meet up with her. Shigure is worried of her becoming hostile, which causes her to jump when Kanagi approaches them. Turns out, Kanagi decided to do a bit more digging on the rumor, and plans on visiting all the Magical Girls of the East, and wants to bring the duo along.

First stop, is Himika, who immediately recognizes the duo, who are currently too anxious to speak. After Kanagi interviews her, the three set off for their next person, who happens to be Ryo, who hopes that they can get along as well as they did when they were feathers. Next is the apartment trio, who are relieved for the duo’s well being. Riko also greets them eagerly, sharing the same relief.

After visiting Riko, Kanagi decides to call it a day, before interviewing the rest of the Eastern Magical Girls tomorrow. However, Shigure and Hagumu are stunned that everyone was so happy to see them, despite them being a part of the Magius. They don’t believe that they deserve the kindness that they were receiving, and were expecting only resentment.

Kanagi acknowledges this, but says that they are mainly at fault for worrying everyone for essentially vanishing. She then calls Hagumu over to her, and flicks her on the forehead, before proceeding to do the same with Shigure, claiming that this is their payback and punishment.

Upon seeing the duo’s reluctance to reconnect and befriend the union, Kanagi gathers all the previously mentioned Magical Girls to discuss throwing a ‘welcome home party’. Despite the duo shyly trying to discourage it, it becomes clear that everyone has their minds set. They accompany the other girls as they shop for supplies for the party, even though they’re still sulking about it, even after the sun goes down and everyone goes home.

Section 3: Sprout of Connection

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