Devil Homura in Magia Record

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Devil Homura
Japanese Name 悪魔暁美 ほむら (Akuma Homura)
Character Designer
Primary Artist
Ume Aoki
Sasagi Koushi
Voiced by Japanese: Chiwa Saitou
ID No: 2202
Release Date (JP): August 22, 2023
For her full bio, see Homura Akemi (or in Magia Record) and Devil Homura.

Devil Homura (悪魔暁美 ほむら Akuma Homura) was a playable character in Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She is an original character from Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion.

General Info

Physical Features
Age Timeless (estimated)
Eye colour Magenta
Hair colour Black
Height -
Soul Gem Purple Diamond hanging from salamander-shaped earring (left ear)
Weapon Crown-Shaped Dark Orb
Witch Form Homulilly
Powers and Abilities Memory Manipulation
Wish “...That' love for Madoka. So I need your strength again. Not as the shield that protects Madoka...but as the power that can pierce everything that threatens Madoka...Lend it to me...!”
Japanese pronoun watashi ()
Known relatives None known
Origins Another timeline
School Not attending

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★




Initial 8576 2383 2417

Max at ★4 31319 8640 8638
Max at ★5 38663 10667 10663

Max SE 48166 13466 13966
Connect: We'll get along fine, won't we?

★4 Dark Attribute Attack UP [XVIII] & Guaranteed Ignore Defense & Guaranteed Ignore Damage Cut
★5 Dark Attribute Attack UP [XX] & Guaranteed Ignore Defense & Guaranteed Ignore Damage Cut
{{{2}}} Magia: Impalement with Knitting Needles

★4 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [V] & Defense DOWN (All / 3T) & MP Gain DOWN (All / 3T) & Dark Attribute Resistance DOWN (All / 2T) & Guaranteed Skill Seal (All / 2T) & Damage Increase (Self / 3T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (Self / 3T)
★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [VII] & Defense DOWN (All / 3T) & MP Gain DOWN (All / 3T) & Dark Attribute Resistance DOWN (All / 2T) & Guaranteed Skill Seal (All / 2T) & Damage Increase (Self / 3T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (Self / 3T)
{{{2}}} Magia 2: Event Tampering

★5 Attribute Strengthened Damage to All Enemies [IX] & Defense DOWN (All / 5T) & MP Gain DOWN (All / 5T) & Dark Attribute Resistance DOWN (All / 3T) & Guaranteed Skill Seal (All / 3T) & Damage Increase (Self / 5T) & Dark Attribute Attack UP (Self / 5T)
EX Skill: A Being that Tramples the World

1 - 3 slots Attack UP [I] (All) & Regenerate MP [III] (Self)

4 slots Attack UP [II] (All) & Regenerate MP [III] (All)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +6% +6% +6% +8% +4% +4%
5★ +7% +7% +7% +9% +5% +5%

SE +7% +7% +7% +15% +13% +9%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

Blazen Adept Chance to Anti-Provoke [VIII]

Doppel Adept Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP Boost MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Anti Debuff Anti-Debuff [x1] (Self / ∞ T at Start of Battle)

Resist Shield Negate Status Ailments [x1] (Self / ∞ T at Start of Battle)

Morale Adept MP Gain UP [II]

Mana Spring Adept Regenerate MP [IV]

Light Revenge MP Gain UP When Attacked by Weak Element [X] & Light Attribute Damage Cut [VII]

Eternal Love Dark Attribute Attack UP [VI] & Guaranteed Anti-Charm

Mana Spring Aura Regenerate MP [XX] (Self / 2T at Start of Battle)

Magia Adept Magia Damage UP [II]

Light Shield Adept Light Attribute Damage Cut [V]

Dark Uplift Adept Dark Attribute Attack UP [II] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [II]

Devil Temptation Apply Extra Damage [IV / 3000 HP] (All / 3T) & Remove Buffs (All) & MP Damage [IV] (All) CD: 13 turns


An existence that disturbs providence and lays waste to this world. She has stolen a fragment of the "Law of Cycles" and thus calls herself a "Devil". While forcing the Incubators to cooperate with her, she's more than willing to turn against the magical girls she was once involved with.

Side Story

Devil Homura does not have an original MSS. Instead, it is a recap of the movie Rebellion as told through screencaps.

Event Appearances


  • She is event limited and only obtainable in the gacha.
  • Before being formally announced on August 20th, 2023, her release was hinted by the Magia Record 6th Anniversary ARG.


Game Gallery

Witch & Familiar Sprites

Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Chill With the Devil While Waiting for Rescue
Sunset Beach
Damage DOWN [VIII] (Single / 1T) & Damage Cut [VIII] (Self / 1T) 6 turns
Max Limit Break
Damage DOWN [X] (Single / 1T) & Damage Cut [X] (Self / 1T) 5 turns
I've just fallen asleep on this comfortable floatation device and have been adrift on a deserted island for a few hours now.

She keeps a melancholy expression on her face to keep her character intact, but she's panicking on the inside.

The long-awaited-for ship was a welcome sight at the end of the teary-eyed devil's gaze.

キャラ崩壊を防ぐため憂いの表情を保っているが、内心はパニック そんな涙目な悪魔の視線の先、現れたのは待ち焦がれた迎えの船

Even the Devil Shines on the Everlasting Summer Beach
Devil on the Beach
Normal Passive
Chance to Charm [II] (1T) & Chance to Dazzle [II] (1T)
Max Limit Break
Chance to Charm [III] (1T) & Chance to Dazzle [III] (1T)
"My devil-self doesn't suit this Everlasting Summer Beach?... That's a strange excuse.

Here take a look at the blue skies, white sandy beaches...and me all in black! Don't I just shine? And what's more, having Madoka in a swimsuit next to me would be best....uh, hmmm?

Why is Madoka wearing a hawaiian, that's just adorable."

ほら見て、青い空に白い砂浜…そして黒ずくめの私!映えるじゃない 更に、水着のまどかが隣にいれば最高に…って、あら?

Evidence of Transfiguration
Remove Granted Effects (All) 20 turns
Max Limit Break
Remove Granted Effects (All) 13 turns
**Unique to Devil Homura**
In her hand is neither a soul gem nor is it a grief seed.

"It was not even curses that soiled my soul gem. It is the pinnacle of all human emotion.

More passionate than hope, far deeper than despair... Love."

「私のソウルジェムを濁らせたのは、もはや呪いでさえなかった これこそが人間の感情の極み

I'll Have You Cooperate
Cower Bloom Duo
Attack DOWN [VII] & Defense DOWN [III] & Further Attack DOWN [III] (All / 1T) 6 turns
Max Limit Break
Attack DOWN [VIII] & Defense DOWN [VIII] & Further Attack DOWN [III] (All / 1T) 5 turns
She tells the Incubator, who has decided that human emotions are just too dangerous,

"To handle all the curses that have spread around our world, you Incubators are now necessary for us.

So you'll be staying to help, Incubator."

「私たちの世界に沸いた呪いを処理するには これからもあなたたちの存在が必要なの

The Answer that was Reached
The Answer
Normal Passive
Damage Increase [II] & Attack UP [I] & MP Gain UP [III]
Max Limit Break
Damage Increase [III] & Attack UP [II] & MP Gain UP [IV]
""I'm sure you didn't really want to know the truth.

It just goes to show how illogical human curiosity is." "Incubator.

In the end, just as I thought, it's your doing, isn't it?

つくづく人間の好奇心というものは理不尽だね」 「インキュベーター

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Dialogue Lines