Ultimate Madoka in Magia Record
Ultimate Madoka | |
![]() | |
Japanese Name | アルティメット まどか (Ultimate Madoka) |
Character Designer Primary Artist |
Ume Aoki Sasagi Koushi |
Voiced by | Japanese: Aoi Yuuki |
ID No: | 2101 |
Release Date (JP): | August 21, 2018 |
Release Date (NA): | February 25, 2020 |
- For her full bio, see Madoka Kaname (or in Magia Record) and Ultimate Madoka.
Ultimate Madoka was a playable character in Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story. She is an original character from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
General Info
Physical Features | |
Age | Timeless (estimated) |
Eye colour | Gold |
Hair colour | Pink |
Height | - |
Magic | |
Soul Gem | Red teardrop at her throat |
Weapon | Bow |
Witch Form | Kriemhild Gretchen |
Powers and Abilities | Unknown |
Wish | "I want to erase all witches before they are even born. I will erase every single witch in every universe, past and future with my own hands...I don't care what you call it. All those magical girls who held onto their hopes and fought against witches I don't want to see them cry. I want them to stay smiling until the end. If any rule or law stands in my way I will destroy it. I will rewrite it. That is my prayer. That is my wish. Now grant it, Incubator!" |
Other | |
Japanese pronoun | watashi (わたし) |
Known relatives | None known |
Origins | Another timeline |
School | Not attending |
Game Info
Stats, Connect, Magia Data |
Spirit Enhancement Data |
A Goddess who watches over Magical Girls from the furthest reaches of the universe's present, past, and future. She knows all there is to know about Magical Girls and provides blessings for all of them, but for the first time since coming into being, she found a Magical Girl she does not recognize...
Side Story
Warning, this section contains spoilers. |
Event Appearances
- Magia Record Story First Anniversary Special Scenes
- Endless Beginnings
- The Last Magia
- A New Beginning
- Kamihama Armageddon
- She was released on the one-year anniversary of Magia Record.
- She is the first character in the game to have a second magia attack rather than a doppel.
- It's possible this is due to her defeating her own witch in the anime.
- She is also the first character to have an inherent passive skill independent of a memoria, known as "EX Skill".
- She is event limited and must be obtained in the gacha.
Game Gallery
Magia Record 4 Star card
Magia Record 5 Star card
In-game sprite
2nd Magia sprite
Character talk sprite
Magical Girl Seal 2019
Mami in her 2nd Magia
Homura in her 2nd Magia
Kyoko in her 2nd Magia
Sayaka in her 2nd Magia
Himiko in her 2nd Magia
The unnamed Viking girl from Episode 12 in her 2nd Magia
The unnamed Himalayan girl from Episode 12 in her 2nd Magia
Oriko in her 2nd Magia
Kirika in her 2nd Magia
Yuma in her 2nd Magia
Kaoru in her 2nd Magia
Umika in her 2nd Magia
Haruka in her 2nd Magia
Arisa in her 2nd Magia
Chisato in her 2nd Magia
Matsuri in her 2nd Magia
Suzune in her 2nd Magia
Tart in her 2nd Magia
Liz in her 2nd Magia
Melissa in her 2nd Magia
Elisa in her 2nd Magia
Corbeau in her 2nd Magia
Lapin in her 2nd Magia
Minou in her 2nd Magia
Madoka-senpai in her 2nd Magia
Official Art
Art from the Magia Archive Volume 2
The Himalayan magical girl from Episode 12 during Ultimate Madoka's second Magia
Queen Himiko
The viking magical girl
Ultimate Madoka from Nagisa's transformation
Full art of 'In the Light at its Birth'
Ultimate Madoka's witch, Kriemhild Gretchen
Full art of 'The Light of Hope Without Despair'
Full art of 'The Goddess Watches Quietly'
Art by Aoi Yuuki, Madoka's voice actor
Memoria Cards
To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
![]() (NA: A Fragment of True Hope) |
**Unique to Ultimate Madoka** Dusk is not a sad time, nor is it empty. This ribbon fluttering in my hair lets me feel your presence. | 黄昏時は悲しくない 決して虚しくもない
髪に揺らめくこのリボンが、あなたを側に感じさせてくれるから みんなと一緒にいるあなた だけど私はすぐそこにあなたを感じている “諦めるのはまだはやい”…そうだったね だから私も諦めないよ |
![]() (NA: In the Light at its Birth) |
The threads, spun over and over, converged at a single point. Layers of promises, promises to save the many, transformed into light. As her descent into darkness began, the words she whispered lifted her up: "After all that's happened, you were my very best friend." | 繰り返し紡いだ糸 ひとつの点に重なって
重ねた約束と共に 数多を救う約束の光になる 新たな幕開けは少女の闇 囁いた言葉が 少女を掬い上げた 「あなたはわたしの、最高の友だちだったんだね」 |
![]() (NA: Fates Entwined With Madoka) |
One slices through night shadows with her sharp blade, one blasts through nightmares with her gun, one spears the threat with a wavering lance; one strides through time, buckler shimmering, entwining their fates all the more. | 一人は、その鋭き刃をもって闇夜を切り裂き、
一人は、その猛き銃砲をもって悪夢を撃ち抜き、 一人は、その揺らめく槍をもって脅威を貫き、 一人は、その煌く盾をもって時を彷徨い歩き、因果を結びつけてゆく。 |
![]() (NA: Hope's Light, Free from Despair) |
Hope sufficient to create a universe begets despair capable of destroying a universe. | 宇宙を作り出すほどの希望は
宇宙を終わらせるほどの絶望をもたらす 希望はいずれ絶望し、全てを呑み込む魔女となる それを滅ぼすのは、絶望することのない希望の光だ |
![]() (NA: Towards Hope) |
A line is drawn before a single girl…that is her “wish”. When she stepped over it, she bid farewell to this world. | ひとりの少女の前に引かれた線…それは彼女の“願い”
それを踏み越えた時、彼女はこの世界に別れを告げる 数多の魔法少女を救うため、数多の因果を受け止めて やがて彼女は生まれ変わる…“希望”そのものへ |
![]() (NA: The Goddess Watches Quietly) |
I should know everything about everyone, and yet I don’t know about this. I should understand everything that happens, but this, I do not understand. This record is irregular, a unique and unusual entry. I must not interfere, so it does not crumble or vanish. | みんなのことを知っているはずなのに、知らない
起きていることは分かっているはずなのに、分からない このレコードはイレギュラー、特異点を持つ不思議な記録 壊さないように消さないように、そのまま悪さはしないで |
![]() (NA: As It Is Now) |
There they are, looking for those answers. An unfinished record even I can't interfere with. I wonder, what kind of hope will they find? No matter what, I will always be here, watching. | 導くことも干渉もできない、未完成のレコード
ここでは魔法少女たちが今も答えを探してる みんながどんな希望を見つけるのか ずっとそばで、見守ってるよ |
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"These things are rather analog and handmade...
"It's no use, we didn't have the budget to go that far. "Hey, Touka. With this design, I don't think she'll be able to take it off by herself. "Oh, come on, we can't recreate it, we're under budget. | 「こういうのって割とアナログな手作りなんだな…」
「仕方ないよーそこまで回す予算が無かったんだからー」 「あれ、灯花。この設計だと自力で脱げないんじゃないかな」 「もうっ、そんなこと言っても予算不足なんだから作り直せないよー」 |
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The Great Magical Girl War of the 21st Century! The fierce battle that will decide the fate of Kamihama begins now!
Ultimate? Supreme? Whose hand will be the pinnacle of magical girls? All the magical girls cried, "Kamigama Armageddon" is now showing as a blockbuster! "I'll show you the ultimate POWER!" | 世紀の魔法少女大戦争!神浜の命運を分ける激斗が今始まる!
究極か?至高か?魔法少女の頂点はどちらの手に! 全魔法少女が泣いた「神浜アルマゲドン」大ヒット上映中! 「究極のパゥワァ、見せてあげる!」 |
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A girl from the sky returns to her hometown after a long absence
Only in the first dream, returning home Looking down on the ground from the sky, her small misunderstanding causes a big commotion...? | お空の上から来た女の子の、ひさしぶりの里帰り
初夢の中だけの、里帰り お空の上で地上を見下ろす、彼女の小さな勘違いが 大きな騒動を巻き起こす…? |
Card | Effect | Cooldown | EN Text | JP Text |
To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria
External links
- Official Magia Record Website - Japanese
- Official Magia Record Website - English
- Promotional website (Wayback Machine)
Gameplay Videos
- Recording of Ultimate Madoka's Transformation Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Ultimate Madoka's Magia Video on Youtube (JP)
- Recording of Ultimate Madoka's 2nd Magia Video on Youtube (JP)
Side Story and Costume Story Videos
- Recording of Ultimate Madoka's MSS on Youtube (JP): Episode 1/3, Episode 2/3, Episode 3/3